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tv   Sports Life  Deutsche Welle  April 7, 2024 1:15pm-1:31pm CEST

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to be escalating spetchko aging, both it's a door and makes the codes to show motor ration and solve the differences through peaceful mains. and that's it for the program up next and sports life with a class of sports and politics in the boxing ring. melissa chance, thanks for watching dw, the we are all set and we're watching closely for him to bring you the story behind the news. we wrote about unbiased information for 3 months. this shadows, these costs and video shed light on the dog is devastating. colonial har is infected by germany across and he employed the schools,
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farms and destroy nights. what is the legacy of this wide spread race as depression today? history. we need to talk about the stories, shadows of german colonialism. the of the, my name is danita cindy, katie, and i was born in preston now, and i most pull books and champion in cost. as i said, the console was done yet a study cruise. many owners in the ring include 2015 vice world junior champion 2017 vice european champion 2018 european champion 2022 world and european championships bronze medalist and 24. the 3 championed the football cans. she's a supremely talented lightweight boxer, but there is a problem. just one,
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i always grade the championships on held in a country that doesn't recognize the cost of items over the product position. i might not be able to compete in those countries, simply because i represent costa vapor volt cycle. so one, what is your fighting for a nation back for many other countries doesn't exist. ok, politics note me out. the door, the other side to coach children read was born in 1999. she's been boxing since she was 12 years old. today, she's among the top 3 boxes in her category in terms of punching power. she's
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a multiple winner of domestic and international titles. and her tale is lower than it might be because she's not allowed to box everywhere. more so if i'm on, sophia smarter in a communal, i've been unable to compete at 3 well championships held in india. you know, the end for the european championship inside the i think that my participation will be denied because i represent cost, divide that them so no provide cycle. so on fairly sporting terms, donetta is not worried about her future. she trains hard every day. but unlike most other fellow boxers, she also faces a fight on the political front. dozens of countries including china, russia and spain do not recognize the sovereignty of cost of oh cool thing is it's a lot to face intestinal obstacles, not being able to compete for political reasons. but the dba was and that really
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tough the only on the data i might have been preparing some months to participate in the collection of these. and if one doesn't bundle and on the day before, because one been told that my entry has been kept on store for me. oh, got you in the solution here to show more than what it was telling me to pull. it's always very d, most of a take them with the dean, but i've tend all these barriers into a source of strength in fort ident to metals montoya. it's really very difficult. so i always pray that the championships on toasted in a country that doesn't recognize the independence of the cost of i and the new of and cool. i'm going yeah. because then my participation is not always guaranteed, nor do i just one. and of course the is the good it's early august and christian are members of the aisle painting and dias for are out in force and the costs of and capital head of a big night of boxing. the organizer is
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a former world champion to until 2014 represented cost of of since then robin cross niche. he has not had tony yet, has problems for one simple reason. he changed his passport. now he represents germany leading don't yet have wishing that costs about could have the same status as his adopted country. 5000. i came to germany in november 2004. it was easy and the beginning is everyone who does that experience has immigrating, isn't easy to get over the years. we've overcome those problem about the end of the year we are. and finally, we can give some things back to our native country. those phones. i'm deborah the loan to all of us to sort of get past that. she is hosting this bossing event, precisely because he hasn't forgotten his homeland. and because he wants to draw attention to the difficult situation facing box, there isn't costs about fact. then he himself saw no other option then to lead his own country. as the pos, i also go to germany,
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passport because it enables you to fly anywhere for competitions. so it's something it definitely needs as it sort of a one over the price of tony and robin 1st met 3 years ago and he's confident she has a great teacher in the ring in desktops. i'm very proud of her and i think she has a lot of potential. can see her winning a major title was an amateur and i got also as a pro. okay, you'll be a world champion. you go to and often them the for decades ago, serbs and ethnic albanians all lived in one country, yugoslavia and they all had a common champion, a scenario. it seems unimaginable today. one of the few costs of our boxers who is live the dream of participating in every global competition as a representative of all communities is axis sally who
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born and pushed it out. in 1984, he became the 1st boxer of cost of our albanian descent to compete at the olympics . those representing the former yugoslavia were able to take part in all competitions on like cost of our athletes today. setup also is the best way to get to that time i represented the 25000000 people 100. i was always number one in yugoslavia southern and been crime and national champion. 10 times thing was an absolute joy composite about then i started boxing in europe and the world will soon deal and think so to move on beyond. and the collapse of people swaby began in 1991 with the country, then gradually splitting up into individual states. comfortable as a war for independence from the serbian dominated regime ended in 1999. eventually, costs a vote declared itself
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a sovereign country in 2008. but the bloody conflict between serbs and ethnic albini ins have created deep divisions so deep that they still don't recognize each other. almost a quarter of a century after nato intervention ended the cost of a war. after a decade of diplomatic efforts to normalize relations, the situation worse and again, tensions have been rising once more since 2021, exacerbated by the killing of a cost of our police man in the town to find scott by ethnic serbs in september of 2023, the hoping she'll be allowed to compete in the next competition. donetta is fully motivated to train, in addition to the issue of countries, not recognizing her passport. she also has problems with financial backing and costs of, of due to the limited funding provided by the young countries. also worries
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alternators comes from the status of said from the food in youth and form. and it's really difficult for me is a large because in order to prepare the new to in the right form for a competition to solomon, we are forced to change between one or 2 different locations. the super techniques sets it up for success on this one. and that's another home that we have at the moment. doesn't even have to necessarily strength and conditioning equipment again . and there's lots to start off. and then there's a lot of proper flowing sol, so we have to train on concrete. and that leads to a lot of injuries among the fitness center. you know, at this point this was discuss, it's something that the a so just not to pay more attention to this of the looking at what are the lead sports men and women with great potential can do that. training is what these fits it. a couple of things instead of some small boxing federation of costs, of who is aware of the problems. the poor training conditions are also linked to among other things, to the political situation in the country. constable is
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a small and relatively poor, a nation unless it a little know or send the ration. we have a very small and limited budget which doesn't provide us with the means to support our boxers as much as we should for with this budget. and we struggle even to cover the general, the costs of international competitions that take place. so it's like a country looking for if i came, goes around the moment the, um, to turn them off. one of those moments when i really wanted to quit boxing was often losing at the tokyo 2020 and then picks up, got you in the it was a huge disappointment and left me in dispatch. possibly be all just after the an impact. so i sat down and so it's about why i was depressed. so i'm why this has happened to me. more of the total, more i found a new team and a new spirit. we just had really positive results from positive adopted 2 years of training in 2022 together with my new coach. and we made a huge breakthrough for the cost of, of the above office major metal in 40 years and bought
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a couple of vetoes. despite all the obstacles and the motivating circumstances, there was no time for rest. a new day, same exercises in the same hall. the site for one of each of them is it's not just believing. i know the tell bring back in and impact metal costs of i. once i'm start, start on the comp say whether it's will be gold, silver, or bronze. because this bush is really big and bulky. and this thing is possible. you must natalia solid visa and once i've got the best selling pick metal, who am i think my coach and i will move up to the professional level books improve as soon as 5 nights, i'm such a big events that it's being held in a football stadium former world champion, robin crescent. she is focusing professionally in kosovo. for the 1st time sonia to enter, trainer mo, you'll know sallow, kind of don't want to miss the chance to be ringside for the bout with the hope
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that one day don't. yes, it will be in the same position. the cost of our athletes are set to enjoy these. a free travel in the us of 2024, but restrictions elsewhere remained difficult for plenty of us. but the rough estimates, the removal of the visa obligations is very and the human robin and i are in different dimensional symbols. i competed to book single while he's a profession on this. uh, best way to rubbing has a lots of advantages when it comes to entering competition. lot of the, my mom to me having a passport from acosta, that there are a range of obstacles. nothing is such, but i hope that in the future i'll also be able to compete in on other countries without any problems at all. and then you're still at the, at the oven. does it go? i'm still think is a boston event like this can help raise awareness, but something needs to change. it might not make
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a difference politically. but sonya to and others with the same problems at least feel that they are not forgotten all the right. how much to the guy to my dream is to compete to, to a level where all the best books is competes and you're probably going to for on the and i really believe that invoice or how much the and professional book saying ok very, very far. some shots from a sporting point of view don't yet it is sure, surely cheaper goals, but to continue her successes in international boxing, her passport needs to be accepted everywhere. and for that to happen, a lot still has to change in the political arena. the or the come to the polls. it's indexing yet in south africa, as outside young voters of
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a key to exchange on this mess together. let's come together. let's do this together. here, let me change things around this 77. meg on dw magical bt dark melancholy. the paintings of cost bond be treated like an artist whose works continued to influence the world even today. but why exactly? finally, for the 250, at the end of verse 3 of his birth taskbar diabetes explained both unveiled in 16 minutes on d w. we've got some hot tips for your package. the zip
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code is spots affinities. check on some great cultural memorials to boot w travel. we got the in 2024 is election year and a good number of african states. so today we'll look at how young africans few level if they're elected officials and how they are getting involved in politics. themselves, my name is low, so welcome to the 77 percent. here's what's coming up. in liberia, we need angry young citizens who are disappointed and the leader is the one selected. ahead of the 2024 election the yahoo so that we can tell us they can transform the political landscape and we explored his full.


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