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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 7, 2024 11:00am-11:15am CEST

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the, the business dw news line from ballot. tens of thousands of protests against israel's conflict of the war and gaza. 6 months on mass rallies instead of beef and others rarely, cities pulled for an immediate hostage deal with homos and new legs and said he is on from the rwandan genocide. survive and said that memories of a rampage that flames south of the god opens. welcome to the program and say government protests of been taking place
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in israel. that's the 100 marks 6 months since the hamas attacks that spock the conflict is where the president is. a capsule has called it a bloody and difficult for many is very, it is on now. questioning, the government said, you must wireless urging a deal to release hostages. still being held captive by how mazda and other groups of coding for new elections. the mothers i'm now joined by w released analyst. a shiny was on as a sunny 6 months into the world. how on average is riley's feeling about what's going on? that's a very summer day. i mean the mood is very low. we've seem to protest, i don't think any is really, could have imagined 6 months ago with israel would still be fighting come us so long. and i mean, we've just had, is really just experienced a talk tax written miss all the tech from casa to the same parts of, of land in the southern, it israel just last week. so basically back to 0 point back to the same place. how
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much is still far from being defeated in gaza is really, is, are aware of it and it's and yeah, and his government have promised repeatedly again. and again, they're going to keep on pursuing a loss until it's complete in the elation. and this is far from being achieved, and also there's 2 over a $130.00 is rarely still kept hostage and gaza. that's of course, a. so a big part of the national mood and something that is driving the discourse about where is this heading and is there may be a need for reconsidering the strategy as well as taking so far before we go further into that, let's have a look back at how all this unfolded as these festival go is seemingly oblivious to the exploded rockets overhead. soon afterwards, panic is how much the militants run. run page at the know the music festivals in something as well. almost 360 young people were killed and this
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attack just killing me to is from the gospel to dozens more. what kidnapped us lights on saturday. october, the 7th. come us began firing a biology of rocket, some of the gaza strip towns in southern israel, such as ash, cologne, bowed. the brunt is limits, militants also broke, so it was really bold offenses. cctv folks, it shows them entering a couple woods. but thomas also felt the terra, it's inflicted on his rated communities as well as coming around 1200 people. moving 220, were taken hostage and driven over the boulder into garza as mounting evidence. some were subjected to serious sexual violence in the, in an audio message. how must minute tree come on to my, how may day,
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if cold on old palestinians to fight this video footage shows palestinians on the goal is a full, just celebrating on top of and is really time that was sent to have been captured by come us the empty israel robbie's in the occupied westbank as well as in other countries such as a ron. israel's response was swift as it began. it's bombardment of the gaza strip with devastating results as a very slow and citizens of israel. we are at war not even in operation, will be said to have more than we come off. as well as the most powerful ally, the united states, offered its total support. the united states stands with israel. we will not ever fail to have her back october the 7th day
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of terra and cottage. it continues to traumatize israel and to day for which garza is still paying the price. and based on the son who was honest and still with me in the studio, there's never any true win a in any will. is there going to be a when a and this will well, hard to say, i doubt that. i mean, this day the 27th has changed to reasons change the status quote, but there was maybe a belief that there might be a way out of it. the americans were pushing for the greater do your connecting. also with saudi arabia and other model, i'd have countries for the region. this is still on the table, but nothing is going to move forward without having any progress in gaza. and where we stand now is really seem to have lost the, you know, the connection with the american to ties with american government. and by this specifically, that was a strategic aspect of these really didn't seem to have been weakened,
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same as the public support in america. there's a lot of criticism in his role as well as the rest of the world. that's one thing as well have lost and of course when it comes to turns that was israel's because you know, part of its, of its defense apparatus with a main pillar. the terrance, the, the, the feeling that the rest of the world and mostly the album has had the nobody should even try attacking israel because it's, it's military might, is so strong. having seen that collapse on october 7th for it is really in a very precarious position. and a lot of what has been seen since when it comes to the severity of the, of the response in israel comes from the need. that is really, is few of these really in the military field to rebuild that deterrence, to show is really might and abilities. um, that's the big, the thing on the tables is really is, but how must have pulled that off against the deter. and so is that a win from us to screen away? yes. and you see a lot of support from us going outside of the policy and to our, to our as of cause, i mean, a lot of support for the idea of how much and for the operation of combust for its
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ability to finally defeat the mighty israel to bring a at a special blow to israel, but at the same time, how much also has lost a lot of support within garza and gauze. and what is this territory? well, how must manage to execute a political as well. i'm in a way that hasn't been, you know, experienced before and it was also seemed to be a leading of a palestinian calls. and now all of that has been jeopardize and probably it, we're not going to see how much and a political role is because as far as international community and you know, we're looking at the plans ahead. definitely then what comes to israel will never let that happen. so they have also lost that i think they've also lost another key issue. no, they were expecting bigger solidarity much more. um, you know, when it comes to, to do the ads, palestinians living with israel also what's happening in the west. and of course, it's a lot of oppression, a lot of, of these really military actions trying to prevent that. but the fact that mazda is actually not managed to make this, that a white or regional conflict, that's somewhat of a blow as well to almost and, uh,
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as we are moving forward with this, you know, no end inside. both sides might need to maybe acknowledge these losses in order to be able to try to find a way out of this terrible tragic situation. and he was honest, thank you very much of the going through on the now a country that is mocking the 30 year anniversary of the start of the 1994 genocide . it's estimated more than 800000 people about it. and so to go over there just and community lead this guy that with survivors and to go all the on sunday to a member of victims of the killings. but most of the carried out bags from is from the conscious majority ethnic who choose against the minority to see population or onto the use of correspondence. and by the middle, i visited the now monta genocides memorial sites. a former church with thousands of people were killed over several days. it was one of the worst atrocities of the
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genocide in rwanda. it's not often that sometimes finds the strings to come here to a former church. now a memorial to the rhonda genocide, she says this is the place where she refused to die. what could i get off at the gate and not the 1st stay through grenades into the church and many people lost their legs. i was so much screaming, those who tried to leave the church were hacked with machetes. of the belongings are still here frozen in time. and each piece tells the tale. a person's elbows tightly tied behind their back before being executed. toddlers killed with the parents who 2 minutes i had stopped at its kenning street a few days earlier. many to 2 families sold refuge here, thinking that'd be safe, let it simmer you coming back to this place 30 years later. i think it is still
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a big wound, but it helps me to remember many of the people who died here called into a hush with you. you shouldn't have left the church but was attacked and injured. one of her children she was trying to protect was killed. the remains of more than 45000 people arrest at the memorial side. some on display. a reminder of one of the was mess because of the genocide. 30 kilometers south east and we'll move, we'll move village and attempt at reconciliation. former perpetrators and the families of the victims left side by side. louise's 2 brothers and the cousin were killed by a neighbor. what are these quin knobby but they were brutally killed hacked here and here in the head in the throat, all parts of the body shred it. i love my dad. brothers, i loves the hands that would have supported me down the man who killed them. 2 pm
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at the border was tried and spent 12 years in prison. on his release, he also useful for peace and she accepted with other former perpetrators and victims, irregularly participate in activities promoted by the government to create a unity among vandals. but with that workforce on tied to, could she forgive tacos and kenneth of her baby? good. what to do, we have a good country and that has brought us together and we loved each other. but it does not rule out the possibility that there could still be remnants of genocide ideology and some people's hearts you can't see and people's heart. this isn't all day long for her son who was killed during the genocide would now be a grown up like other kids. should tell hopes that generation will be able to put the divisions of the past behind them. but as of now, as some of the other stories making use around the work,
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the government back candidates, pets of pelligrini once the boxes presidential election in a close race is important. and to the last, the ceremonial role will be a post. as the voc us pro russian prime minister over the seats on the face of the to ship it. and they told me that the state has vowed not to get involved and defending its neighbor ukraine against russia. press a tune book has been arrested, and the protest in the netherlands authorities took the swedish climate activist along with all those from the extinction. rebellion broke into custody. when they tried to block a highway into the hague, demonstrates is demanding an end to fossil fuels subsidies. copenhagen's famous counterculture enclave of christiania wants to restrict the open ad rock markets. police have tolerated the legal sale of cannabis in the self governing areas since the 1970s. there is a space of shooting linked to gun says that residents in christiania to push for
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a clean up in a corporation with the city of thoughts. governments across latin america, i'm not condemning equity was police raid on the mexican embassy. mexico has some 7th diplomatic ties with equitable off to the raid on friday night in which the special forces detained form of vice president of the corporate class. he has been arrested on corruption charges and has been in the mexican embassy since december. the big photo was right of mexico's embassy has caused outrage. a growing list of countries had issued scathing reviews quoted in mexico took the fury to the street with a mixture of helplessness, anger, frustration, and above whole. seeing that the spot there, if it's to keep people inside safe, i don't want i did not succeed,
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nor garcia. equal forces broke into the mix and the embassy on friday night. a roosting acorn was full of vice president jorge glass who had been granted assigned them the glass spaces, corruption charges, and has been taken to a maximum security prison. the embassy has been closed after the ride, which mexico sees, violates international norm. 40. so to me, the president gun, that is my mass per instructions of president under this money way, lopez open the door. we are coordinating the return of all of our diplomatic stuff in ecuador, along with the families of, to divide into time, carry down by x. we dury in police in the embassy. i must invite sullivan. make equal equal door is defending the risk which it sees was due to the risk of imminent escape. but i think well for it,
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we don't know. criminal can be considered a political refugee because and that's it for me in the news team. so now there will be an upside of most of the top of god else is in berlin. i'm in the team. thanks the project, cassandra re determined through our investigation that has below was operating like a global drug cart. not somebody normally theaters, organization. the object to financially drain has gone up and bring them down the team agents from the american drug enforcement agency. i mean that as well as another whole left they wanted to go after their money. they had from lies themselves. we needed to reveal that. so.


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