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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 5, 2024 11:00am-11:16am CEST

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the, the business dw news line from ballot. israel says it will open a key crossing into the gaza strip for humanitarian aid. via risk crossing has been closed ever since the hamas turbo tax on october 7th announcement photos of the 10th phone pooled between us president joe biden. and these rose president prime minister benjamin engineer was coming off. the w news joins rescue workers in taiwan following the islands. devastating are the foundations of the building, remain large being taxed for the details where you have come,
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crushing dollars. we have running water from above water pipe and that's why in this building and many buildings that cost harley, and of course, he's the saying it's still too dangerous to residence, to retire, and a hole in the wall. i'm $30000000.00 gone. it seems that how it went in a big los angeles breaking the a good health is a welcome. and we begin with some breaking news coming in from geneva, where the united nations human rights crowns. so as adopted a resolution calling for israel to be held accountable for possible war crimes and gaza. the council as also called for hold in sales for each round $26.00 countries voted in favor, 13, abstain, and 6 voted against that resolution. adequate and that's how it
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is, rather now's the temporary opening of the border crossing to allow agent to gaza. marketing i may just shift in policy. it follows a warning from the us that continued support for the war depends on israel. taken concrete steps to protect civilians, the opening of the arise crossing into the palestinian territories. noah was among several steps approved by israel's cabinet. the port in osh adult would also be reopened to process aid shipments bound for garza, and will deliveries will pass through care of shuttle in the south for the 1st time since the war broke out and off the mazda october 7th attack, israel is opening the res process a prove say that israel needs to ensure that the reopened roots operational and in israel south, the port of our stores will also be reopened temporarily to process ation,
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8 shipments bound for gaza. for months, human rights groups have been warning that family and the strip is imminent. dw correspondent and examined, joins us now from jerusalem to israel, a sofa set that 8 integral is a, isn't the problem. that distribution is the main problem. so how does it explain opening the arrays crossing at the use of the us dot port as well, as you said, this announcement came most of this phone call uh, between uh the us presidential biden and the prime minister benjamin netanyahu. there was no further explanation giving as to the timing or an explanation why no, because this has been um, you know, cold for by the united nations by many 8 organizations and by many countries, among them, the united states to open more land crossings to get more direct access, especially to northern gauze,
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of where the situation is absolutely critical for people to get more food. also more commercial goods uh, in the as its own as united nations have such on the brink of, of coming to this area. now it's significant in this way that the areas crossing is in the north. it's also very close to our start. so that would be a very close a route. and if you're going to areas we've been, this is a crossing in the past. we are doing and is diplomats and hosting and patients, but also the few, many tearing work as a went through. it was heavily damaged during the october 7th, tara tax. and of course, it was just from there like a 10 minutes drive with the car to the outskirts of cause and city. no, of course. uh the infrastructure in boats will be heavily damaged through this at the moment. it's not you have clear housing. logistics will work what kind of items and how many trucks will go through there, but it would make it easier for convoys to go in. they don't have to go from the
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south to the north. and of course, the distribution will still be a problem as a group say they need a safe space to distribute the 8 to reach those people and people in garza residents that they need to be to feel safe to go and get a those goods. and then needs to be a better mechanism also to make this happen. and we had also from the a secretary of state and he blinked. and then he said, you know, this is a good news. but at the same time, you know, we're waiting to see uh, we can uh, it's for the results and what will happen there in the coming days and weeks how this will play out. so next in that reporting from jerusalem for us, thank you very much, tanya. the rescue is still working to reach scores of people trapped after wednesday's quake in taiwan. as a massive clean up operation begins, that at least 10 people were killed and more than a 1000 engines in the eastern city of wiley and may have
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a pleasant walk. as of now be gone. demolishing a building that's been tilting at a precarious angle since the disaster struck officials hoped to complete the demolition in 2 weeks or the magnitude 7.4 tremor was the islands was in a quarter of a century to w correspondents. james che, to boot boats now from one end in tie. one's a mile from mister rocha, national park, a dramatic bank draw up for a dramatic rescue. this is a moment 6 corey workers were edited safety from the area just north of quantity and the city coast is to the center of the most conflict, quite to strength, taiwan in 25. yet the rugged landscape is where hundreds of people remain trapped, mostly by land slides which it brought the roads and tunnels. many remained missing nearly 48 hours since the quick strong,
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in call in office drugs continued to whipple through the city as k. reparations got under way the inside of this 15 story residential tab block because among the was tense, when we arrived, officials were squeezing residents in fluid by fluid to assess the damage to the rescue record on june, being took us inside to the foundations of this building remain large name tags, but the details where you have come crashing down over here. we have running water from a best water pipe. and that's why in this building and many buildings across while in the thirty's, the saying it's still too dangerous to residence, to retire. in the immediate aftermath, our aim is to save as many people as possible. but after that, we're also trying to do as much as we can to help people recover whether that's rebuilding or overcoming the emotional or physical impact on the outside residents describe their response of to seeing their homes for the 1st time. since the trend
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of those, we don't see it as though when we went into our house, almost everything was on the floor. and so going up there was a motion to the top of the discount. as most people are dealing with it quite well . we can't control as quick software. oh, okay, cool. so many taiwan has at least controlled the extent of the destruction of craig proofing regulations. mean seems like this in quality, in the exception notes. the room is there. i could speak with that correspond to jane straight to and to roka national parks as near wiley and, and i asked him to describe the situation there for us. there was, this is really where the focus of operations is now moving forward. say i was it since it the creek struck east. and so i want to just to give you a bit of context of where we are right now and how it fits into those rescue operations. we're currently at the location um at the start of this location john, this can get into the national park and you can see behind the some of the timing to read the
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previous, the one of the main roads up to the national park. as you can see how and that gives you a sense of how dangerous some of these roads off leading up to the mountainous areas where people remain tramped so many of these, these roads, essentially content. so the baltimore front face isn't with so many off the shots taking place today, which is why was so wearing hots that are all concerns as he's ready to go. patients continue that more land slides could take place as well as brooks folding on through the roads. if those rest of your operations proceed to the house, some of the tests that have taken place since. as of right now, tell us how many more people are still trapped or missing, otherwise of the well, 1st of all we have confirmation of the stay there. there been 2 more tests. and so people who were initially traps into the ro, co, a national park,
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we understand there are about a dozen more people still missing unable to be contacted. and then on top of that, you have hundreds of people still stuck in this luxury hotel, which you can see from here. but it's wait for the up the mountain and a few 100 meters. the way back from the entrance to the national park is really where the operations are being controlled from. from that you were seeing frequent, heavy, called facilities flying overhead. many of those ortiz uh aimed at bringing food and water supplies to people who are still trump stuff. but we have seen images of people being rescued from that hotel to back down with a headache offices to. and just to point out a little bit about the, the reception and how the emergency response is being proceed with in taiwan. we met someone that when we arrived at this bridge earlier on today, it was a relative as someone who was still missing. and you had a criticism which was that so much to the of the emergency response from the media . awesome. all right.
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the where the situation given the extreme mountain conditions sit around. so this was some sense of how the rest of the operations much crazed thing, buildings has limited really total destruction in the cities. still it's been difficult to control that sort of situation in this move very parts of eastern. so i was also sponsored straight to that and that they to a roku of national park in taiwan. thank you very much. let's have a look now. what else is happening around the world? a fast food chain. mcdonalds has announced it's buying back. all is really restaurants from the franchise of following boycotts over the board and goes up the restaurant operator alone, the out of discounts to
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a free meals to is rarely soldiers mcdonalds as experienced a sales slump in the middle east. since the war between israel and thomas big on the phone with us president donald trump, suffolk to legal setbacks, a judge in georgia, rejected his request to dismiss a case on an accident appearance and a judge in florida. rejected from schools to dismissal case, alleging he kept classified records after leaving office. every south korea's president has crossed his balance in early voting for parliamentary elections next week. the states are high for you and so kill, and his conservative people power parties. they are hoping to secure a majority in the opposition controlled assembly authorities in los angeles are investigating the fact of around $30000000.00 in cash from a money storage facility thieves broke into the building on easter sunday undetected
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. the missing money wasn't discovered until work has opened the volt on monday, the facilities stores cash from local businesses as yet no arrest of been made. and that sounds like something straight out of the movie. the jealous junk bad was on the scene of the highest, then told us more about what happened to so it, it is out of a hollywood script for sure that these thieves on easter night managed to get into this facility without setting off the alarms at all actually, i understand there, there's been an update to that. we understood originally they didn't set off any alarm, they went into the roof. they were able to get into where they're safe wise and take the $30000000.00 and get out. and it wasn't discovered until the next morning . now i understand that they also try to get into the side of the building. you saw the, the shop with the plywood. an alarm was triggered,
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but it didn't go to the local police or no one showed up. so it wasn't until monday morning that they found out that they had been hit for $30000000.00, which they believe may be one of the largest, if not the largest cash halls in los angeles history. now, nearly the police have any leads who did this? as well as if they happen, they're not telling us the epi, i in l way. dds. robbery homicide. are involved in this. but i was talking to a consult this morning who told me there's no way this was not an inside job. it had to be for them to go to certain spots to get up on the roof, to get into the safe area and get away without triggering alarms. he thinks that they will pull phone records and computer records. they will find out who talked to who before this went down on sunday night, and then they will likely get some good leaves out about the interview, all the employees and talk to them. but again,
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this consultants convinced this had to have some kind of inside connection. and that was the journalist on bad speaking to me a little earlier from los angeles. uh with that you're up to date. stay with us up next, i'll doc film takes look at nato's principle of collective defense. i was still able with the nato, a still able to defend the 1000000 people in just a 100 days. my parents and the big bunch of my family were killed. how was this age? i'm on a journey to find out about the resort. the 19 are to put you on the side produce for to see through under my name is some way to shimmer. i'm a feeling makes sleep shaming history out documentary stuffs, april 6th on dw, the.


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