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tv   REV  Deutsche Welle  April 7, 2024 8:30pm-9:01pm CEST

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of the process or emphasizing the award winning offer is available worldwide. every language level, learning gem and has been since the latest automotive trends and global tales of mobility on today's episodes alvarez, the sustainable. com production. is this nothing more than pine in the sculley? is it worth investing more to survive in the highly competitive global. com market?
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should sustainability, trump sales? because the raw materials come from, how much energy do you need to make the costs? how does gemini plan to assert itself against international competition? production emissions and also the 2nd investment for, for electric cars are more in the focus of german manufacturers spent. it is put down to fluids for testing out for some chinese companies via our gym and comic is number one in terms of sustainability. so those are the topics of the future. how is the car produced that is becoming one more fails. and why does germany believe it? can we take the lead in global competition? that's an opportunity for the kind the street to really find themselves by doing trudy, sustainable, a new sense of self confidence. we can get it done. new ideas designed for recycling. welcome learning. welcome to the future
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expansion of the customer and to show me something stored for something big character. chem and innovation. marketing materials from the car back into the car in a sustainable cycle to see but also use a few new raw materials as possible. the recycling of rolling materials and the idea of which roots in gem and traditions. and so that i can place this method, we shouldn't use limited materials in a way that results in them being thrown away the years. this is not on random vicky well from the way it's done and he has it very much trust in the intelligence and the strategy from a comment assessor. they have proven that they can be, they, you know, the term in the past. piece of all kinds of research at the international council on team transportation. they've published the study examining how major comic is, are progressing towards electric looping issue. behind tests not in china is b y,
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d, b, and w, and b, w r instead and full plays with mercedes and 8 in the ranking of sustainable production, the germans are on top with bmw had a v w. m a say these fall behind a test, a and b y d the german manufacturer is currently looking behind me in terms of the electric vehicle sales. however, when it comes to production of electric vehicles, the germans come and factors are performing relatively good. meaning that the production emissions and also the recycling emission, so for lexi cars are more in the focus of german manufacture space, for example, for, for personnel. and for some chinese companies, the question, how much c o 2 is produced during the call manufacturing process becomes more important as more electric cost prevail as a combustion engines. about 90 percent of the carbon emissions of
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a combustion ended car and are emitted during driving the car and only about 10 percent dream production and disliking of the vehicle for better let the cause of shares dispense about 50 percent of the emissions are cost during production and recycling of the vehicle and about 50 percent of costs during the usage of the vehicles. so the, the shares shifting and that is why for electric cars, the production emissions are becoming more important. and so those are the topics of the future. how is the car produced in 2015 marks? what prompted the i c c t to take a closer look at the diesel car emissions in the us in the so called diesel gate scandal, american will far as he's accused volkswagen of manipulation, emissions days. so using illegal technology, i truly think the measurements that we did the because emission measurements that we did almost like 7 years ago, i think the bus. and they really fundamentally india and they really fundamentally
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changed the car industry. the whole diesel gates has been a sort of catalyst for the common affections. they were under that the hardest tetra to change. and to really change a 180 degrees they learn from people get that they should not cheat anymore. they should not for the public and also for themselves. the institutes current study shows that b m w in particular, has developed into a role model when it comes to sustainable se, followed by vw and mercedes. according to our ref, rating, dw is among the leaders. when it comes to production of electric vehicles between production b and w has set itself and then vicious goals to reduce costs. c o 2 footprint measured over its entire life cycle by 40 percent of 2019 levels by 2030. if you take the power this agreement to, it's a,
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it's not enough to just change the drive. same technology, you'll have to look at the entire system. stopping with van to your rama to is, comes on. how much energy do you need to make the cost? so at the end of the day, it's about the full life cycle and the full impact that method. excellent. and most of emphasis is placed on sustainable means of procuring rule materials. not least with regard to the method of extraction. before we started purchasing this, him from a production facility in argentina, we had 2 universities studying the production conditions in south america in order to really understand what the impact uh does, the production of those whom have another significant challenge. global supplies of various call components must also meet the sustainability criteria. the you have to classify your supplies
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from a risk perspective. so you have to look into country risk into material risk. and also the energy that power is the fact choice o b m w, production facilities are supplied with 100 percent green electricity. and in all areas of production care is taken to use as little energy as possible w, even the has its own energy also. so that you have to see this process route because i really look at you where to find ways of reducing energy consumption. every unused kilowatt hour is a good kilowatt hour. that's what we always preached wired employees. that's very important. before we even think about what we're going to do with the energy supply, we have on the one hand, we have wind farms that highlights excite. we have for the voided systems in mexico, and we have to look at each site individually. what possible solutions are there, type the core of beam w strategy to reduce the c o 2 footprint of
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a car is the so called secular concept, a talk of secondary economy and which cost. so manufactured the, the b and w, i vision searching it is the 1st prototype that design chief audience on how you doing, steven? it's based on this principle we want those who we want to try to construct some new cars from materials that have already been used to make automobiles. also, we want to create a cycle of materials so that we can make new vehicles from recycled material. so we've reduced the number of components. we thought about it right from the start when we were designing the vehicle. it'd be helpful to have you put it together on something products and how do you take it? it part again. i'll be bought months view, the house and on the before from the i don't even began the 1st sketches of his designs. he visited the audi said, bmw will use restocking and dispatching. sent
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a name unix. it's headed by step in all my $10000.00 cars, dismantled every year in order to research and optimize dismantling entry selection processes. ladies, i nothing. but once all designers come to us again and again and developers to and look at what we're doing here to help them design part of the funding principle. we start at the end and incorporate all the knowledge we gain from dismantling vehicles into the development of new vehicles in the and become for no. that means that right from the start that we're involved in the design process. in order to create optimal cars for recycling model, just as a 2nd to describe, the goal is to use as few new raw materials as possible to build vehicle. again b and w has been making carpets from recycled plastic bottles, fishing nets and the like. for more than a decade and is now recycling the car itself as much as possible with industry
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specialists and scientists, news treading and sourcing technology is being developed to recover the costs original materials from the scratch that comes out of the machines. as the recycling center is about, okay, we often mos the for 2 of the materials to aluminum laws, copper and plastics. how can you optimize the sorting processes? how can that be economically feasible comes company? it's always about how to get materials out of the vehicle and dealt with the public cut also. so let's start from the beginning. off to the batteries have been removed from the cost. all sandoval elements such as the airbags deactivated. and then they really get down to business between you and this is an
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electrical disassembly device developed for bmw of i'm with the special is that we can hold the vehicle and then hit it with a lot of force, 5 foot tall team clinic and then we can remove all the components we want because of the material they contain the this for you to get, the top part is always the time it takes the problem. so it's about how to shorten the time it takes to get hold of the material and i'm up the i'd have them to for me this pretend in order to carry out these special operations, we have tool that we can quickly swap out with special size as the wiring harness installed and the call can be removed in a matter of seconds. as valuable because it's largely made of coping
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months old. technically significant phones have been removed from the costs. the body is reduced to a manageable size and lacresha of the, the latest shred is. and so it has been processed the scrap metal to recover the costs, basic materials which can then be used to produce parts for a new car. then the b, m, w. i vision section is a prototype built based on this concept. the 1st production cost based on this concept will be the vision, new cloth models, which are set to launch in 2025 the the noise. that's as though with mean a big step forward. because this vehicle has been designed from the outset with those stand ability in mind, sustainably produced cause that can save resources and have a low c o 2 footprint. have you been managed to impress the terminator?
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arnold schwartzenegger, the hollywood, stockton, california governess disputed and b and w a campaign. welcome morning. welcome to the future. the not me to do this commercials. you know, because i'm old enough to know, but the good old days and i know, but it's cause we're talking cos, show me something sold, something be caring for somebody like on those spots. and i go stands for also when i look back at his time as governor of california, he has a very positive solution oriented at to, to, to kind of change. so he will not discuss it like a, this is a stretch. he would always say we can get it done, we have technology solutions, and this is similar to the attitude for we have with the full
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force of the time and a to b and w is challenging the electric top dog test. what really differentiates the 2 brand . stefan kava has the onset sustainability exit at e back, the world's largest independent development posit to the automotive industry. he's worked with all major call companies. tesla has reduced a lot of disruptive moments, but test us defining sustainability by far on the under conjunction of the few more or less so they say electrification is the major driver that's clear. but the next step to reduce the carbon footman of tamika itself. i think they are the gym and the ends of as far as test. so maybe in font it's a high fly is a theme event. it seems like the chinese market lead a, b, y, d. also less careful when it comes to sustainability, then bmw
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w. m. i think the sustainability aspect is not that i'm in, in, in, in china. this is not that top topic, not only drum and the europe itself is probably lead to region in the road. but it comes with us and the companies pay most attention inherently out of a home drive to sustainability. dialectician understands the automotive scene from various perspectives. he led bmw, use, market entry, and china and as list for both european and asian comic is. when he particularly does not stop here, it is a tradition that began back in 1973 when ferry push. it presented a study detecting the concept of a sustainable com the months or the i can place this method he, i, we shouldn't use limited materials in a way that results in them being thrown away after us. not and random vicki from v, as in other words,
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we shouldn't squander valuable natural resources and then throw them away or just use of what's available to us of frequency and not think about whether any will be left for our defendants. and they still have enough tanks, some of the ones that are not come in and see if i have no problem. it goes without saying that vw today is also taking its cue from ferry pushes message and trying to publish on its image and fill the gap in the ball case with sustainable cause. visual not we don't just look at the car, but also what comes before it after of course we're a business and it always has to be profitable much. i spent the competition in the future, but not just be about what dr. trying do. you have, it would be about how have you managed the entire chain, including the supplies of them, materials that goes into the costs and to yeah, i think the race is open. the german stock a bit late in the next one mobility but the electron mobility is a matter of ton and new studies, the automotive experts,
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different products and looked at houses c o 2 emissions of an electric car into, into the purchasing decisions of people who want to save the environment from destruction by using sustainable mobility to go be a very important sports for chase. ok you meant in the future? first, if you have to think about some, it would be the next trend. and if you are following the trend or you are leading in the trend, then the people that buy your product. and if they are more people are willing to buy a product, you can have higher profits. and what i really think is that for many people, sustainability is affect quite important factor and to buy a rico but costs that are created in the resource savings tyco have to be both completely different key than because we've had until now. new shapes, new technology, a difficult task for design is as engineers you can figure this out. i
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don't find all these technological changes limiting at all. on the contrary, where technology changes significantly, there's actually no longer a real book. as the rule, as every written. if you're not bold, you can't be economically successful, it's impossible. and we approach the new topics very proactively and see it is something that can present an opportunity to come because the future isn't that far away. so i could do right now, don't be silly. your cost, you can look how the i can digitally do innovation in school and large stores being taken in it, challenging mattress and heading towards the goal of sustainable new the
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day. much trust in the, in the intelligence. and then the strategy of the car, of the drum and comment effect or they have proven that they can be they, you know, the turf in the past. just an opportunity for the jump kind of street read the find themselves like link for the sustainable things and also making the branding more sustainable, which can connect with the consumer because you can consumer, it won't, it won't auto fail and drive to see if you know to something the road is running towards does off the gym and cod companies saving the road and with themselves is the totally sustainable electric call. the key to success to ultimately be at the top of the podium in the re, skin, tesla and b, y, d. the
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cars are big lot of phenomenon with millions of unique stories that could be in a german coffin. we need to guys wherever you are. however, up to you what the question is now, where should we go? right to wherever you are, incentives your stories and your crazy car into the let's catch up soon on the rag of and drug who might, is a man on a mission. his aim to protect the lives of india's motorcycle right. just by handing out the helmets for free it's on tim the title india's helmet mine.
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come up again advocating for road safety house, the death of his best friend and college roommates. christian qu my to cool to dined in a road accident in 2014 for made of them partners. how do i had a childhood frame? i was also my college roommate wanted to be supplement. his parents paid for his education if i but not for a home it when i think that you as a result, you had a fatal accident during the final year of college and that i used for the last one . i started fighting for change and decided not to let anyone die the way my friend did on so many wasn't wearing a helmet, but i will ensure others do for me. that's why started this mission and i have been fighting ever since. yeah. or at least one of the problem to my quit, she's job to dedicate himself to the project full time. and he sold his appointments to fund his philanthropic assets. over the course of 9 years, he's distributed more than $56000.00. tell me it's across india. the countries, roads, and until recently dangerous, staggering,
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a $150000.00 people die on the roads each year, the leading cause of no natural dest in the country, something this man types to combat. the 1st, when i would hand over these helmets to people, they never question why i'm getting them out to make. they would just take one to get around when they started saving people's lives. it became a part of my life. and i thought i should keep doing it. i did the guy who's typing a guy, then i thought that i should do this in different states across india and he bought it. and since i lost my friends, it became my goal to make every comedian, the citizen, my friend in fighting road exit. i remember how does go ahead. i'm not going to go up in the past 9 years. i've traveled across the 22 states and distributed over 56000 helmet just about german. google. i'm going to top one. it does have the coming back to come to mind keeps the helmets in his car and flags down. people who aren't wearing them gives these motorcycle riders helmets for free, judging them to follow road safety rules. you haven't been one of the work that
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helmet man is doing is commendable. use of i'm you. initiative that he's taking will save many lives. and along with that, their families will remain secure. i me, which in you or young person yourself have them to send it securely when the bus and when i see someone needs a helmet, i take one out of my car and give it to them so that no one has to die. if i'm able to send that person home safely, i consider it a success. he made a do you want to? can you call me? i'd be hooked up by the henry new ammonia operates a gas powered motorcycle taxi. a boat abode in uganda for rising fuel prices. have been shipping away, it is income were not important, but the one where before i used to earn up to 50000 ugandan shillings now it's just the 30000. the recent rise and fuel prices as really hurt my income. but not all
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of his colleagues are feeling the pinch was the top. i'm a total converted. he's bought a boat or 2 a battery electric vehicle while fuel prices have gone up, the price to swap out a battery has remain constant that done take you to bring back when fuel prices began to rise. i've just made the switch to an electric light combined and then dumb. open you up and go for dante. he is a good one. i don't need to buy fuel anymore, which was of, i just swap batteries around. nobody cutting mock up. now i can take on jobs that my colleagues on gas powered bikes turned down due to cause on by you my know, some of the even accused me of unfair competition. do i do this a good while now? we tell out on the streets the electric motor bike is a much more pleasant drive and many customers love help to clean and help quiet
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it is. he's also silent. it doesn't make a lot of noise. you feel peace swell on, on the right. so a nice with the electric motor bikes are still relatively new and uganda, but they're slowly catching on as an added incentive lead ending government has eliminated import duties on electric motor bikes. environmental us welcome to move as a step toward cleaner mobility. and i believe it will help us a lot as our new open country as we get into though we still have a lot of challenges that doing from that link to supply or do they choose to how there's not enough fields and then close option. so if you need to, i don't that it will be the 2, then that means we need more distribution or supply sometimes that will have to stay and renew online. your hopes that one day you'll also be able to swap
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his gas engine for an electric motor, the passport mussa ta them toto. he's glad that he's found an affordable solution to save on fuel costs and help protect the environment. and most of most you've tails next time on read the,
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the, the, a religious community refuses to be swept up vomiting in the house of america, visit a centuries old. nice thing. the young people face the time of exploration and decision making. will they embrace the heritage to step into the model? so the, on this in 15 minutes, d, w, the
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project cassandra, re determined through our investigation that has below was operating like a global drug car. not somebody normally theaters, organization. the object to financially drain has gone up and bring them down. suddenly we have in las vegas to attack at a terrace organization. finance. the idea is the file, the money, the team agents from the american drug enforcement agency. i was scared, but i mean as well as not a whole lot, they want to do actually of money. i want to take down their findings. they had from life themselves. we needed to reveal that so world and to their own people. why did the us government suddenly shut down project cassandra in 2016? so the opportunity was, was for our 3 pa documentary series on mossey,
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hezbollah studs may 4th on d, w the the cause of the cool grief. but it was just me the
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this is dw news line from berlin. israel remembers the october 7th, how most her attacks, thousands attend vigils nationwide and around the world for those killed and kidnapped. we'll hear from a family member directly affected. also coming up prime minister benjamin netanyahu says israel is on the verge of victory and god and again, rules out any truce until her last fries the remaining hostages. the
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