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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 7, 2024 10:00am-10:16am CEST

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the, the business dw news line from ballot, tens of thousands protest against israel's handling of the war and gospel. 6 months on mos rallies until a vase and all these really cities full for an immediate postage deal with almost new electric thoughts around those marketing. this 30 year anniversary of the start of the 1994 genocide that is estimated to have claimed more than 800000 long . the
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gulf is welcome to the program. anti government protests have been taking place in israel as the country mock 6 months since the mazda attacks that spock the conflict is rarely presidents isaac have so it has called it a bloody and difficult war. many is rarely zone. now questioning the government staging most rarely searching a deal to release hostages. still being held captive by mazda and other groups, and calling for new elections on the joints in the studio by w. middle east on last sunday was on as a shiny welcome. 6 months into this world. how are these riley's feeling about what's going on? well, it's a very somber, a feeling in israel, especially today. i mean, everybody's still, you know, in a way the world has moved on and understandably focuses on concept, but it is really, these are still hurting october 7th, today you see
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a lot of the media coverage is focusing on that on the pain on the hostages on on the a random stories of your voice x that happens, but it's quite clear that momentarily when it comes to military achievement, there's barely to that is being done and in gaza. and this is partially a, it's important to understand that it because it also helps us understand when we understand the mindset and israel, we understand why it's so hard to find an end to this is really, these are still stuck on october 7th. they don't know much about what's happening and also they don't want to know about the $32000.00 that are dead in gaza. and this is partially why we don't see any way out of is coming out soon. uh before we continue our conversation, let's have a quick look back at how it all on folded as these festival goes, seemingly oblivious to the exploded rockets overhead. soon
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afterwards, panic is how much the militants run. run page at the know the music festival in something israel almost 360 young people were killed and this attack just kilometers from the gospel to dozens more. what kidnapped us lights on saturday. october the 7th. i'm us began firing a biology of rocket some of the gaza strip towns in southern israel, such as ash, cologne, bowed. the brunt is limits, militants also broke, so it was really bold offenses. cctv folks, it shows them entering a couple woods. but thomas also felt the terra, it's inflicted on his rated communities as well as coming around 1200 people. more than 220, were taken hostage and driven over the boulder into garza as mounting evidence,
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some were subjected to serious sexual violence. 7 7 and the book in an audio message, how must minute tree come on to my how may day, if cold on old palestinians to fight this video footage shows palestinians on the golf, the pool just celebrating on top of and these really tank that was sent to have been captured by come us. that was on t, israel robbie's in the occupied westbank as well as in other countries such as a ron. israel's response was swift as it began. it's bombardment of the gaza strip with devastating results as was very slow and citizens of israel, we are at war, not even an operation will be said to have more than we come up. this is rouse, most powerful ally. the united states offered its total support. the united states
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stands with israel. we will not ever fail to have her back. october. the 7th day of tara and cottage continues to traumatize israel and to day for which garza is still paying the price i'm trying to resolve is, is still with me in the studio. and how's the per section of the international community it changed about as well as responds to these types? well it's, it's quite remarkable. we've seen parts of vitamins, speech right at the front. the wasn't doing what i mean. there was a, almost a unanimous as you know, the international consensus that there's needs to be a support for israel or the attack the atrocities that we've seen and on, on october 7th for so great. but what is real managed during the 6 months since have causes has become so devastating to gaza,
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to the civilians and does up to so many innocent people who have lost their lives, that the backlash is such that the origins of why this, oh, who start is has been forgotten and we're talking about 32000 gallons and where reported the dead israel claims 12000 of them around 12000 of them are militants, of how much which to leave us with 20000 civilians who have lost their lives for so many more buried under drop of the international community is very much concerned that this is also what's putting pressure in israel. right right now. it has direct connection, diesel ability to militarily operate in garza, it took israel almost 6 months to finally opened the crossing in the ears. uh, crossing this is the north part of the cause of strip only because it's understanding it's losing america, which is as well as most strategic assets in the american support and losing that is something is wrong, cannot afford having me. now it was seen, are they the more pressure of being put on these are the government by allies like the us. there's more pressure coming from the streets,
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from israeli straits of august, from the their own population does with government these where the government have the plan to end this war. it doesn't seem like it, it seems like the only game in town. now the only plan that the international community offers, that's all the americans also israel with them is the hostage deal. it's still being negotiated back and forth. we know how most of the gates are going to be coming to carlo tomorrow. so what we're talking about is a do which will release me those over a $130.00 is really still kept. and garza, of the hope of israel initially was to release a police 40 of them which on the elderly and the women in exchange for a temporary cease fire, which the americans hope will evolve. you know, the momentum will evolve into something a bit more permanent, or at least longer term. um and the mazda saying, we're not doing anything temporary, we're playing to the end. if israel wants to negotiate, we want to see an end to the war. and this is where we stuck in bidding this for a couple of weeks and nobody into the shop, in the international community,
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these community, the, any of the mediators nor the american seems to have any alternative. and this is part of the community we're experiencing, and c d, w released on the sun. it was honest. thank you very much, sony. as to on the noun which is mocking the 30 year anniversary of the start of the 1994 genocide that is estimated to have claimed more than $800000.00 blocks. political leaders have gathered this morning to mock the moment that stops at 100 days of ethnic violence. it continues to fall into the country and particular survives, we'll have more from an expert on the genocide in a moment, but 1st look back at exactly what unfolded. 30 years ago, april 1994 and a plane carrying lawanda as president. i just bermonte and counts of politics shut down of okay, calling juvenile. happy you. ramona and city, and a had shamira,
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a kilt along with everyone on boards. but i just meant to ask nick hutus the next day, the genocide begins over 100 days, games of many who 2 extremes, slow to hundreds of thousands, mostly ethnic touch sees, orchestrated by the rewan denobia militia, neighbors turning on neighbors. the clubs submission these thousands heads of churches, many up to being offered assurances that they would be safe. but nowhere is safe. the judge is the lights are recognized as the science of numerous mass killings. the extreme threat to life pushes masses of people to one does board is sexual violence is also used as a weapon with as many as 250000 women raped during the genocide behind the buns. the violence is a bathroom for power,
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which we knew when this ruling hutus and the touch, the dominated lawanda patch. you take front rebel grape. the mass mag do eventually coming to an end. we now p a flight is reach the cap to pick out a little while in july 19. 94 may have to do that by pull to gummy, the wind is coming presidents in today's the fall i p f takes control of the country, arresting those accused of being involved in the genocide. over the years since tens of thousands of, of london's have been convicted but 100 small suspects are still at large. ringback that's where you indicate a wrong you. she's a journalist and the author of the book title do not disturb the story of a political matter. and then african regime, a gone bad mikayla who chosen to seize, living in peace today. or i think it depends where you look in rwanda,
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they, they are certainly, uh, living in peace. um, what you could say is that rolanda has some exposure to some ethnic violence to neighbor and congo. but you have a to see rebel 3 supported by over when the lane ways to eastern and to the keepers. i. so i, i feel that yes, people tend to sort of celebrate, spoke a, going me having brought peace and tranquility to rewind. but so he a, this remains, he is a very po number, i think they got the bright lights. i have paid to the stabilizing role in the region as a whole. we come to that in the moment 1st i'd like to also, well has the, the run and government programs government done to bring people together? or when i think one of the most important symbolic things i have done is to rule out based labels that weren't at the origin of some of the
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genocide, which is that to, you know, get if you're one of them today. you, you know, i'm going to send you over who to or to see you all just to rewind and i think that's been very important before we have these labels that had been created on the fountain colonial rule. so now everyone is, is told, you know, you're, you're just a real, i'm the, i'm not, spite in for important but it's, it's largely symbolic. and i think we have talked major question amounts, but with it that's been real reconciliation. one of the issues with the collaboration stay is the i'm, this is always on a, on the, the genocide against a to see since it is phrased. and what we never see is any mention of the trustees and the ethnic cleansing, that was committed by the ripple effect that came into the country from 1990 to 1994. and now uh you touched upon this, but the tell us more about the role that president polk economy has played off to
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the genocide. um, well he is, um, uh uh, the strong man of, of the great lakes um, the author retiring leader of rolanda. he has been a, do you know, he, him, member rolanda has to come to during the darlings because as a, a cold because think we feel that the country and not quite miraculous way. um. uh and um for one days now, you know, uh famously uh, development friendly, reboot since these mass killings. um, but i think he's also tremendously controversial to guy because of his repeated interventions. miller change pensions into the neighboring states because of the way he um he presses freedom and full freedom of political expression in his own country. and really he is the hard man of the great lakes.
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if, if you are just so you want to belong to, not the official code to your human rights activism, rolanda you are in danger. and this is something that we would pick an attorney to tying into this collaboration service like a not keeps be thinking about or looking at well, that bad. okay. the wrong man in london for us. thank you very much for sharing your expertise with us. that's what look now i had some other stories making headlines. the government back candidates had to put a green. he wants to go back to us presidential election in a close race. his appointment to the last we, sir moni, a role will be a boost just of ok. yes. pro russian prime minister. well that's what i need. so i sign in with you about, i just put it as co sign it active is granted to book has been arrested at a protest in the netherlands. authorities took the sweetest climate activist along with all the others from the fiction, rebellion group into custody. when they tried to block
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a highway into the hague. c and that's it from the other is the phone. now i have enough to see if the 12th of the hour, of course. so don't go way up. next 20 davia will think will be traveling through 5th. not in all the documents. got office and fill in the not just another day. so much is happening all at once. we take time to understand this is the day an in depth look at current use events, analyzed by experts and critical thinking is weekdays on d w. the
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book even though i love it.


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