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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 8, 2024 1:00am-1:16am CEST

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the, the, this is dw news life or been in israel, remembered the october 7th, how much terror attacks, thousands of 10 vigils nationwide and around the world for those killed and kidnaps on that day. some palestinians returned to what's left of their homes as israel withdrawals troops from southern guys. have us run house for 40, says more than 30000, had been killed since the war began. also coming up one to monks 30 years since it's genocide, survivors share their memories of a murderous rampage that claimed hundreds of thousands of lives
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the until not equal. hello and welcome vigils. have been taking place around the world to commemorate 6 months since the how much terror attacks on israel thousands gathered in jerusalem to remember the 1200 people killed and more than 200 kidnapped. they also called on these ready government to bring home to hostages. still being held, these ready armies says around a 130 hostages, remain in guys a little more than 30 of them are presumed dead. the correspondent man is if has more from jerusalem. this is a very somber affair. these people gathered here well over a 1000 in jerusalem, but also a 1000 more and teller div and other cities around israel. they've gathered to
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commemorate to honor the hostages. those still held captive by a mos over a 130 still held captive. we're hearing testimony from families right now and you can see the crowd behind me and it goes on about 500 meters behind me in another few 100 meters in front of me. we're hearing testimony from families of this hostages. still held captive. now they give often a very somber account of what they've gone through, what their loved ones are going through now. but a lot of times these accounts, these testimonies end with the chance, bring them home now. and when they chance there's, there's anger in their voice because a lot of people here is real. i cannot believe that after 6 months of war, a very bloody war in gaza that these hostages have still not been, uh, brought back, safely deduct the correspondence. i mean,
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as if in jerusalem now among the targets of the attacks launched by him us 6 months ago were isolated funding communities and a music festival. we look back at what happened on october 7th. are these festival goers seemingly oblivious to the exploded rockets overhead? soon afterwards, panic is how much the militants run. run page at the know the music festivals in something, israel almost 360 young people were killed. and this attack just kilometers from the guns, a boat, a dozen small. what kidnapped us lights on saturday. october, the 7th. i'm us began firing a biology of rocket some of the gaza strip towns in southern israel, such as ash, cologne, bowed. the brunt is limits, militants also broke, so it was really bold offenses. cctv 1st to it shows the entering
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a couple. it's thomas also felt the terra, it's inflicted on his rated communities as well as coming around 1200 people move in to 120, were taken hostage and driven over the border into gone. so that's mounting evidence. some were subjected to serious sexual violence in an audio message. how must minute 3 come on to my, how may day, if cold on old palestinians to fight this video footage shows palestinians on the go as opposed to celebrating on top of and is really time that was sent to have been captured by come us the n t, israel robbie's in the occupied westbank as well as in other countries such as a ron. israel's response was swift as it began. it's bombardment
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of the gaza strip with devastating results as a very slow and citizens of misery over me. we are at war, not even an operation will be said to have more than we come up. this is rouse, most powerful ally. the united states offered its total support. the united states stands with israel. we will not ever fail to have her back. october, the 7th day of tara and cottage continues to traumatize israel and to day for which garza is still paying the price as long as it's withdrawing his forces from con eunice. large parts of the southern gaza city are in ruins of the months of s strikes and ground battles with palestinian militants. is there any defense
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minister you i've got on says the withdrawal is to perpetuate us for future offensive, including into the city of rafa. the help of authority run by how much says more than 30000 palestinians have been killed in gaza since the war began. this is con units after months of environment displaced, residents have been rushing back to their homes after israel and, and most of its troops have been pulled out of the area the. it's a shock, a shock. what happened was not small. one by way, here in the car, i saw the destruction. it's unbearable. i'm going to my house and then know that it is destroyed. i'm going to move that around, move so i can get a show settled on that. a bit further north and daryl bella much needed a to arrived at schools and shelters for the 1st time in 2 months. the need for everything from food to medical supplies is urgent. according to 8 agencies,
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the un says funding is fast approaching the i. many children have suffered from mal nutrition as a result of the crowd and they've been respiratory and health problems such as hepatitis. it's not all of these things are a result of overcrowding in the shelter because a large number of people left their homes because of the war. a war that is my lasted 6 months and with no end in sight. that's done to some other stories making news around the world. the united nations nuclear watchdog is confirmed a drone attack on ukraine's separation nuclear plants cube is denying russian accusations that it was behind the strike. well, sure, it has been running the plant since it seized the control of the facility in the 1st weeks of the war. in 2022 fridays in greece. have raised the wildfire less leveled on fears that strong winds could re ignite dozens of blazes,
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firefighters on the island of crete. what, throughout the night to control the wi fi that forced dozens to flee that homes storm. kathleen has swept over the you can island bringing destruction to add travel and ferries. storm also caused power outages and over $30000.00 homes and businesses. an island residents that have been warned to avoid coastal roads. vitale and fashion giant and georgia. a money owe gratian and has been put into each additional administration during a pro over work exploitation money electrically used. one of the contractors who violated labor laws, workers were legibly paid, adjusted to, to 3 years. and i'm more forced to wear a long shift. integrating condition to get manual fit ation by the rwanda as mocking 30 years since the genocide when more than 800000 people were murdered.
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political and community leaders gathered with survivors into the galley beginnings were led by malicious from rondon majority, ethnic hutus, against the minority tootsie population are present paulk. again, this said the genocide must serve as a lesson against ethnic hatred. one does credit is on the process of the division and extremism which leads to genocide. con, have been in a way if left on our people we're never and they may never be left for dead again. rhonda is president
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paul cook, i'm and looking back at the events of 30 years ago and one of the worst atrocities took place. i once today the in your mouth to genocide memorial site. thousands of people were killed for several days at the former church, south of the capital t got a w, as in mary miller visitor. besides, it's not often that sometimes finds the strings to come here to a former church. now a memorial to the rhonda genocide, she says this is the place where she refused to die. what could i get off at the gate and not the 1st stay through grenades into the church and many people lost their legs. i was so much screaming, those who tried to leave the church were hacked with machetes, though the belongings are still here, frozen in time. and each piece tells the tale, a person's elbows tightly tied behind their back before being executed. toddlers
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killed with the parents as to who to administer a head start and it's killing spree a few days earlier. many to 2 families sold refuge here thinking that'd be safe longer. tim, were you coming back to this place 30 years later? i think it is still a big wound, but it helps me to remember many of the people who died here, man, according to i should he shouldn't have let the church but was attacked and injured . one of her children she was trying to protect was killed. the remains of more than 45000 people arrest at the memorial side. so i'm on display a reminder of one of the was mess it because of the genocide. 30 kilometers south east. and we'll move to move village and attempt at reconciliation. former perpetrators and the families of the victims, left side by side. louise's 2 brothers and the cousin were killed by
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a neighbor. these twin not even they were brutally killed hacked here and here in the head in the throat. all parts of the body shred it is. oh my god, brothers, i love the hands that would have supported me down the man who killed them. c, p. m. i trouble was tried and spent 12 years in prison on his release. he also useful for business and she accepted with other formal perpetrators and victims irregularly participate in activities promoted by the government to create unity among vandals. but with that workforce on tied to could she forgive her attack is and can as of her baby good. what to do? we have a good country and that has brought us together and we loved each other. but it does not rule out the possibility that there could still be remnants of genocide ideology in some people's hearts. you can't see and people's heart, it's an older woman. her son who was killed during the genocide would now be
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a grown up like other kids, had hopes that generation will be able to put the divisions of the past behind them . tens of millions of people in north america hoping for clear skies on monday as they wait for a rat total solar eclipse. more than 4 minutes the moon shadow will block the lights from the sun over mexico. the us and canada spectators have been flocking through areas along the path of the eclipse to experience the phenomenon. style gazes in dallas full of anticipation that preparing for total solar eclipse. and then not letting possible cloud cover get them down. in texas were the 1st major
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area that's going to be able to say something. again, it won't be ideal. so we'll get to see so. so we'll compromise. yeah. millions of people across the us, mexico and canada will be plunged into darkness as the main comes between the us and the sun. many eclipse phones of travel to areas and the so called pulse of to tell it to the nearly 200 kilometer wide area of darkness. cost by the means shadow . i can't wait, we got we're from nebraska and we're out of the road. the line of the totality. so we're going to be flying to dallas just for one day and then going back home just to be there for the few hours to experience it. it's the cosmic co incidence that will shine on in the memories of those who witnessed it for years to come. and that's it for now of next reporter,
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next at live in house on for the create in cities, only remaining radiologist to me on the phone myself on the team. thank you for watching the conflicts. crises, every single connection mapped out shows the geophysical reality. the on the board is what makes things the way they are mapped out. navigating a changing world now on youtube, caulked about why does that mean? because like now i'm leaving the new host to
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join us for an excise as to a.


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