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tv   Shift  Deutsche Welle  April 7, 2024 8:15pm-8:30pm CEST

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can all be back at the top of the hour with some more headlines for you from me and the entire team here in berlin. thanks for watching the fast fashion as an environmental nightmare. a closing graveyard image of land desert. this is where things wealthy industrial nations no longer need and the lightest textile waste gets stranded here. all about the final stuff in
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the global fashion industry. fast fashion. watch now on youtube. safari beach or a flight in a hot air balloon. we can travel around the world by a virtual reality. it's better for the environment and affordable, but just how fun i'll be on trips. i will topic on shift the, the ideas sounds great. just pop on the headset and off you go to any place in the world or even to this some planets. beatrice maybe in each product for now, but much of occasion is on the rise. the, the travel market is forecast to explode from over 4500000000. yours to 5 times that figure by 2027. about one 5th of people serve it in gemini. think the future
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of travel lies in the mets of us. and even one 4th of respondents on the 35th, we address a viable possibility. but what's already possible today? i guess you have trouble a try with apparel gliding over the himalayas. loving and sweetened austin darkening and mexico b r a can take us anywhere. and just a few clicks you'll wished away from your couch to some far away destination. travel agencies promote chill vacation vide without the c o 2 emissions, or the high cost. you can buy your own interactive travel experience with this with 10 euros in the app store. so i'm not even free of charge. the agencies offer them to promote the destinations and attractions
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the technology can help you plan a trip is a real big enough. how far away is the beach? oh, you can even go on the whole trip from the comfort of your home. and most of the experience, you need a good be. i have set the models with no display could use a smartphone instead. cheap ones go for about 100 year old headsets with a built in display, a bit more expensive metric less. it's a real hit. it has a price like a $450.00 euro, but that's still a lot cheaper than going on a real trip. the that's crunch some numbers, say actually i from germany to them and went to a round trip ticket to my costs $850.00 euro in the process. more than $3.00 tons of c o 2. i'm gonna just put the problem on the approximately 24000 kilometers of flight. the may be great alternative for people who are unable to travel to places
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because of physical restrictions. but for now, virtual traveling con, quite compete with taking real vacation headsets con, stimulate the sense of taste, smell of feel, but they have to the best available for consumer use. now, the traveling does away with a new sense of like, big crowds, switching and lines and jet black. and you might try a few daring activities you would be comfortable with in real life. a sect taking off in a hot avenue all whitewater rafting. i noticed that the pipe built into different wells, the more realistic the experience felt ex, let's call this emotion, but what happens in our brains when images and sounds he has to create a virtual reality experience? a crucial point said mind street information that yeah, well just like stimuli in the real world and that contract a real emotion. but the effectiveness depends on
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a few of the effect us. how exciting is the story? how sophisticated is the technology, high resolution images and a good refresh rate and show images on chopping or pick sedated? punchline to get from the university on handbook is convinced a great experience. the pest mostly on the hardware use is a v i x, the researching human computer interaction, and he studies how real the experience a seem to up and downs by displaced even for us organ. we have to displays in front of the users eyes, which is the data is transmitted by the optic nerve back to the visual cortex, logics. and from there, depending on whether they recognize or want to grasp the objects which this information is spread across the brain by a neurons will know, will not invito, but to speak in this part of the words, images and noises from the virtual world are processed. similarly to information in real life, we collect most of our information using our eyes. and our visual protection also simulates our other senses. that's good news for be our users. because they may
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only be seeing images that they take in the virtual worlds like real experiences. and easily accessible slices, basically almost the same thing happens as in real life. and we collect information using our sensors and off on something a virtual world shown on the computer display 20. and we're here, the 3 day sound and process, the information almost the same way is in reality at the 5 each person 1st you is these virtual worlds differently and it depends on the art quality to the users can feel emotions like joy or spirit, just like in real life, it's similar to watching scary movie or reading a thrilling story. but the are, has one advantage. you're immersed in the sights and sounds of a virtual world, making it more real photography the eyes on and if and how real
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and experience savings largely depends on the technology you use. and the way the virtual world is displayed on somebody's as low. but as soon as you think you're really in that world and you feel the presence of and you kind of full your brain, but i'll skip 6, not really understand how realistic dark deals depends on many factors. even minor hiccups like a bad internet connection can spoil the illusion and your experience. for now, users are aware that they're in a virtual world from wearing a headset that makes it hard to completely so no reality. but that may change in the future is in the one of the season, but a lot of course, and these headsets are still pretty big and heavy and rather clunky field. it's like wearing heavy scapes, all that stuff. and also so we see the next generation of these devices shrinking and size. i know many more like sunglasses, for instance, that somebody named them. if you want to time to have a right now, you need to be a headset. a pass on clauses won't cut it,
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but you tend them back in time to the past and this city is like london would have passed on dana. and this guy, the 2 visits this can go back in time, right? where the standing. but you need a versatile team to make the a was as realistic as possible. i met with his turns 3, the autism and the intimate was in cologne. to take a trip to the 20th century to virtual reality. time, right brings the past to life. the team uses film clips, sound recordings and photos to rebuild the world the way it used to be. how exactly did the buildings and vehicles look the the research department at the time might compiles information to create a city map. 3 d, or does things a map the contract, the virtual world details are accurately simulated in b r. but what's more important than the buildings or the animated figures? the more realistic they look, the better the experience. so the $103.00,
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the developers conduct meticulous research. what did people where back then, how about fed with a who was out and about to make them look as realistic as possible. the animated figures, clothes are recreated using patterns. and the people themselves are designed with great care. he's sleeping this house. how does the prism that has like a short here long here now, how long is there news? is that here like this or like that and so on. and so right that, and let me put that all together from an animator brings to finished reading 3 years to life and uses a motion capture through to record his movements to ask anybody else we calibrate it to calibrate the suit he uses mongers that map his body's position and orientation. then his physical movements animate the figures digital motions, the it takes the 20
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person team about 3 months to create one of the historical worlds. and these worlds even draw in international visitors. places like random birth date are known across the globe to the story surrounding them aren't always defining points in history like the end of world war 2 or the fall of the persian wall appealed to a broad, international audience. time travelers, canal immerse themselves in this history and sometimes even directly compared to then and now for a trip to time can help us better understand how life used to be because the travelers become part of the action. yeah. can replace a real trip help or pass a one or provide a whole new experience altogether, like in this to us through the german capital. this puts dumber plots in berlin today. and in 1920 and this guided tour visitors
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go back in time, right. but they are. the pilot historian talks about how berlin was used to live. she shows them germany's 1st traffic light. here visitors gets a step into historical berlin on a virtual trip there. sure to remember you can take virtual visits to ancient cultural sites to an experience room and its golden age, or towards the famous ball back temple complex and living on all things to be are what are they for going on trips to use in school or at a university. good be our technology enables user to take part in defense. creating a unique experience. they won't forget we are technology helps people learn visual leave. users can explore historical settings, for instance, making history more lies and tangible. studies have shown that students who use
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virtual, an ottoman in reality take greater interest in learning. they performed better academically than other studying with conventional methods that we are learning. market is forecast to grow from 6000000000 euros in 2021 to 32000000000 in 2026. we are brought into arises museums like the mama in new york with the rights museum and amsterdam have 3 real tours. you can also take a virtual visit to the state on museum and frank. first, it's one of germany's oldest museums. the collection has been constantly changing since 1816. using a v r headset. you can watch the art and the museum itself changed throughout time . i think this sounds quite exciting, which around 3 of us so many possibilities how this instance our travel plans for this put into i looked into this, i do think we are,
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has the potential to change tourism and it's, but i don't really think it will replace traveling altogether to move this, but it gives you the opportunity to plan trips for instance. i like is this the right hotel for me? let's basically do i want to go to bad restaurants, the whole end of the team. and i think the art gives us a thrilling opportunity to have these experiences have been advanced or to preserve them by visiting exciting places. again, virtually it's fun to watch a lot of strong come. yeah, travel could become a good alternative to conventional travel. also to help protect the climate. what do you think? are you going to keep packing your bags? oh, what a headset suffice. let us know. that's it for me today. see you next time and bye for now. the new ideas we gain self confidence. in terms of sustainability and recycling
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electric comment, in fact, emberly's, when it comes down to process the competitive some china and the us all the way ahead, we move the green transport. these profitable companies. next, on d, w. a religious community refuses to be swept up by me in the house of america. the ship is this, essentially, this whole nice thing of the young people face the time of exploration and decision making. will they embrace the heritage to step into the modem for life? so the on this in 45 minutes on the w. shannon with dw 12 or emphasizing
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the award winning offer is available world wide. every language level. reading, jasmine has never been since the latest automotive trends and global tales of mobility on today's episode. alvarez, the sustainable. com production, is this nothing more than piling in the scholarly is it worth investing more to survive in the highly competitive global com market.


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