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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 7, 2024 2:00pm-2:16pm CEST

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[000:00:00;00] the this is dw news live from the berlin, israel slashes it's troop numbers in southern gaza. the army says just one brigade remains on the ground in the area. what does this mean for israel's, about to eliminate a lot of the coming up for wanda marks, the 30th year anniversary of the 1994 genocide survivors share their memories of a murderous rampage that claimed hundreds of thousands of lives.
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the melissa chan welcome is really military has announced it has pulled all but one brigade of its soldiers from southern gaza. they did not provide any further details about the withdrawal, but is really media reports. a ground operations are now likely to focus on intelligence based targeted rates. only local media is also reporting that the remaining troops will still guard the court or separating north and south gaza. that was constructed by the israel defense forces. for more i'm now joined by marina muran, a military analyst and associate professor at teens college london. marina. what does this withdrawal mean on the ground? hello, melissa. well, gibbons institution on the ground assess withdrawal will mean that will obviously have will be still one brigade in the south,
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which and it's rarely terms would be $11.00 to 2000 troops on the ground. however, the nature of the military operation in dallas of will change and i expect the much slower pace in terms of the air strikes that we have seen before that clean many civilian lives. so it will be much more focused. and obviously this will also have an effect on the plans to enter a fall, which i think on now, at least for the time being, are off the table. is this off the table for the time being over the next few weeks? is it possible for the military to regroup and eventually take that ground offensive on rasa? that's a big question. i think a lot of people are wondering. so what do we have to understand here is that it doesn't depend on the military. the military is an instrument of politics and the political situation, and i think it was essentially a political decision to restore the troops from saul some dollars off. because of
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the mounting international pressure after the killings of aid workers on the one hand. on the other hand, israel needs international support the last time that you case support and both countries have waste concerns over and over again. what have you on security council resolutions? we also have today um ceasefire parks in egypt. so depending on what the outcome of those talks will be, that will determine the future course of the operation. and we also have to understand that israel also is expecting retaliate for each trunk by room buzzer with will be directly by around or by has to pull up. we don't do not know. but use rel itself needs troops. and it's been mobilizing rather a risk which has been harming, is really economy. and then you have the population and the pressure on the nothing you government and the protest inside israel association for his role is quite complicated. therefore,
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i think that reducing the pace of the situation until some of these factors can get normalized to a certain extent is a wise choice to wait out. therefore, i cannot say whether with will be in a week or 2, or maybe in a couple of months. it all depends on these um conjunction effect or is i just named israel says the goal is to eliminate a mazda as hon units brigade. there have been reached and that's one of the reasons why they can leave how, how possible is to verify that as well. we don't have more intelligence than what the israel, the military says, unfortunately, and yes, we have souls gains. however, in the grander scheme, it is not enough to reach the military objectives of israel, how south, therefore, i think, of course they, they say that they have breached one of the objectives to explain their activities, because it would be too difficult to him. all the political implications that these
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military activities have caused. therefore, i think that may be israel will also need to recalibrate its military aims and create a viable political aim for a 1000 because the military cannot or n as in the south solve the problem. marina moran. i'm military analyst and associate professor at teens college london. thank you so much. thank you for having me. and in the studio, i'm now joined by dw middle east analyst shiny. rosanne is shiny. why do you think this is happening now? is it because of us, a pressure um it was very clear that the americans did not want to see a ground invasion of rasa. that's true, but if you ask is really, is officially then though this has nothing to do with a national community pressure, which we've been seeing mounting in last week, following the killing of 80 workers and just strip um it could be that they were just using the fact that it's a 6 month anniversary and trying to make it not connect otherwise, not connected to any certain events,
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but sort of make it symbolic. but the military has been winding dinah down operations in the last couple of weeks. and they've been saying that they don't have any need to leave the soldiers exposed. you know, once they are in golf and they're not maneuvering, they're not in action. then they're exposed to maybe a targeted attacks by homeless. sometimes they don't want to do that. um, so for now, i mean and idea of the way they try to sell it. it's always been part of the plan, and it does not mean anything about russell because any action taken and russell will have to be taken only after the population has been evicted. this is something the americans are demanding. israel has agreed to that and it will take weeks and weeks. what does this withdrawal mean for this cease fire deal that never seems to happen, but always so close, right? that's interesting questions because as well as always, you know, officially try to to, to say that the only way to get from us to get any concessions in agree to anything on the, on the negotiations about the cost of deal is food applying military pressure and
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a lot of it and this is whether they've been doing and the last 6 months we've seen over 32000 palestinian casualties due to that pressure. and so is what kind of a drawing it's force is. it also means a slow redraw of that position of the, of only pressure will be the one bringing any, any breakthrough in the negotiations. it could be connected to the fact that now you're know, we know that the talks are being resumed is gonna the, and you'd have the patient's going, you know, in and out of cairo in the next stage. maybe we're in a point now where most points have already been agreed on and now what's on the table has nothing to do with that. it's hard to say, we really don't know what's happening between close doors and those because she has some talks. i mean that has been 6 months um, how has the view of me, i know it's a very divided country, lots of different opinions, but how has the country changed in terms of its perspective on the conflict? well, i think there's a slow understanding that something isn't working, you know, in the, to the out kept saying a very confident voice again and again,
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israel keep on flat fighting until the complete obliteration of how much they're far from doing that. we've seen record, you know, a rockets against israel this day from, from guys like, you know, as if 6 months is not happened. so it's clear something isn't working, it's clear thing to be a change. but it's also clear, there's going to be a political backlash from the right side of an attorney. i want to see more action and not less military action in gaza. and we'll, we'll see how it unfolds. in the next these 2 w middle east analyst shawnee rose on us. thank you so much. you're welcome us for wanda is marketing the 30 year anniversary of the start of the 1994 genocide. it's estimated more than 800000 people were murdered, political, religious and community leaders gathered with survivors in cali on sunday to remember the victims of the killings which were mostly carried out by extremists from the countries majority ethnic who twos against the minority to the population
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nobody's mariel miller visited them yet my top genocide, memorial site, a former church where thousands of people were killed over several days. it was one of the worst atrocities of the genocide in rwanda. it's not often that sometimes signs the strings to come here to a former church. now a memorial to the rhonda genocide, she says this is the place where she refused to die. what could i get off at the gate and not the 1st stay through grenades into the church, and many people lost their legs. i was so much screaming. those who tried to leave the church were hacked with machetes, though the belongings are still here, frozen in time. and each piece tells the tale. a person's elbows tightly tied behind their back before being executed. toddlers killed with the parents who to administer had stopped at its coming street a few days earlier. many to 2 families sold refuge here,
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thinking that'd be safe. i'm going to similar you coming back to this place 30 years later. i think that is still a big wound, but it helps me to remember many of the people who died here over into a hush with you. you shouldn't have left the church but was attacked and injured. one of her children she was trying to protect was killed. the remains of more than 45000 people or rest at the memorial side. some on display, a reminder of one of the was mess it because of the genocide. 30 kilometers south east and remove, remove village and attempt at reconciliation. former perpetrators and the families of the victims left side by side. louise's 2 brothers and the cousin were killed by a neighbor. what are these quin knobby but they were brutally killed hacked here and here in the head in the throat. all parts of the body,
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shred it even by the my done brothers. i love the hands that would have supported me down the man who killed them. c, p m, i trouble was tried and spent 12 years in prison on his release. he also useful for business and she accepted with other formal perpetrators and victims irregularly participate in activities promoted by the government to create unity among brandons . but with that workforce on tied to could she forgive her attack is and can as of her baby good. what to do? we have a good country and that has brought us together and we loved each other. but it does not rule out the possibility that there could still be remnants of genocide ideology in some people's hearts. you can't see and people's heart, it's an older woman. her son who was killed during the genocide would now be a grown up like other kids and some kind of hopes that generation will be able to put the divisions of the past behind them. let's take
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a look at some other stories making news around the world. russian authorities have evacuated more than 4000 people after a dike 1st on the euro river near the border with causing stein flood waters broke through the barrier after torrential rain. on friday, the city of oars has been particularly hard hit, with more than 2000 houses, flooded. voters across poland are casting their ballots and local elections is the 1st test for the new government of prime minister donald task. opinion polls show his centrist pro european coalition is neck and neck with the conservative law and justice. the hardy that govern poland from 2015 until last year. government back candidate petrik pelligrini. one slovak is presidential election in a close race. his appointment to the large lease term on your role will be a boost to slovakia, as pro russian prime minister robert fits. so under fits those leadership,
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the nato member state has about not to get involved in defending its neighbor, ukraine against russia. the government's a cost latin america, our condemning ecuador is police raid. on the mexican embassy, mexico has severed diplomatic ties with ecuador after the raid on friday night, in which special forces detained former vice president core, hey glass. he has been arrested on corruption charges and had been in the mexican embassy since december. 8th photo was rate of mexico's embassy has caused outrage. a growing list of countries had issued gazing. refute protest in mexico took the fury to the spring with a mixture of helplessness. anger, frustration, and above whole, seeing that the spot there, if it's to keep people inside safe, i don't want to. i did not succeed,
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nor garcia. equal of forces broke into the mix and the embassy on friday night a racing 8 quarters form of vice president, jorge eyeglass who had been granted assign them the glass spaces, corruption charges, and has been taken to a maximum security prison. the cmc has been closed after the ride, which makes the car sees, violates international norm. 40. so to me, the president again, that is my as per instructions of president, under this money away, lopez open the door. we are coordinating the return of one of our diplomatic stuff in x. we do, along with that families of to divide into time carry down. but ecuadorian police in the embassy unlisted in by sullivan make equal equal door is defending the risk which it sees was due to the risk of immune and escape by the fact we don't know, criminal can be considered
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a political refugee because the you in is cooling for come over the escalating spat, aging both it's the door and mexico to show motor ration and solve the differences through peaceful means. and that's it for now, up next to the reporter. it looks at life and checks on for the cities, only remaining radiologist melissa chance. thanks for watching the name project. cassandra re determined that has below was operating like a global drug course. the objective to financially drain has gone up and bring them down. the team agents from the american drug enforcement agency
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they had criminalized themselves, we needed to reveal that so world,


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