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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 7, 2024 9:00pm-9:15pm CEST

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the the, this is dw news line from berlin. israel remembers the october 7th, how most her attacks, thousands attend vigils nationwide and around the world for those killed and kidnapped. we'll hear from a family member directly affected. also coming up prime minister benjamin netanyahu says, israel is on the verge of victory and god, and again, rules out any truce until her loss. freeze the remaining hostages. the
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marion evans dean, welcome. 6 months to the day since the homeless terror attacks visuals are taking place around the world and across israel to commemorate the victims in jerusalem more than a 1000 people gathered to remember the 1200 killed and the more than 200 kidnapped on october 7th of last year, their calling on these really governments to bring home around 130 people still being held captive in casa c. w correspondent. i mean, acid has more from one of the vigils in jerusalem. this is a very somber affair. these people gathered here well over a 1000 in jerusalem, but also a 1000 more and tell of even other cities around israel. they've gathered to commemorate to honor the hostages. those still held captive by a mos over a 130 still held captive. we're hearing testimony from families right now and you can see the crowd behind me and it goes on about 500 meters behind me and another
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200 meters in front of me. we're hearing testimony from families of those hostages . still held captive. now they give often a very somber account of what they've gone through, what their loved ones are going through now. but a lot of times these accounts, these testimonies, and with the chance bring them home now. and when they chance there's, there's anger in their voice because a lot of people here is real. i cannot believe that after 6 months of war, a very bloody war in gaza that these hostages have still not been, uh, brought back safely. w correspondent, i mean as of reporting from jerusalem. well, among the targets of the attacks launched by him ah, 6 months ago were isolated farming communities and a peaceful music festival. we look back now to what happened on october 7th of these festival go is seemingly oblivious to the exploded rockets overhead.
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soon afterwards, panic is how much the militants run. run page at the know the music festival in something israel almost 360 young people were killed and this attack just killing me to is from the gospel to dozens more. what? kidnapped at 1st lights on saturday, october the 7th. i'm us began firing a biology of rocket some of the gaza strip towns in southern israel, such as ash, cologne bowed. the brunt. islam is militants also broke through his way. he bowed defenses. cctv fudge! it shows them entering a couple woods. but thomas also felt the terra, it's inflicted on his way, the communities as well as coming around 1200 people moving
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220, were taken hostage and driven over the boulder into gone. so that's mounting evidence . some were subjected to serious sexual violence in the, in an audio message. how must minute 3 come on to my how may day, if cold on old palestinians to fight this video footage shows palestinians on the golf as opposed to celebrating on top of and these railey time that was sent to have been captured by come us that were on t, israel robbie's in the occupied westbank as well as in other countries such as iran . israel's response was swift as it began, it's bombardment of the gaza strip with devastating results as a very slow and citizens of this road. and we are at war not even in operation will be said to have more than we come off. as well as the most powerful ally,
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the united states, offered its total support. the united states stands with israel. we will not ever fail to have her back. october. the 7th day of tara and cottage continues to traumatize israel and to day for which garza is still paying the price are. joining us now is alone got his mother, carrots was killed during the october 7th attacks his wife. your dad was kidnapped and spend to 54 days in captivity and gaza before being released. but his sister carmel is still being held hostage. welcome to the w, and thank you for taking the time to speak to us. what are your feelings today on the 6 month anniversary of the home last her attacks and the kidnapping of your
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family members? so hello. um we just saw a video and it shows you things that happened on october 7th and after that. and i just want to tell you for you to understand that those people of the party you started in running and some of them were murdered. some of them all my friends, the uh, the me says that being shots at israel in the last 10 years, this is miss elizabeth were appointed at my family at at me and asked me for many years when they lived, they didn't keep. it's very until october savings and the people that work enough. this is my, my self as well with my daughter, a free is a different that was kept up with me and with my wife here, then in waste. my sister come in and with my mother committed that my mother
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kenneth was murdered in the keyboard sandwiches. the committee was getting up to go and then it was get up and was released in the 1st few minutes or indeed. so those, those images that you see, don't us just just random people. this is, this is my family to friends of mine. and this is what's your interest and it's much more complex and much more. um it's, it's small complex in what, what, you just the photo. it's, it's, it's people and what hasn't been done in october 7. this is something that we can't, we can't accept and we have to stop at least uh, at least by the end that it's not. i mean, we use real later on if we continue to other places. i imagine you must have been over joy when your wife was released from captivity, but at the same time, as we've mentioned, her sister is still being held hostage somewhere in gaza. have you had any sign of
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life or received any information on her condition? so must make sure to come in uh the only information we have is bro, i didnt hostages that were kidnapped with her and that were released in the 1st. do you mind me tell you in the uh, the only to be its what happened um and uh from them we understood that they were together and come in. so when they actually became what's coming, so the body of my murder, like in or on whose blood? um it was murder the few minutes before and uh from there they can senior into guys this trip and they were uh, they were locked in a, in the house twist. it's earliest and come many initiated their yoga practices and mindfulness. and they rotate the tires are good, at least to one another. uh when one was yeah. in that condition, my thoughts are 50 days they were released and the door was shut behind. come in,
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come and stay there by ourselves. 39 years old, occupational therapist and women that are suffering there every 2nd or 6 months on much of the international community is now focused on the immense destruction and gaza and the suffering of palestinian civilians there. do you feel that this has taken attention away from the plight of the hostages? of course people need to understand that 1st of all, those people and those civilians in guys are we don't want to, hong them to. we won the best for them. and some of those people, this is family, is that used to walk in what's very and we as i personally used to donate money to those families. uh for the people for their families in garza, my date, october 7th. and um, we care about them and you need to understand the,
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the most. you want me to tell you on the prices that we have in go this trip, this is the hostages that are locked in basements in kind of, in the there is a picture of uses. and there is a violence over there that we know that the were was volumes, which they have to use. it's where we send them in the bottom of them were suffering from violence from the guards. and it's continuing this $160.00 they, they 50 and now we're in be $100.00. 84 up to a half a year. thinks about the, the finest been going on over there right now. it's actually one of uses. and this is something that we can accept and we need to release know, so just as soon as possible. this is the 1st step of fixing the situation in guys and to get rid of from us, which is a terrorist organization that it's not just, they are not pointing. it is really the only they told the or then that she wasn't completely needs to be told here that it's really was only the beginning and the rest of the rest and what is next. and when they understood that she was
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a german citizen, they told her, i'm sorry, in germany, wherever, not to come as people and they will be next. so this is uh, uh, global radicalism. it's not me movement that they want to get to all of the world and i'm not sending you that this carrier, but i think that's the next place could be here in germany. and you need to understand that that is what it can be at present that nobody doing anything about those or sensors that are now interrupting with you. and we need to take care of that. and this is the 1st step of getting your relief and getting you to a better situation in guest. so what do you think needs to happen for hamas to agree to release your sister and all the other hostages? first of all, this is the most you many and this been the natural thing to do, isn't it?
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as they already took the innocent people from their beds and drove them into into guys that they know they are abusing them. so of course they should, they do the right thing to do is to really dosages. and what we are going to is read is going is going to give uh any return. there is the murder people, the news releases the people that uh, that we are going to release and bring instead of those. also just that are innocent people. and this is the situation that now we are both have other choice to agree on because they are holding our beloved ones. that was alan got a family member of hostages still being held in garza. thank you so much for your time and all the best for your family so i can add one more thing. yes. yeah, go ahead. um, i just wanted to say that we are feeling the support here in germany. um, from the german people and from the government. uh,
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we're filling this report uh towards israel and we are so appreciated. uh for that and we, i'm urging you through to keep keep this support in helping us in reducing doses. yes, it does mean to press come us and to provoke from us on these act. all right, island, god, many thanks again for for your time. thank you. and other developments. israel's armies says it has pulled all his troops out of southern gauze of the withdrawal covers the city of han units which came under heavy bombardment bonds. the army says a significant force will continue to operate within the homos, run gauze, and strip focusing on what it calls intelligence based action. meanwhile, israel's prime minister, benjamin atanya, who says, is really forces are one step away from victory is on yahoo also repeated that there can be no truce without the release of the remaining hostages being held by
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him off addressing his cabinets into that who summed up what he sees as israel's accomplishments and the more homes i made my own. there were marking 6 months of war today. the achievements of the war are great. we've eliminated 19 out of 24. how much battalions, including senior commanders as a whole. we've killed wounded or captured a significant number of how much terrorists we've cared. she felt as well as many other terrorist headquarters. we've destroyed rockets, manufacturing plants, war rooms, weapons, and ammunition caches. and we continue to systematically destroyed the underground tunnels, where a step away from victory, man, it's a home. that's the latest on data, but you can use this our stay tuned for our documentary program with a look at the image or religious group of the west to reject the technological advances. i, marian, i haven't seen, i'll have more headlines for you at the top of the hour, but in the meantime,
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don't forget, you can get lots more news and information on our website. just go to www dot com for me in the entire news team in berlin. thanks for watching the you'll see about the video that goes unable as i get out of media may google, google. i've got it done by get other stuff into that and i'll give you a go on. would you? are you able to go to that? i'm jo, media dog comment key more people than the eval on worldwide in search of a did you have you ever used a man at the accounting method the audio get find out about on the story. inform icons, the .


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