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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 6, 2024 7:00pm-7:16pm CEST

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or the business, the w news live from berlin, growing international pressure on israel over air strikes and killed aid workers in gauze. meanwhile, thousands of his earliest joined anti government protest intel a v. as israel says it will allow more humanitarian aid to reach desperate palestinians. also coming up mexico cut ties with ecuador as police storm, its embassy, where a former, if were during lead, or bush sheltering the
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mariana evans, dean. it's good to have you with us. we begin in israel, where mass rallies are expected as the 6 month anniversary of the start of his still of these approaches. mounting anger over the government's handling of the war and gaza has brought thousands onto the streets of tel aviv. they're demanding that the governments do more to ensure the safe return of the remaining hostages. the capital has seen a weekly anti government protest in the wake of the october 7th terror attacks carried outside from us. our correspondent, i mean as it is in jerusalem, where protests are also a bound to start, i'm in good to see you. so we've been serious seeing these demonstrations across israel against the government of permanence or benjamin atanya who intensifying what significance about today's demonstration as well. these demonstrations
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are national, so they're all around israel right now. i'm in jerusalem at the moment at protest is supposed to kick off here in the square. i'm standing in about an hour's time. but already in tel aviv, we've seen thousands of people hit the streets demanding that netanyahu prime minister. netanyahu stepped down. uh, these protests have gotten a 2nd wins about the 6 month mark of the latest war in gaza. a lot of people are saying that nothing yahoos actions his way of handling this war has made is real, less safe, about 1557 percent of his really disagree with how nets and yahoo and his cabinet have handled this war. although there are more positive marks for the other members of his cabinet, several of which come from other parties including opposition parties. so nothing yahoo is looking very unpopular as this month. this war and gaza turn 6 months old
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. what's interesting to note here though, is that if you ask anybody at these protests, what should have been done or what should be done, you'll get as many answers as there are people there. what brings people together is their disapproval of nothing. yahoo! but most people do not have a clear answer. what better could be done to make, is there a more say, a lot of people who are at these protests. their main concern is not necessarily the civilian deaths, and god forbid that the civilian deaths are alienating israel. on an international stage, they are losing their allies and their partners around the world and their protection from what they see as an existential threat. well, meanwhile i'm in a and other developments, both israel and also the united states are on high alert. following the bombing of a bronze embassy in damascus a few days ago. and we know that that attack killed a top commander of the wrongs revolutionary guards and others. just how worried israel about possible retaliation from iran. as well as really is,
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are very concerned themselves. we saw earlier this week, many is really is going to supermarket and starting up on a central goods worried that a war might break out. so there, there is a lot of bunkering going on here. there was scrambling of gps earlier this week. so a lot of israelis in jerusalem when they checked google maps and it said that they were in cairo or in lab a non. so that's part of the actions of these rarely governments to make it more difficult for his ran. it ran to strike is real. the military has not allowed troops to go on leave at the moment. they are on high alert. us troops in the area are also on high alert. so everybody here is, is very concerned that iran could retaliate for those strikes that happened on monday in syria. and as anything more known about how this potential iranian retaliation would play out as well. the ron and its
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proxy has below which is base and 11 on those 2 most likely actors. 2 of you to carry out any retaliatory strikes. they have been very opaque about what their plans are, but very clear that something will be done to events themselves. we don't know if this could happen in the next week or so, but, but it's at most likely to be an attack on a is really or a u. s. a target within syria or another country, most likely not within israel, given that this is rarely strike on rainy and targets was in syria and not in ran itself around. has been very clear since october 7, tara tax. but it does also does not want to regional war and does not want to escalate this, but they see what is real did in syria, striking an embassy as unacceptable. and they want to show strength basically, and to and retaliate. so we're looking at some kind of action in the near future,
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but we definitely do not know what at this point, dw, i mean as of interest and for us, i'm in, thank you. israel has responded to international calls to allow more humanitarian aiden to gauze them. the government has now approve to the reopening of the air is crossing into northern garza and of a temporary use of ashen dog port in southern his realm. agencies say that supplies which are getting through at present are not nearly enough. inside these boxes is medicine and supplies. much needed aid at this hospital, which has become the most important in northern gaza. the softer all she felt hospital stopped functioning. many patients arrived that come out ad one hospital, which is a small hospital and we like medicine and supplies. we called on international
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organizations, including the world health organization. and thank god, today we received some supplies on this page has been trickling into guys or whoever agencies say it's not enough to meet the needs of the population. pressure has been growing on israel to allow more humanitarian supplies into the enclave. which the is randy government has approved. this decision comes in the wake of the killing of several aid workers and, and is riley strike earlier this week. but safety concerns remain an issue for agency still operating in gaza. we don't have the necessary security guarantees to work here. the people also need to be safe. so for that, for us to really be able to scale up to avert time in so that people don't have to die because they don't have food. we need security guarantees to us as c, my parents, but also for the people we says in gaza. simon is edging closer in northern guys.
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there were some 70 percent of the population is facing catastrophic hunger according to the winds world food program. ox farm said since january palestinians in northern guys are heavy and an average of just $245.00 calories per day. that's less than a kind of beans lie, a lie when we were displaced at the beginning of the war, we used to eat rock and brand because of the high prices of food here. this is the only place where i can get food for my children. i have 3 boys and one girl. they need food. where do i get them food? i couldn't afford to buy any food. everything is so expensive and i have no money. this local kitchen is our safe place. we come here every day. i never, never got a call, not a problem shared by many guys in 6 months into the war and with no end in sight to their suffering to let's turn our attention now to some other world news. and
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mexico is breaking off diplomatic ties with ecuador over a read on the mexican embassy in key to security forces detained. a former ecuadorian, vice president or glass has been given political asylum in the compound. mexican diplomatic staff will leave ecuador immediately. police in quito guard the office of the prosecutor general after they arrested ecuador, his former vice president. earlier on friday, mexico offered jorge eyeglass, political asylum. he is facing a string of corruption charges from his time and office. a staff member from the mexican embassy made their opposition to the raid. no global. how easy the criminals rate at the mexican embassy equipped all right, but that's not possible because it can't be to know if it's madness. no further said the little port of the move to enter
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a diplomatic compound is against the convention, leading mexico to cut ties with its latin american neighbour. it makes the car with known since the immediate suspension of diplomatic relations with an equitable mexico will appeal to the international court of justice to hold a quick door accountable. the violations of international law in the as jorge glass seen here in 2017, took refuge in the embassy last december. after an arrest warrant for a legend, corruption was issued against him. he had previously been sentenced to 6 years in jail for graft and was released just weeks before he entered the mexican embassy. the ecuadorian government said in a post that it is a sovereign country and will not allow any criminal to go on punished, adding the reiterate their respect for the mexican people who shared their feelings for the fight against corruption. in mexico city,
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a large police presence was also visible at the ecuadorian embassy after the regional spat escalated into a full blown diplomatic crisis. for more on this story or a correspondence, nicole reeves joins me from the columbia and capital focus. i good to see you. nicole, so yeah, reading and embassy is certainly quite a dramatic stab full. why did ecuador take such extreme measures to arrest this former vice president or glass? well, there are several things to keep in mind with this story here. hor pig last for a start is no stranger to the allegations of corruption as you might have since he actually was released from his office in 2017 because of them. and this was also in connection with one of the most famous inventory is corruption cases in the recent history and latin america, the older braced case where he was killed and convicted for taking dr. money from
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brazilian construction firms in exchange for government contracts. he was also convicted for using contractors, money for the campaigns of former president, paid quarterly a. and then in 2022, that was this new arrest board form. equip dorian or for it. he's and he seek asylum, add to the mexican embassy, stating that he was fearing for security, stating that he was feeling of being political prosecuted. and then there's also this other side in ecuador, obviously daniel noble or the president has pledged and problem is that he would go hard after a political corruption, but also the normal corruption. and this is what he's actually doing. this is, he's just showing, basically one side of his strings. on the other hot side, of course, reading this embassy has been a fussing red line, and he's being accused of many latin american countries over here of breaching
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a with, as a genius with the vienna convention. which actually it says that there is a certain type of protection also in a diplomatic commission. so it's a very complicated situation for equity right now. meanwhile, jorge class has said to be already imprisoned in boy acute. all right, so you mentioned that a ecuador as the other neighbors of also expressed some criticism over this move to arrest him at the mexican embassy. but we also know that tensions between mexico and ecuador are not new. can you tell us a bit about what's behind all that? well, actually, just recently, the tensions have been rising a very highly because of a commons by the mexican president lopez over the world. who was suggesting that during the election process in ecuador, and the summation of one of the candidates actually influenced highly on the outcome of the election. so daniel,
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i could become president. this didn't go down well with it. what was president, non billable? they? uh, cleared the invest adults of mexico in, in ecuador, petune, and i don't get out there just shortly before storming the embassy. this actually at the times and meant that they would not break diplomatic ties. but this is always to be over the table now with quality glass being imprisoned. and i don't see how this can in the future of be using so a so easily actually with other countries like columbia here, also cost double paper saying that they will actually investigate if it has been a breach. and that's at the rights of the diplomatic mission. have been violated, so that's what to call my think deed. so the fall out from this situation will be felt around the region, the w's nicole rees, reporting for us from boca in columbia. thank you so much. we appreciate it. or
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you're watching the double you news coming to from berlin up next hour. technology show shift. it looks at the rise of virtual reality tourism a marion. i haven't seen. i'll have more headlines for you at the top of the hour from me and the entire news team in berlin. thanks for watching the project. cassandra, re determined through our investigation that has bull uh, was operating like a global drug cart. not somebody normally seizures organizations. the object to financially drain and bring them down. the team agents from the american drug enforcement agency. i mean, as well as another whole lot. they wanted to go after their money. they had from lies themselves. we needed them to reveal that so world enter their own people
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wanted the us government suddenly shut down.


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