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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 7, 2024 4:00pm-4:15pm CEST

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the, the, this is the double you news, live from berlin, 6 months into the war in gaza. israel says it's reducing troop numbers in the south of the territory. the army says just one brigade remains in the area. prime minister benjamin netanyahu remains defiant, telling his cabinet. israel is a step away from victory, also coming up for one to march 30 years since it's genocide, more than 800000 people were killed in one of the most horrific episodes of the 20th century. we look at the causes and the responsibility of the international community. the
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. i'm melissa can welcome 6 months to the day since the hamas terror attacks. israel says it has pulled all that one brigade of its troops out of southern gaza. israel defense forces say a significant number of troops remain within the gaza strip and will maintain what they call the military's freedom of action and its ability to conduct precise intelligence space operations. israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu addressed his cabinet on the 6 month anniversary of those attacks. and he summed up what he sees as israel's accomplishments and said it's forces are one step away from victory. hold, say my own. there were marking 6 months of war today. the achievements of the war are great. we've eliminated 19 out of 24. how much battalions, including senior commanders as a whole, we've killed wounded or captured
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a significant number of how much terrorists we've cared, chief up as well as many other terrorist headquarters. we've destroyed rockets, manufacturing plants, war rooms, weapons, and ammunition caches. and we continue to systematically destroyed the underground tunnels, where a step away from victory fis, on land. it's a home that's crossed over to our correspond it. i mean, is this in jerusalem? i'm in referring to what the prime minister just said, including 19 out of 24 homeless battalions eliminated. we can all do the math. that's 5 remaining battalions. is israel really close to victory as nothing? yeah, who says well, that depends on how you define victory. certainly how moss is incapacitated, cannot launch a strike, like we saw on october 7th, deep into israel. but that has been true just weeks or months into the war. so nothing you hope could have claimed that several months ago what she has often
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defined as victory is total victory, the elimination of her moss and even id as intelligence, as well as former prime minister of israel, a who would own their said that this is not possible that a moss could not be completely eliminated down to the last person. of course once is real, withdraws if that is indeed their goal to withdraw from gaza, then any terrorist organization wouldn't be able to regroup and carry out attacks. don't forget that this is not a military organizations is recruited from inside the population. are they attacked israel with very primitive weapons. so this is something that even is really defense for us to say is not possible. so on that counts, it's unlikely that is real, can claim total victory in the very near future and nothing. yeah. who also talked about the conditions for a c spar. let's have a listen. so as long as you look it up, if i made it clear to the international community,
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there will be no seas far without the return of hostages. it just won't happen. and this is the policy of these randy government. and i welcome the fact that the bite and administration made it clear to you today that this is still it's position as well go in. but i mean, what do we know about the ceasefire talks between israel and tomas and cairo? well we know that they are going forward. israel has just approved its representatives. appearance at those talks. the c i a director from the us is going to be there as well as negotiators from egypt also. uh, the prime minister of guitar will be there um to just kind of go through what they've been hashing out over the past months. we haven't gotten close to a cease fire deal. a lot of actors blame that on is real saying that they will not negotiate with them off. i'm us. the israel blames that are come off saying that their demands are ridiculous, that they want to many palestinian prisoners free that,
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that they want to withdraw of troops from the gaza strip nets in yahoo said today in the speech that he gave that we heard earlier. he said that he would not, that israel would not sign and he's the spire deal that left him off standing. but of course, the next question, why would an organization signed a deal that was predicated on it's elimination? so we're going to go into some more tens talks in cairo. not many people are expecting a ceasefire deal anytime soon. but of course protesters are going out in the street and more and more numbers here demanding that israel does something to bring the hostages home. and, and some of them even saying they want an end to this bloody war. you'll be a correspondent. i'm going to assess in jerusalem. thank you so much for joining us . hi. rwanda is marking the 30 year anniversary of the genocide claimed that claimed more than 800000 lives of political leaders gather to remember the moment that started
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100 days of ethnic violence that resonates to this day. we'll have more from an academic specialist in a moment, but 1st i looked at what unfolded 3 decades ago. april 1994 and a plane carrying lawanda as presidents. just burundi and counterpart to shut down. it will kick all the juvenile, happy you. ramona and slippery and a hatch shamira, a killed along with everyone on board. but i just meant to ask nick hutus the next day, the genocide begins. over 100 days, games have many who 2 extremes, slow to hundreds of thousands, mostly ethnic touch sees, orchestrated by the rewan, tanami and militia neighbors. turning on neighbors, the clubs submission these thousands heads of churches, many up to being offered assurances that they would be safe. but nowhere is safe churches. the lights are recognized as the science of numerous mass killings.
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the extreme threat to life pushes masses of people through wanda's borders. sexual violence is also used as a weapon with as many as 250000 women raped during the genocide behind the buns. the violence, is it possible for power between one this ruling hutus and the tootsie dominated. will one patio take from triple great? the mass mode to eventually coming to an end. we now p f. flight to is reach the cap to pick out a little while in july 19. 94 may have to do this. a lead by poll coming. the wind is coming president in today's the fall i p f takes control of the country, arresting those accused of being involved in the genocide. over the years since,
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tens of thousands of, of london's have been convicted. but 100 small suspects are still at lodge. ringback so clark is professor of international politics at the school of oriental and african studies in london. he says the world looked away while the genocide was taking place. but i think it shows just how little one to match it to the international community at the time. it was this tiny, landlocked country and the center of africa with no natural resources out the world simply didn't care. but of course, they had been a very important international component to how the genocide was possible. uh, decades of german and belgium colonialism had fostered these ethnic divisions in the country, international employers, structural adjustment policies, accredited economic crisis. that was a big part of the conflict in the early ninety's ninety's and still this anti
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tootsie propaganda. all of that was absolutely crucial to the way that the genocide thing began after the 6th of april 1994. now we're one of them present in paul co down. they said today during a remembered ceremony that the international community quote failed all of us. i touched on that in that 1st question about how responsible is the international community for what happened. it looks fun to mentally the, the genocide is a good one to an event. so the majority of domestic is, were carried out by every guy who to perpetrators who knew that victims incredibly well. so this is fundamentally rwandan story, but there are these international style is not least the fact that there was a united nations peacekeeping mission and on the ground in one day at the time that the genocide was beginning. and within the 1st 2 weeks of the genocide, that peacekeeping mission packed up and left the u. n. was simply not willing to risk its own pace keepers in order to protect up to the civilians and searching for
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one to to die. that's a source of much resentment that the, the big you and really did file to stop the genocide and, and to protect the tootsie from those mastic is what do you make of the comments by french president emanuel laquanda about the genocide he had said, you know, he had made comments about francis roll, for example, and what france could have done microns apology is a very peculiar one because in many ways he apologizes for the least of frances. finally, he apologizes for fronds and the international community not doing more to intervene to stop the genocide. but while he's not apologizing for it is the fact that ross was directly complicit in the carrying out of the violets out for at least i, 2 months before the genocide, the french army, which was stationed in rwanda, had been training. and i'm going to enter a hom way, who to militias, which were responsible for some of the biggest mastic is during the genocide. it's very peculiar,
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but micron makes this big deal about an apology on the peace keeping side. but it says nothing at all out about frances direct involvement in the violence. and that's what most of the wondering think off when i think of francis involvement at that time. and then you've, you've talked about uh, the domestic angle, 30 years on what kind of country is lawanda today. and what role does the history of that genocide play there in the history of the genocides still very fresh and a wonder i've been working there some more than 20 years now. and the genocide is very real for people to memories of very fresh. but the country has recovered, being wise, but i don't think anybody would expect it in 1994, it's a peaceful country. it's a stable country. remarkably hundreds of thousands of genocide perpetrators. back leaping off on the hills side by side with genocide survivors getting on with a large, cooperating together on the farms. if you would set that to any body in 1994, they would have scoffed it to you. and i guess that's is the kind of advance that
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we're one that has made over the last 30 years. and i understand, of course, also that the women seem to politicians play a very prominent, inordinate role unusual role in the legislature. so a lot of developments in that country that would surprise many people, professor phil clark and london. thank you so much for joining us. let's take a look at some other stories making use around the world. russian authorities have evacuated more than 4000 people after several danverse on the year old river near the border with cause exxon flood waters broke through the barrier after torrential rain. on friday, the city of oars has been particularly hard hit, with more than 2000 houses flooded. poland is holding its local elections. it's the 1st test for the new government of prime minister donald tusk. opinion polls show his centrist pro european coalition is neck and neck, with the conservative law and justice parties, and govern,
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full and from 2015 until last year. governments across latin america are condemning a raid by ecuador on the mexican embassy in quito, mexico separate diplomatic ties with ecuador after the raid on friday night in which special forces detained a former vice president for hey, glass. he has been arrested on corruption charges and had been hiding in the mexican embassy since december. the big photo was right of mexico's embassy has caused outrage. a growing list of countries had issued scathing reviews in mexico took the fury to the spring with a mixture of helplessness, anger, frustration, and above hole. it seemed that the spot there, if it's to keep people inside safe, they did not succeed. equal forces broke into the mix to come the embassy on friday
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night a racing 8 quarters form of vice president, jorge eyeglass, who had been granted assigned them the glass spaces, corruption charges, and has been taken to a maximum security prison. the cmc has been closed after the ride, which makes the car sees, violates international norm. 40 so soon as the president. again, that is my as per instructions of president under this money away, lopez open that door. we are coordinating the return of one of our diplomatic stuff in act we do, along with that families of to divide into time carry down. but ecuadorian police do not embassy unlisted in but how does it make equal equal door is defending the risk which it sees was due to the risk of immune an escape. by the fact we don't know, criminal can be considered a political refugee because the you in is cooling for come over the escalating spat
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aging. both. it's what, what end mexico to show motivation and solve the differences through peaceful means and that's it for now. i melissa chance, thanks for watching t w project cassandra re determined through our investigation that has below was operating like a global drug or not. somebody normally theaters, organization, the object to financially drain has and bring them down to the team. agents from the american drug enforcement agency means as well as another whole level. they wanted to go after their money they had from lies themselves. we needed them to reveal that. so.


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