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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 6, 2024 11:00am-11:16am CEST

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the, the business, the views live from valid israel and the us on highlights, preparing for a possible attack by a rob. it's thoughts to ron troops, targets american, or is rarely assets in the middle east. after a strong calling, the radian embassy and syria, also coming off, pressure is mounting on israel over the accidental stripe on 8 workers in gauze, on monday to offices of funds and the other senior come on those web from on the
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how that was welcome to the program the us in israel on highlights expecting retaliation for the bombing of the ron's embassy in damascus. on monday, off to funerals for the 7 members of the revolutionary god who were killed. iran wanted reserves, the right to quote, take a decisive response to iran says is variable plans were used in what if considered as a major escalation in israel's, with it's regional adversaries? in the meantime, b is really government is coming on the increasing pressure over mondays and strikes and gaza, that's killed. 78 workers, senior us democrats have signed to let's have a drawing for the whole thing of armstrong 1st. if israel does not do more to protect civilians, the conflict here it is, rails are stored paws. h shipments bound for gaza will soon be accepted. and for
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the south, the air is crossing will be reopened, says is rent. it used to be a pos way for people to cross the border until her mouse militants used it as an entry point for their october 7th terror attacks. now israel will reopen the check point temporarily. israel is about phase comes after pressure from its closest ally, the u. s. a phone attempt starting cole, president biden told, prime minister benjamin netanyahu, that the us would review it, support of the wall, if changes when it made a reprimand that appears to have sped, is road to action. partner he's rails about face on aid, fuller's international outrage over in a strike. earlier this week,
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the killed 78 work is in the gaza strip. after swift investigation, these railey army fired 2 offices and reprimanded and 3 senior commander was supposed to know the inquiry found. they had to tax the a trucks after miss identifying the vehicles as having come off. gunman inside israel has expressed quite deep, sorry for the incident and made a commitment to protect aid workers. the un, however, is demanding an independent investigation and some of our these are the only government does acknowledge mistakes and then also some disciplinary measures. but the central problem is not only made the mistakes, it is the military strategy and procedures in place that to allow for those mistakes to multiply by him and died again. nearly $200.00 humanitarian aid workers have died in gaza strip attacks since october 7th, according to the un. and as the war news is a 6 month mock,
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several 8 agencies want that mold and off of causes population is on the brink of famine. dw correspondent rebecca, which is in jerusalem, and i also area about the pressure that is now growing on it as well from various sides, especially on the us as well. got as you heard in that report that you and he's calling for an independent investigation into the incident that killed the 7 international aid. wel, cuz the world central kitchen, his organizations, employees were caught up in that attack is also cooling for an independent investigation. it says anything short of an independent investigation is not good enough that the is riley military investigation, just lacks credibility. and that is something that we're starting to hear. the ripples that were starting to hit wider and wider in the international community. overnights alexa was co signed by around about 30 a senior congress,
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people in the united states to address to president bon and secretary state anthony, blinking, calling for an independent investigation into this incident. and also calling for the whole thing of weapons transfers to israel until israel improves that it is going to do more to help the ensuing humanitarian catastrophe. that is currently underway in gauze a. they say that it is rarely simply not doing enough and that, you know, basically the only leave of that is that the us have really is to hold weapons transfers. and so that is a very strongly worded, less it by some of the my senior members of congress, including nancy pelosi, the former house speaker, a close ally of president biden. so it is unlikely that we will see no response. but of course, that left to came just a couple of hours after the was not national security advisor. john coby had told the media that the us, we're not going to call for an independent investigation,
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but it's, i think it's the pressure is definitely growing and it's unlikely that the international community and certainly also members of the us congress are going to allow this to be brushed under the compet, there's also more pressure and threats coming from iran, both the us and israel on high a lot. now why, as well that is certainly the big news here. it's what's taking up most of, of the, you know, the, the, the space in all the national papers here is this. now, new threat from iran. it valves the wrong valves to retaliate for an attack that it says was carried out by israel in syria on monday, killing several events senior come senior commanders in that in that attack. and it says that he's going to is going to retaliate, now it's loudly so that iran will now directly retaliate rather than going through one of its proxies such as has belong. according to us media reports,
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the writing and military is on high alert. u. s. military in the region has also been put on high alert. and of course here in israel, the military on high alert israel saying it is prepared to defend an attack and it will retaliate to any such attack. we're starting to hear series of what might happen though, of course, nobody really knows exactly what the iranian plans could be. but the, we're hearing reports that likely scenarios could be an attack on embassy embassies, is ready embassies around the world. and suddenly embassies all taking precautions, many of them remaining closed. and now the possibility could be a direct strike on infrastructure he with in israel. and the, as i said, is really military preparing for such an event. and for retaliation, the timeline given is also unknown, but many analysts assuming, thinking security analysts thinking that it could be this week even before the end of aid, which has middle of next week. so, you know, suddenly very, very highlight,
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these threats being taken very seriously, although israel did not claim responsibility for that attack on monday, unless it's due largely see it as an escalation in israel's campaign against iran. and it's proxies. and though it's believed that neither side want to see in or out conflict, this is certainly the biggest escalation we've seen since the beginning of this conflict, a record with this the reporting. now let's take a look at some of the other stories making headlines. is the russian. so use spacecraft size return safely to 6 hours of the i'm talking from the international space station. as reynolds from russia, better rooms and the united states were on board. the american laurel hard had been aboard the orbital station since september, touch down at 217 and 3000 people have been evacuated from the russian city of orest off the mass of rainfall. lead to the rupture of
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a dike more than full size and housings have been inundated in the affected area, which is near rushes. port of cousins stop at least 6 people have been killed in a rush and strike on you crying. second largest cities of kids, around 10 other people were injured. please say the attack was carried out by drones and coal several finds your friends, military said it's a defense is destroyed. 28th of 32 drones and 3 of 6 move solves launched by russia . in slovakia, oppose have opened in the present presidential run of elections, pro wisdom, career diplomats, and a close ally of populace 5 minutes. the robot sequel are facing each other to determine who will be the next type of states. the victory for fee cause l. i would deprive the european union of a key pro, ukrainian voice, panama,
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and columbia, appealing for more help in managing the number of migrants crossing through the data in gap. it follows accusations they have a ignoring grey of human rights abuses. human rights watch this. we claim now the country was doing enough to protect the growing number of people making that way across the jungle. the number of people making the perilous trick between south and central america has risen to record levels, migrants and you with a 5 day journey through the teams, jungle and river crossings. with the constant threats of violence from criminal games. human rights advocate, say, panama and colombia, which board of the jungle of failing to protect those crossing. they say the countries are ignoring sexual abuse and not looking into those who have gone missing. officials deny, ignoring the problems,
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but agree more needs to be done. so just let me know that we take noise at the reports, but we would also like these fits of both countries to be recognized. and my case is the foreign minister of panama. we are actively managing the migration issue. unfortunately, geography has impose the situation upon us. we have not the country where migraines wished to reside, rather we are the ones currently handling the price of money. i'm doing it. the woman do like leasing, last year, more than 520000 people made the crossing twice as many as in 2022. about half of those with is when escaping the, a nation's economic and political crisis. the laws, more than 80 percent of the migrants who are in columbia intends to stay. but in order to taking more, we need the more resources. mostly we already have regulation in place that allows
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us to receive between 35600000 migrants in colombia. not only those from venezuela, but all my grants coming to columbia. they don't, this is, but we need the support of the international community. wonderful. did i say it's up to you in spite of the risk, the darian gap is a key route for migrants hoping to reach the united states. when many people are heated, in search of not only safety, but opportunities authorities in australia say more than 150 people have been rescued from flood waters off the 2 central rain hit the eastern seaboard aust levels and some of some of us, particularly in western sydney are continuing to rise. i received a month with ryan and just 24 hours in the low light instead of ups of new south wales locals with a very which we can of to some areas saw
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a month's worth of rain in 24 hours more than 150 people had been rescued across the state of the extreme heavy rains. let them must have floating one woman in the town of walter, going around 8 to columbus to the south of sydney. describe the house being swept down the street. were watching the flow of the water through the great and then all of a sudden we saw this cabin floating down the river itself and then crashed into the fence behind us. um and while that was scary in itself, then we saw a couple of people come out of the cabin and into the water. sorry to despise improving weather on saturday, state premier christman's one that the situation was still critical. since it's important to note that flood levels in some of the rivers,
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particularly in west and see the continuing to rise. and that presents a real danger to some community. the down possible caused by cool pola air coming in from the south meeting a tropical bundle in the north breeding conditions brought transport networks and roads to a standstill and ruined the weekend plans of men. a tokyo is in full bloom with a familiar spring site of cherry blossoms this year, a little later than usual, a popular draw for tourists and residents alike. the blanket of pink was delayed due to cold weather cherry blossoms known as sakura in japanese. other nations favorite slot trees usually are deep blue like march the pro on the watch. indeed, the news is a reminder of our top story. the us and israel on high alert,
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expecting retaliation for the bombing of around the embassy and syria. funerals for the senior come on this will of killed iran was that it preserves the rights to quote take of the decisive response to plants is ready for the strike. that's it from me and the new steam. i'm gonna have dealt with the, the the is it is someplace power and key, more people than ever on the move world wide and such are based on life for the christ cardboard that's on the left side of the image and find out about bailey story. info, migraines, innovation, green trends, the green revolution.


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