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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 5, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm CEST

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[000:00:00;00] the, this is dw news line from balance, international pressure miles on israel over as well, and gaza view and human rights console backs the resolution. told israel accountable for possible crimes in the territory, germany and the us both a voted against also coming off the w news joins rescue workers in taiwan following the islands. devastating as quick. the foundations of this building remained largely intact for the details really have come crushing dollars
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. we have running water from above water pipe and that's why in this building and many buildings across the hall in all sorts, he's a saying it's still too dangerous to residence, to retire. at the heart of the rwandan genocide said he is on we look back at the attempt to exterminate and then tie people plus a hole in the wall and $30000000.00 a goal. and it seems that's how it went in a big los angeles break in the gulf is welcome. this is the national pressure is mounting for israel to do more to protect civilians in gaza. the united nations top to human rights party has just passed
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a resolution calling for israel to be held accountable for possible. busy of crimes in the post indian territory. the human rights council has also called for a hold of, um, sales to israel $28.00 countries voted in favor 6, including the us and germany voted against 13 epstein from the resolution. it's the 1st time the human body has taken a position on the war and gaza. oh, there is a w, corresponded tanya crab and joins us now from jerusalem. a ton, it seems that the international pressure is mounted on israel by the day, a smell it seems like a another international organization also criticizing is rouse a conduct of we're putting out this, adopting this resolution. we had a 1st, a reaction from this really and boss of the a to geneva, saying that was sent to you by the foreign ministry that the decision today is
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a stain on the human rights consulate end on united nation. so this comes of course, as the united nations and is all have always had and now even more so of all the strange relations is rather high set in the past that, you know is one is disproportionately as singled out. and this resolution was not created mentioning, hum us and there wrote in october a 7. now this comes, as you said, more international organizations criticising is always conduct of or more international pressure, especially also from is, was closest ally the united states to do more, to protect a civilians and gaza, to do more to get aid into goals. and also some of the organizations, of course, and you know, it's a nation schooling for a cx 5, but so far we haven't really seen any significant change for the population in gaza
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. despite all this international pressure. i tend to stay with us. i want to talk to you about israel announcing the temporary opening of a border crossing to allow aid into garza mocking a major shift in policy. it follows a warning from the us. they've continued support for the war, depends on israel taking concrete steps to better protect civilians. the opening of the airways crossing into the palestinian territories north was on several steps approved by his rules cabinets. the port in our store will also be reopened. so pro says 8 shipments bound for garza and will deliver as will pass through kind of show on in the south. that's okay. is there a sofa? always said that a into gauze isn't the problem, but the, this distribution is the problem. so how does it explain reopening the arrays crossing and the use of the port as well? there's no real explanation given for that. it comes of course of to weeks of calls
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by the into nursing community and all the organizations to open a more than crossings to get the aide in, especially to northern gauze or where the situation is critical of for the population. now, this decision came of to what was described to you in the media and is really me doesn't of to attends phone call between us. president joe barton and prime minister benjamin netanyahu know it is significant in a way that this crossing would be open and was heavily damaged. and october 7th, who used to be a pedestrian crossing were mainly humanitarian workers, went in and out and diplomats doing this, but also publishing and patients not so much for trucks on cars. so the logistics are still to be seeing how that is being done. but of course, it is much closer to the north, it is and in the north and it takes, you know, before the war took about 10 minutes to reach a goal is a city. of course, this would be different now it's in a war zone, it's an active compet soon arose and infrastructure is heavily damaged. but of
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course, the questions are here also, you know how the distribution would work. it needs to have a safe space that the residents that can reach those who remained in the north reach, safely, others of the, the 8 and the goods. and also that 8 workers can reach a, have a safe con where they don't have to go from the south to the north anymore. it's a more direct way, but they also have to be safe, especially after the attack on the it's called what the, what the india over to a central kitchen which killed a 784 cuz a this week. and of course, we also heard from a antenna thinking, the a secretary of state saying, you know, they were close of we worked very closely how this will tell because it's unclear what are the items, what out, you know, how many trucks we go, and we will see this possibly in the coming days. kind of the reporting from jerusalem. thank you very much, tonya to poland. has some of the israels and baset of all the comments he made off for
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a polish aid worker was among those killed by these rarely as striped in garza, the diplomat has set claims that israel's attack on the world central kitchen a convoy. it was deliberate where, driven by anti semitism, bolan's president called the commons outrages several 100 people gathered to pay their respects to the man salvo the pose $8.00 worker killed in an israeli air strike and gaza on april. first. he, along with 6 colleagues all working for the charity world central kitchen, didn't the strike their debts, great international outrage and condemnation. yeah, most go the be on there is no consent for the killing of innocent people. let's remember that on this i know. let's remember that man was helping so that other people do not die. phone girl photo something you know, jenny, do you know the school since the death of dummy and so bold tensions between poland
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and israel had risen sharply. comments made, but israel's and bassett are implying in the anti semitic narrative, have only heated those tensions about us. i absolutely do not accept the way mister ambassador communicate a number of other dispositions. if he decides to speak publicly in publish media, you should use this opportunity to say a simple human, i'm sorry for these that i love is that i little the authorities in israel speak about this tragedy in a very subdued and sensitive manner. and this whole situation is the whole volume. now let's just say volume cycle 90. unfortunately they're in baset are in, poland is unable to maintain such delicacy. stuckey that you can, this is unacceptable. so you just need to see and show israel has promised an investigation where so is demanding compensation. well,
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mourners like candles for a lost friend. let's have a look nod, what else is happening around the world? the fast food chain, mcdonalds has announced it's buying back all these really restaurants from the franchise. the following boy quotes over the war and gaza restaurant upright to alone. y'all had offered discounts and free meals to is really soldiers and it's almost as experienced the sales slump. in the middle east since the bowl between israel and thomas, but again, the phone with us presidents, donald trump, has suffered to legal set back a judge in georgia. i've rejected these requests to dismiss the case on election interference. and the judge and florida rejected from schools to dismiss occurs allege, and he kept classified records. after leaving office south korea's president has costs his ballot and live voting for parliamentary elections next week. the state so high for you. and so he all and his conservative people public policy, they hoping to secure
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a majority and the opposition control assembly rescue is still working. so each school is of people trapped up the wednesdays of quake in taiwan. as a massive clean up operation begins, at least 10 people were killed and more than a 1000 injured in the quarter in the eastern city of why the end of the episodes of workers have gone demolishing a building that's been tilting at a precarious angle. since the disaster struck officials hope to complete the demolition in 2 weeks. so that's magnitude $7.00 tremor was the islands was in the quarter century dw correspondent james straight to reports from wiley and in taiwan mountain. mister rocha national talk, a dramatic bank dropped for a dramatic rescue. this is the moment 6 corey workers were allocated safety from the area just north of quantity and the city coast is to the center of the most conflict. quite too strong taiwan. in 25 years,
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the rugged landscape is where hundreds of people remain trapped, mostly by land slides which are built roads and tunnels. many remain missing nearly 48 hours since the quick strong involved in off the shops continue to whipple through the city as clear operations go down the way the inside of this 15 story residential tab block because among the was tense, when we arrived, officials were squeezing residents in fluid by fluid to assess the damage to that, we're going to go to rescue. rucker luncheon being took us inside to the foundations of this building, remain large name tags, but the details really have come crashing down over here. we have running water from a best water pipe and that's why in this building and many buildings across wiley and authorities are saying it's still too dangerous to residence, to retire. in the immediate aftermath, our aim is to save as many people as possible. but after that,
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we're also trying to do as much as we can to help people recover whether that's rebuilding or coming the emotional physical impact on one of the outside residents describe their response of to seeing their homes for the 1st time. since the trend of those, we don't see it as though when we went into our house, almost everything was on the floor. and so going up there was a motion to the top of doing comments. most people are dealing with it quite well. we can't control as quick software. oh, okay, cool. so many taiwan has at least controlled the extensive destruction of quake proofing regulations mean seems like this in quality and of the exception, not the root and the other i spoke with our correspondent james che, to file this report. he's into local national park near wiley and, and i also want to describe the situation for us. there was, this is really where the focus of operations is now moving forward. say i was
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a sense of quake struck east. and so i wanted just to give you a bit of context of where we are right now and how it fits into those rescue operations. we're currently at the location and the start of this location john, this can get into the national park and you can see behind the some of the previous be one of the main road. and as you can see home, and that gives you a sense of how dangerous some of these roads off leading up to move mountainous areas where people remain trapped. so many of these, these roads, essentially content. so the bottom of rock faced isn't with so many of the sharks taking place today, which is why we're still wearing hot hots that are all concerns as he's ready to go . patients continue that more land slides could take place as well as brooks fully on through the roads as the rest of your operations. proceed to the how some of the tests that have taken place. since as of right now,
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tell us how many more people are still trapped or missing otherwise of the well, 1st of all, we have confirmation. at least stay there. there been 2 more tests. um, so the people who uh initially traps into roco national park, we understand there are about a dozen more people still missing unable to be contacted. and then on top of that, you have hundreds of people still stuck in this luxury hotel, which you can see from here. but it's way further up the mountain. a few 100 meters . the way back from the entrance to the national park is really where the operations are being controlled from. from that you were seeing frequent, heavy, called facilities flying overhead. many of those sorties, uh, aimed at bringing food invoices, supplies to people who are still trump stuff that we have seen. images of people being rescued from the hotel and pull back down with a headache offices to just to point out a little bit about the, the reception and how um,
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the emergency response is being proceed within 51. we met someone that when we arrived at this bridge earlier on today, it was a relative of someone who was still missing. and you had a criticism which was that. um, so much of the, of the emergency response media. awesome. all right. the where the situation given the extreme mountain conditions sit around 6 has some sense of how the rest of the operation, the crazy thing. buildings has limited for the total destruction in the cities. still it's been difficult to control that sort of situation in this move on. so it'd be, since i was also sponsored straight to that and as a to a roku of national park in taiwan. thank you very much. i or to on call now as same
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sex couples are still waiting for legal protections even off of the territory as high as court ordered the government to begin the recognition process. in september, the quotes recognize these couples need for a legal framework as an alternative to marriage. but since then, the affected people tell the w. nothing has changed. for just the same people who wants the family wants and we navigate all way through it. even if the fundamental or the society doesn't allow it to, jenny joining and upon the dream of becoming mothers, her partner us not to be identified as not even her family know she's gay. the couple wants to have fatality treatment, but under hong kong, little then not eligible because i'm not married, passes. married. it says that i have to be married to that, which isn't likely to happen for me towards conservative, restrictive, basically, it's only available to those who are married. as such as america is not recognizing
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how about, i will say, but it's pretty expensive. the only option is to seek fertility treatments abroad. that could get the couple a child, but wouldn't change the legal situation back home. we can do idea, which is my own. and who's the i'll be the one who bear the child. so technically my partner has nothing to do with it, right? oh no, i'm going to take care of you and then bring both those daily care costs. she's going to play a huge part of the relationship and in this family. but the problem is legal issues not recognize because she's not the mother. she's not the one to be able to tell because it how hold on to one who is the child. then the price in hong kong, one ivy cycle. what it costs between $123200.00 in the u. s. wedge, any towing and partner could go?
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it's around $20000.00. last year. hong kong judge has ruled that all this amounts to discrimination of known heterosexual citizens. but so far nothing's changed. and jenny, towing and her partner are clear about the kind of home call. they want to see the same sex marriage to be legalized because these are right. of course we want to see that everybody wants a child can have the right to have a child. well, not having to pay a lot or not having to worry about, oh, i might be able to go. but despite the difficulties, the 2 of them have not given that type of having a family that he knows about you to run, run the now which is mocking 30 years since the african countries ethnics genocide in about a 100 day, some 800000 people were killed often and who risk acts of violence. the killings
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were most of carried out by extra missed from the hutus. as the countries estimate majority, the victims were the minority tootsie population bus. moderate hutus were also targeted and wanting much of what you are about to say may find distressing. april 1994 and a plane carrying lawanda is presidents. just bermonte and counts of parties shut down. ok, calling. juvenile. happy you. ramona and slippery and a had shamira, a kilt along with everyone on board. but i just meant to ask nick hutus. the next day, the genocide begins. i have a 100, a scans of many who 2 extremes, slow to hundreds of thousands, mostly ethic touch sees, orchestrated by the rewan denobia militia, neighbors turning on neighbors. the clubs submission these thousands heads of churches many up to being off for the shore and says that they would be safe. but
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nowhere is safe to choose. the lights are recognized as the science of numerous mass killings. the extreme threat to life pushes masses of people through wanda's borders. sexual violence is also used as a weapon with as many as 250000 women raped during the genocide behind the buns. the violence, is it possible for power between one this ruling, hutus and the tootsie dominated. will one patio take from triple great? the mass mode to eventually coming to an end. we now p. f. fighters reach the cap to pick out a little while in july 19. 94 may have led by pull to gummy, the wind is coming. presidents in today's the fall i p f takes control of the country,
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arresting those accused of being involved in the genocide. over the years since tens of thousands of, of london's have been convicted. but 100 small suspects are still at large. as i'm looking at some of the other stories making headlines, the 14 people out there is off to a truck, collided with the boss in southwest to believe you local police. that the truck which was filled with sold viet across the road and crash into the bus. the spanish coast guard has rescued 73 migraines from a wooden boat in the seas of the canary islands. the migraines were brought to the island of grand canal right around 160 kilometers from the west african coast. a section of a crane has folded from a high rise building on to a bridge in the usa to florida killing work up. the fire chief in fort lauderdale
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said to the equipment platform collapsed, causing the steel structure to plummets. along with the construction worker who then died, goes with damage to cause that the injured 3 other people. authorities in los angeles are investigating this test of around $30000000.00 in cash from money storage facility feeds broke into the building on east to sunday undetected. basic money wasn't discovered until workers opened the vote on monday, the facilities stores cash from local businesses as yes, no risk up in may. that sounds like something straight out of a movie. the journalist on bad was on the scene of the highest and told us more about what's happened. so it, it is out of a hollywood script for sure that these thieves on easter night managed to get into this facility without setting off the alarms at. busy all actually i understand there,
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there's been an update to that. we understood originally they didn't set off any alarm, they went into the roof. they were able to get into where they're safe wise and take the $30000000.00 and get out. and it wasn't discovered until the next morning . now i understand that they're also try to get into the side of the building. you saw the, the shop with the plywood. an alarm was triggered, but it didn't go to the local police or no one showed up. so it wasn't until monday morning that they found out that they had been hit for $30000000.00, which they believe may be one of the largest, if not the largest cash halls in los angeles history. now any li, those, the police have any leads who did this? well, if, if they have them, they're not telling us the api i in a way pd's robbery homicide are involved in this. but i was talking to a consult in this morning who told me there's no way this was not an inside job. it had to be for them to go to a certain spots to get up on the roof,
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to get into the safe area and get away without triggering a lapse. he thinks that they will pull phone records and computer records. they will find out who talked to who before this went down on sunday night, and then they will likely get some good leaves out about the interview, all the employees and talk to them. but again, this consultants convinced this had to have some kind of inside connection. now this is a big hole. so is the $1000000.00 as far as costs go? where do you think this ranks in terms of us history? i don't know about us history. i know that for cash, 30000000 is it could be the biggest one in los angeles. now they did have a highest little less than 2 years ago. a jewelry truck. it was a brakes truck coming down from northern california. it's filled with jewelry. it was stopped on the grapevine. people who know interstate 5 coming dale wave from
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northern california. it was stop thieves. hit got away with a $100000000.00, an estimated $100000000.00 worth of jewels. so that was a huge haul and they haven't been caught, but as far as just cash, this was big me. now. historically, i understand that these big highs always or nearly always a come to a conclusion and that the people a get quotes. uh, what do you say is this possible? well the security consult and i talked to today told me that that job, that l y p these robbery homicide division is so good that he would expect that in a month or 2. they will have some significant leads if not somebody in custody, but you never know. i mean, we have that other highest. uh, you know, like i said, the 100000000 in jewels and those people have not been caught. it's been almost 2 years. so you would, you would hope that they would be able to glean some information from the computers
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and phones. and that may be someone who will talk, but i think uh their diving right into it again the, the up, the eyes confirmed. they're involved, and l y p d. so they're working together on this unless it's on bad the reporting from los angeles. thank you very much, john. all right, thank you. and to italy now where the city of venice is about to roll out a 5 year old entry fee to the city to come back over tourism. the city announced the new day trip fee last year after you went nearly added it to a list of endangered wealth heritage sites that is sees more than $30000000.00 visitors per year, putting pressure on its infrastructure from april 25th to us. we'll have to present to our coats on their phones as proof of payments doing spot checks. those don't have a code and not staying overnight and venice will be subject to
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a fine of up to 300 years. and that's it from me. the new scene for knock that richardson will have a world news update for you at the top of the out. but don't go way up next. comfort zone with tim sebastian. god offers in berlin from me and the news gene. thanks for watching or
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the into the conflicts own with tim sebastian presidential elections in russia of the usual full gun conclusion with nothing left to chop, not even the best in jail as the leading opposition figure. i'll explain about me. my guest is the russian come and take the andre collapsed. recall for tommy, he rush and you're ready. just send it in. most of the valley such as serious, correct? the bluetooth city has to be too complex. next on
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d. w. remedy or risk ios can means leanna of the serious because it's juice control us hours of intoxication. between trying to use the fixed ritual. generations may open up completely new perspectives in medicine. i was to in 60 minutes on d, w. the is increasing at reason many of watching online services. the only work that is holiday destination is a drowning cost wise at the cost every
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year of the exports over $1000000.00 tons of plastic. why is there another way officer ruled the environment is not responsible. make up your own mind. dw, made for mines. the presidential elections in russia of the usual full gun conclusion with nothing left to charm, not even the death in jail, as the leading opposition figure elect, saying the valet whose name postern couldn't bring himself to speak. my guest is a russian commentary to andre kalashnikov, who had split kindly. he rush, are you ready just sent that in moscow? was in the valley such a serious threat to put into the regime to be, have to be killed even to be imprisoned when it was a threat to pretend that competitor may be invisible in an information,
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feel about the same time, quite mighty, and way to compress it for,


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