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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 6, 2024 4:00pm-4:16pm CEST

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the, the, this is dw news lie from berlin, israel and a u. s. are on high alert over a possible attack by iran. it's not to ron, could target american or is really assets in the middle east in retaliation for it is rarely striking on the iranian embassy in syria. also coming up mexico cut ties with ecuador as police storm, its embassy, where a former f would where and leader was sheltering. the i melissa can welcome to the show, the us and israel are on high alert,
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expecting retaliation over and is really bonding of a ron's embassy in damascus. 7 revolutionary guards were killed in the attack on the syrian capital. iran has warned its reserve. it preserves the right to make a decisive response to ron says is really war. planes were used in a major escalation in israel's war with its enemies in the region then on been tele. blue is a fellow, a senior fellow at the foundation for the defense of democracies, a research institute in washington, d. c. thanks so much for joining us. he focuses on iranian political and security issues of them. are we seeing a major regional escalation here? if a ron decides to strike, this would be a serious, serious escalation. a hi greetings, melissa. good to be with you. it depends a great deal on how when and where are these monica republic choose to respond or
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indeed, if they choose to escalate against these really strike that killed several senior goods force. i already see extraterritorial operations, a military persons in damascus last week. in essence, one of those individuals is really, you can say the connective tissue between the i, r g, c, any ron, the syrian regime in damascus and as well, and lebanon. there's also stories circulating as of yesterday by that that individual may have had a handed, the october 7 come on, a terrorist attack against israel. and none the less than the past when these monex public has responded to perceived or real is really threats. it's done so with drones and missiles but often against any sensibility interest in places like you rock, as they did in 2022 and 24, alleging that these are most odd bases with no proof. it's likely you could see some kind of visual configuration like that again, but i don't think we're on the path to a major war unless there's a direct attack on is really territory, which i would put at low probability, but high impact. now you've floated some of the possibilities. is there
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a general consensus among the experts where the, what, what the primary targets might be and where, where exactly, or is this hotly debated? or it's something between a consensus and as a base. there's lots of folks yours, really included looking at the hard line and running, press rank and divine. based on what is being said currently out of that, ron, as was the past precedence for how we run has responded. we try to figure out what these monica public might do. interestingly, in the past 48 hours despite lots of talk headlines coming out to be around. major speech has made it look like the place and the time would come that he runs on choosing. so it's likely that this could be a terror attack. a at a potential is really target those really diplomatic facilities really comfortable center in places like europe. even this is literally something that he runs in the password to it. rock will actually himself, as former and bastard to rock, i should say who himself is a, a good sports individual floated just a few days ago in the persian press. there is, of course,
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also activating the militias not just against these rallies, but against the americans. part of the strategic logic behind that might be to push washington to try to constrain is real. that as well as the lawson theory being. so some people right? indeed, they wouldn't mind, you wouldn't be an escalation. but ironically, despite the logical public, knowing that america is the more capable adversary when compared to israel, there is actually a greater willingness to embrace risk even over new yes. america when compared to israel, because the government have these mom at the public and it's military leak. have a different impression about american resolving american staying power in the region when compared to his rally. now do you think there's any side that can do something to de escalate the situation and what would those moves look like? take uh, you know, certainly these level of lets fields pressure pressure from the acts of resistance, but pressure based on its own ideology to respond publicly. the question of course,
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is the fact that it can achieve escalation, dominance against his real means that it's certainly is going to be doing anything to drive a major complex. at least, you know, so long as they don't practice really territory. even that there's really, there's literally nothing that probably could be done to walk these womic with public back. in fact, things that are driving it forward or are, you know, the drone program, the missile program? unfortunately, the more capable, the long range, right. keep ability to the more least all these capabilities have become the more often using iran, actually as the willing to actually embrace risk. and in fact uh, i use these weapons and act on its rhetoric. so unfortunately, i don't think there's any kind of diplomatic walk back, but i do think strong messaging from washington that if this does get out of control, is they will be a swift military response, could, can contain the nature of the run, the military response. then i'm going to lead blue senior fellow at the foundation for defense of democracies. thank you so much for joining us. thank you.
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commandos have recovered the body of it is rarely hostage held and con eunice in the southern gaza strip. alive, cuts the you're a 47 year old kid boots farmer was among $253.00 people dragged into gaza during the october 7th come off. terror attacks is really army says his body was recovered during rage and southern gaza after could sir was killed by his captors thing and israel and the government is coming under increasing pressure over the air strikes that killed the 7 aid workers and gaza senior us democrats are calling for transfers, arms transfers rather to be halted unless israel doesn't do more to protect civilians. israel has announced that it will allow more aid into gaza. so here it is. rails are stored pause h, shipments bound for gaza will soon be accepted. and for the south,
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the air is crossing will be reopened, says is ran. it used to be a pos way for people to cross the border until her mouse militants used it as an entry point for their october 7th terror attacks. now israel will reopen the check point temporarily. israel is about phase comes of depression of from its closest ally, the u. s. on attempt starting coal, president biden told prime minister benjamin netanyahu, that the us would review it, support of the wall. if changes weren't made a reprimand that appears to sped israel to action partner, he's rails about face on aid, fuller's international outrage over in a strike. earlier this week, the code 78 work is in the gaza strip. after swift investigation, these railey army fired 2 offices and reprimanded and 3 senior commander was
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supposed to know the inquiry found. they had to tax the trucks up to miss identifying the vehicles as having come off. gunman inside israel has expressed quite deep, sorry for the incident and made a commitment to protect aid work in the u. n. however, is demanding an independent investigation. make some remark. these are only government does acknowledge mistakes and then also some disciplinary measures. but the central problem is not only made the mistakes, it is the military strategy and procedures in place that the law for those mistakes to multiply by and by the game of last, nearly $200.00 humanitarian aid workers have died in gaza strip attacks since october 7th, according to the un, and as the war news is 6 months, mach several, 8 agencies, one that molds and off is garza's, population is on the brink of famine. let's take
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a look at some other stories making news around the world, a russian. so use space. the craft has returned safely to earth after on docking from the international space station. astronauts from russia bell ruth and the united states were on board the american laura or hara had been in orbit since september. voting is underway in slovakia as presidential run off of pro western career diplomat and a close ally of populace prime minister robert fits so are buying to become head of state a victory for fits those associated with the private european union of a key ukrainian voice pro you create invoice, rather russia has carried out another error strike on ukraine, 2nd largest city, car keys. at least 6 people were killed and 10 more injured early on saturday. and the attack ukraine's military says this defense has destroyed $28.00 of $32.00
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drones and 3 out of 6 missiles, russia stepping up, it's a tax on ukraine's energy infrastructure. use john phillips schultz has been speaking to you. cranes, energy administer, vermont publishing as administrator. think we have seen most of websites on ukrainian energy infrastructure in the past weeks and what the consequences to those the tech side for the credit and people everyone should, should understand that. today's situation that is, that's not about the battlefield. so that's like it's, i mean the fewer that are uh, does it people, uh, they do not even hide these. so if you can see this, you can find it. so russian media, they say say that the ones who crane has to suffer and that's what they are really trying to do. so that goes to. so when you have the restriction, then in, let's say what tricity supplies. so you, oh, that's a suffering. and that's also then it's and as of to electricity, you have the problems with the water and so on. so i think that's a,
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that's very important to understand the that this now these for more of suffering for the people that smelt about the battlefield line. know that also in the past week, so that's been talk about the safety and separate issue, then you cannot pull up and separate as yet one more time and occupied territory. are you worried that this could still eventually leads to some really nuclear incidents that i'm up? so literally i, i'm said fortunately, i had to say that so would be the way to go through this. i will address it, which was supply for security systems and they had thank you got one let's just system to deprive us. so for like 3 sit, i mean guys, but how we codes and supplies electricity to the nuclear station. i mean, and that this will, everything is so ridiculous, i'm gonna say what they're doing. and uh, i think that, that this, that there's a how much but call us of the station. should we wait? i mean 91050. and i know to answer when these sites are going to happen at the tone
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of the question of time, which would understand this. we've also seen a tax on energy infrastructure in russia and many west the lead us, including the us presidents have harshly criticized these attacks. and do you think this is super critical? it's, it's very denture of discussion because i, i have a lot of conversation with the ministers all over the world and i'm very afraid when some time so i've heard like, ok guys, you have to worry about that. well, well, we're, and we will come back to russia. that's, that's a madness. i mean, so if you wants to come back again in, is this trip? so that's, that's, that's the you wouldn't, you said do not ever think not to repeat this story at a minister. how the sound? good. thank you very much for the interview. mexico is breaking off diplomatic ties with ecuador over raid on the mexican embassy and tito security. forces detained to a former ecuador and vice president for hey, glass had been given political asylum in the compound. mexican diplomatic staff
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will leave ecuador immediately. police in quito, guard the office of the prosecutor general, after they arrested ecuador, his former vice president. earlier on friday, mexico offered jorge eyeglass, political asylum. he is facing a string of corruption charges from his time in office. a staff member from the mexican embassy made their opposition to the raid known global. how easy the criminals rate at the mexican embassy equipped. all right, but that's not possible for the big can't be to know if it's mountainous nor part of it said the little port off the move to enter a diplomatic compound does against the convention, leading mexico to cut ties with its latin american neighbour, mexico announces the immediate suspension of diplomatic relations with a quinoa,
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mexico will appeal to the international court of justice to hold a quick door accountable. the violations of international law. in the as jorge glass seen here in 2017 took refuge in the embassy last december after an arrest warrant for a legit corruption was issued against him. he had previously been sentenced to 6 years in jail for graft and was released just weeks before he entered the mexican embassy. the ecuadorian government said in a post that it is a sovereign country and will not allow any criminal to go on punished, adding they reiterate their respect for the mexican people who shared their feelings for the fight against corruption. in mexico city, a large police presence was also visible at the ecuadorian embassy after the regional spat escalated into a full blown diplomatic crisis. and you're up to date coming up. next reporter
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profile is the last radiologist remaining into ukrainian city of have sun. i'm melissa chance and you're watching dw news, the votes, people have to say the that's why we listen to based on the rituals every weekend on d, w. innovation green, the green revolution.


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