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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 6, 2024 6:00am-6:16am CEST

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the the, this is the w news live from berlin. israel punishes the army officers involved and deadly drone strikes and gaza. 2 officers are fired and senior commanders reprimanded over the strikes that killed 7 aid workers. on monday. israel says the workers vehicles were wrong, we identified as having a mazda gun man inside, also coming up thousands, turn out in a run for the funeral of revolutionary cars, members killed in a strike in syria. earlier this week. their commander has vowed revenge against israel. israel has still made no comment on the strength. also coming up the double your news fall as rescue workers and tie one after the islands. devastating
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earthquake. the courts behind us is the entrance to rothko and national park. this bridge is as far as john, if they're allowed to go right now, because rescue operations are still the way are with 48 hours. seems to be us quite strong. i'm with very low cloud efforts becoming more. i'm watching the and david levitz welcome israel says it has fired to senior officers and reprimanded 3 others for mondays, airstrikes and gaza. the killed 7 aid workers. the incident has increased pressure on israel and especially from its strongest allies in washington. the us told a israel to change its military tactics and to allow more aid and so the palestinian territory. on friday, the israeli government said, who would allow humanitarian shipments into one of its harbors,
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as well as temporarily open to lands crossings into gaza. here it is, rails are stored pause h, shipments bound for gaza will soon be accepted and for the south, the air is crossing will be reopened, says israel, it used to be a pos way for people to cross the border until her mouse militants used it as an entry point for their october 7th terror attacks. now israel will reopen the check point temporarily, as well as the crm show long crossing into southern gaza. of israel is about phase comes of depression of from its closest ally, the u. s. on attempts, funding coal president biden told prime minister benjamin netanyahu, that the us would review it, support of the wall. if changes weren't made a reprimand that appears to sped as well. the action apartment to be brought to the
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ministry a days ro. i asked them to do what they're doing is rails about face on aid, fuller's international outrage over in a strike. earlier this week, the killed 7 aid work is in the gaza strip. after swift investigation these railey army fired to offices and reprimanded. 3 senior commanders was supposed to know the inquiry found. they had to tax the trucks up to me. so identifying the vehicles as having come off. gunman inside israel has expressed quite deep, sorry for the incident and made a commitment to protect aid work in the u. n, however, is demanding an independent investigation makes some remark. these are the only government does acknowledge mistakes and then also some disciplinary measures. but the central problem is not owned by the mistakes. it is the military strategy and procedures in place that the law for those mistakes to multiply by him and died
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again. of nearly $200.00 humanitarian aid workers have died in gaza strip attacks since october 7th, according to the un. and as the war news is 6 months, mach, several agencies want that mold and off is garza's. population is on the brink of famine. correspondent rebecca rivers and jerusalem told us more about israel's inquiry into the strike that killed 7 aid workers. on monday, the results came out just a few hours ago here in israel, from the military, from that uh, so cold independent investigation though it is an internal investigation done by a separate branch within the is really a military. and the basically identified this, these strikes were carried out in serious violation of military prior to goal protocol. and it says that we carried out ju, to mr. identification. that in fact, the, the military thought that there was
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a threat. they thought that somebody sort of a saw a gunman on this humanitarian convoy that was going uh, this was earlier before the firing actually happened that was going to this warehouse. and they thought that that gunman then proceeded to go with this convoy . and that's, of course why they're saying that the, the convoy was been fired upon, you know, we, as we know from the reporting of the incident, the, the, the convoy was fired upon the 1st call. the 1st a vehicle was fired upon and the people tried the people that were still living, we're trying to get out, go to the 2nd and the 3rd and they work, you know, it was continually fired at so that is being identified of the miss identification and in and in direct violation of military procedure, as you've mentioned, we've got to senior military personnel has been dismissed and of some have been reprimanded, including the head of the southern come on that looks off to the military. that is
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basically carrying out the operation in guns a. it also says that this is a breakdown and the chain has come on. but we've been reporting on this week from internal a tunnel reporting that's been done here in israel. my magazine called at 972 plus 972, that they're in fact is a, is a growth breakdown of the china of come on in the military. and it has been throughout this, in fact, that a machinery has been you to identify targets. and in fact, there is very little in way of china of come on. so if that is indeed confirmed that could potentially go some way to explaining how something like this could happen earlier, i spoke to aaron david miller at the carnegie endowment for international peace. i asked him if the us had forced as well to change its position on letting more aid into gaza. i think the ministrations view and the situation their willingness. i think you may get unmistakably clear that unless certain policies pertaining to humanitarian assistance will change,
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then the ministration of all they haven't done publicly articulated what the or else would be. i think the ministration hinted that there could be a serious costs and the consequences impose and the government of this room. and i think the prime minister understood that he pushed is a political campaign hoping to run against the united states. us pressure too far in the president who doesn't want an open breach with the prime minister essentially put the electron, you know, on probations and gave him a test that i think should be relatively easy for the user at least to, to pass months ago. they could have improved. so focusing on facilitating humanitarian assistance as a priority. they didn't, as i, and as
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a consequence of international pressure and anger and frustration from the united states. aaron, david miller, their senior fellow at the carnegie endowment for international peace. while the commander of iran powerful revolutionary guard has said, there will be retaliation for an error strikes the destroyed it runs consulate in syria on monday, killing 12 people. he blames that strike on israel into ron thousands turned out to attend a funeral for 7 members of the guard, including 2 senior generals who were killed in the blast classes between israel and visa run back to hezbollah along peters. rarely lebanese border have increased since the war and gaza began nearly 6 months ago. the funeral took place on christmas day, an annual event when people in iran and around the world stage pro palestinian rallies. simon may bond is the middle east analyst at lancaster university. we
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asked how seriously he thinks israel will take the threat from iraq. they will be taking it very seriously, particularly benjamin netanyahu, who for the past. ready yes, has been viewing around us the great dangerous to is really society as an ex, essential strategy. he's been making speeches about to run being this, this real pop. it must controlling the laws of the region and. ready causing a threat to as well. so for nothing yahoo, we will be taking very, very seriously. but for others that will be this acceptance that to ron is having to engage in some degree of. ready comments of action, of having to appease a number of different constituencies. and so i don't think that this will lead to a dramatic escalation in the short term. but what it does do is it makes an already for you bryley k all take and precarious environment that much more dangerous. let's. let's take a look now at some other stories making news around the worlds argentina as president heavier malay met with u. s. military leaders in the tierra del squiggle
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region, in the far south of his country, to discuss plans for a new joint naval base. china had previously lobbied to a stablish a base for itself in the region at the southern tip of south america, which is considered a gateway to down to article, to establish a must have a 4 point. 8 magnitude earthquake struck new york shaking buildings in an area that rarely experiences seismic activity decrease epicenter was in neighboring new jersey. the incident caused some delays and rail and air traffic, but new york mayor said there were quotes, no major life safety for infrastructure issues from the quick and bob ways, central bank has launched a new currency backed by gold in an attempt to tackle sky high inflation and a stabilize the economy. the zig as it's known, will replace this and by way and dollar, which has experienced
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a dramatic reduction in value over the last year. residents of the russian city, of course, are being evacuated due to flooding after a dam, burst authorities say up to $10000.00 people could be effective. local emergency services are working to shore up the dam, which isn't the euro. mountains close to the border with cause expand. more than a 150 people have been rescued from floodwaters an eastern australia. a months worth of rain fell on friday near sidney, prompting emergency evacuation orders. the torrential rain has now passed by the officials warned flooding. rivers will keep rising and rescuers are still working to reach scores of people trapped after wednesday's earthquake and tie one at least 12 people were killed and over a 1000 injured in the quake. meanwhile, a massive clean up operation is underway and the eastern city of quality inn near
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the epa center, workers have begun demolishing a building that's been tilting at a severe angle since the disaster struck. officials hope to complete the demolition and 2 weeks of magnitude. 7.4 tremor was the islands worst and a quarter century dw correspondent james cheddar reports from a remote national park, where many people were still waiting to be brought to safety. high up into roku national park on ty, one's east coast rescue teams rush to find people still stranded. 2 days on from the off quake that is provided by authority show the dangerous links being taken to find those who was still missing. the focus has now turned into this roggette parts of taiwan is east coast, where hundreds remain stuck in a hotel. some have been taken down to safety by heavy called to the with the strong off. the shock still broke in the area. many narrow roads like this one up to
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dangerous depaul through to the mayor of florida in the city closest to the last quakes, that'd be sensor said rescue teams were redoubling assets in the area. he does all the things being hook search teams, including ones from all around taiwan. nice are being coordinated and dispatched by the tour roekel highway bureau to search for the missing tool through various routes. pipes. you don't to go good nor to, to associate on the mountain. this roads, a steady stream of emergency vehicles and the strain of sirens. the gorge behind us is the entrance to the right code and national park. this bridge is as far as john, this are allowed to go right now because rescue operations are still under way. but with 48 hours since the quakes struck with very low clouds. estimates becoming more and more hudgens back from the bridge is offensive for rescuers operations to military and emergency teams plan so sees into the national park. this officer came
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up from taiwan, southern city of goshen and said his team is helping send food and drink to those traps. just how come, i mean, the biggest problem would be rains when it rains there is greater risk of falling rocks and land slides will after prepare water proof clothing to right now, it's impossible to say how long our efforts will go on. and there's a lot of people who live the senior reading to brooklyn. national park is usually a magnet to the taurus in taiwan. but the domestic landscaping is also made rescue operations even more challenging. tokyo is in full bloom with the familiar spring side of cherry blossoms this year a little later than usual. a popular draw for tourists and residents. a like the blanket of pink was delayed due to colder weather cherry blossoms known as the kora and japanese or the nations favorite flower. the trees usually are at peak bloom and late march to early april and you're up to date,
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but stick around, we'll look at the virtual reality tourism how people are exploring far and distant lands without leaving their own home. so that's on shift after short break. i'm david levitz, thanks for watching dw, the names project. cassandra re determined that has below was operating like a global drug course. the objective to financially drain has gone up and bring them down. the team agents from the american drug enforcement agency they had criminalized themselves. we needed to reveal that so world why did the us government suddenly shut down.


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