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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 6, 2024 3:00pm-3:16pm CEST

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the, the business, the w news live from berlin, israel and the us are on high alert, preparing for a possible attack by a rock. it's thought to run, could it target american, or is really assets in the middle east after and is really strikes on the iranian embassy in syria. also coming up, mexico cuts ties with ecuador after police, storm its embassy, which had been sheltering, a former ecuadorian vice president, the
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melissa chan. welcome to the show, the us and israel are on high alert, expecting retaliation for the is really bonding other runs embassy in damascus. on monday, after funerals for the 7 members of the revolutionary guard who were killed or ron warrants that it reserves the right to quote, take a decisive response to ron says is really worth planes were using what it considers a major escalation in israel's war with its regional adversaries dw corresponded rebecca ritters is in jerusalem, and i asked her how seriously these threats from iran should be taken as well. that's very difficult to say melissa, but i think what is safe to say is that they all being taken very seriously. as you said in your intro there, by the us and israel, especially iran has said that the israel will regret that strike the israel
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hasn't actually said that it did. it hasn't actually confirmed that was israel, but it is generally regarded that it was and is rarely attack. iran has said that they will regret that attack that they, they military uh at the ready and they are just deciding how when and where to retaliate. now, analyst and officials believe that it will in fact be a strike from iran rather than going through one of their proxies. namely, has blind and 11 on that it could very well be with in the next week. and that it will likely be on either and is ready embassy target or something in israel. as you mentioned, the us targets in the region also possible, but i think more likely that it would be one of those 1st 2 that i mentioned. now, as you say, everyone here on high alert, potentially us forces in the region. and israel itself also on highlight saying it's forces are ready to respond to retaliate and just to defend. so i think, you know, whichever way you look at it,
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this has been taken very seriously and it's certainly the biggest escalation, we've seen basically iran since the conflict began in october. so a very tense situation and things feel kind of the immune and iran avoided direct conflict with israel though. so if it decides to strike inside of israel, what are we looking at a regional war or well, that's obviously of the biggest fear. the certainly dominating the news in israel and beyond in the region. i mean, that is something that people of us, israel citizens, officials have been concerned about since the beginning. i think you're right to say that both sides have been trying to avoid a direct conflict and i think that a stands that certainly what we're hearing from analysts is that neither side do want to get into that direct conflict. so i think that will determine where we will see this return fire from iran. of course, if it is on is riley soil, they'll no doubt be a response from israel and it will just depend where and,
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and what is targeted and how bad, perhaps the civilian casualties all the time. and just how quickly of this escalades, you know, if it is a more sedate response, then perhaps is round, will hold back for a while. it's really difficult to say at this stage. melissa, when we just don't know exactly how it's going to play out. but i think we're certainly looking at a potentially very large escalation, dw, corresponded rebecca rivers. thank you so much. i, which is really commandos have recovered the body of and is rarely hostage held. and con eunice in the southern gaza strip. a log cuts here a 47 year old farmer from boots near odds was among 253 people dragged into gaza during the october 7th cross border terror attacks had lost flood palestinian gunmen is really military officer says his body was recovered during a series of raids and southern gaza and say cuts here had been killed by his
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captors staying and israel, where the government is coming under increasing pressure over mondays, air strikes and guys like that killed 7 aid workers. senior us democrats have signed a letter urging for the halting of arms transfers is israel doesn't do more to protect civilians in the conflict. this comes after israel announced that it would allow a crossing to open temporarily to allow aid into gaza. here it is. rouse, i stood pause, aid shipments, bound for gaza will soon be accepted and for the south, the air is crossing will be reopened, says eas, rent. it used to be a pos way for people to cross the border until her mouse militants used it as an entry point for their october 7th terror attacks. now, israel will reopen the check point temporarily. the ease rails about phase comes of
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depression, of from its closest ally, the u. s. on attempt starting coal, president biden told prime minister benjamin netanyahu, that the us would review it, support of the wall. if changes weren't made. a reprimand that appears to a sped is road to action. partner israel is about face on aid, fuller's international outrage over in a strike. earlier this week, the killed 7 aid work is in the gaza strip. after swift investigation, these railey army fired 2 offices and reprimanded and 3 senior commander was supposed to know the inquiry found. they had to tax the a trucks after miss identifying the vehicles as having come off. gunman inside israel has expressed quite deep, sorry for the incident and made a commitment to protect aid workers. the un, however,
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is demanding an independent investigation except for bar visa only government does acknowledge mistakes and then also some disciplinary measures. but the central problem is not only made the mistakes, it is the military strategy and procedures in place that to allow for those mistakes to multiply by. and by again, nearly $200.00 humanitarian aid workers have died in gaza strip attacks since october 7th, according to the un. and as the war news is 6 months, mach, several, 8 agencies want that mold and off is guys, as population is on the brink of famine, more aid is expected to come in 2000. now we asked jonathan fowler, a spokesman for the united nations relief and works agency for palestine. refugees, how much of a difference it makes for the people on the ground? it says this remains to be seen. i mean we,
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we would not said positive discussions about opening the, the new crossing. i should stress, we've been advocating for this since the very beginning of the will we need more crossings about that's absolutely essential. the card capacity at rough on the car . i'm show all these things in sufficient and in any case, the, the, the number of trucks that been submitted to get through those 2 crossings as being vastly under the number that's actually required. we need to get $500.00 trucks a day into because the strength of food and other kinds of a just to meet the minimum. so $500.00 requirements of the population now on average the, the existing to crossings over the phone at the beginning of this month. we've been seeing $169.00 trucks today, which is barely back to the previous month. so 169 does not equal 500. we really have to hope that this new crossing enables the operation to be scaled up. we have no idea of what's going to be allowed through or indeed which agencies are going to be able to, to take a through through this processing. and we currently, uh, not permits is to take a toll to the north of the gaza strip. that was jonathan fowler, the un relief,
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and works agency for palestine. refugees. let's take a look at some other stories making news around the world. at least 6 people have been killed and a russian strike on ukraine. second largest city har keys around 10 other people were injured. please say the attack was carried out by drones and caused several fires. ukraine's military set its air defenses destroyed 28 of 32 drones. and 3 of 6 missiles launched by russia. 3000 people have been evacuated from the russian city of orest after a massive rainfall led to the rupture of a dike. more than $4000.00 houses had been flooded in the affected area, which is near russia's border with causes don, a video on this, a russian so use space craft has returned safely to earth 6 hours after and docking from the international space station. astronauts from russia, bella ruth and the united states were on board. the american laurel o'hara had been
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on the orbital station since september. take panama and columbia are appealing for more help in managing the number of migrants crossing their border through the dairy and gap. it follows accusations they are ignoring great human rights abuses, mean rights watch this week, claim neither country was doing enough to protect the growing number of people making their way across the jungle. the number of people making the perilous trick between south and central america has risen to record levels. my grants in june was a 5 day journey through the dean's jungle and river crossings, with the constant threats of violence from criminal gangs. human rights advocates say panama and columbia, which border the jungle of failing to protect those crossing. they say the
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countries are ignoring sexual abuse and not looking into those who have gone missing. the officials deny, ignoring the problems, but agree more needs to be done. so the new for me would take note of the report, but it would also like the assets of both countries to be recognized as the foreign minister of panama. i'm actively managing the migration issue. unfortunately, geography has imposed the situation to point out when not the country when migrants wish to reside. rather we're the ones calling to him and the price of money. i'm doing it. the movement though, like vc last year, more than 520000 people, made the crossing twice as many as in 2022. about half of those with dina's wayland escaping the nation's economic and political crisis. laws. more than 80 percent of the migrants who are in columbia inc tends to pay,
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but in order to taking more, we need the more resources we already have regulation in place that allows us to receive between 35600000 migrants in colombia not only those from venezuela, but all migrants coming to columbia. they don't. this is, but we need the support of the international community to see is up to you. in spite of the risk darion gap is a key route for migrants hoping to reach the united states. when many people are heated, in search of not only safety but opportunities. mexico is breaking off diplomatic ties with ecuador after police there storm to the mexican embassy. they enter the compound to detain, a former ecuadorian vice president. jorge glass had been sheltering their after being granted political asylum. mexico's foreign minister says diplomatic personnel
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will leave ecuador immediately. some staffers were injured during the incident. police in kito guard, the office of the prosecutor general after they arrested ecuador, his former vice president. earlier on friday, mexico offered jorge eyeglass, political asylum. he is facing a string of corruption charges. from his time in office. a staff member from the mexican embassy made their opposition to the raid known global. how easy the criminals rate at the mexican embassy equipped all right, but that's not possible because it can't be to know if it's mountainous nor part of it said, this will not look good off to the move to enter. a diplomatic compound is against the convention, leading mexico to cut ties with its latin american neighbour. it makes the car with nouns as the immediate suspension of diplomatic relations with ecuador. mexico will
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appeal to the international court of justice to hold a quick door accountable. the violations of international law in the jorge eyeglass seeing here in 2017, took refuge in the embassy last december after an arrest warrant for a legit. corruption was issued against him. he had previously been sentenced to 6 years in jail for graft and was released just weeks before he entered the mexican embassy. the ecuadorian government said in a post that it is a sovereign country and will not allow any criminal to go on punished, adding they reiterate their respect for the mexican people who shared their feelings for the fight against corruption. in mexico city, a large police presence was also visible at the ecuadorian embassy after the regional spat escalated into a full blown diplomatic crisis. here's a reminder of our top story. the us and israel are on high alert,
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expecting retaliation for the bonding of a ronda embassy and syria, after funerals for the senior commanders who were killed, or ron warrants that it reserves the right to quote, take a decisive response. thanks for watching. i'm melissa chance the not just another day. so much is happening all at once. we take time to understand this is the day an in depth look at current use events, analyzed by experts and critical thinking is weekdays on d w. the .


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