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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 5, 2024 4:00pm-4:31pm CEST

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the, the, you're watching due to the news coming to live from berlin. international pressure mounts on israel over as war and casa to army officers are dismissed over the depths of aid workers and thrown strikes earlier this year. is ralph says its troops, thoughts, terrorists were firing from the convoy also on the show, thousands turn out in iran for the funeral of a revolutionary guard members killed in a strike in syria earlier this week. their commander has vowed revenge against israel, which hasn't yet commented on the strikes the horror of their a wanton genocide at 30 years on many of those killed
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a fled to churches hoping in vain to find sanctuary. we meet one survivor at the sight of one of the worst massacres. also coming up on our show today, dw news fall is rescue workers and ty, one after the islands, devastating earthquake the gorge behind us as the entrance to to rothko and national park. this bridge is as far as john, this are allowed to go right now because rescue operations are still under way. but with 48 hours since the quake struck with very low clouds. efforts becoming more and more the quite richardson welcome israel's, as it has fired to senior officers and reprimanded a 3 others for monday's airstrikes and gone. so they killed $78.00 workers. an inquiry carried out by israel's military found that its forces mistakenly believe
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the humanitarian convoy had been taken over by him last militants. and the drone operators mistook a humanitarian work or holding a bag for a gun man. hello, the aid group is calling for an independent inquiry stating that israel's military camp credibly investigate its own failure. you are a secretary of state antony, blankets of the us as carefully reviewing israel's inquiry into the killings. it's very important that is real estate. you full responsibility for this incident. it's also important that it appears to be taking steps to hold those responsible account . even more important is making sure that the steps are taken going forward to ensure that something like this and never happen again from us, or that you all indicated to president biden is israel would be making further changes to his procedures to make sure that those who are providing assistance to people who so desperately need it, and guys that are protected. so we're going to be looking very carefully at what
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those steps are, how it achieves better. deacon's, flexion better coordination, so that aid workers are protected. let's get the latest on this from the ability as correspondent, rebecca rivers, joining us now from jerusalem. rebecca, what more can you tell us about the results of this inquiry will play these. the results came out just a few hours ago here in israel, from the military, from that so cold, independent investigation though it is an internal investigation done by a separate branch within the is really a military. and the basically identified this, these strikes were carried out in serious violation of military prior to gall protocol. and it says that we carried out ju, to mr. identification. that in fact, the, the military thought that there was a threat. they thought that somebody thought that they saw a gunman on this humanitarian con boy, that was going uh, this was earlier before the firing actually happened. that was going to this
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warehouse. and they thought that that gunman then proceeded to go with this convoy . and that's, of course why they saying that the, the convoy was been fired upon, you know, we, as we know from the reporting of the incident, the, the, the convoy was fired upon the 1st call. the 1st a vehicle was fired upon and the people tried the people that were still living. we tried to get out, go to the 2nd, and the 3rd, and i work, you know, it was continually fired at so that is being identified as a mis identification and in and in direct violation of military procedure. as you've mentioned, we've got to a senior military personnel has been dismissed and of some have been reprimanded, including the head of the southern come on that looks off to the military. that is basically carrying out the operation in gaza. it also says that this is a break down in the chain of come on, but we've been reporting on this week from internal a tunnel reporting that's being done here in israel magazine called a 972 plus 972,
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that they're in fact is a is a gross breakdown of the china of come on in the military and that has been throughout this, in fact, that a machinery has been you to identify targets. and in fact, there is very little in way of chain of come on. so if that is indeed confirmed that could potentially go some way to explaining how something like this could happen. well, after the release of the results of this investigation, have we heard from world central kitchen or other 8 organizations, their response? the wealth central kitchen has come out with a fairly strong response. they are calling for an independent investigation. i mentioned that the 30 uh is there any military or calling this an independent investigation division? in fact, an internal investigation carried out by a separate unit in the army. the world central kitchen say that the apologies for these outrages killings, as they say, a represent cold comfort and in fact they are cooling for more to be done. we've
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also heard from the un who is encouraging, urging israel to allow an independent investigation. and as you heard that from secretary blinking, it could what well be that the us also cool for an independent investigation though they are reviewing this current investigation before they make any comments towards that. but certainly the pressure on israel is growing and you know, we can say that the, the results of this investigation may not satisfy many, many people. let's turn to another development here as well as well today has announced the temporary opening of more 8 routes into gaza. or more. can you tell us about that? that's right in the air is crossing a predominantly the one in the north, very prominent crossing that was the full uh, october 7th. that was the crossing the most aid and people went through uh, counseling, also for goods and services. sorry goods rather going through that crossing,
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but the areas in the north which is really very close to garza city in that northern area which is facing simon and a severe, severe food shortage. and the area facing the most acute of a 3rd shortage is, is it close to the arrows crossing? so obviously that would be a huge relief to be able to try to get the food in court much closer to the people who needed up in the north. now this has been called on for weeks and months. even that 8 organizations have been saying that this crossing needs to be reopened. uh so it really begs the question now, following on from a phone call between us president biden. and benjamin netanyahu that happened last night that was reportedly very testy, but suddenly of a cabinet kinda prove that the crossing be opened. and suddenly this can start to take place. and we don't know exactly when it's going to happen, but it's certainly been agreed and been signal that it will happen. that really makes the question why it has taken so long. why this riley government has been so
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reticent and why they haven't been able to do this despite the international goals and 8 and calls from engineers and the like, just demanding that this crossing the open because that the air drops and the see age that will central kitchen we're providing just, you know, was, was not enough for, for, for the humanitarian catastrophe that is going on and gaza. rebecca, thank you. it is rebecca rivers for us in jerusalem. the commander of a ron's powerful revolutionary guard has said that there will be retaliation for an air strike. he blames on israel the destroyed or runs consulate in serial. on monday, killing 12 people entire on thousands, turned out to attend a funeral for 7 members of the guard, including 2 senior generals who were killed in the blast. clashes between israel and iran that has the law along b is rarely lebanese border have increased since the warrant also began nearly 6 months ago. the funeral took place on could stay an annual event when iran stages
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pro palestinian rallies. i'd like to speak to my colleague, i knew the fog allow me for more on this. thanks for taking the time. tell us why we've seen these this funeral on our codes day and what kind of reaction there has been with in iran to this funeral of, from what i heard from a pro democracy, i to this an ordinary people in your, on or haired on social media i can assure you that they don't mourn and even they are happy as i or g. c. a is hatred monkey radians as they are actively involved in a pressing the citizens during different protests during these years in the wrong. so um and especially are gc was active and oppressing processors in the process after that. this of geno massa, i mean, so what we've seen in this funeral like always that they are the one not minority
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who corporate feet directly cold praise be peace regime or they are like regime officials or supporters or the people who have a financial or ideological interest in these regime and of why now i can say that the funeral and the gold states, it is the perfect time for this long, the group public as they always used these kind of events for their propaganda against is wait and it goes to west. because no love lost among the pro democracy activists. they're looking at what is an increasingly tens security question. i'm curious, how far you think things could escalate? do you think we are likely to see a direct confrontation between iran and israel? only in 2024 is really has conducted hundreds, sorry, more than 13 attacks to iranian allies and proxies. and more than 124
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people killed, including 21 uncle boats force members and there has been no direct answer to them . and also in addition to that destroy, it has been conducting a tax to uranian targets in c. we are doing these years and also there were no confrontation. so i think that's uh, now the situation is the same and they won't be any direct confrontation in any direct response to these a typed on iranian consulate in syria. but i need to mention that here. that's one of the political organization belong to the hardliners claim. that i had the, one of the generals killed in the strike was involved in the plots for a october 7th attack and is ready. so if that is true, it means that if we took a revenge, but eventually i think the resume responses would be why it's
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a proxies such as has the law, which is in close proximity to the israel and has proven that has the ability to strike into is really to resource and also even it could be, it could be a tax retail, a 3 a tax to do a centers or is really embassies. tell us little bit more about the possibility of has blocking involved here. of course everybody looking to israel is and border with less than on the do you sounds like you think that would be a more likely avenue for revenge? yeah, the owner that has, will, is one of the most powerful proxies of iran and a, a answer to the comments from the supreme leader of that uranium regime. and they are 100 percent of funded by that uranium team. so um, but according to recent development, it seems that they really don't want of war with israel, as we see after the 7th october attack. it was some vegetable
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threats or some border attacks. and obviously his lot doesn't want lebanese public to blame them for another war. for the country and what about the war in gaza? when you look at this, from turnarounds point of view, is it, is it beneficial for the government in teheran or, or not? how does that plan? i think it is hurtful for the regime and you're on as of one of their main proxies is weakening in the region. but also at the same time, i think that it's some somehow hurtful for the uranium people as old the financial resources goals to have mazda and other tourist groups in pfizer. and so many believe that if this war doesn't lead to and doesn't lead to the
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cutting and destruction of a how moss and other to risk groups if would be more costly for the uranium people . as of all the financial resources, again in the country with go for these group to re gain power. so that's why that uranium people believe that the problem in the, in the region is the training of the game and piece it cannot, it cannot be, we cannot have a half piece in the region without this law mix with public gone. and that's why they are also trying to get rid of the regime, not only for to prosperity and piecing it wrong, but also for the region. thank you very much for that. that is another far galani. i appreciate your time. now we're going to turn it to some other world news stories at this hour. the fast food chain, mcdonalds has announced it's buying back. all is really restaurants from the franchise. are following boy costs over the war and gaza restaurant operator alone
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. you all had offer discounts and free meals to his rarely soldiers. mcdonalds has experienced a sales slump in the middle east since the war between israel and thomas began. the spanish coast guard has rescued 73 migrants from a wooden boat in the seas. off the canary islands, the migrants were brought to the island of grand canario, around 160 kilometers from west africa. and today we're looking back at the 1994 genocide in rwanda. the east african nation is marking 30 years since the start of a 100, a massacre in which 800000 people were slaughtered. a warning that much of what you were about to see you may find distressing. the killings were mostly carried out by extremists, from the countries majority, ethnic hutus against the influential minority towards the population. but also moderate hutus. sexual violence was also used as a weapon with as many as 250000 women rapes during the genocide.
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the numbers of the dead are almost impossible to even comprehend. a take the example of the yamma talk genocide, memorial site, a single church where 5000 people were murdered over the course of 3 days. dw, smart them without reports from the sight of one of the worst massacres of the genocide. it's not often that sometimes signs the strings to come here to a former church. now a memorial to the rhonda genocide, she says this is the place where she refused to die. who clung to tim, were you coming back to this place 30 years later? i think it is still a big wound, but it helps me to remember many of the people who died here called into a hush. the belongings are still here, frozen in time. and each piece tells the tale. a person's elbows tightly tied behind their back before being executed,
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toddlers killed with their parents. the killings that started a few days earlier, many to 2 families, including some talent, had children suited refuge here, thinking they'd be safe. for us, i get off at them a good and not the 1st stay through grenades into the church, and many people lost their legs. i was so much screaming who those who tried to leave the church, were hacked with machetes of the place of century, turned into a burial ground. the remains of more than 45000 people rest at the memorial side. someone display the reminder of the massacre. shantelle managed to escape a judge was injured accordingly, fled to a nearby school when i felt something hit me in the mouth and other parts of my body where i was holding my kids. i think it was a grenade. then i saw that one of my babies had been killed and that a, she had
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a nearby bushes, but they ended at home with the who to munitions. committing the genocide found her attacked her with a machete to a rock. i to her head the friend lying next to her hiding under banana leaves was done to life of the city. so they came back off and they rammed a spear. and to me, mocking us saying, you cockroach has don't die easily. i stayed in there for some time. my wounds were rod and comedy had maggots falling out of them. days later has been found and brought to safety that taking them into south east. another community is trying to reconcile with the past and move the move in its form, the perpetrators and the families of the victims, left side by side mean noises. 2 brothers and a cousin were killed during the genocide. these quin knobby but they were brutally
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killed hacked here and here in the head in the throat. all parts of the body, shred it, go by them. oh, my god, brothers, i love the hands that would have supported me down. the man who killed them supreme at the bottle was tried and one of rhonda has post genocide tribunal. it's been 12 years in prison on is really easy us to use for forgiveness and she accepted. now the regularly participating group activities together with other form of perpetrators and victims. it's all part of a government program to create unity among brandons and re establish trust following the genocide that split communities would. would that work for sion tied to could see, forgive her attackers and killers of her baby what, what do we have a good country and that has brought us together and we loved each other. but it does not rule out the possibility that there could still be remnants of genocide
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ideology in some people's hearts you can't see and people's heart, this isn't all day long for her son was killed during the genocide would now be a grown like other kids. just sent out hopes that generation would be able to put the genocide and the divisions of the past behind them. stop. rescuers are still working to reach scores of people trapped after wednesday's earthquake and tie one as a mass of clean up operation begins. at least 12 people were killed and over a 1000 injured in the quake. in the eastern city of wally and near the center of workers, have the gun demolishing a building that's been tilting at a severe angle since the disaster struck. officials hope to complete the demolition in 2 weeks. the magnitude is 7.4, earthquake was islands worst and a quarter century dw correspondent james che, to reports from a remote national park, where many people are still waiting to be brought to safety. flying up into roku
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national park on ty, one's east coast rescue teams rush to find people still stranded. 2 days on from the quake that is provided by authority showed the dangerous links being taken to find those who was still missing. the focus has now turned to this rugged parts of ty, one's east coast, where hundreds remain stuck in a hotel. some have been taken down to safety by how he called to the withdrawal off . the shock still broke in the area. many narrow roads like this one, a too dangerous to pass through to the mayor of florida in the city closest to the last quakes, that'd be sensor said rescue teams were redoubling assets in the area. he does all things being hook search teams, including ones from all around taiwan. nice are being coordinated and dispatched by the tour roekel highway bureau to search for the missing tool through various routes, pipes. you don't to go good to, to, to associate on the mountain. this roads,
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a steady stream of emergency vehicles and the strain of sirens. the gorge behind us is the entrance to the right code and national park. this bridge is as far as john . this are allowed to go right now because rescue operations are still under way. but with 48 hours since the quake struck with very low clouds, estimates becoming more and more hudgens bunk from the bridge, is a sense of a rescue operation. here, military and emergency teams plan so sees into the national park. this officer came up from taiwan, southern city of goshen and said his team is helping send food and drink to those traps stacks. i mean, the biggest problem would be rains when it rains. there is greater risk of falling rocks and land slides will after prepare water proof clothing to right now, it's impossible to say how long our efforts will go on. and there's a lot equal to why the senior into roku and national park is usually a magnet to the taurus in taiwan. but the domestic landscaping is also made rescue
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operations even more challenging. of course bonnet james, cheater felt that reports he is in the town of logan and he has more on the situation there right now. well, as you can see behind me, this building which is kind of become to cents, a piece of the damage in portland is in the process of being torn down now. but it has to be said that this building and the dramatic scenes that you're seeing behind me really all the exception when it comes to uh, the, the majority of buildings in the city of managed to maintain the structural integrity. and actually just around the says, unlike most kids, just out of sight to, to my left to where people are moving about and getting on with a relative degree of normality. they're the place of people really all concerned there is this to work for national harvest. and national park news, all quality and safety, and that's where the most urgent rescue operations continue. ins besieging us with dozens of people who are missing items or hundreds of people in
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a hotel much further off the mountains and in the national pocket. very broad and looking ahead a to the near term future. is it possible to say how many buildings there are now uninhabitable after the earthquake? well, as i mentioned, the majority of buildings in quality and have not been destroyed as you come into the city of lots to many of the buildings, many of the residential blogs and maintain the structural integrity. but the, the difference is that sometimes if within the inside the building has been a really significant degree of damage. and that means a lot of people are still going to be unable to attend to homes for the see of a few too many people. this evening will be spending the night, send it back to ation shelters. and those are friends houses. if those, if actuation senses a full, and i think when it comes to people here in taiwan says, really a sense of,
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of ridiculous ingratitude that the damage could have been much to us to think of the power of this task weight. um and really this thing i want in it remains that kind of at the sense or where the damage is the most of it. but it has to be said, even the damage isn't, isn't that and i think that's why people will be really counting themselves lucky here. and so i want that the damage was stuff like it is remarkable given the strength of the earthquake that we saw there. i understand you've been speaking to people there in wiley, and can you tell us a little bit more about how they are dealing with their current situation? of course people who are uh, pretty resilient they use to us crates of this nature, moving all of this power force. taiwan is one of is one of the most seismically active regions of the world. of course, every stop this morning is going on. so the people who have lost our lives that the,
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the official death county was raised to 12 today. but i think, you know, the real concern is it. musings receiving is, as i mentioned, is ongoing operations which are taking place. and so those are national parks. whether it concerns the, the conditions, the rescue operations, whether that's how the cops is trying to ship supplies up to people who have a stranded or teams that are still trying to find people who are missing dots to really concern going forward in this evening. that those operations can continues to be considered a condition might change . thank you so much for your reporting. as always, that is a change cheater for us. before we go, let's get a reminder of our top story of israel has passed into army officers for their role in the depths of international aid workers and gone into an inquiry found they had attached the aid trucks after miss identifying the vehicles as having
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a mazda government inside of a series of data at this hour, stay tuned for eco, india is coming up next or they look at ways to ease environmental stresses on the ocean. appli, richardson and berlin. thank you so much for watching the
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come in. do you feel 60 percent of the photos weren't way to haven't gone and that are coming. and this has happened in the last decade. this is not really long. the even in our life go based and g o is helping to protect endangered marine environment. and that's how the, how they to each other india next on d, w, old friends, new front is nato,
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still prepared to defend itself in case of an emergency. the well, the largest military alliance has been maintaining stability for 75 years. but now, some weaknesses call beginning to show up from this new threat made in 45 minutes on d, w, the name cassandra re determined that has below was operating like a global drug course. the objective to financially drain has gone up and bring them down. the team agents from the american drug enforcement agency they had criminalized themselves. we needed it and to reveal that so world. why did
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the us government suddenly shut down project cassandra in 2016? 03 pod documentary series on la skiing has paula dots may 4th on d, w. the name one thing that is closer to our existence as you can take a moment to think of vianza hello and welcome. i'm so i've got the body annual watching equaling deal. how many of you talked of oceans as the answer to my question? not many, i'm sure. even though 71 percent of our planet is just water and the majority of this is in our oceans. so let's dive into this today i'm trying to understand the
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importance of portions the cadets that the phase of the collinsville.


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