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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 8, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm CEST

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the, the, this is the, the, the news i'm from berlin, nicaragua takes germany to courts over its support for israel, the international court of justice in the he begins hearing a queen by nicaragua, that berlin is facilitating alleged genocide in gaza. germany says the case is not justified. also coming up, carson has returned to their homes after israel surprise withdrawal from con eunice . palestinians are rushing to discover what is left of their neighborhood. the new ones nuclear watchdog condemned. a drone strike on you, cranes is operational nuclear plants,
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but it says the attack is not compromised. safety of the facility, the welcome to the show, the international courts of justice and the hague has begun hearing a claim buying nicaragua, that germany is, quote, facilitating the commission of genocide in the gaza strip. nicaragua is arguing that germany is breaching international law by supplying arms and other aid to israel for its military campaign in gaza. and once the courts to order berlin to hold the exports, germany has rejected. nicaraguans accusations and israel as also repeatedly denied committing genocide or war crimes in its response to a mazda october 7th terrorist attacks. what canal was an into what the nicaraguan ambassador to the netherlands and the lead of nicaragua. his delegation at the
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court had to say in the present case, because i was invoking the responsibility of the money in connection with the genocide, committed by israel. also, the response of luther, germany for the violation officer will not be jason's attendance. i convention. i know the violations by to many of the its own obligations under international humanitarian role government is taking to onto it. so an application to prevent genocide which with respect of international humanitarian law we're going to take a closer look with our correspondence. lucy, i sheldon is at b, i. c. j in the hague and our chief political editor. let me say look, you've now joins us from for a limb. could see you both. let's start with you. let's see, what's nicaragua, as argument here and what, what they want the court to do is destined to colorado. it is saying that germany is facilitating x of genocide and we have just heard from you corolla that germany must be well aware of what is going on. and that it must be really aware
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that there is at least the serious risk of committing the alleged genocide in this case is brought by nicaragua in order to get at this stage for vision and metro space. these provision measured, it goes against a rep and deliveries mainly, but also as a kind of helping ex fit germany this, according to nicaragua, giving trees trails and also it wants germany to start funding over again. so these are the 2 main points that me colorado right, has, has, and um, these provision images aimed to, to grant these. um, what is important to say is that there is, at this stage still a case pending here at the international court on the question whether it's right, it's indeed committing a genocide or not. it is a case good. how's every car abroad? and this is very important also for the course of the proceedings. and um, because it's not quite clear how this would develop and how this will develop for
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germany. at this stage, it's only about the so called provision and measures. yeah. and it could be years until we have a ruling in that other case, mikaela over to, you know, how is all of this. i mean, very, very serious accusations being received in germany, especially by the government or well, there are many rejects those. and i think it's important to remind ourselves that nothing that is being discussed will decide it's in that court will come fast enough to have an impact on what we're currently seeing on fold. um, so germany says that as a signatory to the geneva convention, essentially, that's the rules that govern how will fact can be done and how civilians need to be protected within that context. that dominique sees the duty to remind all sides. that's what the foreign minister says to adhere to the obligations and germany also flatly rejects the very notion that it was helping in any form of conduct
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a genocide, the genocide that also was not determined to actually be taking place in january by the international court where these very proceedings are currently happening, so there's a lot of legal arguing here. but the bottom line is that this is political. you are seeing a country from the so called global south, really question, how serious germany, in this case, the west is in sticking to international rules. germany itself and system everybody must adhere to me. let's see. what can you tell us about why nicaragua felt compelled to pursue legal action against germany? and so there is quite some speculation around this. and of course, we can look into the new progress head for the wondering what the speculation says, stephanie colorado is doing this to divert from itself because there's just been a report said there's very seer 5 of your end that there's very serious creatures of too many terry law in the colorado others are saying that you can progress
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during this as a political campaign that they're doing this to instrumental lies the court behind me as a political tool or that it would lead to attention to nicaragua of what we know is that the sending this the movement test strong ties to the palestinians back from the day. so if there's any new service lucian in 1979. so there is a certain connection between the palestinians and the current government. and also, what is also clear is that germany is a strong ally of history and has been very welcomed about this on the international stage. and that it is possible for nicaragua to bring germany to the i c j. because both of these countries have accepted a compulsory jurisdictions that of the eyes and j, which for example, jim at which for example, the united states has not done mckayla's early days. of course, this is the 1st hearing what would happen if the icing j really ended up ruling in
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nicaragua was favor this. this is really a very remote possibility if cynthia is not on the cause at this very moment in time, that would be a condemnation of germany, of the west. and it would essentially legally prove that a country like germany was saying the one thing and actually doing the other, but this is not backed up by fact. so any kind of legal argument i must also add that the security of israel is a fundamental principle of durham and policy making and increasing the you're hearing voices here behind closed doors. that, that could mean, criticizing israel even more than in the past. as we're also seeing the united states do, and there's no question we also so the human rights committee, highly criticized by israel now calling for an end to arms deliveries in the united states is not willing to do this. but if the west was willing to stop the deliveries,
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that's when we would also see debate here in germany about stopping and support in terms of military tons for israel mechanic is not in berlin. and lucy, i showed an in the hague. thank you both a israel as a defense minister. yes. go on. says the surprise withdrawal of soldiers from con eunice in southern gaza that was announced on sunday is to prepare troops for future offensive, including into the city of rough up ordering egypt. now following the withdrawal, some palestinians have begun returning to their homes. but after months of air strikes and ground bottles with hamas militants, many are returning to nothing but ruins and rubble. this is con units. after months of bombardment, displaced residents have been rushing back to their homes after israel and asked most of its troops have been pulled. i have to of the area. it's a show, a shock. what happened was not small. one by way, here in the car,
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i saw the destruction. it's unbearable. i'm going to my house and i know that it is destroyed. i'm going to move that or i'll move. so i can get to show the news. a bit further north and daryl bella. much needed a to arrived at schools and shelters for the 1st time in 2 months. the need for everything from food to medical supplies is urgent. according to 8 agencies, the un says fireman is fast approaching. and i, many children have suffered from del nutrition as a result of the crowd and they've been respiratory and health problems such as hepatitis. all of these things are a result of overcrowding in the shelter because a large number of people left their homes because of the war. a war that has my last it 6 months and with no end in sight. well, after the is really true, drawn down many are now looking to
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a russell were more than half of gauze as population is sheltering. i asked our correspondents on your kramer in jerusalem, what the next phase of the war could look like as well. i mean, is really a military analyst who believes that this is more of a tactical move and no longer strategy. it might be a new phase where you see more as the army puts it, intelligence based position or targeting. but again, as we heard of the chief of stuff head salary saying the war is not over and that also includes how so. so what we're having right now is a brigade that is still in the north of garza also guarding this new car a door that has been created by that is really military that uh separates the noise from the south that is located in central gall. it's around body, eliza, and uh, this allows actually the army to go in with the ground troops when ever it is needed, as they said. and of course, strikes. neva strikes as well as to artillery are still
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a continuing of this military unless you believe so. a rough operational offensive is not of the table, but it does know. it allows some of the population that has taken a show to or trying to take some kind of sheldon was also a to go back to con units. as you said, they don't have much to go back to. but again, this would move some of the population out there and we have to wait and see what will happen next. but some reading also into this situation that is, might allow some progress in the hosted stokes that are ongoing in cairo. let's talk about those conversations in kyle, we're hearing reports about progress being made with israel still determined to continue the military operation. can't an agreement be reached? i mean, it doesn't include a exclude of one another because we're talking here. i mean,
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what has been talked about was a temporary a ceasefire, so they could be still a then followed by another operation. but that is speculation at this point. so what we're hearing here on the is where the radio of this morning is based on addiction sources. they are cautiously talking about some progress and they've been saying that the have most of the gauge and has left cairo also the or is really in american delegation have left a car but will return as we understand. and also consultations on the lower level. a will continue. so how must have said in the beginning of the sticking points is always that it wants to see a full withdrawal of is really forces and to full. a c supply a israel has. the government has called that a delusional a demands. but you know, we have to wait and see the devil is as always in the did how, how are those talks progress?
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but at least they continue talking at the moment, has to be done with w's, tanya, kramer, andrews and as always, thank you. and we can take a look now at some other stories making news around the world today. at least $96.00 people have died after a boat capsized off the coast of mozambique. local authorities say more than 20 others or still missing. officials that the fishing vessel was heading from noon, got to mozambique island, where its sink. local media is at the boat was being used as a mix of ferry, the united states, the philippines, australia, and japan have held joint military drills and the dispute of south china sea. china said it carried out its own exercises at the same time raising claims almost the whole, the area as its own territory, leading to confrontations with its neighbors in the region. south korea
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has successfully launched its 2nd military spice satellite into orbit. the launch from florida in the us comes days after north korea space agency said it's plans to send up several more of its own spice satellites. this year to the space race follows. ramped up weapons testing by phone. yeah. because i look forward to the 2 women leading the race to become mexico's next president. have face off the 1st debate ahead of june selections. front runner, cloudy, assigned balm from the ruling. moreno party, and her main rivals. thought she'll galvis clashed over corruption, gender violence, and other issues. and i'm a popular president address of mine will lopez over the phone. i won't be running again because of the term limitations. escape, you're seeing the german shoulders are being deployed until us away as nato allies seek to shore up the strength of the alliances, eastern flint. the move is
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a major shift in german policy. the 1st permanent deployment of german soldiers abroad since the end of the 2nd world war, german defense minister boris. the stories was there to see on the 1st contingent of troops from berlin, airport, around 5000 soldiers for me. stationed in lithuania, the brigade expected to be fully operational by 2027 and the w as chief political corresponding mina hodges, traveling with the troops and told us what prompted this move. steering the cold war west and germany was nato's eastern flank and was protected by western allies who was stationed that permanent fate. now it's time for germany to give back, says dom and defense minister borders stories and help protect nato's current eastern find in the baltic. countries who say that they very much feel that russia poses a very concrete stretch. now, rest as war against ukraine is seen as a turning point into politics and in history. here in germany,
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it's been dumped the titan vendor and these images of germany stationing soldiers abroad permanent plays for the very 1st time since the end of the 2nd world war are clear illustration of what site means in concrete tubs. so all of this in light of the war in ukraine, where the us nuclear watchdog says a drone attack on the separation of power plant did not compromise safety, but agency head raphael across the warrens that it was quote, major escalation. he urged all sides to protect nuclear facilities. ukraine has denied russian accusations that it's carried out. the strike on europe's biggest nuclear power plant processes to control the facility in the 1st weeks of its invasion back in the 2022 keven. moscow have repeatedly blamed each other for a tax on the plant, or our case bureau chief and economy, and told me more about these latest attacks and security in and around the power plant to be i a that the un bugging you just
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mentioned have mean to confirm that these drug detects happens they, so the after effects without actually seeing them happening in real time. they are based on the site, but they're basically not free to move around. they have to ask permission from the russian occupying forces that the power plant to be able to move around in the past . we definitely seen it on delays between things that are actually happening and those inspectors being able to access the impact site. as we have heard from the media here in ukraine, bills are from russian media that was supposedly damaged to attempting and to a truck bring through to the site as well as one hit on the dome of one of the reactors. so it is very, very close to home, but things are important. and all this, remember that russia has made this, your biggest, one of the world's biggest new policies, just a minute treat. so there are a minute treat their trips based as much equipment, even within the power thoughts. you have pictures online over some sol, just be hanging out inside the power plant. and that is obviously
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a very day situation situation where you've had ukraine and this is why the world asking the russian hill to buy forces to deem it would drive that zone to get out. since basically move the minute, treat it kind of the infrastructure hardware, the other way to avoid any kind of misunderstanding. but that still hasn't happened to me is on me. how dangerous are these attacks? because a power plant is of course, protected to some extent. can you give us a sense of the security situation at the end around the plant? i mean, by all stands, this is a mad situation to be in this huge power plant. and you have regulatory fi pretty close by. you have a ukranian hill town, opposite and the other side of the river that is called to me and go to the retract which it when you go through the people say that the author, the rejects, coming from the russian forces need of help on basically hiding behind the power blogs because they know that the finance called reply in with via any way, any of that power plants. importantly though it's public is not operating right now
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. those records have been shut down, but there's still no radiation there, there is and you feel that it needs to be cooled. when you chose the experts actually say that a direct kit is something that these pop thoughts were built for during the cold war period. and actually the bigger issue is i like a power to cool. that's a nuclear fuel. so we repeatedly see power facilities being destroyed as part of the cut out to re fi. and then that kind of emergency generate, just having to kind of jump in to provide that cooling and often they have deal supply just for a matter of days. so i think if you look at the why, so this is a pop up is very close to city of separation or that you credit unhealthy, which is, you know, almost a 1000000 people that kind of a declaration. and this is a very kind of danger point that doesn't go away. and also when you have a real sense of the russians are very aware of the fee, is that these kinds of incidence raised in europe and that they, you know, i'm not happy about that. kind of concern spreading from that, there's obviously a sense here and you can, this could be a russian publication. we can't tell them because in fact check, but this is a situation, it doesn't go away. and so far, the interest community hasn't found a solution for, you know,
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we use an economy. thank you. always great speaking to both sides in the ukraine conflict have relied heavily on drones to carry out attacks during the war. in recent weeks, russia has repeatedly targeted the ukrainian energy infrastructure using a rainy, made sha head, drones. but a special group of volunteers is fighting back against them with everything they have that includes weapons from a world war. one museum. the w corresponded young fib shots, reports they are among rushes, most feared weapons shot had james. they asked me cheap and available in huge quantities. judge you have getting resent said has taken up his own personal bottle against the drones. is doing the day. is that same work, keeps administrative, quote, adopted what he swaps his coat dress. so come a fraud in stats hunting drones. he and other judges take up position on
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a high rise building on the outskirts of the city, the most important weapon museum and a machine gun. roy would go to solar shape. this weapon was used even in the 1st world war we ended in the 2nd the it's quite reliable, but it's obviously not the best weapon for shooting down hard. take drones we believe. so. we really need more modern and more effective weapons to fight because it's obvious that russia will not stop this war to this stopped part for a 2nd for that i can never put in and see the me. 40 judges have joined the volunteer, driving hunters. they call themselves team justice, as judges, they are considered indispensable in the capital. so they are not allowed to join the army on the front lines. not that not leave on them to what is also become crucial, leaving the cities regular defense force. and despite that, update to the equipment that's managed to dow new most y'all had drawings. they say
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the biggest challenge is staying a lot and ready to jump into action. no matter what the cable well it's happens to be many times it's quite relaxed, but then suddenly the air right to let start seem like but we get ready. we climb to a firing positions and we stop shooting. that's what prevents are, there are 2 of the judges can remain in that purse up to 24 hours at a time in the capital and elsewhere. nevada is declining. ukraine is struggling to sign up for new recruits the most. so most people still know that everyone in this world is going to be a warrior. i don't know to be this, not everyone is going to be responsible citizen and i'm for a credit union. definitely, i don't want to condemn people who don't take on the more active part to defend the country commission aggression, even though just the, everyone makes their own choices in life right here. only as low as soon as it gets to review, but russia is intensifying. it's at campaign and this means
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that these judges terms, drone hunters may be spending most of that time monitoring the night sky eva keys to bangladesh. now the country is the world's 2nd largest manufacturer of clothing after china with an 80 percent of it is exported to europe and the united states, but orders from western markets are down and the country is also going through an economic crisis that is heavily impacting. it's most important export industry. he's able to use now heat on juwan has this report. okay, a big room is a government worker and bond with dish, but she has most a job on the final pay was we had for 3 months after the economic recession caused to shut down of the factory where she worked. the situation is still very difficult for the mother of 3 go to the the now been said am i said well i
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haven't been able to pay the rent for the last 3 months. really surprises over everyday essentials. have very high become keep the family set. so is how does the rama done and the h festival is a hat. so i'm, i'm not able to buy my children new clothes for age as i have no job. and i give a sort of because many government factories i've closed in the last couple of months, big room has been unable to find another job. despite many attempts that are causes of workers like her club just being made redundant. in that, shortly after being promised a rate increase, the thought out, so make it happen despite the center increase, many workers didn't get that full weight on it. on the other hand, due to the center increase, they close to many small accounts. factories to so many workers, us do out 3 or 4 months of pay, but they've closed the factories. so how are we supposed to help these unemployed people? the other thing i'm looking for was more than 300 government factories on
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a report that the now closed in the port city, or shotwell drum, in the capital of car and other cities. one reason is a deep dollar crisis bond with this is facing price increases for gas and electricity have made production more expensive to decline in orders from invest in markets has pushed bond with this most important expert industry into a crisis that are so many fact disclosing don't, but most people is that a small and medium. so in this perspective, we really need to take care of this issue so that we get those fact please also need to sort of buy the then that will be a balance of lot of and in the fields will otherwise what is happening. the biggest big, big trick this wouldn't be getting bigger to do by day. the capacity is increasing or there is also not good for the industrial bond to this. we also have to begin paying golf multi $1000000000.00 infrastructure investment loans from various international sources. this is likely to exacerbate the crisis by using the south
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asian nation of nearly 170000000 and finally, tens of millions of people in north america are hoping for clear sky and the coming hours is a way to for a rare total solar eclipse spectators and mexico, the us and canada becomes locked into areas along the path of the eclipse to experience the phenomenon. in some areas of this part of the world, the most shadow will completely block the light from the sun. for more than 4 minutes. before we go, a quick reminder of our top stories today, the international court of justice and the hey, has the gun hearing a claim by the garage of that germany is facilitating alleged genocide by israel and gaza. that argues that berlin is breeching international law by supplying arms and other aid to israel and palestinians have begun returning home after israel
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surprised withdrawal from the parts of southern gaza. and much of their neighborhoods are and ruins following months of air strikes and crowns titled. as often weekend as us, we'll have more news at the top, the next hour, kind of, if you can. thank you so much for your company by the
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a co africa lagoon. and then a go is a power bio diversity boxes sensitive ecosystem expressions by as efficient as climate you know, the government and numerous initiatives offline to increase protection correct? result next on d, w cost or is a shipping giant building
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a gigantic molten true local residence. so wary of the chinese conglomerate some vicious project, which is causing by corruption and environmental destruction, critical voices of being sensitive logo in 60 minutes, dw, the name to cassandra, re determined that has below was operating like a global drug car. the objective to financially drain has grown up and bring them down. the team agents from the american drug enforcement agency they had criminalized themselves. we needed to reveal that so world. why did the us
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government suddenly shut down project cassandra in 2016? 03 thought documentary series on ma skiing has paula stats may 4th on d. w. the to hello everybody, and welcome to a new edition of a co africa. the environment show brought to you by a tv in uganda, gymnast dw, and charles tv rock ca nights, area. i am curriculums. and here's my co host, son drive in uganda, high crease. hello. everybody is good to have you back with gold. some exciting reports about environmental protection and sustainability coming up here is
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a quick look at some of the topics.


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