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tv   REV  Deutsche Welle  April 6, 2024 8:15am-8:30am CEST

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slave workers in garza and his radian quietly fonts. i have the tech b a d close up to me. so i just find them as having a mouse, government, and stuff. that's it for me in the news team up next red takes the trip to to know, got office and building. thanks for the this shadows of jumping. these costs and video shed lights on the dog is devastating. colonial har is infected by germany across up. and he employed the score farms and destroyed lights. what is the legacy of this wide spread races, depression? today? history. we need to talk about here, the stories, shadows of german colonialism. did you know that norway cells way more electric cars per capita than the us? norway? well, buddy isn't kidding, but how did
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a nation build some fossil fuels to come and eat the power dice? and what does these things pop legend have to do with x? the already these really, the o'neill said to all problems we argue that to use the buying the electric vehicle. that's the most important thing for the crime as of yet suspected of too many of these. but maybe there's more to this electric utopia than meets the eye. well, to understand new ways e v obsession. we 1st got to rewind to the 1918. believe it. oh no, no ways. nope, the ease goes way back to the late eighty's when since pope plant aha was in switzerland and so for us to come to the to being converted to run on it. electric power leads single motion hawk. it brought a similar card to norway where he began driving it invest nines refusing to pay
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total talking fees, the arguments, tvs with good for the environments, and to be incentivized that call go to impound it many times. i'm put up for auction, at which point the band would buy it back and repeat that performance. they were sped on by environmental. this is frederick conk, and how old and rustic the antics have the desired effect on the fence pop revolution helped to give way to the countries e v. revolution the it's a part of the beginning of the story. definitely, but a lot has happened since then. this is christina, been the secretary general of the norwegian e. b association. a non profit founded in 1995 that helped advocate for easy adoption shape policy and liaison between the government. i'm bias possibly a little more influential than uh huh. in transforming no way into the land of the e. v and into a country in on musk themselves. news
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today, no ways. e b statistics of phone case studies show that is accounted for 82.4 percent of new ways. new passenger cost sales in 2023. and that's not including plug in hybrids. and in 2020 for those. because if i need become stronger we aren't above 92 percent because to stronger policies implemented in last year's budget. so the budget for this year and the yeah, for the 1st time in history, you might be able to reach a climate goal, which is a very good feeling. she's referring to no way 0 emissions 2025 go. essentially the countries aim is that in 2025 own you call sold will either be by tree electric vehicles or fuel cell electric vehicles. in other words, they're aiming for no new and tunnel combustion engine calls to be sold in 2025
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foot lower than that lights up. norway's e v landscape is dominated bytes tests, which in 2023 became the most sold call brand in the country for the 3rd year in a row because of the story and nobody has to be in it. it started the 4th through the fast pizza, around is the editor in chief of no region comm magazine. my to the 1st cars have been the breakdowns and the cars now because a lot of the best brands, but then think about their act together and then they have really stepped up so, so they are, they are a today have a good, strong position in people's thinking about, think about the brand what we've seen though is that there's definitely a situation and especially the last year or so where, where tesla has increase their market share when it comes to how many cars they sell. and it was january a year ago where they increase the price is quite
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a lot. and we've seen that other car manufacturers and the importers might have had a big board problem with competing with tests. in 2023. the model wine was no ways best selling cars over 23000 units sold around 3 and a half times as many as it's near historical the volkswagen id full. which isn't to say that nobody doesn't have any issues with the tests. it's thrown it support behind its neighbors sweep way, unions of demand things best of wages and working conditions. and it also helps the impulse of testers into sweden. but this hasn't affected the number of testers in no way. in fact, even as americans struggled with their own product, the norwegians have been steadily in the midst of things to use. the fact the ease of gain such rapid popularity and the cold, vast nordic non scape has put to rest fee, is about the batteries not doing well in sub 0 times about range anxiety. a visa,
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rapidly closing in on 100 percent market share in no way. the only reason it's not the 100 is the, the toyota is lagging in, in production of the, of the these, the moment they authorize on board. uh, which is a big brand site. the biggest brands in the way it will be these all over. but how the heck did no way do it? for 2060, we haven't go to reducing amazon's by 90 to 95 percent. this is also stated in the law to the climate law. this is rock notes, is that the state secretary of new ways, climate and environment ministry. and it turns out henry gibson was really, it's been a week and government didn't just draft 1000 would policies. instead, they did things. the early ease in norway were overlooking machines that reminded you of kermit the frog, the sick city by d e. v. for example,
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when to exactly the most popular cause in the country, that historically has no drawing thing. right, bella, get out of the country that's produced some pretty phenomenal drivers night pets are sold, bag fits the electric mobility isn't a pulse, is an issue in no way the specific goal of having all new sales of vehicles in 2025 to be serial mission is the, the goal that has been there all along across different governments, i think part of the success in nor ways, but they've checked the policies in place for a long time. and it's partly due to the different political parties agreeing to at least a certain extent. degree, but also agreement across to sort of civil society sector. even if governments have come and gone, no ways, health costs on its climate goals. and the policies that go hand in hand with the ex 30 moves to encourage the adoption,
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including tax exemption on buying electric cars and ab drive as didn't need to pay total parking fees. cool for the use of fairies when crossing no waste famous fields. but some of these measures have since been rolled back to ensure the policies don't just benefit the rich. so tax exemptions still exist for ease cheaper than $45000.00 t arise. we argue that you'd be buying the electric vehicle. that's the most important thing for the car within the eco spring. so it's not necessary to have a really expensive electric vehicle. just the a function of a one, a reasonable price, and as a be used as encouraged to help make the 20250 emissions go hybrids and internal combustion engine costs are discouraged by being price time. there will be no bond on his cars, even new ice cars in 2025 books. this is the politicians that has
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decided this goal and they have to use and they are using the mixtures. they have to make it happen. and those semesters is the taxes that we have in your way. in practically practical terms, it means taxing ice cards or question engine cars out of business. was really interesting though, is that no ways easy policy existed long before the technology became viable. so over the last decade or so, even while policies remained relatively and changed the number of e b, 's available, change down the rates of ab adoption rows sharply. and if you look at ease in the rate is actually proof of just one thing that is public works, the display no ways the success story. there are a few concerns that are too many easy with the race to meet the 0
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emissions go. those concerned the charging that what was the able to support the number of eighty's the country is expect tv and professor is not good. ready still, the only reason you can go from north to south and no way within the v is because of the tesla. we don't have an interest tester today that can handle 5 times as many cars as soon as of today today. there's obviously like all the and so called normal charging for ac, charging for people to use on a weekly basis when the exit are just parked in the street. so that's probably one of the challenges going forward. and there's a worry that incentives to buy eaves are acting as a deterrence to people using public transport something the government is actively trying to remedy. so we have urban growth deal. that is an agreement between the local authorities and the governments in the big cities, making sure that we have for the semesters, it's a month to reducing the dressing gross or stating that the gross in traffic should
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be with public transport, working, or cycling. all the, somebody that a spouse, the populated country like norway with great distances between cities, would ever be able to completely win itself off the. com. i think you're pretty to lose a few things that norway can do only with public transport in the whole country. but in the city like also berg and the biggest cities always say it's a very major push to, to have public transport and how people, bike and, and fox. but even the world's e v capital has a long way to go to fully electrify its transport. the remaining part now to make it successful for all segments. also the heavy duty vehicles just to make sure that we have charging stations or heavy duty vehicles. so that's the next step in electrifying that. no, we didn't transport sector when we talked about the 2025 goal,
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we're very close to reaching it for passenger cars. but for light duty vehicles we're not so well. we don't perfect. where are you still have a way to go that are um, well the energy going into know ways these is green mainly hydro and wins that are often a few eyebrows raised over the fact that norway is a significant exposure of fossil fuel. we are in touch with the really noise of nest, of which is based on a noise. there's no worries the go look at norway says, especially green country, the exports, i guess 2 years after this. uh, an important measure to have image of security and its confidence when it comes to transports. there is also enough to remember that electricity is more energy efficient then, and also do the best we have just aren't going send for 12 other things and 3, focusing on changing the images from profiles to renewals. and as that happens,
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all the demands for so you know, and gas from europe really increased gray areas, the site, the question remains to new ways a v success be replicated by the rest of the well to come back time. it seems, well, there are lessons to be learned. i will send more countries within like your when do strong policies. you can buy a new car today as part of the tiers. it's ridiculous. but replicating the methods used by which country with the funding, green energy and the fed, the small population is always going to be tricky. these days left about the lease and seeing are different from other people. this is about the reason having about to buy supercars to being electric because of the tax and system. and that's really the main site. what's your take on new ways the strategy? do you think it could be implemented in your country? let us know in the comments below the
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new ideas, we can self confidence in terms of sustainability and recycling. electric call many fact emberly's. when it comes down to process, very competitive, some china in the us all the way ahead. we will be green transport. these profitable companies next on dw, the, the people have to say that's
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why we listen to every weekend on d w the the latest automotive trends and global tales of mobility on today's episodes of rags, the sustainable com production. is this nothing more than piling in the scholarly is it worth investing more to survive in the highly competitive global com market.


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