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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 6, 2024 10:00am-10:15am CEST

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the, the busiest dw news live from valid israel and the us are on high alert us preparing for a possible attack by you rob. it is stores the tire on foods targets. american oil is rarely since in the middle east. dr. stripe on the uranium embassy in syria, also coming off pressure amounts on israel over the accidental strides on a workers and gaza on monday to offices of 5 and other senior come on district among the
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. i'm good how that was. welcome to the program. the us and israel on highlight, expecting retaliation for the bombing of your ron's embassy in damascus. on monday off to funerals for the 7 members of the revolutionary god over killed your on want that it reserves the right to quote, take a decisive response to ron. says, is there any will planes were used in what is considered as a major escalation and these roads will, with his regional episode dw, this rebecca rate has told me more about that threat coming from the wrong as well . that is certainly the big news here. it's what's taking up most of, of the, you know, the, the, the space and all the national papers here is this. now, new threat from iran, if vowels are wrong, valves to retaliate for an attack that it says was carried out by israel in syria
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on monday, killing several of its senior come senior commanders in that in that attack. and it says that he's going to is going to retaliate, now it's loudly so that iran will now directly retaliate rather than going through one of his proxies such as has belong. according to us media reports, the writing and military is on high alert. u. s. military in the region has also been put on high alert. and of course here in israel, the military on high alert israel saying it is prepared to defend an attack and it will retaliate to any such attack. we're starting to hear series of what might happen though, of course, nobody really knows exactly what the iranian plans could be. but the, we're hearing reports that likely scenarios could be an attack on embassy embassies, is ready embassies around the world. and suddenly embassies all taking precautions, many of them remaining closed and now the possibility could be
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a direct strike on infrastructure he with in israel. and the, as i said, is really military preparing an event. and for retaliation, the timeline given is also unknown, but many analysts assuming, thinking security analysts thinking that it could be this week even before the end of aid, which has middle of next week. so, you know, suddenly very, very highlight these threats being taken very seriously, although israel did not claim responsibility for that attack on monday. analysts do loudly see it as an escalation in israel's campaign against iran, and it's proxies. and though it's believed that neither side want to see in or out conflict, this is certainly the biggest escalation we've seen since the beginning of this complet. i would think of it as i reported this thing in israel, where to senior officers have been fired of a mondays as strikes in gauze of it. killed 78 workers. the incident has increased pressure on israel, especially from the strongest allies in washington. the us told israel to change
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its military tactics and to allow more aid into the published indian territory. senior us democrats have signed a that's a urging for the whole thing of armstrong's was, israel does not do more to protect civilians. here at israel's, i started pause, aid shipments bound for gaza will soon be accepted and for the south, the air is crossing will be reopened, says he's round. it used to be a pos way for people to cross the border until her mouse militants used it as an entry point for their october 7th terror attacks. now israel will reopen the check point temporarily. israel is about phase comes of depression, of from its closest ally, the u. s. the attend starting cold. president biden told prime minister benjamin
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netanyahu that the us would review it. suppose if the wall, if changes weren't made a reprimand that appears to have sped israel to action, pardon these rails about face on aid, fuller's international outrage over in a strike. earlier this week, the killed 7 aid work is in the gaza strip. after swift investigation. these railey army fired 2 offices and reprimanded 3 senior commanders was supposed to know the inquiry found. they had to tax the trucks up to miss identifying the vehicles as having him off. gunman inside israel has expressed quite deep, sorry for the incident and made a commitment to protect aid work. and the un, however, is demanding an independent investigation except for bar visa. only government does acknowledge mistakes and then also some disciplinary measures. but the central
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problem is not owned by the mistakes. it is the military strategy and procedures in place that the law for those mistakes to multiply by and by again, nearly $200.00 humanitarian aid workers have died in gaza strip attacks since october 7th, according to the un. and as the war news is 6 months, mach, several, 8 agencies want that mold and off is garza's. population is on the brink of famine . that's bringing jonathan fowler. he's a spokesman for the owner. all that's the united nations relief and works agency for palestine. refugees, he joins me from a tyro. jonathan. well, 8 is expected to come into gauze and now what difference does it make for the people on the ground? this remains to be seen. i mean we, we would not said positive discussions about opening the, the new crossing. i should stress,
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we've been advocating for this since the very beginning of the will we need more crossings about that's absolutely essential. the card capacity at a rough on the current shall be sent in sufficient and in any case, the, the, the number of trucks that been submitted to get through those 2 crossings has been vastly under the number that's actually required. we need to get $500.00 trucks a day into the cause and strength of food and other kinds of aid, just to meet the minimum survival, the requirements of the population. now, when i've reached the existing to crossings over the phone at the beginning of this month, we've been seeing a 169 trucks today, which is barely back to the previous month. so 169 does not equal 500. we really have to hope that this new crossing enables the operation to be scaled up. we have no idea of what's going to be allowed through, or indeed which agencies aren't going to be able to, to take a through through this crossing. and we currently are not permitted to take a toll to the north of the gaza strip. mm. your organization said before that is where it has been putting obstacles for
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a to come into gaza. does reopening these roots means these obstacles will be gone? or i get and i mean we, we release of the same what, what will happen. but, so i mean, the obstacles at the boulder include inspections, operating hours, the, these kinds of issues you know, items to get place of the band list. we've not been able to take in certain kinds of medicine, you understand takes insulation, pens for children, medical services, so the lamps, the, these kinds of things. and so it's called those have to be inspected and then all items that remove a place of the band list that that by definition slows things down. and then there are also difficulties of moving around within the gaza strip because of the difficulty of d. confliction. sadly illustrated by the death of our friends from wealth, central kitchen, and, and sadly illustrated by the taxes of huge numbers of our own stuff. i'm in the gaza strip. so again, you know, opening a new crossing is, is important. and the really is the opportunity to scale up the what needs to be
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safe is built for trinity to scale up the operation. so in acceptable level. um, you mentioned the attack on the aid workers in a gaza. how has it affected the work of 8 organizations such as yours? on the ground? i was, i mean obviously i mean, wealth, central kitchen and another organization. so it had to make the decision since a hold of operations investment, the people that they were feeding will no longer get fads and the clock is ticking it at a cost of funding for over a $1000000.00 people amount night funding. but in terms of operations on the ground, you know that this trajectory is more of the same. we, we've been seeing this kind of pattern of refusals to you to be able to do missions of no, to be as i said we, we have been banned from going to the north. and we have faced severe restrictions on, on our ability to operate within the gaza strip to not have permission to do assessment missions to even see where people are what they might needs. because you're doing
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this go in with a truck of items that don't necessarily meet the needs of the, that the people that you're trying to hold. and so the operating environments that really needs to be solved as well. to follow the spokesman for united nations relief and works agency for palestinian refugees. thank you. that's take a look now at some of the other stories making headlines around the world. both of open in slovakia as presidents were run of election for a west and could be a diplomat and a close ally of prime minister rather people facing each other to determine who will be the next head of states a victory for because the ally was deprived the union of a key pro ukrainian voice. at least 6 people have been killed in a russian strike on ukraine's 2nd largest cities have to around 10 other people were injured. police say the attack was carried out by drones and coal,
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several fires. your friends military said it's an offensive destroyed the 28th of $32.00 drones. and 36 miss south launched by russia of mexico was breaking off diplomatic ties with ecuador last of police that broke into the mexican embassy to the chain of full mouth. x with a ecuadorian vice president. he was indicted on corruption charges. the right to place all is off the mexico granted the ecuadorian political petition. political aside rescue is that still working to reach schools of people trapped off the wednesdays of quake in taiwan. at least 12 people were killed and more than a 1000 interested in the quite. meanwhile, a mass of clean up operation is underway. and then the eastern city of y. then near the epicenter, was begun. demolishing a building that's been tilting as a precarious envelope since the disaster struck. officials hope to complete the demolition in 2 weeks. but let us quake measured the magnitude 7.4 to
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w correspondent, james chase, a reports now from a remote national park. when many people were still waiting to be brought to safety high up into ronko national park on ty, one's east coast rescue teams rush to find people still stranded. 2 days on from the quake that is provided by authority show the dangerous links being taken to find those who are still missing. the focus has now turn to this rugged parts of taiwan is east coast where hundreds remain stock in the hotel. some have been taken down to safety by heavy called to the with strong off the shock still broken in the area. many narrow roads like this one up to dangerous depaul through to the mayor afloat in the city closest to the last quakes. that'd be sensor said rescue teams were redoubling assets in the area. he does all things being hook search teams, including ones from all around taiwan. nice. are being coordinated and dispatched
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by the tour roekel highway bureau to search for the missing tool through various routes. pipes, you don't to go good to, to, to associate on the mountain. this roads a steady stream of emergency vehicles and the strain of sirens, the gorge behind us as the entrance to the right code and national park. this bridge is as far as john, this are allowed to go right now because rescue operations are still under way. but with 48 hours since the quake struck. i'm with the very low clouds f. it's becoming more and more urgent. but from the bridge is defensive. for rescuers operations here military and emergency teams plan so sees into the national park. this officer came up from taiwan, southern city of goshen and said his team is helping send food and drink to those traps. does that mean the biggest problem would be range when it rains there is greater risk of falling rocks and land slides will after prepare water proof
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clothing to right now, it's impossible to say how long our efforts will go on. and there's a lot of people who like the senior into roku and national park is usually a magnet to the taurus in taiwan. but the domestic landscaping is also made rescue operations even more challenging. a nice question that everyone has been asking myself. what is the secret to live in a long life? and apparently it is short lock that's according to the world's oldest 9. and he should know 111 year old john tennis. what from liverpool in england has just inherited again, as wealth records said you are the live long while you live, show do com too much about it doesn't follow any particular died, but he does enjoy a generous portion that's a fish and chips every friday. and
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that's it from me and the newest theme for that. we'll have a world news update for you. that's all the houses and built in from me and the news team here invalid the do big ultima view companies play a role in the destruction of the rain forest. the letter for luxury cost often comes from inigo capital funds in the m, as in yet the supply chains does matter to the view industry. the illegal of the stats may said on dw the.


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