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tv   Reclaiming History  Deutsche Welle  April 6, 2024 12:30pm-2:01pm CEST

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is it all say, well, crazy, the dump this is around a 1000 hillsborough dies the country i was born in 30 years ago when it was 2 years old. the genocide was committed here. my parents and the because of my family, what killed the airport.
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i have to 90 for the government to mobilize, deal with a good condition to must occur there to, to neighbors. why don't we don't know people and my dad in just a 100 days did what upset he was divided into 3 so called the community is for to, to see and to are on a journey to find out about the roots of the 19 are to put you on the side against the to see and rhonda, my name is some way to ship me there. i'm assuming the low of my parents killed. i knew it killed by the mute issue, but i didn't know why. and as a kid, i just thought he was wor, join us, $0.13. we ask the questions to my family and reading books. and yeah, that's what, that's how i said, i understand me about kid with children because of their. so if we speak to some
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language, showed us some culture, some confidence. how do we become? what was the identity before jump is from the religious gym to put it nicely, run the idea of dementia, essentially. what divided us to, to, to talk to a sales, always it's cleaners. how do we get to the point where people keep their neighbors, but keep their cousins pushing their waves? how with this 8 plus the
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one or the the, the minute this is better shows my 90 june between the site to kind of ship to care for me and my younger danielle. she saved us
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a that's the whole process you need level of is usually associated to formal dom, why is only 2 guys should only maha felicia for us to kentucky. we are with my uncle dentist. he raised us after the, you know, side, every time we were together, we discuss what we went through is you're gonna have, here's your number. so please see the sony diesel for the cd dooley seal. so they turned on the police, the surplus photo, a bunch of new it's and should it last tune sunset
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just calling me because i go to chrome to join us. do you want me to come to your mission? ye do? no, no, not cause a single consent to go to pre did not put on the success to succeed or from brushing it through the use for the bumper summit we, we see each medium should to, i guess because the most important thing is, is those over the as in the home, cuz i know for me to tell them nothing shekels me but it was, it was sort of the photos because to clean the no, i'm run them only a few meters from where my uncle is now is the found the house we lived here are to the genocide you're going to have the freedom to include all know, most is going to have done in the
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city and moving well. not just just no way. i mean yeah, but the and then the credit that made it across the here. but then, you know, people in each how good you don't do and you didn't, i have to get you the article for them, a fundraising, i'm going to do colors. but i'm wondering if that is the, from the, from the phone. this is what they said was when they made changes to the to and i don't want to hold on. let me turn it over to the attention to earn extra credit to come on the south side of the business so that they must have been doing not mean that they will for sure of the solar eclipse on monday,
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november, the quick question is a shadow switch. in due says a who will hunt had a kind of miserable jeanette knowing how to know how she was. uh, i was in my mind to see cuz i was told that she was kind of i'm, i'm sure they were on the keys. i'm kind of what the zoom was cut off on the chair to 8 years later, the bodies of my parents were funded here. this is direct zoomed to me, but i need to get the tennis. i have memorial for the teacher or see me on the line kind of run into me by since i didn't know do you, how do you mind that as well as i'm left at 4, but it was weird. it was on the news when you would have to refer to the call me right now. yes. let me see what i'm going for the meeting does.
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so why don't we move their bodies on top of my progress from here and other bodies or so here i was 10 years or so little how to explain to somebody who was on some run or you know, because it was no more fear. it wasn't like a special thing. it was like before crying and no, it was this, it is, it's part of my childhood. it's a very so remember in 17 maxima the parents were killed by 90, better security for me, and my brother 1st, for he didn't buy any of us, a letter on the surface of the project front who are fighting the government has to be killings. if a kid does to the stadium, it to us right next to where the un peacekeeping mission was. the. 6 the
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2 days from the head to the distribution and rhonda genocide, these are holding a speech at the 54 and keep guard ultimately the candidate general contest over the genocide. if the one that has the the at all come on to the united nation submission for one the through the 1994 genocide. despite the u. s. e and a small contingent remain in the one the to projects. please live. welcome to the se. 10, general romero, the can you tell us about your role with children? you're not on the
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but you are the picture of humanity to see peace forever and for all of us to grow. happy. survey, say loving. for we are all not a not one of us. it is more human then the beller, the mission was to devise a peace treaty to end on going to civil war. in 1990 exile to cedar for jews have started a war against the tradition of presents have died in mind after they were denied the rights to return home. the whole to government spread, i'm tied to super gun, quoting them, and he was of the country called cortez that should be killed on april 6th,
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1994 from the government, the president or showed done over the next day. hotel stream is to start to, to get to see who around 14 percent of the population go. somebody who's, who's corporate extremist ideology and the shootings towards the control center. they've got starving sheets and who are and i went to meet with the input. i am way which was the militia which were used because most of the killing was done by young people. the adults, the, the army didn't do the, the killing, the job done, but they didn't do much of the killing. they were behind that, that the scaling were done by the youths the into them way with machetes. they're the ones were on all the check points and so on. and they had been indoctrinated by uh the, the m m d and say the i a parties a by the hardline parties to treat the,
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the sees as cockroaches. so the following 1st things they did was turn human beings into insects. i said, how is it possible that you could be doing what you're doing the slaughtering the killing. they said, how can you come in to choose this? you white guys, and you'll be your pigs destroyed. people and millions of africans, including all the slavery that was going on. and you've done it for a century or 2. so don't come and tell us you're all that we are savages and so on . when you are the ones who actually initiated that type of destruction of human beings in january 1994, 3 months before the genocide, the lat, whole sending faxes to the you in york to have the information that they run the government or stream demolition out to be able to get a 1000 to, to use every 20 minutes by the international community refused to take action.
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there is no negating that i left with the firm conclusion that uh, that all humans were not being treated equally with put 67000 troops and then hugo slab. yeah. uh and i couldn't the ultimately even keep the 450. i never got all the troops i needed, and so they simply said, well, we'll, we'll see how it works out. and if they feel each other, well, it's really tribalism anyways, because it's in africa. and that was a big argument. they use all this tribalism move the last a couple of weeks in the kill of a bunch of them, and then we'll go and we'll throw some money and then maybe things will be better personally, reaching down there was some real experience for me because when his mission was where he's had to purchase a wizard. i was like, is that pretty like
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a 10 minutes walk from where am i finding he is so is, is what is the rates the same that you know, if libby has got to was at fault in that time, you know i part of it would be a life or many other schools to get life. you know, what do you think about it to the right now we're going to swear my father. he's rich. we watch what we've done to try to scan to dave. good story about the the either you prefer and, you know, and he's, he's like,
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we do the more than that to have identity. so one, do some, a decent. this quote, when my father and the new siblings went to today, we had time here with my aunt to maria, the 1st bundle from my father's pharmacy and the younger brother of interest. do you live in siblings? only 3 survived the genocide. hygiene the spanish ship. yes, well i mean, yeah, cool. well, the enjoyment to come look on the other guys. well, we can do that zillow condition. yeah, that's what i want to see. when we were to 2 hours a week it was to have ok. well that's cool. who know what you've seen or didn't return the medical vision. these are when i wanna do right now we're reaching out
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to get them. we'll move into what was due i isms as the movie. thank you. and how about that? who's started there we go to and remove the height of the pool will be okay. i don't have to show i'm just a little picture. do you just click on what day you want me to just walk from data to the tools to your point me to sure. i mean, you should cool how about to how does it go cutting but going and we should have a whole to write about a condom is good. ingle not? yeah. what thoughts plus? so i'm going to look at the thought is i'm a bottom here. come on will g will come was able to send you, which are. so i'm here to, you know, here's your cards, your menus, think of a tree on to, to him, it was quite a quick question. why don't things,
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question now? i'm well, how will settings that will cause a town was a come across a. the good news is for the news of the meeting with john, i mean, you might be able to come to chicago to love to come over and spend the village coming for my uncle. she's somebody very, very smart and kind of almost as i was 1st of my class and i couldn't get to to a higher education because of the system i grew up in was denied because of that, you know, a stupid ethnic system of the time. i saw it, let me move this what i was on
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the way to the land. when my father grew up with me, some old neighbors who has to remember my family really for the for to no, no mom we're both of them are are included. so let me just see how much younger who are among the family members who are on this future. my uncle, he is in the one who still as we go up to the land that he belongs to, our family, the house was destroyed during the genocide. nobody from my family lives here anymore. and we wanted to call ms little. somebody actually had her. he's gone over to see cuz i'm kinda moving from but he knew
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twin the cause. i'm kind of a occlusal. what was the, what's wrong? i have a lot of trouble the i don't have enough for me. uh huh. i see what's up this 7. yes. you can see me then in the quote daniel was let me see. yeah. try but it's it's in return. you my my demo. yeah. you what was on the premises, i need to have a hold of somebody to defend the muscle request i system is ready for you don't, will not disclose the quote. you may actually even be position for the
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whole was what we do because if you run it is a great deal of as much as and the effect of it is that i move on or if i die, so i choose to leave and i think that's what he did the choice for me, you know, but i thought everyone who has that, i've only follow the i've had this since ring to forgive, i don't a so we're going to the university of rhonda, i believe that our mid stormed historians surface changes or these kind of what to, to why disease always the different nation or the prescription by the run, the society before the rifle scroll here is the, the,
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the, the in the terms see twice already existed before community it is around one percent of abundance called themselves twice the colonizers to defend them as picking these natives. would you be here before the $2.00 and $2.00? it's just going to court appropriate do it to, to, to, to get some dispute dress, you know, in the service she is doing a lot of colors. it is a man, somebody so so high the meaning of 2222 are in a pretty clear rhonda, this is debated among historians call different issues with a cabinet. it's h 42. good queens asked you to be see. this of you only see
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a video who is to return us. you. this is just the 2. yeah. she's the categories defense category. the city to she has one more progressive bush. that's good to separate it, which is which is a pretty good pull. i'm way to dish on the news, a beautiful beautiful bracket or visit on they apply that to me or to to cisco. s good on project of a more so when did you have a title exemption? no one separate. so community bicycle, switching to use the shockey 15, who appreciated frequency also around gratitude of quite honestly the most frequent appear to come across the way back to the chrysler. when you place, i don't wish there were 2 bits which, which would i mean what cro dokie you because you to sort of minimum tell me something, email it to me it is apparent on probably to, to other,
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to touch it to you need to this is also going to swap the abc isn't too good to, to see did what to do to it's wanted to uh, press enter like essentially you can scroll as divided that you might need to in the higher q of race is the idea that the waitress was the period and the most orthodontist, and the so could and the grade book black race for the most a few years to assist with classified as a race in between dynamite. how might where defend as close to the whites risk and therefore more advanced degree, the risk and defenders talk to you if you need to defend as a i'm a can to visit the columbia fiduciary level. the founder and naturally 5 types of debt. by that i might be ideal to g of damage can this was introduced to run the at the end of net century by european researches. they concluded that to
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the, to see for the so called me go home bytes, who had been drifted from the north and admitted to this, i pushed the continuing the scriptures for hundreds of years. declarative trickery of is in the us a lot easier way to do that. let's solve this. i mean, it doesn't mean, but with us, you know, that's why i mean you want them to do that. i mean, us, you don't say that you're getting off the not getting cost that the amount of a, the, the government or the, the, the, the, the, i'm starting to get an idea that colonialism defended entities are for london. but us to want to invest them for the run. the density was before the arrival of community, the knows that were the last real quick used to be, you know, i'm walking around the replica victims palace or imagine what they're about to
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preclude me around these cars. uh, yeah, was factors cause fan of prestige not to mention it to know anything, just to know for the king to have them for prestige and full beauty and full range . it's part of the people that run into the country. 2 2 in 1894 goose to have a different come from the goods and what was the 1st german communities to come through and he forced his way to do what would you offer? on the other time you can powers were competing to grab different parts of africa. the kingdom of rwanda was already under multiple tags from belgium troops. the wanted to, and it's the kind of for you to the clinical fee step appropriate at the by the admissions can lift a room. they can go for one defends himself, obliged to submit to the germans. he needed them to maintain his federal power
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against internal enemies. and a gift protection from dimensions to of the 1897. when that became part of the german mccorder in your empire. in 1907, which of the count, the german physician and researcher became the 1st permanent scrutiny of risdon for one day when comfortable funds goats come here. i think those 1st admission and little bit of an obsession. whatever can be. so computer distribution. i can picture our printer see how one goes and describes how the quote was on the matrix. we have thousands of for years in the people around surrounding the chain can or, or the ceremonies. it was really impressive and frustrating. i think that they got that in person for the goods and ship count. they just decided to see gift can be from these negroes with these black people. this has to come from us somewhere. so
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yeah, i'm gonna score without that. credit is better with the germans. so the best place to kind of my investigation, to jump on the crony. it isn't. if the current house comes you haven't dove to go to the. the house was built in germany times and is named after each of the current bundle. there's no proof for that. actually, if there is a go through the exemption, i understand that the account or the central africa, the coordination of rwanda took an interest in studying, running the culture, language and geography. and how the decisive influence shipping to wisdom perception offer under the moments, legs, the mission of the museum is being redone to tell them more about the racism and
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the effects of quantization and less about german coordinates of is why do we have the miss? yeah, well, if you guys parents run that now today we can tell you the history that happened to the country. we can never so sorry to do. we have a museum. when you talk about cooling areas of costs or written, do you feel a negative side on the bud? things? is it the to the germans with good tool rundowns? what, why do you have his types of kind of the museum itself was an image of the account . so it us and they decided to put on uh, jesus got you. but uh, comment from the visitors. oh no. and like so this, that you, i don't be like if the, just to say that this to, he was a corner. nice. uh, why do we have to keep him there? yeah, he is indian and folks are the 10, most of the latin american countries,
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them de hudson to maurice, everything. all this stuff is that the hub. so some people think that we should do the same eventually a few months after finishing them in terms of a med taken down, the cost that you in spring 2024 germans who didn't come here as a, as a, when it comes to guest timocini posts after played 2 or 3 for, for the kaiser. for the play of germany, the understand more about the niche for germany. colonialism in orlando. i go to shine in the south west this is the place where the germans established their 1st career presents in the run that
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a different account how these 1st residents here called dead freedom. so today is your most. it has an owns the land and keeps compressing the museum of conte. how do you perceive cost as a person there's a for so how well he's come to, you know, it is that he's the one who was opening the door to the says to the rest of the vote for, for one standard, use the coffee to render here. in just a 1st bus use money and so and so do you feel like the german google chrome, the condition of the time when it came, it was a good relationship, was the randomization. it wasn't very fun to have relationship with singer the king of just time. he expect mr. country very much and mr. company spoke to him most so he was more or less for normal things,
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the advisor for the machine. most historians discrepancy versus you know, so positively short as we have talking, i realize that some of had himself was nearly killed within the genocide here. it's causing the death list of the militia and so height only because one of them is helped him sleep overlay chief to congress for the best we know you're just to do a change of procedural. but why is want you to huge amount of person, you know, not only is the talk you later or is this is about the shot record. so is there a lot of people are good with that smaller relationship is the 20. so everybody or someone who was the only lease anyways the who sees it. good because of the income of the cost of because of is that? yeah. so under $29.00. so for i put it back on my ser, organized america to leak in the church. yeah. and strongly, and they asked him to mfc for the year that the no, no any what?
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the, what the went to the church to says god that there was no yes, no more to to exist. as many people, even the younger people today are assisting, coordination, have positive sides because they think, oh, we bought me this evening or decent. go to that. i mean, by the same time you took a lot, you know, it's revolting. he worked for an african offering any uh, any person whose people will coordinate to think that's all there is to this idea that or actual but did you a favor the as i was researching for this firm, i came across the recent german run and started it refilled that new way around 900 human scholars kept in germany there west tongue from rhonda in 19 or 7 and 19 or 8 most of them are appropriate to by
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a natural prodigy named youngest. you kind of skipped for over a 100 years. nobody knew one than you about the existence of these 2 months because the shadow sky and the distance, the zone from the missionaries that the people that reading the i did actually see in the north, in, in the chips. that's what to look for. it was easy for them with an order to have from the mission of reason to know exactly which places to go and call it that much . uh, you know, that much. the human remains from this area that they didn't have to be go to the cause. it was, it wasn't the caves normal retrogressive. i've talked to the low cost in the dispute in northern rhonda when any of this close was told him. i want to know if they ever heard about this is what quite i was legit said, what i just shouldn't isn't solution definition here today and just kind of look
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over to somebody if i did that. but down by motiv petty, what could do it a little different. the more into the interview. yeah. but i mean they're going to have used the phrase quite he would i yeah. are there for you play a lot. what kind of thing to me or you can have, i mean these. yeah, i love the parties over all. yeah. mm hm. what about because i have talk of the home you only part of the time the belief was that it goes to the grid with somebody disability that that person does risk to that life from home. to wondering somehow was that, yeah, it's interesting to get a futile how people feel about us. when i hear about those, you my new friends in europe. i. e r i is that they're close the class off of the classification. we've integrated one down society, dividing people on
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a bit busy. so if it's at least it's not something giving you the correct tags or for you those you monuments like to reach out to god. i think i have written some we're the times use richard. cons himself. it was in 1899. she wrote one that is a country full of hopes when we destroyed the per want of your what so you see vcs stuffing comp his route 14 years after i came in did one and the ones and yeah. and so can always keep away to collecting those uh,
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those you monuments and those you, monday to minutes they've been used for classifying a good one. that's just to prove that there is a community in need one. in the cruise, the cruise is being the genocide, but better to decades fit to, to the, to the, the question of diffusion. and so for difficulties curious to see which caused destruction, loss of life and the most pretty much the genocide. so it is a very sensitive subject. i'm running a lot about how my identity force destroyed, how these divisions came about and of quote, uh, recorded history. did you go jump in germany?
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so my next step now would be to go to the sea for myself. the delineated significance place for many reasons. first of all, the so called co conference in which africa was divided like a piece of cake and given to put on your powers. took place here in abilene, in 1884, in 1885. the rest your theories to divided your mind if you have to race is worth
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already booked. it also are the museum for them to of to africa and ocean the departments. fillings for lucian, instructed, aconia researches to appropriate the mode. the 9000 human remains from german couldn't use most east coast, but also for skeletons. what was the purpose of this a collecting issue? and there remains from rwanda. you would to analyze language in its material, contra, inventory, you contra and the physical appearance of people and then you try to create races, compile them, and then say ok, this res, migrated through them and they mixed with that race. and that was the genuine idea behind it. of course, it was some race as well put in on a higher key, but what ways 60 extension made the foundations for the creation of tech initiatives and well that what was the idea of the material before and by
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the basically take anywhere remains and separate them and who to put to try on whatever information you have that might be long as well as you're creating the, the foundation for future separation and who to puts in twice. that's what push out the contest done regardless of the extra the reality. so that might be different as a chicken off ski, even road from south while i don't see the see a line here between 4 to 1012 or do you think it was? i was supposed to that one. it was supposed to be empty from the, from germany. i shall punish instance. that is on someone to claim your time for especially like cons and others. you're from, somehow they're connected to the ethnic divisions and that's related to visuals. and there's no question about the ground water was late, but then a 100 or so always continued and even put,
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put into place for nearly and not those i'm told me to come most clearly, not only since customer wanted to 1000000, she also took the class from us for these people. at the beginning of the 20th century, you saw my in berlin, not only stalled copies of touches, from ancient greece, rome and egypt. they also sought class from us, from rhonda to date. he didn't enter the pope and having that'd be next beaten. after 6 months of negotiations, i get a chance to take a look at them. and this is our space for the chicken. no space costs. i show you. we kind of separated them to give them a bit small preface the maybe um and i show you kathleen what we have a nice a of the check on no scale when to
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central africa to find out more about the different types and races she collected lots of materials as we know, and they collected also these a $35.00 plus the phase mosques in terms of material evidence for the races. so we try to collect different kinds of types in class though, to show them back in europe to as an apologist for lucian has awaited this trip log off to kind of the urgency and that he sees great value. we're also in the cost fast across like that became material evidence to prove the existence of different kinds of races. what we'll do few was the situation or the next, the conversations i wish this press or, and i was getting to where and to confirm from the people and your think. i think
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it's a very dark chapter of collection history. and i see a big responsibility also with the gifts from arrive because we, as the manufacturer in producing these costs, kind of facilitated the dissemination of racist ideas being taken into the world if you will. so this is kind of a difficult heritage for us. and we have to face this difficult heritage here, and i think me as a curator. yeah, i have the responsibility to take care of them. now. what is your feeling about this? so let's press here. so select on this uh, 1st officer with a reset of this account for interface. yes. all right. even though this one was consuming and this came for to like his made changes. i think if i see a possible in this expression, that saves a lot of or when i was looking at the,
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uh, the prices i was trying to imagine. nice to imagine. like, you know, imagine being in the village in 19 or 8th and see a way of person coming and putting some stuff on your face. and even if you ask nicely, there's no way this is going to be a good, a good experience. it's necessary to for this to discuss how i so going to know how these things happen. the i had to let to build those photos gems. new is 10 for all the odds. i'm sorry. i'm more than ripley cut off impressions palace. did you want to input a used to live here? today is the, i'm a for the, for germany is most permanents connections of put on your objects to how much for room, how systems of criticism from active business. if you take a similar that stands for monkey it's, it's an entry demmet democratic symbol in the 1st base, installing
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a site like this in the middle of, of budding and, and, and, and making it an international attraction. you know, it's like, like, disney, it was off of colonialism. i need to talk to the man who's in charge of the museums or the home book for them is not only the head of many of the buildings, most prestigious museums, but also it wasn't on pretty story or sort of purchases or steel from many people. especially both of african origin but also some schools also pledge i'm going to also criticized independent existence. for example, don't go to the home, isn't everything goes as, as a, as a house, as a solution. uh, what is your response to that? this was such a building, you cannot escape always to. we have to address it. if that with a for touristic modem, museum building back to discussion will be a different way the,
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the advocate part of the exhibition is rather disappointing. for me. the museum has a cost of, of presenting minimal regions and changing solutions. and yet there's not a single piece from rhonda on display. but out of the poll, i'm making a striking discovery. the description of how do you do are you still going to cover you from wonder? she told me about a song that to go down his listings, and i mentioned, you know, do it through the violence of the community or so just as i'm looking here in the chicken, no sky recordings on his list. i. so i saw the name of the sold this organ care what day is good to go to, which translates to
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a free and gas car is which way to terminal corneo switches. it's incredible because the stick, if you only dare with testimony from the run of themselves testifying of the if i left or receiving from the germans and you just debit testimony, which is not to beat them by somebody. this is from a source for them. it's the what is the discussion now with the one to, for example, in terms of from this human remains the brought back to rhonda the section of the doctor logical excavations in this is grace features thousands of years ago. but this will have been cemeteries of living communities and the people who ever did that opened the graves, took out the scouts. normally, when you discover what this racial studies measuring the type paulo jesus goes
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and the rest of the body. but it's not important because you put the detect races. so for us it was clear that the prominence research is the only sense of giving back. this human remains to the right countries owing us communities, when historians and rhonda rented pointing the finger electronic thing. the 1st was introduce a rush of curious on plastering picture. think that somehow in germany it can be held responsible in some type of form of a for the juice engineer, one day 94 in the way. yes. because they brought this, this division between 2 to 2 this time it took a theory. but, but then it happened some 100 years later. so what has to ask was what happened in between? so the question is another one, is it the must, the oft of this division, which the trim and brought to run the force of the must that 100 just later
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genocide happened. the human side is mainly the state's pride. it has a specific, it was a popular genocide. it was, there was people elected for mobile. i assume the neighbors was on the s s or the, you know, uh if and of course in germany in europe though. so people who had a printing, i just, you know, and it was more like popular to me, but some people. so there's this, there are differences estimate to them. the 1st of the, when you're simple, different kind of, i guess the interest you for in europe is if it's 3 defend the single quite, and people names like snakes arrived. so they also saying that they have to have on
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all the way else to have everything we have to get rid of them of that was going to take a look. orlando of money is difficult. got a sweet. the 1st thing that i think it's sort of would seem to compare suffering, somebody, it's important for the country to study is history in all its specificities. it's like, okay, we have this history with it, with it, with the, with nazi is met with by season. and oh, that's what was up to a history of colonialism and has to be treated, of course, respect the berlin, give them any ideas about what german craze. i mean one that was what about i'm going to meet our number here posted to the german cultural entrepreneur just working at the university from mines. she has been researching and wonderful around the 20 is and has also towards are the university of london. she shows me here for 2 of 3 men taking me to run the in 19 or 6. it served as a bit as for the paintings in which the physical differences,
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one minute related to prove that 12 for 2 to see with 3 just think the races. but that pretty much the same idea since it's not right here. oh, for the creation of stereotypes, that's uh, sort of is uh virtual assistant in the, in the making sizing golf course. try something because it just, it took a, it took just a few strokes, photos of a brush, and then you have the, the clear differentiation to have it for free risk. and this is, this is very wide spread. so it was popular uh, and they looked at it and so that's kind of creation of images. i think there are still many durham and so thing for the who to until to and to uh, to this 3 distinct groups. they also ask me, but can you tell me if this as
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a tool to horse and as a button of auto renewed fresh and water racialized that's frustrating you are asking me if there think it most of these ideas or full classification. yeah. also some how it due to car. so between those 5 in gwinnett, so jennifer dis, mustang, onto the last few weeks you have to decide to kill your neighbor. of course you have a lot of those situation. a violence situation. we have a war life situation. so this also creates already a setting, this cooling and violence doesn't automatically end up in, in the post colonial lines like the dental side against the, against the to, to, if you don't kill enabled because your thing to case a tootsie or who to, you'd kill a neighbor because he the neighbor is your neighbor is regarded as long
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human as known, a non part of humanity. so you have 1st have to sort them out a few minutes to digest all this stuff in essence, to me, to my mother, esther and house. it can, has the bond had a more she said that the digital side, i guess it to the c and has been leaving the drum instead of just in germany. for the last 20 years. the money was the one you need to look for. you need to talk about it and not to avoid, but have to talk about dates in a proper way. silence his day is dangerous. say else he's damaged us, but talking can be or so then just say to how you've told me to leave
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today as a family that i'm picking a sort of a tentative door to, to see if dr. as a can be, you wouldn't have more time to sit down from the top one definitely chosen a knowing what he wants to do. i'm going to say, hey, i'm a main shop for clinical the the color lines, which were they were shaka, i didn't wish i were to switch that to look to see what you, what the, what because the into has a couple. i didn't code know what i have. we have jam. i you, i think were shots and a couple of pennies. you seem to be need me chad. the equal maybe read off. what does he need us? you maybe who is that for to 9 name. i think when you cool, you know, so you quoted effort to new domain and do you feel quinta to that? to me that you will quote that he should never find the medium a couple with me. i'd equal you. how can you remain same? how can you know, getting same after that, which is really terrible. i think for one, uh, it was not or the most of the time it was the meshes. so it was really looking in,
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in your own, in my eyes, looking at the eyes of the victim, you q some with the you have seen before. so i think for, for, for the in able to head those know, this is also very difficult as image to get to, to get seen, to read it, to me. you know what ways to like make chinese have good enough to, to going over to the wind a i'm going to, but when we, when we need to spend time, it is after how many skeptic do you think that some use them on the push to what was it, what was it kwan gonna, we're going to cheat, no annual cash and who i so you know, any who more to, to, to chat in there since you said the same thing. mm hm. uh, not to go see major the 0 to reach a course uh, hold on and see the condo. so uh the
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main concern. yeah we or in germany we just did something which is today, which is really good. actually the generation of ok and what's those with born after that and to have cushion dependence. but this we have not yet done in one to that's usual cases where they're questioning dependents. kind of the family level is 2 exam frustrating. this has happened to my kids or in my life time. it's happened to me as a kid ever happened to my parents went to a kid's different happened. so we had one point. so i mean for me i was, i was very young. i didn't see the genocide or what happened. i didn't, i don't remember the genocide. what will happen before it's like when it was somebody who lives through it. and today now is another, gives you a different uh prescription. the
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dentist of my journey is belgium. in 1916 dimensions, to quote a new quote for a friend from the germans jingled will one products can seem to give a 1000 run of troops to the germans to fight against adventures. but the builders, one that will have to control for under, under demanded affiliate of nations, they kept him assumed as king best 15 of our most of systematically dig said a division of the 2 to the central to put into government to commit the gentleman who had to go to run to the dentist and do so that one of my story and researches and belgium about the career route and run the risk of somebody to see if it's all the care of it or committee or to know status for us. i know that custom of the provider due to a don't doing the custom motive often during the custom under p vision you p
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send some com today shift for to see i'm going to the knock. i can't do it. i don't want nothing to honda, mississippi to connecting this dresser. uh, assuming i'd say 19, especially on monday that bitch because the dentist shows me the documents from the community ministration. the prove how visions imposed versus the politics and run the 1st day for the tootsie and marginalized over to from 1928 on only to to could become chips or what the chips were replaced by towards his professor. so 2 by 2 into the
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i know we have issues with specific. this is one that is in hastings. it should, i gave them said we, we did, we did go with the gym side with the students. nobody else came to duplex hates and the doors are paid to something very soon. so they did that is chosen cuts with it, especially the bridge and a good time. and he wants to see for myself, how really just to see if i could have a corporate sort of somebody suggested this really something that was put in place . and what do you put just to show the site and go to, is people put in the
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of the sale from the 20th step down to the shoulders. there is a correspondence between the resident and the coordinated restrictor talking about a shift to have to move the course equal to pretty much those in between the 20th. cuz nothing changes, don't they say what's replacing by a policy is the moment where they were in charge that furnish from the way when it wasn't governed in 90 or 31 bedrooms because single single who refused to be baptized. and the work was a really bad insurance, his son took over the cymbalta and remove off and was seeing his son become king of to him, districts good french and he hasn't come across the pins that his father. so his,
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his kind of oppressive of the 1950 to belgium, introduced an identity called the cement at the ritual division from now on. you are coming into the, the, to see who to or to are what was the next thing. and we'll say a quick break, somebody from the to think it was a moving thing now into kind of can change itself the race to positive and describe it. show good tools. i think that is sufficient for process corporate enough of the i took a look at difficulties you having to fit in, which is to be the focus of binge and colonialism. today. philosophy transform into a center for exchanging ideas with different equities. run the congo and build onto
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the 2nd street that this building lead me to this a perhaps a self propaganda to convey this message to belgium, public that everything was okay. and then belgium was bring civilization looking for know about that from black, the side of the history, in terms of the public folder, think there is a need to do more. and if there is a need for the other thing that is an accept terms of products change to corporate suppliers or this from know where on this came from the clinical propaganda. and then if you're missing out to create this rosary image of the colony, so it's much longer for the public and um, i think it really changed in the 1980s. but still, there was a lot of for it to be done because the new generations needles it to be informed about this. we talk about genocide in rwanda. we took a bunch of genocide inside of able but can don't talk about genocide and chromebook
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during the april 2nd. the story missiles over supported me. oh, do understand that you've got to nothing. if you, if you don't and less than about to run that. nothing was wrong here. us for your seems a lot of minutes video of the question. things if you run that thing higher. and then you see if your newspapers of the in the filters and there's nothing that will come out. disaggregation is the policy that dimension and important one, so it doesn't change anything interest. the 2nd bedroom we have for when you have post office doesn't official, nothing. the august 7th time doses of the museum, a brilliant artist is sitting up in your distribution that proves how it's possible
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to perform the cartridge. the have thousands of images is resume images, which have been taken enough with uh no, mostly in colorado believe. and my products is. busy my name is no booth. my name is number. yes. because uh, looking at the pictures, a phone that no applicant has a name. on the pictures, the photographers were deciding who was wearing a people in front of them, right? we were exhibiting the we were taking only assignments to identities to see, i was told to give ms over the, the, the bundles are diesel. that. and that's the words you find today on truth, on the internet. people, you know, kind of qualifying them. they, they themselves, like it was decided that this picture, how does the root types became reality?
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that's my of my autistic work. but this time i didn't make pictures. i took pictures from the view. now i'm going to show them using these keywords showing how observed the description. the description was to people was what, what would it pritchard do before this one was on the tribes? it was kind of like a reversing the rose. some of the price story we spoke about, the seventy's lob by black and white people were created in brussels. you have all the storage unit and people believe it or seen the pictures of, of a can run the commercial finger, which were measuring it somehow little emotionally. so i was like a normal thing on the 2nd. but when you say it was like, oh wait a minute wrecked something very wrong. and actually that was the reaction of the public. yes. touching the white body like that today. he's still shocking sort of model. what are we talking about? the story of the ethical troubles and general side impressed,
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came from effect. news came from a sickness of people been if and it went so far that it came to trust. yeah. and some people still think that type of different. yes. yeah. investors, conditioning done better just to has trouble facing the street in 2020 special by the military commission or set up to select one bedrooms. colonial passed after 2 and a half years collapse. so the finish line stripped off of it's are commendations. there was more political concern, so as to apologize for the victims. i need to follow to different pull at the commission. i guess in many countries an apology is an act of us on their ability. and so in fact, you have to be brief in order to apologize and so many political parties in belgium, an apology is quite logical. uh, for me, for instance,
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i always was, was in favor of an official apology. but there was pressure from the presidents of, of, of the political parties and belgium also from the monarchy in belgium. and so well as some of the political parties who initially agreed on an official apology, withdraw their support for that. and that meant in fact, that's spelled the commission bins and then come to an end during your commission research in here. okay. under a past tougher on your personal mention, you've got to wonder what's, what's, what's where the findings? that's pretty, what was the most like ash a short single, interesting to me that your phones rel for the members of the commission. it's quite clear that belgium played a role in making more explicit the racial differences. and yet in the background of
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the people living in the one the, at the time uh, who took, took c twice until the late fifty's division, actual producers. all you all know was measuring the one that has to prove they are separate the races out of time. as a african countries, the close for an end of coordination to become stronger. the to city the shipping run, the also wanted middle jumped and it's courtney wrote. belgium resistance against let's say, an uprising nationalism of merely the tootsie elite in the run that at the time. and they began to to discriminate. and they began to, let's say supports the, who 2 people in the wrong, the, or, you know, just for the old therapist actually in their own interest as a colonial power. the nation 59. okay, where are you on the go to initial, at least the, what a quote that we have photoshop it coming in to the filings,
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the excel, more than a 100000, which is 2 neighboring countries. in 1961 that was similar to what the oldest of the referendum brother became the diminutive the republic and received the independence convention in 1962 and become the 1st president. his government excluded it to seek from any political and military power. and of course, the roots of the ethnic conflicts that cost the genocide and run that late partially in a belgian colonial rate. and they were on the 1973 kayla and it was removed from our batteries. i'm a chief general driven that have that in mind. the whole problem is the piece for the to somebody. no, it just, it just printed it to see even more for medication and of public service. the number of to reduce the neighboring countries was growing and have to in monterey choose their right to return home from the independence. imagine a sister to,
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to the dentist had to guess have to imagine empty for the government kept the initiative or to, to, to, to uh, get into the cards. and many of the official documents the, the, the, was talking to me to run that. so, so that was the initial to be fixed from colonial powers. it was actually a systematic dictation to teach. this is a judge and 25 people. induction will cause a to district to begin, let's actually do for the study, my big put it in by doing that. so that's what i've done at grab the. 2
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2 the average and the russian and rhonda has to find a way to do with the past. victims patricia's best dentist hits house, but we just set up waterfront as 6 reconciliation if it ages victims and subtract as of the genocide div here to get the name. and the host grew up together during the genocide name. it killed the man by the loss was finally after 10 years in prison, to return to the village. so what now what you said was, you know,
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these are the reasons why what they're saying. we have a part of a team need to have a meeting with joseph close if he keeps the home that you have my he gave me fonda, who, but now when i was 5 years cause i knew was what was when it's about one more tomorrow . i'm assuming there's a good phone, visual enrichment tomorrow, tomorrow with him on the monday. no one is a little more would go name an entity. i'm going to to me do wish it nicole. and you know, i never even a nitrogen as a form of a full good fish level godaddy for many may as she had and no, no under the supervisors of us. and then when i love each page of a guy and need a lady to say, hey, we're going to have a good wife has enough wonderful community decision meeting does on i'm gonna need to do is to assume you know, from the homework. and now we're going to have to do that. was the mind. you just send that a, let him know that he did use like a home from the to move women. great. and when they asked the me temperament and even with this ones, because i'm ok and you projected and i'm going to use
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a bunch of them. so this a must do training on monday and doable today . lots of stuff that so long. it doesn't matter. it's the sound of a perpetrator. his father was the amount of demand hotel to the system. so it just similar to how do we get paid? which issue model more? no way. mcroy. leticia mccoy. a. hey, debbie, whats your god sound? good sweetie. have to i know not even hopefully it looks clemency somebody to troubleshooting 192 uh the best when the you know, on your phone go on the sofa and it cool enough. i see you seeing any shows let me see if it. oh, i oh for your main bubbles in at runs. uh,
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just like the ones that will work almost 0. few question for you or your phones with the platforms or what and what the depth would you say using hook you up with you. so what was the picture? good. okay. yeah, and is the home phone plan to none? with more. gee, why do i even come in? uh, i'm honestly uh you, to me, i'm on you take me. but godaddy if from lady equipment you, for what seemed to go in the window and flat over the phone, we will get to make a move. just, you know, can you and you said you wanna form, what are you good to not, i can cut out after you clean the court, and that's a citizen in my dumble. you could do us the daddy from the screen. do you 9 to 5 o'clock, then you'd be fun events, you bunch, navy or he'd generally no come get us to you. if i'm home go, i'm gonna go cool. the well know who
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to, to, to come. we try to push these up. we'll go cool to, is this a good no man's resume on the movie? no, no. i didn't cool. and i remember i already do. it doesn't mean you're cool. but does that mean you know me? who to who, who will come with to, to come will come with class to them before we do show cool. place the throwing of glenda tyler took the items booklet to me. i'll go what i want a cool alon will said he want me, how much oak rita? let him not 5 from the request of the issue of village is the name of the attached. just type in the more you menu for the house in there, that is the real estate lives here and there barry's and can take more. you the
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i'd be to move out of sun. yeah. unless you live out in the middle when that that'd be done. well, what movies do you want me to meet you? i'm no, no, i just wanted to put them over to them because would you like them? they just said that at all. you know, i would say, but this is what was the, the, the, you know, the percentage of a sudden you shouldn't be around the body to me is fine. i'm not get online saying i'm not getting a lot of decisions. the sudden i missed the mob on part of it. i think we do then you know which to get out logical. already that and you might not know nigel could you to mostly do for me. you can find them yourself and then your new
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move out. what is, what did you tell what do you need to do to myself or brokerage in the city of davis actually could see it right there doesn't prevent i'm, i'm gonna take a look at what the, what the tools that you must say. so go to a whole, bring in the day, but sure because i will get, you know, have you committed john and that's still good condition to. ready ready i made on the jumping around an apologist in how research project she examines self determination and dignity in the future. plans of young rundowns like so many and no generation shows family members indigent site origin. so what is this uh this that's actually the foundation of the house of my
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grandfather with a square i spend the 1st one and a half years of my life the, the 1st and the tim burks everything and see how the play session ruesch has. i tried to put in cottage destroyed was her reaction. that moment in the morning we walked around a little bit to the village and everything. and then the tears came. and since she started crying, or we started crying a lot, and they took us away from the street and brought us into a house where people cannot see that we are crying. and i remember this moment to be very, it was all quite a little bit because i thought, why are they hiding us? is this, is there something wrong about being said? what a successful cry. i don't know what to do. a click of a good something's going on. right? i think is, comes from the fact that to have a culture of always keeping up with the sides inside. and when you cries,
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live stream with us, it's almost like a big making me know, i've never seen my onto my uncle cry even though she lives and stuff like that. if you show yourself it's very vulnerable, yeah, let me just a question. and if you're even when minutes of and visit with man, this even something really mainly something you've been the worse you have been having the criteria that i just reference to have cried like 3 times me from when i was 14, i think you're looking for like 3 times the night, but i had to fly, but you sometimes feel like crying or what's happening when you have a kid, you get evict soft how but uh yeah, but i think it's. ready it's a feeling of always open the family structure. so from the client and i find the point you don't feel like running, you feel safe is or whatever, but it doesn't come out director. what are your plans now for displaced? we have the idea to build a small house here to have the possibility to,
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to come back here to, to be here. i hope. and i wish for my daughter to, to come to london and to, to see the place where, where i was born, where her grand mother was born. my roots, i here and the past is here and all the terrible things that happened as also here were always be a part of our lives. i know my mom and my grandfathers, they were very happy here. and they spend a very good time, and i, i don't want this to, to, to be taking away the measures of adults and of each other to put those kind of tools here. which is kind of what is the address to that she's going to have to other children,
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if they're not in the same or to see on 12 groups reading button, who would see middle initials, girlfriend, that aspect of our identity. that is not talked about much this i left the majority of people from mixed background. i was shocked that day, almost like crying that trustworthy. how come that yesterday? i would suggest that somebody of them. and now i tell you into a son. i mentioned to this type of project in his book, if he's done with that from without describes how the greek and assignment of to suggest that survivors. but from one day to the other, his identity cherished. if he's found out he's 5, it was not a tooth, but of who to who is accused of working religion from the truth of the cell phone. because it's kind of upset about your story. and you always view your quotes and they me that because they've gone, hey to this one all heads. that's what it was, the out of office. how did, for example,
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some of your friends were assumed for example, or the simple them either on or before i send you a list of i was there any case on for like that's more reactive. busy today, people don't want to to talk about stuff because they know that people take it to pay to defend today. they know that that is doable in 3 of us from that day or when you had that's or for that. i mentioned the items i mentioned this to campuses to have to do it. so how does that change? because every, every child that wants to be consistent with 8 or the as is different, the way that we the villain. so your hill, it is 08 story is on data and you feel like it was as a safe and without a business then until you become less in a day instead provide maybe of, of those of you later i and just say like if 7 for as long say that to anyone, that's by far, those are good as the bonus, the book,
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i think we are the transition generation from the hands of the, of us to know those then poses to then done videos of what those emphasis on visions they've done at that's the last about assess thing. so we, we, we, we, we are in the mid, the way those do this debates you do in school, learn that your own renter's, the terms who to, to team twice are supposed to be history. and with to come out of identity cards to dina. i to my uncle's house, i want to know for my cousin if the question of the vision is to lift to peak in how generation there is always sometimes email from betsy. i think, oh, why did that go to the class by a good you? me? me. yeah. yeah. well that
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was all right and we have a lot, i know the measurements i live in right now. i don't know. well, i know what do you have a guess? you didn't do that? oh, i didn't, didn't you go cool. i do get out before all they know what do were you know how i you know, you to me see ok. what's a good book to do that? i know the stuff me a time and you know, good to go over. how does that? yeah. and the shuttle little they should. uh, let me see, you know, people now must do it because the, the new, the cause of the nose, it does not will get you to the tide and then are committed. i was that, that,
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that i did have a whole one that was included online will know is that, you know, this is whatever the wound video that might be mfc the if you think about my father's family, for example, about 5 med 6 women on the one events survives treatment, so yeah, so i think if i was not just to see man for him to go to, i'll probably be that most likely i would most likely be the trauma. even though i shouldn't have huge disease. i don't believe that they should do any identity we have and this is really important so that people don't
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remain on the that's just possible, appreciate the, the fellow to talk to, to sort of a study. and what i, if i, because the most important thing is to us to know where the fault from where it's kim and so does something different after discovering that, that, to what history has been distorted and it's up to the bus ship, it deals so save the ship by the truck or if it or for it to if there's yeah for to evicted it to be the best from it or i think that's what's the most important assault to punish anyone or to somebody to be
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a shame that doesn't. but that is to pop off the point where the india and to have to right to have a good life. you can difficult the
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shift your god to life and it get to, to deal with the latest online trend. navigate your way through the digital jungle. get a global perspective. we'll be your guide and show you what's possible. you decide what really messes to you. sit in 15 minutes on d w. we love your diversity.
1:58 pm
anything usual. no mountain is too high. the road is too long. in such a faithful, ordinary we have a specialist of lifestyle, 009 in 30 minutes on d, w, the this shadows these costs and video shed lights on the donkey street. devastating colonial har is infected by germany across up. and he employed to score farms and destroy lifestyle. what is the legacy of this wide spread races, depression, today? history. we need to talk about the stories,
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shadows of german colonialism, named project cassandra. re determined through our investigation that has below was operating like a global drug part. not somebody normally theaters, organization. the object to financially drain has gone up and bring them down the team agents from the american drug enforcement agency. i mean that as well as another whole left they wanted the rest of their money. they had from lies themselves. we needed them to reveal that so world and to their own people. why did the us government suddenly shut down project cassandra in 2016 in our 3 pa documentary series? i'm asking has paula starts may 4th on d, w, the
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business. the w news live from berlin. israel and the us are on high alert, preparing for a possible attack by a rod. it's not to ron, could it target american or is really assets in the middle east after and as really strike on the iranian embassy in syria. also coming up pressure amounts on israel over the strike on aid workers and gaza on monday. 2 officers are fired and other senior commanders reprimanded the
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