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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 5, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm CEST

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the, the, this is the, the, we news long from berlin. israel punishes the army officers involved in this week's deadly drone strikes and gaza. 2 officers are fired and senior commanders reprimanded over the strikes that killed $78.00 workers. israel says their vehicles were misidentified as having come off gunman and sign, also coming up thousands through now to enter on for the funeral of revolutionary guards, members killed in the strike in syria. earlier this week, their commander has vowed revenge against israel, which has them you have commented on the strength. plus the horror of the rwandan
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genocide, 30 years on, many of those killed fled to churches hoping in vain to find century meet one survivor at the sight of one of the worst massacre. the article fairly tell our viewers on p b s and the united states and all of you joining from around the world. welcome. it's good to have you with us. israel says it has fire to senior officers and reprimanded a 3 others for mondays airstrikes and gaza that killed 78 workers. an inquiry carried down by israel's military sounds that its forces mistakenly believe the humanitarian conroy had been taken over by. how mos militants, not drone operators, ms. stoke, a humanitarian worker holding a bag for a gun man. the 8 group is calling for an independent inquiry state that israel's
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military can credibly investigate its own failure. our report responded rebecca rivers and jerusalem told us more about the results of this internal inquiry. the results came out just a few hours ago here in israel, from the military, from that uh, so cold independent investigation though it is an internal investigation done by a separate branch within the is really a military. and the basically identified that this, these strikes were carried out in serious violation of military protocol protocol. and it says that we carried out, ju, to miss identification. that in fact, the, the military thought that there was a threat. they felt that somebody thought that they saw a gunman on this humanitarian con boy, that was going, this was earlier before the firing actually happened. that was going to this warehouse. and they thought that that gunman then proceeded to go with this convoy . and that's of course why they're saying that the, the convoy was then fired upon,
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you know, we, as we know from the reporting of the incident of the, the convoy was fired upon the 1st call. the 1st a vehicle was fired upon and the people tried the people that was still living. we're trying to get out, go to the 2nd, and the 3rd and i work, you know, it was continually fired at so that is being identified as a miss identification and in and in direct violation of military procedure. as you've mentioned, we've got to senior military personnel has been dismissed and of some have been reprimanded, including the head of the southern command that looks off to the military that that is basically carrying out the operation in gaza. it also says that this has a breakdown in the chain of come on, but we've been reporting on this week from internal a tunnel reporting that's being done here in israel magazine called a 972 plus 972. but they're, in fact, is a, it's a gross breakdown of the china of come on in the military. and that has been through out this, in fact, that
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a machinery has been you to identify targets. and in fact, there is very little in way of chain of come on. so if that is indeed confirmed that could potentially go some way to explaining how something like this could happen. that was our correspondence. rebecca ritter's in jerusalem. there, now the use foreign policy teachers have for rel says a decision by israel to open up more quarters for aiden to gauze. a won't be enough to stop start evasion in the territory. israel's move came after pressure from the us on thursday. the opening of the air is crossing into the palestinian territories north was among several steps approved by israel's cabinet to let in more humanitarian assistance. the port in start will also be reopened to process the shipments bound for garza and more deliveries will pass through care. i'm shalanda and the self tear. how us presidential bind, responded to israel's move to the for us. so just felt military already days ro. i
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asked them to do what they're doing well, very short response there from the us president. earlier. our correspondent benjamin alvarez told us if i'm laid out any concrete steps beyond the opening of the 2 crossings that is being implemented by israel, a very short on site indeed. and president biden did not announce concrete measures in this raw, the cryptic onset from the us president as part of broader mixed messaging from the whitehouse regarding and score and stance a to israel while the wide has welts and israel. the announcement of opening this age roads, washington stressed that the plan must be rapidly implemented and that is expected part of the assessment of the united states of israel's immediate action that will determine a u. s. policy. that's what the white house set off to the cold between president biden and prime minister netanyahu. but at the same time, yes, officials told the washington post that the bug administration approved the transfer of thousands more weapons to israel on the same day. that is really
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a strict think of the killed it'd be $78.00, which is now the warning that we heard yesterday coming out of washington was quite staunch and quite unprecedented. but the humanitarian crisis and golf has been reading since the war began. so in your opinion, one took the bite and administration so long there is a question that many not only here in the us are asking themselves after october, 7th of last year. more than $168.00 workers were killed and gaza only in that year . in those a few weeks. the total is larger than all 8 worker that's worldwide. and every year since 1997 according to age book, a database. but it is this killing of the west and aid workers that appears to mocking inflection point full bite and support of israel, the colts, the condition military a to as well as the gas does, with every other ally worldwide on the new indeed, but actions speak louder than words and the frustration here is growing that the yes is not completely using. it's leverage with israel showing that there was this
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phone call in the statement that made it a israel. also the pressure to israel to open this new age groups. that was our washington correspondent benjamin alvarez, talking to us earlier. and i'm now please to welcome a hoot omar. and he was israel's prime minister between 20062009. welcome back to the show, prime minister as a pleasure to have you on no international pressure on israel as mounting in the night. and, you know, government seems to be responding. do you think this could be a turning point in the war? all right, hope so say 250 will be stopped. but at this point nowadays, no. got this. i didn't see any, mary. you may continue. the war, i think is right to the extent that you can, we was like these against terrorist organizations. we want the war. we have devastated this from us. we choose the so many thousands on the some us fighters. we destroyed, complete,
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see their command positions that bankers the menu of the town is. we have won the war. i don't see any advantage. continuing the war now it has to be so. ready to, to the extent that the has been to the americans, is the shape of new york and get the shape advises the way the government to do so . i think the given the device, do you think that prime minister netanyahu shares your assessment that there's more is already one i don't know exactly what he's the assessment. i joy distinction, distinct. so i think well, many do between he's um, most of the assessments or the, the assessment tools. most of these rarely people in the command position in the government and that their personal needs are the front of me to say. and i believe
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that it, unfortunately the not always stay you decisions that are carried about by the minister in the society compared to, to the interest of the state of each. ready and it seems like each more in the interest of the problem in the same service, which is different divide and also asked for an immediate cease fire. there will be new negotiations this weekend. it was just announced. do you expect to see a break through their which a book that goes to a position to be able to give an assessment about what may happen between that 5 minute stand, the excuse ran in by the bears and by then uh i, as i said, i seen that there was a square be stoped? no, i didn't see any married to usually i'm not. i general think about how much i didn't think about the other thing is i think about my country. i don't see any
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marries, continue this war. no. the every day that it continues causes great damage to the scale easily to the image of the state of israel to good relations between these really many of the countries which we care for without any i mean a positive outcome. the interest of the state of these weight uh if we q uh 20 more charities that will not make any dramatic difference. the basic balance where we are. but if we have a 1000 more civilians, would it be to it? would it be to bill for the state of 11? so the image was the state of the weather. so at this point, i've seen that we still have to stop. i hope that the prime minister was a week i, i doubt she will do it, but i hope you will. and i hope that to spark is in
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a. ringback position re squeezing and will express their opinion and we will use all the power association in order to bring about an end to this one. yeah, we are 6 months into this war. gaza has been reduced to rubble. pretty much 33000 pounds students are dead and a 130 is really hostages. remain in gaza. do you think the government is doing enough to free them to know how you're going to be so they shouldn't be shared, especially for the 70. some of these of the hostages been by many thousands of these riley's were rioting and they went straight to the center square. so instead of even jerusalem a $100000.00. yes. and they both seemed kind of an image. it was and then which i think it's just, i think it of a good uh everything through the extent that people are unhappy with the way that
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the government is kind of being these uh, the preconditioning my merge. so the return of the hostages will be and then the truly were i can see i almost can see that the i'm us will agree to release the hostages. yeah, they are doing the most atrocious things to the hostages. sir hostages are tortured or raped. her rushed in the most terrible way. but if the then then the yahoo government, you've been in a similar position. you've had to negotiate hostage releases. um with, with how much, what would you do differently if you were in y'all's position? the way i use this done this ends in 2011 when he released this. is it all right and then 1000 more. terry still come us for what is
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really soldier. there was a tragic mistake, bass and mistake which has exposed to the weakness in the 1st night emotional instability or frightening stare. and they can, you know, and which may have triggered the greater violence by the i'm us and the other terrorist organizations. no, no. when the 150 the floor is way and these are the hell, the hostage by this i'm us, we, it has to make into pay any food. you know, the to use that because they are not sold just they were not sold, just bear with not captured by the, from us in the bathroom since they were taken from their homes, from the living rooms because these really government are, these really is deserted then we left them and defended, and now it is incumbent upon us to bring them back at any cost. therefore,
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in the past they are there been you with a different of income and then then it then you always you got to on us and know are you the built in a different we've been looking out recently and you've said several times that many hours days are numbered, pressure is growing now internally and extra weight. how much longer do you think he can hold onto power? and i think that these days are none of those things that you interrupt. i can tell you, you know, you know, week and 2 weeks in 2 weeks in advance, but the public range that this content, they, you'd be the nice, the disappointment. also, the majority of the, of these are at least with a rough, like cable condo. and this week everyone that will stay me this way. so i think that the and it and you all days are number they suddenly i hear you. he leaves. i think the better things for easement that was former is really probably the story who the all right, thank you so much for your time. thank you. meanwhile the commander of
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ron's powerful revolutionary guard has said there will be retaliation for an air strike that destroyed runs consulate in syria on monday, killing 12 people. he blames the strike on his room and tear around thousands turned out to attend a funeral. for 7 members of the guard, including 2 senior generals, were killed in the blast. cautious between israel and iran backed has the law along the is rarely lebanese border have increased since the war, and also began nearly 6 months ago. the funeral took place on a could stay an annual event when people in iran and elsewhere around the world stage pro palestinian rally. all simon maven is a middle east analyst at lancaster university and he told me how serious israel should take this threat from iran. they will be taking it very seriously, particularly benjamin netanyahu, who for the past 30 odd years, has been viewing around us. the great danger to is really, society is an ex,
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essential strategy being making speeches about to run being this, this real pop. it must controlling the laws of the region and posing a threat to as well. so for nothing yahoo, we will be taking very, very seriously. but for others that will be this acceptance that to ron is having to engage in some degree or performance of auction, of having to appease a number of different constituencies. and so i don't think that this will lead to a dramatic escalation in the short term, but what it does do is it makes an already the brown, chaotic and precarious environment that much more dangerous. that was done in may. but let's take a look down at some of the stories making news around the world. for point a magnitude earthquake has struck new york shaking buildings in an area that rarely experience any size. think of timothy. the quakes epicenter was in neighboring new jersey. the incident caused some delays and rail and air traffic, but new york's mayor said there were quotes,
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no major life safety or infrastructure issues from the earthquake presidents of the russian city of orest are being evacuated due to flooding after a dam, burst authorities say up to $10000.00 people could be affected. local emergency services are working to shore up the dam, which is in the euro. mountains close to the border with cause us on. the bob waste central bank has launched a new currency backed by golden, an attempt to tackle sky high inflation and to stabilize the economy. the big as it's known will replace those and baldwin dollar, which has experience of dramatic reduction and value over the last year. today for looking back at the 1994 genocide in rwanda based african nation is marketing 30 years since the start of a 100 day massacre in which 800000 people were slaughtered. a warning, much of what you're about to see you may find distressing. the killings were mostly carried out by extremists,
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from the countries majority ethnic who choose against the influential minority tootsie population, but also moderate hutus. sexual violence was also used as a weapon with as many as 250000 women rates during the genocide. the numbers of the dead are almost impossible to comprehend. take the example of the, in the amount of genocide memorial sites. a single church were $5000.00 people were murdered over the course of only 3 days. the w is mario miller reports from the sites of one of the worst of massacres, of the genocide. it's not often that sometimes finds the strings to come here to a former church. now a memorial to the rhonda genocide, she says this is the place where she refused to die. what can i get off at the gate and not the 1st aid through grenades into the church, and many people lost their legs. i was so much screaming. those who tried to leave
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the church were hacked with machetes. the belongings are still here, frozen in time. and each piece tells the tale, a person's elbows tightly tied behind their back before being executed. toddlers killed with the parents to the who to administer had started. it's coming street a few days earlier, many to 2 families sold refuge here, thinking that'd be safe, longer 10, were you coming back to this place 30 years later? i think it is still a big wound. but it helps me to remember many of the people who died here over into a hush with you. you shouldn't have let the church that was attacked and injured. one of her children she was trying to protect was killed. the remains of more than 45000 people impressed at the memorial side. so i'm on display a reminder of one of the was mess it because of the genocide. 30 kilometers south
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east. and we're moving move village, an attempt at reconciliation, former perpetrators, and the families of the victims left side by side. here. louise's 2 brothers and the cousin were killed by a neighbor. what are these quin knobby but they were brutally killed hacked here and here in the head in the throat, all parts of the bodies, shred it by the my dead brothers alone, the hands that would have supported me down the man who killed them 2 pm at the bottle was tried and spent 12 years in prison on is really easy, honestly useful for people. and she accepted with other formal perpetrators and victims. they regularly participate in activities promoted by the government to create unity among vandals. but with that workforce on tied to could she forgive her attack is and can as of her baby good. what to do?
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we have a good country and that has brought us together and we loved each other. but it does not rule out the possibility that there could still be remnants of genocide ideology in some people's hearts. you can't see and people's heart, this isn't all day long. her son who was killed during the genocide would now be a grown up like other kids should tell, hopes that generation will be able to put the divisions of the past behind them. the office of french president and money on my call says he will release a video this weekend, addressing francis failure to stop the rwanda genocide, presidential office sources say that in the video my call says and the phase of total extermination against the tutsis began the international community had the means to know an act france, which could have stopped the gent assigned with its western african allies, lacked the will to do so. during a visit in the 2021 to rhonda my call recognized frances responsibility in the
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genocide but stopped short of an apology. earlier i spoke to males on their former canadian sen in lieutenant general and the canadian armed forces. he led the ill fated to un peacekeeping mission for randa. during the 1994 genocide, he told us how big francis role was big, that the pets in particular meter and his regime were instrumental in establishing the parameters that would lead ultimately to the destruction of another ethnic group. that is to say the, the, to, to a, as he was holding completely committed to the fact the, it'd be the amount of regime which was able to reason. he was supported also by the catholic church of the one to which was also very instrumental in segregating and educating the use and making them realize the differences between them and the
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bandaging one that is due to side against the other one. so the who to dominate the catholic church was also a part of that horror if extra size you left the un peacekeeping mission and rhonda during the genocide that mission field dramatically. why? because it was never established to in fact create a piece. it was there to monitor to groups who had signed and agreed that they wanted peace. and we were there too, as a sort of the referee without a red card to assist them in interpreting the material and also using their differences. a friction is that they might have been implementing the piece agreement. but what was the eve of the whole construct of that mission was the fact that the extremist elements, both sides had not really committed to wanting this disagreement to work. and in
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particular are the 2 side, the government side extreme as governments were right directly under the regime of the wife of the president and her family who controlled the power in that country. what would you have needed back then to prevent the genocide from happening? well after uh, the 11th of january, when an informant gave me the material to be able to take action and that i informed you and that i had to take action to stop the arms distribution and the oppression all the the to minorities and moderates, particularly who wanted to be part of the, the created issue of the broad base transitional government. the from then on the, the need for my original plan of close to 5000 troops was, was absolutely crucial. i needed
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a radio capability. they need to order the gym. the very uh, ultimately we're called the genocide radio station for inciting the young. i needed the, the troops in order to be able to go and stop the training of the militia, which was in fact the youth movement that had been turned into a militia. i needed the intelligence capability and the will of the security council to modify my mandate from chapter 6. observer to a chapter 7 that would permit me to intervene and stop. so then what is thought that we had come in to protect them because that's what the stream is. machine was telling them. well, in fact, all we were there and all i had was enough ammunition to be able to protect the un sites. and in fact, we're not even authorized to protect civilians. well, in the genocide we don't have much time unfortunately. but i do want to know
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because, you know, obviously you want us to help. right. how is the failure of the mission affected you personally? a hi. been under 25 years of therapy in regards to trying to come to grips with the fact that i was a witness to the destruction of so much of humanity and the descent into health that humanity can actually achieve. i am in so doing, it is, however, shifted my thinking totally towards not truces as people were working at, in fact whether lucia was. but in fact, less than piece and lasting piece can only happen with the younger generations, generally engaging in a global process. and also with this, the, the women of the world being far more involved in the structures of the, of all the organizations in the world. that was romero, the letterhead of the un peacekeeping mission for randa,
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when i'm here. appreciate your time and i'm you sharing your experience with us today. thank you. thank you. you're very good. before we go, here's a quick reminder of our top story today. israel has sex 2 army officers for their role and the depth of international aid workers. some gaza inquiry found, they had attacked the trucks after police identifying the vehicles as having come off gunman himself there with us. now, after a short break, i'll be back to take you through the day hope see that the
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old friends, new front is made, so still prepared to defend itself. in case of an emergency, the world's largest military alliance has been maintaining stability for 75 years. now, some weaknesses call beginning to show this from this new threat, nate in 45 minutes on d w, the
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really to update the green innovations, super green and the super eco friendly green chimes, the holy grail collect some of the green revolution global. so listen to all kinds of problems. if victoria saps on the topic of breast of those channels, we've got new videos every friday tried to plan it's a do big ultima. video companies play a role in the destruction of the rain forest. i have kind of raise all over brazilian reprocess 30000 hides a day and 90 percent of that is one of the forward market. the auto industry for example, the letter will actually cost awesome comes from initial capital times in the m as
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in yes. the automobile industry doesn't care about the supply chain, profit. all that massive. illegal leather stats may said on d w the a grave mistake and a serious violation of the standard operating procedures that's the result of israel's internal investigation and to the strength that killed $78.00 workers and gaza. 2 officers have been fired. 3 commanders have been reprimanded. but for the white house, that's not enough. israel strong as backer wants to see them that in yahoo government take full responsibility for the death and make protecting civilians. it's number one priority while israel and says it's number one priority is eliminating homos. it has agreed to open more 8 routes into casa that the after
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unprecedented warnings from the united states of consequences if it.


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