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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 6, 2024 8:00pm-8:16pm CEST

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the, the, this is dw news live from berlin of the, this is the w news line from berlin. sounds as protest against israel's handling of the war in gossip 6 months on mass rallies in tel aviv and other cities called for an immediate hostage deal to come off. and new elections. also coming up, mexico cuts ties with ecuador as police, a storm, its embassy, where a former ecuadorian leader was sheltering the
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. i'm married, a evans teen welcome. we begin in israel, where mass rallies are underway as the 6 month anniversary of the october 7th come off. terror attacks approaches. mounting anger over the government's handling of the war and gaza has brought thousands onto the streets of tell of these and other cities. they're demanding that israel agreed to a deal with him off for the release of the remaining hostages. many protesters are also calling for new elections and some accuse prime minister benjamin a ton yahoo! and his coalition of delaying a deal with him off for political reasons. our correspondence, i mean, as is in jerusalem, where protests are also a balance to get started. i mean, we know that these demonstrations across israel, against the government of premise,
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or benjamin atanya, who have been intensifying. what can you tell us about tonight's protests? well, 1st of all, these protests are happening all across the country, which is unusual, not just here in jerusalem, but also tell of eve. and heifer were thousands of people went out on the streets. so i'm even getting arrested demanding an end to the nets, and yahoo government over is handling of this war with her moss. now, these protests have been going on since before, most recent war in gaza, but it has really picked up a 2nd wins. now that international pressure is building on israel to do things differently about 57 percent of israelis believe that nets and yahoo has not handled this war. well, what we have to point out those, this is not, these aren't anti war protests. the main concern of the israelis are going on in the streets right now is the safety of israel,
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and especially the safety of those hostages, who were taken off on october 7th by almost terrorist. just today, a family received the body of a deceased relative who was taken hostage. the idea of collecting his remains in gaza and they just points to the tragedy for the families of those hostages. many of whom believe that netanyahu's government is to blame for not negotiating seriously with them off to find a deal to bring this word to an end so that the hostages can come back safely. and amen. and other developments, both israel and the us are on high alert following the bombing of a bronze embassy in damascus a few days ago. and we know that attack killed a top commander of the runs revolutionary guards and some other individuals. just how concerned are as really is about a possible retaliation by ron this is
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a main concern for israelis right now. before sabbath on friday when shops were closing. lots of israelis went out and stocked up on a central goods. just in case of war broke out over the weekend. that's how afraid they are. the israeli military is on high alert. they refused to allow soldiers to go on leave over the weekend, fearing of retaliation from iran. american troops in the region are also have also been put on high alert, so many is rarely see or believe that something is imminent. now, officials in the us, i've said the most likely retaliation. uh, would it be on uh, on is rarely or american assets outside of israel, but this is not a switch. any fears in israel that uh, that is really, is, are uh, being threatened by iran and it has bloods proxy in lebanon as well. that was dw correspondents, i mean, as of reporting for us from jerusalem. i mean, we appreciate it. thank you. well,
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meanwhile, israel has responded to international calls to allow more humanitarian aid. it's against them. the government has approve. the reopening of the air is crossing into northern garza and the temporary use of ash dog port in southern israel. agencies save that supplies which are getting through at present or not. nearly enough. inside these boxes is medicine and supplies. much needed aid at this hospital, which has become the most important in northern gaza, are as follows, assistance as a officer, a shafer hospital stopped functioning. many patients arrived come onto one hospital . this is a small hospital and we did not commit us and supplies. recall on international organizations, including the world health organization, and we thank god,
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today we received some supplies. robles on this page has been trickling into guys, or whoever agencies say it's not enough to meet the needs of the population. pressure has been growing on israel to allow more humanitarian supplies into the enclave, which these randy government has approved. this decision comes in the wake of the killing of several aid workers in the news. riley strike earlier this week. but safety concerns remain an issue for agency still operating in gaza. we don't have the necessary security guarantees to work here. the people also need to be safe. so for that, for us to really be able to scale up to avert famine so that people don't have to die because they don't have food. we need security guarantees to us as to my parents, but also for the people we says in gaza. simon is edging closer in northern guys. there were some 70 percent of the population is facing catastrophic hunger.
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according to the wens world food program. oxfam says since january palestinians in northern guys have eaten an average of just $245.00 calories per day. that's less than a kind of beans. one lie, a lay that when we were displaced at the beginning of the war, we use the rotten bread because of the high food prices. the. this is the only place where i can get anything for my children. then i have 3 boys and a girl. they need food, where do i get food? i can't afford to buy it. everything is so expensive and i have no money in this local kitchen is our safe place. we come here every day. i never, never had a problem shared by many guys in 6 months into the war and with no end in sight to their suffering. let's turn our attention now to some of the other stories making use this. our authorities in denmark are trying to shut down copenhagen's famous christiane. you hit the enclave. police have tolerated the illegal sale of cannabis
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and the areas since the 1970s bond. a recent spate of shootings linked the gang has led residents to call for the popular tourism district. it to be cleared. credit to berg has been arrested and a protest in the netherlands. authorities detained the swedish climates activist, along with others from the extinction, rebellious who, when they tried to block a highway into the hague, the demonstrators are demanding an end to fossil fuels. subsidies. russian authorities have opened an investigation to determine why a damn near the border with conflicts on collapse. thousands of people were forced to flee their homes of the city of horace when rising water flooded several vigil villages along the ural river. the danverse, the following hours of torrential rain, a russian sir hughes phase craft has returned safely to earth. after on docking from the international space station astronaut from russian builders and the united
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states were on board in the the american laura little hara had been in or vigilant since september harold, east to well, mexico is breaking off diplomatic ties with ecuador over a raid on the mexican embassy in kito security forces detained, a former ecuadorian vice president or gig last had been given political asylum, and the compound mexican diplomatic staff will leave ecuador immediately. police in quito guard the office of the prosecutor general. after they arrested ecuador, his former vice president earlier on friday, next to go offered jorge eyeglass, political asylum. he is facing a string of corruption charges. from his time in office. a staff member from the mexican embassy made their opposition to the raid known global. how easy the criminals rated the mexican embassy in ecuador line,
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but that's not possible, although it can be to know if it's mountainous north, where this is, this will not look pulled off the move to enter. a diplomatic compound is against the convention, leading mexico to cut ties with its latin american neighbour. mixed the car announces the immediate suspension of diplomatic relations with a quote on mexico will appeal to the international court of justice to hold a quick door accountable for violations of international law. in the jorge eyeglass seeing here in 2017, took refuge in the embassy last december after an arrest warrant for a legit. corruption was issued against him. he had previously been sentenced to 6 years in jail for graft and was released just weeks before he entered the mexican embassy. the ecuadorian government said in a post that it is a sovereign country and will not allow any criminal to go on punished,
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adding they reiterate their respect for the mexican people who shared their feelings for the fight against corruption. in mexico city, a large police presence was also visible at the ecuadorian embassy after the regional spat escalated into a full blown diplomatic crisis. over more on the story, let's bring in journalist audrianna boa, who joins us from ecuador, his capital quito, welcome. so this former vice president who are big loss is now in cost to be, as we know, after his arrest by ecuador and authorities. so what happens to him next he's being taken actually right now to present in white cube. now, for highly ventures are highly seniors,
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because as you may know, we have also, uh, pricing is independent sharing system. so the next thing is to keep them safe. but a bristol and why do you think that ecuador decided to go ahead and take such a drastic measure as storming a, for an embassy, in this case, the mexican embassy to arrest this man? the argument from the government so far ease uh, as you said before, that no crimes should go punish. so as soon as former vice president in bluff has a sentence here for correction, detrimental is that one, they the person in the middle of was not going to allow any criminal to run from justice. and besides that, we have an election going to have. we have a national referendum in 3 weeks. so this is going to become
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a extra new political case. that is going to divide the country. i shall and we know that glass was seeking asylum in the mexican embassy. why? why mexico? because. 1 um, the government of mexican president of the office is very friendly with the police. he got fired from former president rafael. correct. so we have a couple of inquiry on political figures that are already there. they flew to mexico a couple years ago because they had the same argument, us a glass, they said they are, they were facing police persecution here. so mexico has become a special kind of a operation office for the lady. got the correct that was
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journalist audrianna nobela joining us from ecuador, his capital key to many things. indeed for your insight. thank you. good night or 2 motors for us now and formula one world champion, mocks for stoppin, has kept his perfect qualifying record intact. the season that has been secured, poll position at the famous says you can track is, is 3rd consecutive full position this season. the red move cars will start from grids, positions one and 2 for sunday's race. the maclaren alondo norris will be just behind them. a present for stopping leaves the driver's real championship by 4 points. se 6, a 4th consecutive ground. and before we go, and alec interruption by mount edna in italy, locals are understandably weary of the power. okay, no, not for now, it appears to be blowing giant smoke rings. sicilians are referring to the mountain
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as the lady of the rings. all cannick rings are natural near perfect circles of gas scientists. the aetna puts out more emissions than any other. ok. and that's the latest on the daily news is our a marion evans dean from me and the team in berlin. thanks for watching the charlotte. the currently more people than ever on the world wide in such a bed nearby, facile jessica middle castle, josh. find out about robina story, info microns. why do? how many does not get drunk? why do go to tasteful waves, squeeze all bodies. how much more.


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