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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 8, 2024 11:00am-11:16am CEST

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the, the, this is the, the we news line from berlin, nicaragua takes germany to courts over it's a ford for israel, the international court of justice. and the hate begins hearing a claim by nicaragua, that berlin is facilitating alleged genocide and gaza. germany says the case is not justified, also coming up godson's return to their homes after israel surprised withdrawal from con eunice. palestinians are rushing to discover what is left their neighborhood, the
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relation welcome to the show, the international court of justice and the hague has begun hearing acclaimed by nicaragua, that germany is, quote, facilitating the commission of genocide and the gaza strip. nicaragua is arguing that germany is breeching international law by supplying arms and other aid to israel for its military campaign and gaza. and once the court to order berlin to halt exports. germany has rejected nicaragua, his accusations, israel is also repeatedly to 9, committing genocide or war crimes, and it's response to a mazda is october 7th, a terrorist attack. and so it's particularly kelly. they don't use lucy or shelton is covering story for us in the hague. as you told me more about nicaragua, case against germany and berlin's decision to free funding for the you ones, agency for palestinians on route for i never the last german it has been it's, it's not there in the country that stop the funding phone. right. but it has been very vocal in supporting israel and we have heard sometimes such role tried off the
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terrorist attack on october 7 by how much that a germany will help each trail and really stand by sight. and that this also comes from german responsibilities that it has to do to the heart of cost. and therefore germany understands itself as a very staunch support of each writing. nevertheless, patrone, germany has changed over the last couple of weeks also with regards to a civil causality. but still germany is considered an ally of israel next to the united states. and then you have thoughts are see that there's maybe a legal argument for that as well. because you, colorado a can bring germany here because germany has accepted jurisdiction of the quote behind me, which is something that the united states has not done right now. we heard of their briefly in the report there hasn't yet been a final ruling at the icing. j on the separate case on whether israel's actions in
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a gauze or could amount to genocide. so how can the court rockwell them claim and the same court that germany is, quote, facilitating the commission of genocide against palestinians. yeah, this might indeed be one of the big stumbling blocks in this procedure. nicaragua is claiming this, among other things that is claiming that there is a breach of the genocide convention virus. each trail has not yet been accused or not yet been a judge to really have reached the genocide convention that has been for us cases. so our 1st of findings, by the code behind me that has said there is a risk of the breach of the genocide convention, but it has not yet stated that this indeed took place. so this might be a stumbling block for the case that nicaragua broadly was going to say, but also nicaragua has brought a bit of a wider case is also saying that there are violations of other international laws including international humanitarian,
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know me. and all of this said nicaragua, what they want to see our emergency measure is to be imposed on berlin in this case, how likely are they to succeed before the court of the so this case is still really at its very early stages. what's happening here today? i hearings about the so called provision a mattress among this provision, a mattress is better than colorado, off the court to order germany to stop its military assistance, but also to start funding right in the gaza strip again. and the court is not bound to go to new car august asking you to do so. it could also find out the provision and address board could also decide to not grant any provision of measures at all as a special time in the hague. thank you so much for that update. as rails defense minister you of go out and says the surprise withdrawal of soldiers from southern gaza announced on sunday is to prepare troops for future offensive,
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including into the city of russell, falling the withdrawal sung, palestinians. how begun returning to their homes, but after months of air strikes and ground battles with hemlocks militants, many are returning to nothing but ruins and rubble. this is con units. after months of embarrassment, displaced residents have been rushing back to their homes after israel and asked most of its troops have been pulled out of the area the. it's a show, a shock. what happened was not small. one by way, here in the car, i saw the destruction. it's unbearable. i'm going to my house and then know that it is destroyed. i'm going to move that around the so i can get a show the do a bit further north and daryl bella. much needed a to arrived at schools and shelters for the 1st time in 2 months. the need for everything from food to medical supplies is urgent. according to 8 agencies,
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the u. n says funding is fast approaching the i many children have suffered from now nutrition as a result of the crowd and they've been respiratory and health problems such as hepatitis. all of these things are a result of overcrowding in the shelter because a large number of people left their homes because of the war. a war that has not last it 6 months and with no end in sight. after they is really true of drop down, many are now looking to rough. uh, we're more than half of gas as population is sheltering. i asked our correspond atanya kramer in jerusalem. what the next phase of the war could look like. the plumbing is really a military analyst who believes that this is more of a tactical move and no longer has tried to achieve, might be a new phase where you see more as the army puts it, intelligence based position or targeting. but again, as we heard,
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the chief of stuff had c, i levy saying the word is not over and that also includes also. so what we're having right now is a brigade that is still in the north of garza also guarding this new car a door that has been created by that is really military that uh separates the north uh from the south that is uh, located in central goes around body of us. uh and uh, this allows actually the army to go in with the ground troops when ever it is needed, as they said. and of course strikes neva, strikes as well as to artillery are still a continuing of this military unless you believe so. a rough operational offensive is not of the table, but it does know. it allows some of the population that has taken a show to or trying to take some kind of show to him, and also to go back to con units. as you said, they don't have much to go back to. but again,
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this would move some of the population out there and we have to wait and see what will happen next. but some reading also into this situation that is, might allow some progress in the hosted stokes that are ongoing in cairo. let's talk about those conversations in kyle, we're hearing reports about progress being made with israel still determined to continue the military operation. canon agreement be reached. i mean, it doesn't include a exclude of one another because we're talking here. i mean, what has been talked about was a temporary a ceasefire, so they could be still a then followed by another operation. but that is speculation at this point. so what we're hearing here on the is where the radio of this morning is based on addiction sources. they are cautiously talking about some progress and they've been saying that the have most of the gauge and has
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a lift car will also be or is really an american delegation have left a car that will return as we understand. and also consultations on the lower level a will continue. uh so how much that said in the beginning of the sticking points is always that it wants to see a full withdrawal of israeli forces and to full a c supply a israel has. the government has called that a delusional a demands, but you know, we have to wait and see the devil is as always in the did how. how are those talks progress? but at least they continue talking at the moment, has to be done with w's, tanya kramer in jerusalem as always. thank you. and a quick look now and some other stories making news around the world today. at least $96.00 people have died after a boat capsized off the coast of mozambique. local authorities say more than 20
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others or missing. officials said the fishing vessel was heading from lucca to mozambique island when it sank. local media set, the boat was being used as a mix of ferry. the united states, the philippines, australia, and japan have held joint military drills and the disputed south china sea. china said and carried out its own exercises at the same time facing claims almost the whole of the area as its own territory, leading to confrontations with its neighbors. and the region in south korea has successfully launched. it's 2nd military spies, satellites, into orbit. the launch from florida in the us comes days after north korea's space agencies said it plans to send up several more of its owns by satellites. this year . the space race follows ramped up weapons testing by a young, young, kennedy space center, and the 2 women leading the race to become mexico's next president have faced off
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at the 1st debate ahead of june selection. front runner, claudia shine bound from the ruling morena party and her main rival. social galvis clashed over corruption, gender violence, and other issues, popular president under this monumental, per so what i learned is limited in the terms that he can serve and will not be able to run again in the united nations nuclear. what stock has confirmed a drone attack on ukraine's zapper region nuclear planned? he was denying russian accusations that it was behind the strike, which has been running the plan since it sees control of the facility and the 1st weeks of the war. back in 2022. on the war and ukraine reverberates around europe, german soldiers are being deployed now to lithuania. as nato allies seek to shore up the strings of the lines this eastern flank. the move is a major shift in german policy. it's the 1st permanent deployment of german
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soldiers abroad since the end of the 2nd world war, german defense minister, voice, the story is, was there to see off the 1st contingent of troops from berlin. airport. around 5000 soldiers will be stationed in lithuania. the brigade expected to be fully operational by 2027 and our chief political correspondent, you know how that is traveling with the troops. she told us what prompted this move . steering the cold war west in germany. it was nato's eastern flank and was protected by western allies who was patient the permanent fate. now it's time for germany to give back, says german defense minister borders stories and help protect nato's current eastern find in the baltic. countries who say that they very much feel that rush that poses a very concrete stretch. now, rest as war against ukraine is seen as a turning point into politics and in history. here in germany, it's been dumped the titan vendor and these images of germany stationing soldiers
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abroad permanent plays for the very 1st time. since the end of the 2nd world war are clear illustration of what site means in concrete tubs. as nina, as of reporting to north america now we're tens of millions of people are hoping for clear skies in the coming hours as they wait for a rare total eclipse of the sun, spectators and mexico. the united states and canada are flocking to areas along the path of the eclipse to experience the phenomenon in some areas, the moon's shadow will completely block the light from the sun for more than 4 minutes. the seaside city of mazda outline mexico lies in the path of darkness. a solar eclipse tours are flocking here. does the scenes like these ones captured in argentina? in 2020. the sun will block the moon and cast a 160 kilometer long shadow reading what's called the path of to tally and eclipse
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. soon that passes from mexico in texas to maine and parts of canada. the viewers loosely stripes of light and darkness. as the eclipse advances and even planets, forecast of cloudy weather may have short views throughout much of the pathway. but that's not stopping texas stargazers in texas, where the 1st major area that's going to be able to say something. again, it won't be ideal. so we'll get to see so the mood here is optimistic force i am definitely nervous, but i'm trying to just think of it as i'm never going to talk this. try to enjoy the weekend as a whole and keep a positive spirit because i will time generally a little nervous about the weather. the eclipse will last around 2 hours and 30 minutes from start to finish. experts advised that viewers were protective solar glasses, both steering at the sun. and that's the news for now,
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but stay with us for a look at the life of the image of the community in the united states, which hasn't changed much in the past 300 years article really thank you so much for your company. by the, do you big ultima view companies play a role in the destruction of the rain forest? the letter for luxury casa, often comes from illegal capital funds in the m, as in. yet the supply chains does matter to the view industry. the illegal of the stats may said on dw the .


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