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tv   Buried Found and Returned Home  Deutsche Welle  April 7, 2024 2:02am-2:30am CEST

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i c a c a s. no, it really does need to boost their students name is get this new router and so on the back of the schools and it comes comb, a money order in about senior citizens. dennis, i swing speed on his h of and photo citizen. if he is known c, because a turn in austin, that's mind if i'm interested in always case just one done. probably some of the sky and so i'm so sorry. the, the suitcase le, unnoticed for decades in the attic of a judge,
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choose parish house. oh god. it's faith. the suitcase was handed over to the brandon, the branch of the german ball grades commission for all of it, but i'd hoped and katelyn cops. it's like opening a time capsule. a travel alarm clock. it contains extremely personal items on the web at buying time. somebody opened his name, they smell of us and death. if you look and the fewer knows, only struggle work and worrying and our role is to relieve him of as much as those as best we can who was the recipient of these letters and who might still be waiting for an answer. as far as i want to see how things are. yeah,
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i hadn't been back since the attack ended all look so dreadful. now to this of the main square is unrecognizable the coordinator. who does that is the, it's a brief description of what preston looked like. there was an early april 1945 to most people, the year 1945 is history. but to all of that, when i comped, it's like the present day. i'm thinking of the alarm clock. it's all a question of time because you forget the present and travel back with all those images created over the course of a lifetime. when you immerse yourself in the subjects, your head gets filled with the images that keep taking you back. and when you read something like that letter, and it says if time is standing still in that side. so what do type like the student the suitcase pin on to answer punishment. 1945 times one was a pasta in the hans mountains. shortly after the 2nd world war,
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he visited relatives in holland and brandon, by following the battle in and around the town. in april 194540000 were buried in local forests, fields, and front yards. ties. when asked to be transferred to hobo where he began listing these makeshift graves with the help of the judge regional authorities and local businessmen, the created permanent and dignified, resting places for the phone. and it became one of german, his laundry cemeteries for the casualties of war. perhaps the items in the suitcases belong to someone buried in the cemetery. they might also have a special significance for someone still alive. comes now to the nitty gritty. most of the dunk tags belonging to members of the old german army registered in the federal. all kinds in belin, this is a 1st concrete lee. yeah. much. that's why 2 soldiers,
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evidently killed departments, only one half of the tag decide to look. you have the other half would be left on the body. i'm talking. i can't read this later today i received my husband's identification tugs and a notebook which probably did not belong to him stun customers. oh my, this must have gotten really witnessed. but look, this is the soldiers payable to you. this evening. mazda holds up to the photo, and so these are his promotions to ss squad later for head squad, leader, me workshop and senior squad leader would flush the photo. wow. with his name and photo the as ask was originally hitler's body gone. body
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voltage at the bottom as as a lead to combat falls, notorious for countless atrocities during the war. with this man, vault to hearts apple also commit to crimes. there's another half of an id tag in the suitcase calling back. this is, this is from the 6 ss yog document, or the humans, meaning it's an ss tag which was split as officially required is, can use it. 10 vote is presumably, these are holds up as a personal effects footboards up for east and presumably he'd be listed in the rank cards every year, about 35000 people contact the walgreens commission. still in search of missing relatives who applied homes such as by any living relative, he could give the as, as pay book to all the
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to this day there was still people buried in the battlefield. so to who are registered as missing your walking, consult sky works for the brunt about walgreens commission and recovers corpses across germany as again well, i know these are supposed to be one over there. and then there's another site behind those with the 2nd buddy jones with them, but it always starts with a single boon moment. i'm kind of run northeast and sort of the, the man went off and hastily buried frank with a died. but the wall graves commission make sure that they finally get a proper grades if possible, an identity for the month. there's been a body lying here for almost 80 years, some bones and remains every uniform we discovered here by a crew working on
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a new bike. the the bank of football and began here near the village of zeno in april 1945 more than a 1000000. the soviets in german soldiers engaged in a blot bos lobsting of a full days, and claiming close to 100000 lives. the fates of many remains on known to this day a month. as i mentioned, i do this because there are people waiting for information about those missing research even includes my own family. it's a minor from your funeral line. you go. so determining as many identities as possible, there's a help to take them a 1st time. it's not, you know, to do as if you had mentioned you all came across a long sky hopes to be able to identify yet another fallen soldier today.
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but somebody gives us a to decrease, we're getting to the crucial area where we usually find the id tagging smart if he was wearing one close to the still racks area we can talk to to think otherwise, it's on a chain. it could also be lying by the scope of a this is a positive as upper jobs working by the way. so here we have a voltage once up born september 9th, 1917. and these go in the upper salisia. next step is to ask about the lutheran cemetery there in poland to put towards the i can't find a date of birth for volunteer holds up to this stuff up when i talk needs that date of birth in order to determine who the defendants saw here born on september 20th 1929,
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161929 would indeed mean he would only have been 16 at his time of death. dss is known to visited schools to recruit boys as young as 14. as the wall progressed, they too were sent into battle. might develop to hold sample to being one of those boys. each item raises new questions, questions about a time as carnage and chaos when a young man likes bound to hold separately. put a photo like this in his surface book. it shows a ditch with dead people, evidently members of the bottom s. s. why would a 16 year old have such a photo on him? the territory to sort of the only explanation i have is my belief that war can bring out the best. and a person leading to acts of heroism didn't have enough to side,
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but also the absolute worst. and the most part there it used to and then get enables us to surrender to the lowest of human instincts and think that even with political legitimacy issue. and that's what gone on for the additional you too much . so you all came coastal on sky is still taking out the post around zillow, looking for clues to the identity of the data individual. listening. i didn't know much st. willing to take a bit deeper here later. yeah. call me here because i hear you can see is new joint . well, i'll just get these 2 pieces 1st to see if there are no personal items with a name among the bones. finding out who died here is often possible by looking at the metal identification tag. this will nothing. and i cannot market the mental talk like that makes it proper
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signal or good. i'll see what else turns up. suddenly he comes across the mountain cable running right through the pelvic bone. so he's not the only one to be digging here. recently. this flip, this is bad unless you can forget it. besides, this has more of it means that whatever was defined here as being thrown away from monarch and maybe there was even an id tag which is presumably in private hands. now if so well because i mean that's appalling with the helm. it has being preserved with a sizable hole in it suggesting it was a quick death we can look into the bundle hunan sometimes you can still find a name written on the leather inside the helmet for nothing this one, the skeleton is almost complete,
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but don't clues to the identity of the person unc on this. i think some of it, i think it's in humane and disgusting, but it doesn't surprise me is cannot just push and 75 years after the war. and you see this in different months because that's where it begins. and people looking away because of the tone every year about 200 new bodies from the war, a re buried in holland. brandon, the war braves commission takes care of the cemetery, presenting memories for future generations. the guns, i hope you have all of europe lying here in the 4th frenchman, ukrainians, russians, belgians, dutchman and poles. all side by side here. yeah. because they handle those who went through these gates carried with them the greatest, sorry. the greatest pain. greatest hope the greatest faith and the title,
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but there were also some who learned nothing from history still on time, almost like a sister now by slit. the youngest known victim in the cemetery was only a day old. now the oldest is 96 years younger versus on steve about 18000000 miles when last and the 2nd while on the, as in susan hines, narrow between one and 25 dead under each gravestone. and so we estimate the total number today and 152028000 debt and the cemetery today wants his toes and for the profit, the dad and how the symmetry will remain on the forever was transferred to a known war. casualty is paying last respect to this person and he's a man with no name. there is no remembrance. says, what does this done? i need to enter the another
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suitcase full of homes. perhaps its contents can provide a name for one of those who remain anonymous. the color of applied hopped believes he has identified a village from one of the photos by an owner in the fonts mountains. that's prompted a visit from pay to name on. he knows the old soldiers burial grounds in that area and might be able to match up the photographs, letters and the pay book. the home go from the we found the service book of a young ss member viewing containing of photographs, your car within a very young child by the name of the hotel mental health. and i'm hoping that he's one of the unknown who are re buried from dry on and home phones in idaho,
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it's up to the latest. and this could be the crucial thing we've found in denture in an envelope marked passenger tyson on that site and which tire one done comedy when i came across your article on the internet health deal where you talked about a denture. i was thinking, adventure is hardly unusual when done refunds, and then there were these items folded inside a sheet of paper. this, this list j as mine looks familiar to you. and these are original photos on places . ok, no photos. page 11 rotatable covering the last days of the war around the town of indigo holder at its center is kind of cool stuff. pay train considered to save you, of indigo, to having refused orders to defend the area against the advancing americans. his
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coverage cost him his life, the s as executed him in the woods, but no one knows exactly where his remains are buried. presumably, together with all the soldiers and types, one a pasta in the hans mountains at the time trying to give the bear its soldiers a more dignified great sight. he was able to place find no names on a tip of crosses. one cross at the inscription on note, while the last 2 memorial crosses, without any human remains underneath them. one of those was the colonel page. 1956. the bodies were moved to a symmetry in duncan bulk. and the process of list was compiled, defined items found with the dead. it included attention and they were also more remains of unknown sandwiches. it's kind of course it could all just be
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a giant coincidence with someone simply emptying the whole shelf of a cupboard into the suitcases and not caring about where everything came from. it's kind of all side, perhaps type on, kept these things in the suitcase on purpose, posterior. everything connected to the men who failed and try on and holding up and put on hold for being able to bring the home that we found this a couple that showed us to as the 2 men, examine the photos and compare the names and the cases contents with lists from the hans mountains across relics and emotional object to but i didn't pay to them and makes an initial assessment to me. i think the idea was for the speculative, but because none of the names on the list appear to have any connection to tie on an owner in the, in the sun. what has been exciting. that's v as a veils funding because he is doesn't have to do it right. but staying with the speculations, the we're dealing with the 6 on known soldiers. so what if it turns out that these
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remains belong to those 6 who were subsequently re buried 2 bits of voting. that would explain type on being in possession of these remains and artifacts and the soldiers were buried as unknown. and he took those things to pass the mazda prior to his work, relocating remains. you're walking because a lot of skis of 12 years in the german army. as a paramedic, he faced injuries and fatalities in the present day. now he's dealing with dance for many decades ago. chapel from time to time, i have some contact with relatives and they come to burial services. and often they'll bring a photo and say, call. this is how he wants. luc went to ones on which, on the muscles that, that might always call it's really moving the
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once a year, the newly excavated a buried in one of the wall cemeteries that they all ground to that final resting place with dignity. most or i looked at the birth date, and some of them were 17 or 18 when they died or they didn't even know what they were doing there. and they were born and died as human beings born. that's magic stuff the via to, if you to, to it's not my job to see who was a perpetrator or a victim. the job. i think this, we wants to keep the memory alive. there's nothing worse than this looking away. and the difference that we see every day in our society to come outside become an absolute anti we're advocate, the owner of
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applied halt is looking for information in the federal all kinds invalid have you ex, i've cleared this space especially for your suitcase so we can take a look, i don't, can you just use that as you? my already gave you a brief rundown of the story to dig out. so i'm going have these previously solved a range of mysteries together with august, the capable of because he controlled forward and see that it got damped. fits of soldiers pay book or something you would be interested in is in process doesn't, doesn't get to what happened. developed a hold site for the 16 year old as, as officer light. unfortunately, the photo is quite blurry. he me freshman and i was just, there is another one that holds up to my toilet and it's up to you help me. you tell me some of his particulars and there i have something to show you on hold
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something to call. yes. um, hold on a sec, let me see if this might even let's yeah, i mean we did find him a lot of things that we have no record of whether he's deceased bishop. unfortunately, we also have no record of whether he was killed in action enough by on fits or what happened to him after 43. now to the own kind of supports the fact it's recorded in his of his book whether he was shown, test design to or dieting combat will remain a mystery. but one thing is clear from the files valid to hold samples was born not a 1929, but 1922. he made himself a younger possibly to save his own life. but today's meeting is also about examining all the objects from the suitcase. and there was
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also an on below with identification tags, and the suitcase event may be they can all be assigned to hold. so that's going, that was my assumption. and i was, this is the reception company to the yes. and this is a light tank on the hudson. yes. what you already sent me some scans. so we have them deciphered hot and actually found some information on them, on compensation for my to and that's what we're finding the one he's the man's name was corporal funds solve a boosting, a stops could fire in his civilian life. he was a mechanic g, a hobby. it says here that he fell on the 18th of april. 1945 near di, on in horner in the hearts mountains and st. tyson on your combs. the notice came from antis months to the past or you mentioned earlier, what are you thinking of? and my guess is that mr. ties money collected the items in this suitcase after overseeing the burial of the soldiers with a start to topple just
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a lot of otherwise you wouldn't have had the dog tags or half of it. gradually, some of the mystery is coming to light. when we have more reports on his passing, his former burial place was outside the dry, uninhabited cemetery to read buried in a close cemetery. france, sab, posting a, is buried next to 49 others in the drunken book cemetery. so a large part of the items could be from the song trans spelled to or go to is among the, on the dead. and perhaps the letters and lots of times will find the recipient soft or a medium 18 years after they were written. that will now be the task of the federal, all kinds of
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stock and how the that is being further progress. a colleague of all of applied help recognize the seal in print that was on the bottom that the suitcase the seal belong to ends from blue ser that has been handed over to his family. ashton put their trust. he was in touch with mister funded list of the sister for that. and suddenly she opened up and wrote to him about her memories from 1945 from philip's easy decision to feed into our thank you for your e mail about the discovery of the ceiling print, which was very moving for me on this portion. and i can barely remember, my brother comes, he was 10 years older dental, but as a witness amongst the dentist, i told him, told us as of the condition because he can call them and i can finish best on the bottom yet. latasha the present couple of them put them on the,
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on the 10th 1902 on sunday he does, he did such as president or just for me tonight. and so i can definitely assist you with that. please either cost me from this the dental 19 jeep search to see see 9, since you've seen the
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