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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 5, 2024 2:00pm-2:15pm CEST

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the, the, you're watching the, the, it was going to live from berlin. international pressure mounts on israel over its boar and gaza, to army officers are dismissed over the death of aid workers in a drone attack. earlier this week is ralph says its troops, thought terrorists were firing from the 8 con boy also coming up on our show dw news hall is rescue workers and tie one after the island. devastating earthquake. their efforts are now turning to a remote national park where hundreds of people are still waiting to be brought to safety. the
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empire richardson welcome as well as, as it has dismissed to senior officers and reprimanded 3 others for mondays, airstrikes and goss. i killed 78 workers, as well as military admitted a series of grave mistakes, saying the soldiers, mishandled critical information and violated the armies rules of engagement. the inquiry found that the forces mistakenly believed to be mandatory and convoy had been taken over by how much smell attends. and the drone operators missed took on a work or holding a bag for a gunman. we have a correspondent, atanya kramer and jerusalem following the story for us. she has more now on the results of the inquiry. it was, this report was just released by the military and they're basically saying that the forces within providing that identified a how much gunman on one of the trucks where the was sent to the kitchen,
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8 workers where at the time there were then a, you know, offloading the age from there, and then a turning back from this warehouse in a sense regards. and now they say, according to this report of the dentist i the gunman own, and a truck as they say. and then at a later such, another gunman also at the warehouse and they say, the sd is where the military is saying that they believe that the forces believe that these 2 gunmen were in a, one of the 3 vehicles. and they're talking about miss identification to talking about misclassification of the event. and as you said, 2 of the offices have been dismissed and 3, where they reminded, but a lot of the details are not really yet known. that would be a lot of questions off if this convoy was hit a with, according to reports,
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at least the 3 missed towards the is also took about to complete a breakdown of the chain of command. so we'll have to see whether this isn't an onset, you know, for the world central kitchen, but also of course, for the relatives and the 8 workers community that is working in gaza. now this comes as international pressure is mounting on as well to do more to protect civilians and gaza. the united nations top human rights party has in fact just passed a resolution calling for israel to be held accountable for possible war crimes in the palestinian territory. but human rights council has also called for a hold in arms sales to israel. $28.00 countries voted in favor at 6, including germany and the united states voted against. and 13, abstain from the resolution is the 1st time the human body has taken a position on the war in gaza. so tonya, it really seems like international pressure on israel is mounting by the day. well, that's quite why this is
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a notion of another international organization and another, a resolution that has been adopted criticizing as well as a conduct or for because the 1st reaction there from the is really invested in geneva that was distributed to by the foreign ministry that said that the decision today is a stain on the human rights council in the united nations in general. uh, there's been saying that a mazda is not mentioned in their role on october 7th. that also reflects, of course, is very strange relationship between the united nations and uh israel as well. but of course it is just another international organization that is now criticizing is ro, again, a mix. this really mounting, as you said, international pressure, further pushing israel to change its conduct devora and among them also it's closest ally the united states and have also you know,
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criticize is an awesome to do more to protect us civilians in gauze. i give them the high desktop and to do more to protect, to bring in more aid. and also of course, in this case, to protect more 8 workers. but we haven't really seen this translating into any a significant changes for the population for the civilian population on the ground, the in gaza. now in the 6 months of this war on the subject of a israel has also now announce the temporary opening of more 8 routes into gaza or more. can you tell us about that as well? yeah, this is uh, quite a significant uh development because uh, 8 organizations in the united nations have called for weeks to open another land crossing to get 8 more directly into, especially north and golf and where the population is really in a critical situation. as united nations have sat on the brink of time and, and this decision came off to what was described to you in the is really me to of,
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to attends phone call between the u. s. presidential button and a prime minister benjamin netanyahu saying that they will open, at least temporarily. the error is crossing that is a crossing in the north of casa. it used to be more a pedestrian crossing also. uh, there were some costs going through, but again, it is still to see how the logistic of all of this uh will be, uh, how many trucks will go in there. a when this will happen and be heard the uh, your secretary, real estate entity, blink. and also saying that the re, the test will be, uh, you know, uh the, the reality tests we bought with happened and that they will watch it very closely . what is relevant doing disregard, tanya, thank you. as always for bringing us up to speed, that is tanya kramer in jerusalem. the commander of it runs powerful revolutionary guard has said that there will be retaliation for an air strike. he blames on israel. the destroyer runs, console it and serial killing 12 people. in toronto,
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thousands, it turned out to attend a funeral for 7 members of the guard, including 2 senior generals who were killed and the blast. clashes between israel and the run back has the law along the is really lebanese border, have increased since the war and gone. so began nearly 6 months ago. i asked alief i told in a job director of the center for middle east and global order here in berlin. how likely he thinks and iranians strike against israel would be as well. it is quite obvious that this is where the strike has put through the run insight into a dilemma. first of all, it's not the 1st heavy blow that's a ego has imposed upon you. run through targeted assassinations against high ranking revolutionary guards figures, but also other collaborators of you're wrong. for instance, we've had a duty and a base route. we have most of the, you know, the most of the killing. also the highest ranking in syria, you know,
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highest ranking and roche regards a commander in syria. there was also a targeted around a ton of the. so this is, you know, the combination of a series of such attacks. and this puts the run insight into a dilemma because 1st of all, it is really showing iranian vulnerability here. and um, on the other end to get wrong, cannot really strike a, you know, at the same level because it would then be very careful not to provoke ease rather into an allowance war which would pick iran against ease where the end or the united states. and that is such a great war with pose a danger to origin stability. so it's a dilemma for the right hand side. so i wrote not able to strike at the same level as you say, but do you think we may see iran carry out any kind of attacks and response? and if so, what with the most likely targets be, as i mean so far,
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we've seen that also in the context of that as award run, it has been, you know, using its proxies in the region to confront ease, while it has refrained from confronting ease, read directly, so this proxy network, you know, the so called excess of resistance could be activated for a, such a, which of the ation b. it's uh, you know, via the who sees, you know, against the, you know, striking israel from a young man or by his belie 11 or via the rocky militias, beads in iraq or in syria or else. so there's also another option to target is really uh, you know, interests in the region, but also beyond and perhaps also include in jewish institutions. so there is a whole, uh, you know, uh, a whole range of possibilities here for you long to respond. but the main problem here is that there's now, uh, you know, dis, prices of digits. the crisis of iran within the context of the positive word is
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even $45.00 because you're wrong. there's been some frustration with them to supporter base of the resume inside the country. but also regionally among the axes of resistance about your running reluctance to attack sport use within the context of that as a war against all. so you're wrong. so there is, you know, there's a higher level of frustration about your running credit bill, etc. um, of being really the you know, the kind of domain, a supporter of the palestinian cause and about the wrong and reluctance to confront his ro directory. so this is something that the iranian side has to deal with. well, thank you so much for sharing your insight as ali i've had all that and job director of the center for middle east and global order. we very much appreciate your time. thank you so we can bring you up to speed. now with some other world news headlines, the fast food chain, mcdonalds has announced it's a bind back. all is rarely restaurants from the franchise are following boy costs
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over the war and gaza restaurant operator alone. y'all had offer discounts and free meals to is rarely soldiers. mcdonalds has experienced a sales swamp in the middle east since the war between has run hosp again. south korea's president has cast his ballot and early voting for parliamentary elections next week. the stakes are high for unit, so y'all and his conservative people power party. they are hoping to secure a majority and the opposition controls assembly and los angeles police and the f. b. i are investigating the fact of the $30000000.00 from a money storage facility. a thieves broke into the building on easter sunday without sending off. any alarms is going to be big. has the cash heist in us history and rest of where is are still working to reach scores of people trapped after wednesday's earthquake. and ty, one of a mass of clean up operation begins, at least 12 people were killed and over a 1000 injured in the quick and eastern city of while in the near, the epicenter,
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workers had started demolishing a building that's been tilting at a severe angle since the disaster struck officials hoped to complete the demolition in 2 weeks and the magnitude 7.4 earthquake was the island worst and a quarter century. he'd have his correspondent james che, to reports from a remote national park, where many people are waiting to be brought to safety high up into ronko national park on ty, one's east coast rescue teams rushed to find people still stranded. 2 days on from the quake searches provided by all store to show the dangerous things being taken to find those who were still missing. the focus is now turned into this roggette. parts of taiwan is east coast, where hundreds remain stuck in a hotel. some have been taken down to safety by heavy called to the withdrawal off . the shock still broke in the area. many narrow roads like this one up to dangerous depaul through the mayor afloat in the city closest to the quakes. that'd
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be sensor said rescue teams were redoubling assets in the area. he does all things being hook search teams, including ones from all around taiwan. life are being coordinated and dispatched by the turbo highway bureau to search for the missing to through various routes by $10.00 to the good news to, to associate on the mountain this roads. a steady stream of emergency vehicles and the strain of sirens. the gorge behind us is the entrance to throw coat and national park. this bridge is as far as john, this are allowed to go right now because rescue operations are still under way. but with 48 hours since the quake struck with very low clouds, efforts becoming more and more hudgens, but from the bridge is offensive for rescue operations. he made a treat emergency teams plans sophie's into the national park. this officer came up from taiwan, southern city of goshen and said his team is helping send food and drink to those
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traps stacks. i mean, the biggest problem would be rains when it rains. there is greater risk of falling rocks and land slides will after prepare waterproof clothing to right now, it's impossible to say how long our efforts will go on. and there's a lot of people who live the senior into roku. a national park is usually a magnet to the tourist and taiwan. but the domestic landscaping is also made rescue operations even more challenging to tokyo is in full bloom with the familiar spring site of cherry blossoms this year a little bit later than usual. the popular draw for tourist and residents, a light the blanket a tank was delayed due to cold or weather cherry blossoms known as sakura and japanese are the nation's favorite flower. the trees are usually in a peak, flew in late march to early april, and that's what is left in half an hour. but stay with us. our documentary takes
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a trip on the re unification. express and get non state tuned or check us out online for warnings. and analysis at dw dot com, the state innovation green, the green revolution global. so listen to a whole lot of crime. it's probably up to speed. if the care we subscribe to those channels. we've got every friday subscribe to plan, it's a good the.


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