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tv   Eco India  Deutsche Welle  April 8, 2024 4:02am-4:31am CEST

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to name one thing that is closer to our existence. you can take a moment to think of vianza. hello and welcome. i'm so i think that's why the annual watching equal in the home menu, a few part of the oceans. as the answer to my question, not many, i'm sure, even though 71 percent of our planet is just water and the majority of this is in our oceans. so let's dive into this today. i'm trying to understand the importance of oceans, the cadets, that the phase of the conservation efforts being made. speaking of oceans corners, these are an important part of the machine ecosystem. and they also project costs to let is bought from 2014 to 2017. and what is known as the global quarter bleaching event. unusually warm water has impacted 70 percent of the quarter ecosystem is rising. c, temperatures and global warming continue to be the biggest threat to corners. so
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let's try and understand what can be done and what is being done to mitigate this coding re sort of stunning natural spectacle and a habitat for countless species around a 1000000 people worldwide benefit from the fish that live in them or the business to provide like to order some of the coast to region to go as a popular holiday destination and a hot spot for diverse climate change pollution. an over fishing of taking the toner on this, you need to buy or to get an estimated. the problem was 50 percent or 60 percent depending on who you speak to a and say that 50 or 60 percent of the quote of the word way to have gone. and that are coming back. and this has happened in the last decade, which is not very long ago when you think about it, even in our lifetimes. former banker and fashion of dive of institutions hardly
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could no longer stand by and watch. he and his fellow campaign, those founded the organization, coastal impact that land is to carefully remove fragments of gauze, intact, cold, or reach and replant them in the seat. elsewhere along the coast. a theme of marine biologist, a numerous wall entails 1st ascend into the sea to prepare for kind of nursery for the new arrivals. so the drugs from cushion processes basically and was making fabricating bits like this uh table, which i empty is just the frame of the table. it totals very totals of tires which are one foot by one foot. so you have 6 styles on the top row, 6, the decision that and the keyboard type to keep them secure. once everything is in place, the future residents can be taken from the original home to begin to,
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to the site of the transportation and we load it into the order take out the pieces . i got that. so we need to cut corners which could be asked because this, so we need these kind of shifts. these are born cutters which are used by doctors, etc. so these are very shop. so you print those pieces into like the 3 centimeters, just full small pieces of code will attach to each tile using a special a diesel on the phone or use cost. the job to finance the bank of fish, decided to get the tourist at locals. and we just said, let's start the adopted quarter program on this one year, an adoption period where we give them a certificate of adoption. we give them the photograph of the cotton fragment we give them the sizes or the problem is that we're going to give them
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a 1st floor to that at the end of one year with the increased sizes. the adoption program is aimed at people like of them to come as strong as a passionate sofa. she also spends her days off here. she also loves going to a long dives into c. so she's witness the changes from the time in 5 successive diving. my says, i've seen the decline of all of the color of the quarter, for example. and that hurts. and someone who's closer to what a sports person be. but that's my community, that's the people you'll be with. it's nice to be able to do something, even if it's just a little bit dakota rescue wells, need every droopy and money isn't the only issue that walk is a constant battle because just like the model reef, the small corner and fragments are also exposed to the hush environment, which causes many problems, according to marine biologist added samuel noble. or you have
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one which is overarching climate change within uh, ocean temperatures, uh, sort of heating up, temperatures are rising. it's also the stress of that happened at a local level of pollution from everyone's set, drawn off. if you think of grand island other all kinds of pollution, you know, that is uh, settlement that comes into the boat very close, very nearby the settlement from the rivers. but then there's also other forms of pollution that increasing over time, plastic pollution. even apparently, the sunscreen that you add on your body can negatively impact the reason that also fuel efficient the weeks to keep the cold spring if we, because the fish are likewise affected by the environmental conditions. and the officials take much of what remains like here on sunny isle beach. now the corner foaming is causing additional problems for the fishing community. c part of why
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then people tell us not to go to a net around the island. i'm on affairs with them, but that's the only fish we can get. you know, i did how we get by. a a this is the situation we find ourselves in. what is the point of sales? i think the problem is that the socials of damage the rates with it and we're trying to develop a lot of issues with them in the sense that because they're one of the primary stakeholders, we want to get more involved with them. and they need to understand and realize that what we are doing is for them. and so we would need definitely all the support government to planning and would resolve here. but it's faced opposition from the fishing community. no bank. the page has funding educational programs to teach officials about the importance of abundance, maureen ecosystem. instead of bank codes, the now use pause for moving, etc. it's almost like we understand the exact modification which will
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attract the big fish always we can get if you ask us to keep our this down because we had ok with that. so i'm gonna send it, i get it blanket. these will next use the coding titles to build artificial re provide i received for fish. so it's an offer one. i'd be up waiting for a fight. so i might be a major like a wave smith so that there is enough lee on all sides. you to them people open space that christian boy and, and let's really make a whole does that and did different dumper that would be inside that the due date when the patient, his team have replanted more than 500 pieces of coding. the 1st 5 artificial rates will place them to see a few days ago with will to come. it's a painstaking task, considering how large the ocean is and how much it was cold and destroyed. and the guys realistic about the challenge. she believes the adoption project can do more
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than just one because i think it's really cool. it's really going be to create them. but because when you make people feel like the ones on thing and when they lose it at hearts that much more hurt being sent solely today across the world, over the past 3 decades, the old has already lost about half of its shallow water cooling. one of the biggest things that trees do for us is suck carbon dioxide. but most of us probably already know that what if i told you that there is something else that does the same thing, but beto oceans can suck up to $25.00 to put 3 percent on the door to global c o 2 emissions. so is that a way that us puny humans can get the might the ocean tokens, you more carbon dioxide in our pursuit to come back to global warming?
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in 2021. humans released over 30 giga tons of c o. 2 into the atmosphere. about number's hard to pick to, but it's almost 50 percent more than it was at the start of the industrial revolution. the science is clear. we need to get this number down and remove carbon from our atlas. the plants, especially trees, the very good at this. that's why everybody loves prompting them. they taking around $7500000000.00 tons of c o 2 each year. but the ocean does it take them back to. it can still 20 times the amount of c o 2, the implants and soil. the problem is that the ocean is having to take up more or more of it, which tries every single balance. not to mention all that c o 2 makes patients more acidic and to hold a place for living organisms to suffice. and that's why people are looking into how to reduce the c o 2 and the water and by doing not making the ocean to
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build most c o 2 from the atmosphere. one of the most effective ways to do that, to storing it as blue colbin, blue carbon refers to a marine and coastal eco systems. because oceans sequences tied to marsh's and migrate, it's taken carbon dioxide down to the routes and store them in the set them into the low cost and environments account for half of what's requested in the ocean settlements. if you compare um the rate the i'm going to wait for is with armando bar. yeah. so we, we can say that between 5 and 10 percent. good times more carbon dioxide. fav sequester stores in the sacraments. a no longer barrier compared to the florida is the registrar for us? this is maria cloudy. a desk ronaldo still got a she's the blue coffin director at conservation international. she works with communities, local governments and organizations to re still coastal eco systems. the problem is
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we have very little amount of the 67 indeed in the, in the water fading here, because they, they have been destroyed that it's already sold. so the cost of development, for example, for fission industry as well. the problem with the storing eco systems is know certainly that they no longer able to taken any more carbon. it's also that the call them they have storage gets released back into the atmosphere. delgado has been involved in restoring. i'm 11000 heck, time on growth forest and the by of spoke to on the coast of columbia that communities play an active role in maintaining the forest valuable fish species of returned an eco tourism. this providing a means of living community team members, take soil samples to measure how much carbon it's being stored in the settlement, the groups. and finally, edge to delgado expects the carbon payoff to be big. but knowing just how big will
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take time time, we don't have a problem with the actual systems by getting incredibly efficient and sort of an energy on you. but you know, and he basically incredibly slow. this is go off site, he's a professor of sustainability. i used to utilize some of the wiley school of engineering . he's working on speeding things up, actually buying the tomorrow off side effect. do you have to rely on interviewing for the simple reason that what engineering is good? i'm speaking things are often happening in nature. so i'm just being speeding them up incredibly designed to is to remove the carbon dioxide that's currently in sable, to turn it into the same stuff. see shows him a down talk to store, to see or to see says this can be done with the device. he's developing cool display react to see want to flows through a mash with an electrical charge running through it. this causes carbon dioxide to dissolve and combine with the calcium and magnesium. that's native and see water
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deform, limestone, and other minerals. the flight react to spits these hauled and drops back into the ocean along with the stable. so that's now clean of carbon dioxide management. and he's not a scientific john. excuse me, john. i'm an innocent eco nomic john. so, being able to demonstrate the government, the qualities of assessable, portable, scalable, because it would be corrupt team isn't the only one lucky, knows the clustering, call the marine rock. if you've ever walked along the beach, you've worked on the area where this guy thinks we can have the most impact. sometimes we would like to say the solution here is we just need to bring send the beach. this is tom green, the c o and co founder of a company called festa. best of proposes, i think, and not true, call them sucking monroe cooled levine onto coastlines to read the punitive compound emissions. they estimate, we can capture a 1000000000 tons of it pretty easily. we need about a quarter of one percent of the area of coastal shelves in order to in
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order to do that, extracting levine doesn't require a chemical processing is just dug down to the ground and ground up into a sound. it sound all over the world, and it's one of the most abundant, not true minerals on the planet. when brain falls on all living, abrupt results. and let's do that and causes a chemical reaction that takes carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. this mixture then get smashed into the ocean where organisms like carols and show fish, use it to make the calcified bodies. so this is nature's way of turning up is very clear to into rock. i think levine to show lines help speed up what's already happening in the oceans. best or recently completed the 1st pilot project on the eastern seaboard in the us in south hampton, on long island, and new york post and erosion over time that the community had lost the beach and the local ha that has become nearly unethical to ship. they both incense to
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reconstruct the shoreline and vesta, others ground only thing to it. now they wait to determine if it will tell you what they think it should be measuring everything from many get logical point of view. and then of course we're measuring customer level as well. it's very, very early days. so we don't have any results to, to report yet. but i can say that we are seeing changes in the see what that are aligned. whether we expect patients, the front to olivine is so readily available as possible. what makes this a scalable solution to simplicity is important to achieve meaning both scale and and again, these are processes that do not rely on exactly chemist feedings and not rely on exactly materials by solving some dumping of flu. we act as a still in the experimental phase. they promised big gains, but rolling them out to make the impact we need will take time and lots of money. if they don't work as hyped will be right back where we started. but with even more
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coughing in the atmosphere by no means is that a set of a blur. and so we have to rely on a portfolio olivine dumping fly reactors and coastal restoration come help talk a lot of carbon emissions problem. but they can only do so much x about degree. we need to develop all these ideas to emissions. do you know what is a no going? and no, i don't mean the bill doing got to buy a lagoon is a shallow warranty of water separated from a logical body of water to a natural body. and these lagoons are very important for the lives in livelihoods of those who live around them in albany. and there are several such lagoons separated by the age at dixie. but the problem is global warming is making the land between the disappear albini is the goons in the north of the country seem like paradise demo. she says she comes here to work. he's been a fisherman for, for the years, including a vine,
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put the fish population is started to decline. he says, this isn't going to go for it since the moment these crap entries only doing there's been fewer faced, fewer model, subject them up from one year to the next. we get less than this laguna was amazing . in the progress you could catch thousands of kilos. to fish of our whole kind of falls 0 is if it is on the me, i agree. and trying to cool only the small strip of land separate the every optic see from the local the sea level is rising, allowing more blue crafts to enter the lagoon. they are replacing the natural fish population. yup. genie set. he's an environmental listing, the region and observes biodiversity video. they have to over, they are, is deandre attic, seen. and this is really good. the land in between to, to his drinking. he says, due to climate change, 3, we have moved maritime storms, erosion, high temperatures, floods, you,
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all of this has been affecting the region to study. the sea will swell the more than the logo. and yet, genie says, if there's no governmental intervention, albania is coast also will keep shrinking and estimated one 3rd of the countries coastline is already affected by your ocean. these bunker was built during the communist era for decades ago. back then, it used to be at least 40 meters away from the sea shore. many of these bunkers already under water, others are close to being immersed by the sea. and there is less speech for torres to enjoy. as the sea advances inlet, it was even as a loom gimme a bus to the last year. we had more umbrellas this year. we have one roll less. who knows what happens next year. maybe we will lose another room. new hotels are also being built. locals fee or the construction will speed up your ocean fat, you know,
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cause concern this restaurant built by his father in the late 19 ninety's will disappear into the see the landscape. you used to be different dense woodlands, pine trees, as it's private footage, dating back to 2005 shows. when i did the show, it saw the show, the locals from the village used to come here back then everything was green. it was like a forest like the amazon we but now i'm of you can see for yourself really damned or funny. yes. according to this as well. no much is left from the time. most of the trees are gone, taken by the c. n by people. local villagers, we legally cut them down a few, a tourists come here to visit, which means less revenue for his restaurant comes. if he isn't simple for invest, i'm my entire family has invested the money here in the business,
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and we are very sad about what's happening because it's our lives investment that state near to some fits vanessa was unaware of well being in government should be doing much more to stop erosion, he said we are headed to the capital toronto and the environmental ministry. we need claudio, no more rica. she starts with coastal conservation. what we suffer is the invitations, the lack of the financial resources, and also of the human resources. because when we're talking about the financial resources, this is also linked with the human resources that are needed to work on the implementation process. less than one percent of the national budget is set aside for environmental protection. she says an estimate, albania would need to spend 30 times as much money that the impoverished country locks back into lagoon, queen of mine, the existential threat,
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is growing for people who make their living here. says that they come on the go because you this you have 3 of on far as you sit in this lagoon already gave 1st science years ago, but we did not take it seriously that everything here is coming to an end for the month. even they got the me the most us the times when he pulled the key laughter key or fish alone go more and more efficient men are quitting blue crap. that's the only thing now abundant here. we are known that a house does not necessarily need breaks or somebody to be constructed. i mean, we have already exempted living in a tree house or a new, or maybe even a cadillac. let's have you ever imagined a house that's built out of a shipping container? well, if there are millions of shipping containers across the globe, then imagine how amazing would it be if they could be converted into houses,
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a lady in chan. i have recognized this a believe it or not, this was the one. so shipping container, no converting mg properties. it's ready for the future occupants. for more than 15 years. one, what the company have done call goes cropping to homes and all sorts of space. they started out small and the bank allowed them either. you know, you mean the beginning, we just did repair work sitting under a tree meeting. we had a world and, and cutting machine. there was a mini my husband done a well the then be refurbished off a container for our own yards of the adding lights on the funds. we've got the idea to start a business side making a living space as you with these containers who obviously lives. so the main that i may not have. ringback one with the sources, the commission shipping containers and the thoughts of $29.00 and $2.00 teams. if there's any damage and applies a protective coating to prevent drugs,
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the containers ogden be published according to customization. ringback picnic, let them other people come to order the container like thing going on. a family picnic deposit that already on. it was the man who made all the decisions. but nowadays it's the women in the family. the mother's daughter, a mother in law who made the design decision streaming, they choose the colors and peter of features, window tables. and then every time the it takes about 20 days to transform a defunct shipping container and do a whole one like this, with a fitted kitchen and bathroom windows and electronics costs $3.00 loc, less than 3300. yours. good are also environment the advantages over the concrete house order to get. i'm assuming the production of one cut off to many, it would emerge one last carbon dioxide optimize. so a concrete walls that's uses item drawer. general consumer means undergrads enormous amount of carbon dioxide, kind of get them with. yeah, the cost of construction is increasing the by the wind level,
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that most floor in the middle income, our nurse. and it's hard to afford conventional just being home as an artist that a lot of good, based on the marketing data. going to open them up like a sort of a residential homes on all the contents. this can be done and they are also being the business owner of this. i'm not staying on the i want the stock. my own cafe, like in my is by the i wanted it to be unique. so i chose this container set up under this and by that of a mobile nick land or another shot that want to just add that we can move any of it when we get that back. customized meeting. and it's easy to over the wondering beautiful this evening, but the not because there is knowing you needing book and the container is compact and budget printing and vision. so what we're going to, and the government, if i'm the one with the, has been more than 300 container houses most equipped with air conditioning. but knowing solution, she soon hopes to construct costs and shopping all that is suddenly no shortage of
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content. what a unique and genius solution i love to live in a house like that. what do you, what to do? let me know how you liked today's episode. you can email us or reach out to me directly on my social media. i will see you next week until then take care. good bye number, scott, the
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