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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 5, 2024 1:00pm-1:31pm CEST

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the, the, you're watching the, the, the news coming to you live from berlin. international pressure mounts on israel over its war in gauze. the u. n. a human rights council back the resolution to hold israel accountable for possible war crimes in the territory, germany and the us both vote against also on our show and do the news follows rescue workers in taiwan after the islands and jeff and stating earthquake, the foundations of this building remain largely intact for the details really have come crashing down here. we have running water from above water pipe and that's why in this building and many buildings across wiley. and of course these are saying it's still too dangerous to residence,
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to retire. plus the horror of the for ones in genocide. 30 years on we look back at the attempts to exterminate an entire people the i'm quite richardson. thank you so much for joining us. we begin with breaking news . israel says it has dismissed the 2 officers and reprimanded the 3 others for mondays airstrikes and gaza. that killed 78 workers, as well as military admitted a series of grave mistakes, saying the soldiers mishandled critical information and violated the armies rules of engagement. we can get the very latest on this from these all these correspondents, tanya at kramer, joining me now from jerusalem. tanya, what more do we know about the results of this investigation? it was, this report was just released by the military and they're basically saying that the
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forces with the providing that identified a how much gunman on one of the trucks where the was sent to the kitchen. h workers where at the time there were then a, you know, all floating the, the age from there. and then a turning back from this warehouse in a sense with gauze. and now they say according to this report of the dentist or the gunman on an a truck as they say. and then at a later such, another gunman also at the warehouse. and they say the are the s, the is where the military saying that they believe that the forces believe that these 2 gunmen were in a, one of the 3 vehicles. and they're talking about a mis identification, to talking about misclassification of the event. and as you said, 2 of the offices have been dismissed and 3, where they reminded, but
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a lot of the details are not really yet known. that would be a lot of questions off. if this convoy was hit a with, according to reports, at least a 3 mississauga is also talk about to complete a breakdown of the chain of command. so we'll have to see whether this isn't an answer, you know, for the word central kitchen. but also of course for the relative and the 8 work is community that is working and gaza. know this comes as international pressure is mounting on as well, to do more to protect civilians and gaza. united nations top human rights party has in fact just passed a resolution calling for israel to be held accountable for possible war crimes in the palestinian territory. the human rights council has also called for a halt in arms sales to israel. $28.00 countries voted in favor at 6, including germany and the united states voted against. and 13 abstained from the resolution is the 1st time the un body has taken a position on the war in gaza. so tonya,
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it really seems like international pressure on israel is mounting by the day. well, that's quite why this is an ocean, another international organization and another a resolution that has been adopted criticizing as well as conduct or for because the 1st reaction there from the is really and boss of the in geneva that was distributed here by the foreign minister the said that the decision today is a stain on the human rights council and the united nations in general. uh theres been saying that her mazda is not mentioned and their role on october 7th, that also reflects, of course, is very strange relationship between the united nations and israel as well. but of course, it is just another international organization that is now criticizing is ro, again, a mix. this really mounting, as you said, international pressure,
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further pushing israel to change its conduct of war. and among them also, it's closest ally the united states and have also, you know, criticized is when awesome to do more to protect as civilians and gods are given the high best whole and to do more to protect, to bring in more aid. and also of course, in this case, to protect more 8 workers, but we haven't really seen this translating into any a significant changes for the population for the civilian population on the ground, the in gaza. now in the 6 months of this war on the subject of a israel has also now announced the temporary opening of more 8 routes into gaza or more. can you tell us about that as well? yeah, this is uh, quite a significant uh development because uh, 8 organizations in the united nations have called for weeks to open another land crossing to get 8 more directly into,
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especially north and gulf of where the population is really in a critical situation. as united nations have said on the brink of time and, and this decision came off to what was described to you in the is really me to of, to attends phone call between the, the us present to button and a prime minister benjamin netanyahu saying that they will open, at least temporarily. the arrows crossing that is a crossing in the north of gaza. it used to be more a pedestrian crossing. also, there were some costs going through, but again, it is still to see how the logistic of all of this uh will be, uh, how many trucks will go in there. when this will happen and be heard the uh, your secretary, real estate engineer, blink. and also saying that the re, the test would be uh, you know, uh the, the reality tests we bought was happening that they were watching very closely what is relevant doing disregard, tanya, thank you. as always for bringing us up to speed, that is tanya kramer and jerusalem. the commander of
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a runs powerful revolutionary guard has said, there will be retaliation for an air strike. he believes on israel. that is destroyed and runs consulate in syria, killing 12 people into run thousands turned out to attend a funeral for 7 members of the guard, including 2 senior generals who were killed in the blast. the marchers change the death to america, ended death to israel clashes between israel and to run back has the law along the is really lebanese border, have increased. it says before and goes up again nearly 6 months ago. and that is just part of the story. let's get some more analysis now with ali, if i told that a job, he is the director of the center for middle east and global order here in berlin. thank you so much for taking the time to speak with us. so israel has not commented on this strike, but iran clearly things as well as behind that we've seen a supreme leader ayatollah. i'm in a vowing to punish israel. how likely do you think an iranian military response is
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as well? it is quite obvious that this is where the strike has put through the wrong insight into a dilemma. first of all, it's not the 1st heavy blow that's a ego has imposed upon your wrong true targeted assassinations against high ranking revolutionary guards figures, but also other collaborators of you're wrong. for instance, we've had a duty and a baby which we had most of the, you know, the most of the killing. also the highest ranking in syria, you know, highest ranking and roach regards a commander in syria. there was also a targeted around the child of the so this is uh, you know, the condemnation of a series of such attacks. and this puts the wrong insight into a dilemma. because 1st of all, it is really showing iranian vulnerability here. and um, on the other end to the wrong, cannot really strike a, you know,
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at the same level because it would then be very canceled enough to provoke ease rather than to an all out war which would fit your run against either by the end or the united states and this such a great word would pose a danger to origin stability. so it's a dilemma for the right hand side. sorry. wrong, not able to strike at the same level as you say, but do you think we may see iran carry out any kind of attacks and response? and if so, what with the most likely targets be? i mean, so far we've seen that also in the context of that as a word, iran, it has been, you know, using its proxies of the region to confront ease, while it has refrained from confronting ease, read directly. so this proxy network, you know, the so called excess of resistance could be activated for a such a which of the ation b. it's uh, you know, bio to who sees, you know, against, you know, striking israel from a young man or by his bullet 11 or via your rocky militias, uh,
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beads in iraq or in syria or else. so there's also another option to target is really uh, you know, interests uh, in the region, but also beyond and perhaps also include in jewish institutions. so there is a whole, uh, you know, uh, a whole range of possibilities here for you long to respond. but the main problem here is that there is now, uh, you know, this prices of digits, the crisis of the, of the wrong within the contract. so the positive word is even $45.00. because iran, there's been some frustration within the supporter base of the region inside the country, but also regionally among the axes of resistance about your running reluctance to attacks but use within the context of that as a war against all. so you're wrong. so there is, you know, there's a higher level of frustration about your running credibility of being really
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the, you know, the kind of domain, a supporter of the palestinian cause and about you're wrong and reluctance to confront. so he's ro, directory. so this is something that the iranian side has to deal with. well, thank you so much for sharing your insight as ali, i've had all that and job director of the center for middle east and global order. we very much appreciate your time. thank you. to that, let's take a look at some other world news headlines at this hour. the fast food chain, mcdonalds has announced it is buying a back. all is really restaurants from the franchise are following. we costs over the war and gaza restaurant operator, i'll alone you all had offered discounts and free meals to is rarely soldiers. mcdonalds has experienced a sales slump in the middle east since the war between israel and thomas began. south korea's president has cast his ballot in early voting for parliamentary elections and next week the stakes are higher for unit. so y'all and his
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conservative of people power party. they're hoping to secure a majority in the opposition controlled assembly. rescuers are still working to reach scores of people trapped after wednesday's earthquake and tie one as a mass of clean up operation begins. at least 10 people were killed and over a 1000 injured in the quake in the eastern city of fully and near the epicenter. workers have started demolishing a building that's been tilting at a severe angle since the disaster struck. officials hope to complete the demolition in 2 weeks. now the magnitude $7.00 tremor was the islands worst and a quarter century dw correspondent james trader. now reports from all the end in taiwan mountain. mister rocha, national talk, a dramatic bank draw up for a dramatic rescue. this is the moment 6 corey workers were listed safety from the area just north of quantity and the city coast is to the center of the most
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conflict, quite to strength, taiwan in 25. yet the rugged landscape is where hundreds of people remain trapped, mostly by line slides, which are blocked, roads and tunnels. many remain missing nearly 48 hours since the quick strong involved in office drugs continued to whipple through the city as k. reparations got underway. the inside of this 15 story residential tab block because among the was tense when we arrived, officials were squeezing residents in fluid by fluid to assess the damage to the risky rucker luncheon being took us inside to the foundations of this building remain largely intact for the details where you have come crashing down over here. we have running water from a bus more to pipe. and that's why in this building and many buildings across the hall in till thursday is the saying, it's still too dangerous to residents to retire. in the immediate aftermath, our aim is to save as many people as possible. but after that,
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we're also trying to do as much as we can to help people recover. whether that's rebuilding or overcoming the emotional or physical impact on the outside. residents describe their response of to seeing their homes for the 1st time since the trend of those who don't see it as though when we went into our house, almost everything was on the floor. and so going up, there was a motion to the top of downtown, as most people are dealing with it quite well. we can't control as quick soft rule . okay, cool. so many taiwan has at least controlled the extensive destruction of quake proofing regulations. mean, seems like this in quality and of the exception notes the room to let's say, to our correspondent who filed that report, james, a cheater and the hardest hit town of wiley and james, can you tell us a little bit more about what the situation there looks like now, more than 2 days after the quick heads while as
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you can see behind me this building which is kind of become the sense a piece of the damage in portland is in the process of being torn down now. but it has to be said that this building and the dramatic scenes that you're seeing behind me, really all the exception when it comes to hollywood. and the majority of buildings in the city of mount expands, heinous, structural integrity. and actually just around us says unlike markets, just out of sight to somebody left here where people are moving about and going on with a relative degree of normality there the place that people really all concerned there is this to work for national congress and national park news of quality and safety, and that's where the most urgent rescue operations continue in this evening. that's why it doesn't. so people were missing and also hundreds of people in a hotel much further off the mountain in mountain. national park are very broad and looking ahead to the near term future. is it possible to say how many buildings
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there are now uninhabitable after the earthquake of the well, as i mentioned, the majority of buildings in quality and have not been destroyed as you come into the city of lots and many of the buildings, many of the residential blogs and maintain the structural integrity, but the difference is that sometimes if within the inside the building has been a really significant degree of damage. and that means a lot of people are still going to be unable to attend to homes for the city of a few too many people. this evening will be spending the night some evacuation shelters, and those are friends houses. if those evacuation senses a full and i think when it comes to people here in taiwan, so that's really a sense of every day of loss of gratitude that the damage could have been that much to us who think is that the power of this us quake and really visiting a lot in it remains that kind of f, the sensor where the damage is the most of it, but it has to be said even and the damage to isn't,
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isn't that and i think that's why people will be really counting themselves lucky here and so i want that the damage was stuff it is remarkable given the strength of the earthquakes that we saw there. i understand you've been speaking to people there in wiley, and can you tell us a little bit more about how they are dealing with their current situation? of course people who are pretty resilient they use to us crates of this nature, moving all of this power force taiwan is one of is in one of the most seismic the active regions of the world. of course there is stop this morning and going on. so the people who are of little said lives that the, the official death county was raised to 12 today. but i think it's, you know, the real concern is that musings receiving is, as i mentioned, is ongoing operations which are taking place in surveys or national park. whether
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it concerns that the conditions, the rescue operations, whether that's headache, helps us trying to ship supplies of people who were stranded or teams that are still trying to find people who are missing dots to really concern going forward in this evening. so that those operations can continue smoothly considering the condition and expect james, to thank you so much for your reporting as always, that is changed. cheater for us the same sex couples in hong kong are still waiting for legal protections even after the territories. highest court ordered the government to begin the recognition process. in september, the court recognized these couple of need for a legal framework as an alternative to marriage. but since then affected people tell dw, that nothing has changed, for just the same people who was a family watched in that. and we navigate all way through it. even if the from in
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or the society doesn't allow it to. jenny join and her partner dream of becoming mothers, her partner us not to be identified as not even her family know she's gay. the couple wants to have fatality treatment, but under hong kong. little then not eligible because i've gotten married passes. married in the sense that have to be married to that, which isn't likely to happen to me more is conservative, restrictive. basically it's only outside of the 2 couples who are married. as such as america is not recognizing how go. i will say it's pretty much that's the only option is to seek fertility treatments abroad. that could get to a couple of child, but wouldn't change the legal situation, but came, we can do idea, which is my own. and who's the, i'll be the one who bear the child. so technically my partner has nothing to do with it. right?
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oh no, i'm good. take care of you and then bring both those daily care . cool. she's gonna play a huge part of the relationship. and this family, but the problem is legal if she's not recognized because she's not the mother. she's not the one who bear the child because it's not the one who is the child is the mother. then there's the price in hong kong, $1.00 ivy cycle would cost between $123200.00 in the u. s. wedge, any towing and partner could go. it's around 20000 last year. hong kong judge has ruled that all this amounts to discrimination of known heterosexual citizens. but so far nothing's changed. and jenny, towing and her partner are clear about the kind of home call. they want to see the same sex marriage to be legalized because these are right. of course we want to see
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that everybody wants a child can have the right to have a child. well, not having to pay a lot or not having to worry about, oh, i might be able to go. but despite the difficulties, the 2 of them have not given that type of having a family that he knows about for wanda is marketing 30 years as since the genocide . that's awesome. 800000 people killed in her risk acts of violence. over the course of about a 100 days. the killings were mostly carried out by extremists from hutus, the countries ethic majority. the victims were the minority tricity population, but modern, which is we're also targeted. a warning that our next report contains disturbing images. april 1994 and a plane carrying lawanda as presidents. just bermonte and counts of parties shut down of okay, calling juvenile. happy you. ramona and slippery and a how to mirror a kilt along with everyone on board the basement of ethnic hutus. the next day the
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genocide begins over 100 days, gangs of many who to extreme is slow to hundreds of thousands. mostly ethnic tutsis, orchestrated by the rewan denobia militia neighbors, turning on neighbors to the club submissions. these thousands heads of churches many after being off for the show and says that they would be safe. but nowhere is safe. the judge is the lights are recognized as the science of numerous mass killings. the extreme threat to life pushes masses of people through wanda's borders. sexual violence is also used as a weapon with as many as 250000 women raped during the genocide. behind the buns, the violence, is it possible for power between one this ruling, hutus and the tootsie dominated will one the patch. you will take from triple great
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. the mass mode to eventually coming to an end. we now p f flight is reached the cap to pick ali july 1994 may have led by poll coming. the wind is coming presidents in the days that followed up and takes control of the country. arresting those accused of being involved in the genocide over the years since tens of thousands of, of london's have been convicted. but 100 small suspects are still at large. ringback we're going to take a look now at the issue of deforestation, starting with a little bit of good news. experts say brazil and columbia have experienced a remarkable decrease in primary forest loss in 2022 in 2023 deforestation in brazil dropped by a 3rd and by almost half in columbia. those numbers,
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according to a new report from the non profit world resources institute. but tropical forests are still being destroyed with the equivalent of around 10 football fields lost every minute in 2023. tree loss is still a huge problem in the amazon rain forest or region considered a key acid in the fight against climate change. in brazil, home to most of the forest, people in the city of berlin or feeling the effects of weather extremes, driven by a warming climates for the people as billing in northern brazil life revolves around the river tide. water levels often rise as heavy rain becomes more and more common over the years of abuse or lima has watched the waves a road, the coast and change day to day routines of view. this besides that most people's lives followed the timing of the river. yes. and if i take the children to school earlier, go grocery shopping before the tide rises, small changes to weather patterns like these are becoming more prevalent as the
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world burns fossil fuels and heats up the atmosphere. regions in and around the amazon are especially affected as well. no means that would be able to use the risk drought and plugging in food and security is increasing k. they look at any of those things that go to that, that you mean that it but right next to building as one of the world's greatest weapons in the fight against climate change, the amazon marine for us. not only does it absorb massive amounts of carbon dioxide, but it also plays a vital role in regulating the water cycle. because it's trees recycled, the rain that falls there and return it into the air. under former far right. president show you both, sonata deforestation, sword. but now brazil is losing as many trees as it was. according to university of maryland data tree loss was found by 36 percent in 2023 compared with the year before. since taking office current president leaves the now to let us, uva has cracked on deforestation, especially in the amazon. has government bolstered law enforcement monitoring the
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for us and it recognizes more indigenous territories that safeguard nature. but there is still a potential to do much more, for example, to scale up sustainable economies for native plants like the same as i say, he buries the experts. some studies shows that and things are 1st ation. one thing they scanned far as not, we not only avoid tied to climate issues but also create new jobs, improves localized springs for security. next year, the u. n. a will hold its climate change conference and building president, subject to lima, says the meeting as a call to action. so maybe i key additional thing about i feel my children would never get to know this place to be a roach. and what were some of us on that we have to participate in this person. and so then this process, the hope is the world leader is called only focus on the amazon rain forest. but that they will also pay attention to the plate of the communities around it. and
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that is your news update at this hour. i'm clare richardson in for lynn for me in the whole team here. thank you so much for watching. the
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