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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 7, 2024 3:00am-3:16am CEST

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the, the, this is dw news live from berlin, tens of thousands protest against israel is handling of the war in gaza. 6 months on mass rallies and tele, v. then other is really cities call for an immediate hostage deal with some us and new election. also coming up, mexico cuts ties with ecuador as police storm. its embassy, where a former ecuadorian leader had taken a silent and thousands forced to flee their homes as a dam collapse. as near rushes border, which caused like stuff authorities in russia opened an investigation into why the structure failed. the
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and david levitz welcome to the show at 6 29 am local time. israel will march 6 months since the worst terror attack and its history is rarely president issac heard. so except saturday, the hum us let a salt which killed some 1200 people initiated what he called a bloody and difficult of war. according to the homeless or on health ministry as well as response and gaza has killed more than 33000 palestinians. most of them civilians and military campaign has included assaults on medical facilities like gaza cities ship a hospital. seeing here being inspected by you and from the server. and now many is railways are questioning their government staging mass rally saturday, urging a deal to release him. us how the hostages and calling for new elections as
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the 10s of thousands blocked the streets. intel of leave and across these rail, that anger pointed directly at the country's lead is demonstrations against prime minister benjamin netanyahu and his right wing government would comment before the wall and fled back up as the conflict dragged on. a cold refresh selections growing louder and more urgent. we the men election would be said as soon as possible because this government is doing everything they can to destroy the country. the demonstrations of focused on the safety and future of these rail while not anti war. some protest is her voice danis with the way israel has conducted its assault on gaza. we don't have another country which happens to be
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a good time for sex itself. but the act, according to human rights, at the highest of the rallies, is a demand to free all remaining hostages held in gaza. as people gathered for a weekend of protests. israel said special forces had recovered the body of a lad, cuts here. the 47 year old died while held captive in the palestinian territory with his family say they believe he could have been saved. if these riley government had struck a deal. the families of other hostages hoped that it's not too late for each route to change tack and save their loved ones. the protests come, as israel is responding to international calls to allow more humanitarian aid into gaza, the government has approved the reopening of the air as crossing into northern garza,
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i'm the temporary use of ash, 3rd port in southern israel. agencies say not nearly enough supplies are getting through to the palestinian territory and famine is imminent. as inside these boxes is medicine and supplies, much needed aid at this hospital which has become the most important in northern gaza. officer, a schafer, hospital stopped functioning. many patients arrive to come out, i do on hospital. this is a small hospital. we do not commit us and supplies. recall on the international organizations, including the world health organization and we thank god, today we received some supplies a. it has been trickling into guys, or whoever agencies say it's not enough to meet the needs of the population. pressure has been growing on israel to allow more humanitarian supplies into the
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enclave, which the israeli government has approved. this decision comes in the wake of the killing of several aid workers and then is rarely strike earlier this week. but safety concerns remain an issue for agency still operating in gaza. we don't have the necessary security guarantees to work here. the people also need to be safe. so for that, for us to really be able to scale up to avert time. and so that people don't have to die because they don't have food. we need security guarantees to us as do my attendance, but also for the people we says in gaza. simon is edging closer in northern guys. there were some 70 percent of the population is facing catastrophic hunger, according to the wens world food program. aux from said since january palestinians in northern guys are heavy and an average of just $245.00 calories per day. that's less than a kind of beans lie
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a lot say that when we were displaced at the beginning of the war, we use the rotten bread because of the high food prices. the. this is the only place where i can get anything for my children. then i have 3 boys and a girl. they need food, where do i get food? i can't afford to buy it. everything is so expensive and i have no money. this local kitchen is our safe place. we come here every day on the problem is shared by many guys in 6 months into the war and with no end in sight to their suffering. the us and israel are on high alert, expecting retaliation for the bombing of your runs embassy in damascus. on monday, after funerals for the 7 members of the revolutionary guards who were killed, they run warrants that it reserves the right to quote, take a decisive response to iran says as really, war plans were used in what it considers a major escalation. and as rails war with its regional adversaries. earlier i
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spoke to iran security expert ben on ben tell, i believe, from the washington based research institute foundation for the pet fence of democracies. i asked what these threats from iran could really mean. we've seen the clerical regime in the wrong problem is something similar before. for example, in response to real or perceived threats from israel in 2022 and again in 2024, the regime ended up striking publicly from its own territory. the targets in iraq that ended up being the homes of curtis business and to show you this and civilians alleging that those targets for most of bases in the past is monica public has been increasingly interested and willing enabled to publish the launch missile operations. the more capable they have become, but thus far as history has never directly targeted is really territory publicly from its own territory using these weapons. and so what is the risk of us seeing
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a full, our regional war now? ok. there's certainly the risk about looking at iranian commentary, particularly within the past 48 hours, while there is talk of quote unquote, a slap against israel and lots of political and security and military officials on a recently manufactured iranian holiday called codes today. the other day, which is held by the last friday of the holy month of ramadan, between their commentary. if you're going to read between the lines uh, was a lot about how we run felt in bold. and because it sounds like it was already winning in the battlefield, the post october, 2nd, middle east. so my assessment is that a run is likely not going to do something to shake off the current trajectory. so that might mean not targeting is real directly or again, launching an attack against a 3rd party country, or more likely you've even had to run in political officials talk about terrorism against this really embassies. so what capacity would and rondo have to hurt as well? uh it broadly depends on how one defines her it's, i mean uh,
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within the past 48 hours, you've had the wrong in a news agencies actually admit that this spring here general that was killed into damascus. right brigadier general, inside the allegedly part to grow health plan. the, the october 7 terrace attack, which is in erie slip of the tell him give intact runs denials for the past 6 months. so clearly they have a robust terrorist apparatus in the past. these relays in the wrong hands have traded pharmacy cyberspace that could potentially continue as well. and it's also an open question because that ron was pointing a finger at america despite the very popular american denial. if it will resume militia attacks in the heartland of them, at least like an iraq and syria, against us positions in your assessment just briefly, what could be done right now to de escalate the situation? if anything or you know, listen, this is, this is a really tough question, because i think the iranians at this point in time are politically locked in,
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they've sunk a lot of costs publicly and rhetorically about feeling the needs response. the question is, how would they intend to say face here, and what can the west and israel and others do to bolster determines come limits? any kind of potentially running response. but i'm ben tyler, blue senior fellow at the foundation for defense of democracy. thank you. so much for your time and your analysis. thank you. let's take a look now at some other stories making news around the world. government backed candidate pets. her pellegrini has one. slovakia is presidential election, taking around 54 percent of the vote is appointments of the largely ceremonial roll will be a boost to slovakia is pro russian prime minister robert feed. so he's brought brought us a lot of, much closer to the kremlin since coming to power in $22310.00 through credit turn. burke has been arrested at a protest in the netherlands. authorities detained the sweetest climate activist along with others from the extinction. rebellion group, and they tried to block
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a highway and so the hague, the demonstrators are demanding an end to fossil fuels subsidies. while nicaragua has joined mexico and breaking off diplomatic ties with ecuador over a raid on the mexican embassy and quito, security forces detained former ecuadorian vice president jorge glass. he'd been given political asylum in the con pounds. mexico plans to file a complaint at the international court of justice. police in quito guard the office of the prosecutor general after they arrested ecuador, his former vice president. earlier on friday, mexico offered jorge eyeglass, political asylum. he is facing a string of corruption charges from his time in office. a staff member from the mexican embassy made their opposition to the raid. no global. how easy the criminals rated the mexican embassy equipped. all right,
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but that's not possible because it can't be for no, if it's madness. no part of it said the little port off the move to enter a diplomatic compound is against the convention, leading mexico to cut ties with its latin american neighbour. mixed the car with down to the immediate suspension of diplomatic relations with a quinoa. mexico will appeal to the international court of justice to hold a core door accountable for violations of international law. the jorge eyeglass seeing here in 2017, took refuge in the embassy last december. after the arrest warrant for a legit, corruption was issued against him. he had previously been sentenced to 6 years in jail for graft and was released just weeks before he entered the mexican embassy. the ecuadorian government said in a post that it is a sovereign country and will not allow any criminal to go on punished,
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adding they reiterate their respect for the mexican people who shared their feelings for the fight against corruption. in mexico city, a large police presence was also visible at the ecuadorian embassy. after the regional spat escalated into a full blown diplomatic crisis in russia, a damn collapse, as far as to thousands to leave their homes in the city of worst. authorities have now opened an investigation into whites rental reigns, cause the structural failure near the border with cosmic stock. this is the shoes city of bulls. usually, the city straddles the liver, but now the river envelops the city. to venture rain cause the nearby down to best needing the vote. 2 levels to search to more than 8 and a half meters. that's more than 4 meters,
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about the safety levels of society. say it's like a device where the emergency service is evacuated. hundreds of homes in the city. do you do most of in the morning like fools, we refuse to evacuate. but when the water came, we started asking for help it. she thank you so much. most a city of 230000 residents live close to the border with catholic stone. because the president describes the flooding as one of the west living memory follows the road american natural disaster occurred to me the likes of which had not been seen for many years. perhaps this is the largest disaster in terms of scale and consequences. in the last 80 plus years. russia has opened a criminal case for negligence and violation of construction safety rules over the best um, which is built in 2014. but for now,
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the emphasis isn't getting people's dynamos back to safety while you're up to date, but stick around up next. the last remaining radiologist in ukraine's her son fights to keep treating patients as a russian bombing. continuous, thanks for watching dw, the votes. people have to say the that's why we listen to this story, the rituals, every weekend on d. w, i tried several times more than 6 times 202 more people than ever on the way of worldwide in such a great time, i.


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