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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 8, 2024 2:00pm-2:16pm CEST

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the, the business dw news lines from ballad nicaragua, takes germany to costs over at support for israel. the international court of justice and day begins hearing acclaimed by nicaragua, of berlin. as facilitating alleged genocide in gaza. germany says the case is not justified. also coming up, people in gauze that return to the homes of to israel, surprise withdrawal from con eunice palestinians, rushing to discover what is left of the neighborhood and german troops arriving lithuania. as natal shows up defenses on its eastern flood. it's the boat. this vast 1st permanent employment abroad since the end of the 2nd world war,
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the ground else is welcome. the international court of justice in the hey, it has begun hearing acclaimed by nicaragua, that germany is, quote, facilitating the commission of genocide in the gaza strip. god, one is arguing that germany is preaching that the national by supplying arms and other aids to israel for its military campaign and gaza. it wants the quotes to order balance to stop exports. germany has resolutely rejected nicaragua as accusations and israel is also repeatedly denied committing genocide all crimes in its response to homos october 7th the terrorist attacks. now let's listen into what the nicaraguan ambassador to the netherlands and the lead of the
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garage goes to location has to say in the present case, because i was invoking the responsibility are too many in connection with the genocide committed by israel. also the responsibility or germany for the violations office on applications. i did attendance i convention and know the violations by to many of its own obligations under international humanitarian role. government is taking to, i knew it, showing up legation to prevention. decide what with respect to national you money to that 2nd. tell us that up with our correspondence garcia, schultz and she's at the i c j in the hey, colonel or chief political it is. let me say look, you've not joins us from a valid let's see. a lots, nicaragua is arguments. yeah. what do they want the quote to do. of the sony, colorado today was making hits. you mentioned the hearings and they basically wants to court at this stage of the proceedings to ground so called provisioning measures . and let me cut roger's asking for, is that germany would stop all military assistance to israel and also that it would
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start funding again. right? these are the main things that you correct the ones here. it's been saying that germany is violating the genocide convention, visitors facilitating ed to an alleged a breach or to an electric genocide. it is important to note that such a genocide has not yet been ruled upon by the court of trespass behind me. it is another case which is pending here, which says every car brought against each trail where this question has to be answered. there has been a 1st judgment in this case. in this 1st judgment, the court said that there is a, as a risk of this to happen, but it has not yet stated that this is the case. and with this in mind, the nicaraguans have set to date that germany must be aware that there is at least the risk that is facilitating the commission of genocide. so that when jeremy need
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to stop sending the, the military yet, and also to start funding against, all right, and this is what there are the quotes to auto. and today we hear that how is all this being received in political berlin? well, the very top that germany was assisting any kind of attempt of a genocide is being flatly dismissed here quite to the country. we've in recent weeks at hud, the german 4 minutes to say that germany sees itself bound by the geneva conventions. and that that translates into reminding old policies of the duties on the international uh with the german 4 minutes to having travel to the region several times over. important to note that germany is one of the 2 key remaining friends of israel. the biggest one, of course, being the united states, which doesn't fall under the jurisdiction of this court. and that's also why the scene windy, correct. what wants to go off the germany here because it's the only really viable
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option. and so many as a policy commitment, a fundamental one reason, a state commitment says it's sounds and to defend the security of israel and do a sly for round the world that increasing the here in germany is also meaning more criticism of the lesson, yahoo government. but the very notion of a genocide being committed has not been legally established and is still being completely denied here invalid. let's see. what can you tell us? why in the car bag well, felt compelled to pursue a legal action against germany. so we just heard from the ambassador's in a garage and a basset, or to the netherlands for the came out here of the code and explain said they think or that they were going against germany because they can do something for the palestinians. and they, they said that germany,
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they can go against germany because germany has accepted the jurisdiction of the court behind me. and they would also like to, to the united states. but this is not possible. asked the united states, do not accept the broad jurisdiction of the court. and they also have said that it is, they do have an experience of going to this chord. so 40 years ago, new kroger has been here at this court as to in the united states. and from this experience that they gain like them, they came here, they have said that they believe that germany would follow the international law order and do what the international court of justice is going to tell them. so there's a whole that germany holds up to international law, but we are still we of course, still not there yet, and there is nothing yet the germany has to do and out. so critiques of this case and like people that are saying that nicaragua is doing this maybe as a political campaign and others are saying that doing this to divert from their own human rights problems. what we also know is fed venica robins and to police to
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indians to have ties, and they have a history of close links that go back to 1979 to this sunday mister revolution. and they say that what would happen if the i c j ended up rooting in nicaragua, say the as well, that would really throw into question as a very dom and uh, and also us policy at the moment that is safe to say that is not this will be decided will be ruled upon in time to really change the course of events in gaza, where day by day people are dying. but what we do have, it's not like everything hinges on this individual quote. it says the un security council resolution that is quoting for an immediate hope to the fighting. there's a legal argument whether that is legally binding or not. and most recently the human rights council of the united nations and the very, very strong criticism by israel and has passed a resolution calling for an end to alms deliveries, which is also being called for and towards germany and the united states. at the
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end of the day, this is all a political question and the very question was that genocide has been, might be, could be committed, is one that is more likely to happen in the future. usually historically, when it's too late, he had a case in berlin. lucio shilton and the headaches. thank you both very much. israel's defense minister us government says they withdrawal from soldiers from con . eunice announced on sunday is to prepare troops for future offensive, including into the city of rough following the droll down. some palestinians have begun. vista, returning to their homes, spun of the month of the s drive some ground baths with homeless militants. many are returning to ruins and rubble as this is con units. after months of bombardment displaced, residents have been rushing back to their homes. after israel enhanced most of its
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troops have been pulled out of the area the. it's a show, a shock. what happened was not small. one by way, here in the car, i saw the destruction. it's unbearable. i'm going to my house and then know that it is destroyed. i'm going to move the robot so i can get a show the do a bit further north and daryl bella much needed a to arrived at schools and shelters for the 1st time in 2 months. the need for everything from food to medical supplies is urgent. according to 8 agencies, the un says fireman is fast approaching level and i many children have suffered from del nutrition as a result of the crowd and they've been respiratory and health problems such as hepatitis. all of these things are a result of overcrowding in the shelter because a large number of people left their homes because of the war. a war that has 9 lasted 6 months and with no end in sight,
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the time now to have a look at some of the other stories making news around the world today. and these 94 people have died after a boat capsized off the coast of mozambique local authorities. same more than 20 others. i'm missing officials set the fishing vessel was heading from longer to mozambique islands when it's a local media set. the boat was being used as a make shift ferry for us, the philippines, australia and japan, without joint military drills and the dispute at the south china sea. china said it carried out its own exercises at the same time between claims almost the whole of the area as its own territory, leading to confrontations with its neighbors in the region of the vast con has we have fun, this opposition to the sex change operations agenda theory, i'm surrogacy calling them quotes grace threats to human dignity. the new
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declaration approved by folk frances puts them on call with us a nice you and a bush as practices that violates god's will in the eyes of the catholic church. john and soldiers have arrived in lithuania and as nato allies seek to show up the alliances east and flat troops. pontiff german is 1st permanent deployment abroad since the end of the 2nd level, it's a major shift which was spock by russians. full scale invasion of ukraine around $5000.00 soldiers will be stationed in the way and yeah, and with that brigade it's expected to be fully operational in 3 years time. so let's go straight to dw as chief political correspondent, nina honda was traveling with the german troops to let the wayne you anita at y spa's deployment. so significant, this is significant because of course, during the cold,
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low west in germany was at the time nato's eastern flank. and it was protected from soviet aggression by western allies that was stationed that permanently for some 40 years. and now says devin, defense minister bars the stories, it's time for germany to give back and to help others be protected from russian aggression and help protect nato's current eastern flank. and this is the baltic countries. this is looked away the where i'm stationed now. the threat is very tangible here. people are talking about to know about if but about when russell will attack. and you have to say is a shift in mindset for germany as well. germany does. the rest is war against ukraine as a turning point for do politics has been dealt famously as fighting vendor. so if you see these images of the 1st unit arriving here, of soldiers are going to be station permanently abroad to help protect all those fact truly is an illustration of what site and vendor concrete lead means in
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concrete terms. but obviously a lot of questions are still open. now it's going to take round about 3 years to set up that guide properly at what all the stumbling blocks that now this unit that arrives today consist of $21.00 soldiers and 3 civilians. and that cost was essentially getting in touch with lisa wayne and counterparts to prepare the ground so that more most old is come arrive here over the next few months over the next few years. so the next big batch is going to arrive in october, but they're all open questions that they will also have to soto details full. and the list waiting in defense minister said today is that overall the costs will amount to some 800000000 euros. now, what is actually going to be spent went by who, which part is going to be taken over by last way? know which part by germany. all of these things need to be figured out in the next few months. then on the german side as well, he's got the question of will germany actually manage to get enough people to
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volunteer for this mission? so far it's done on the voluntary basis. many of german soldiers move on to bring their families, so at least waiting your needs to build infrastructure. people need to go to school and they need to find jobs. they need to find a house to live and, and all of these questions still remain. but overall, and this is the message that is coming out from every body, essentially the german and best of those said today, here we are very much aware that list wayne is freedom is germany's freedom this way. neos security is germany security and that's why they're going through with it onto the corresponding nino halls of the thank you very much. the no no tens of millions of people in north america hoping for clear skies as they wait for a rad total solar eclipse. spectators, mexico, the us and in canada, epic on flocking to the areas along the possibly eclipse to experience the phenomenon in some areas of this part of the well,
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the moon shadow will completely block the light from the sun for bull 4 minutes. and that's it from me under this theme of fund. now i've got office and building the innovation green, the green revolution global. so listen to a whole lot of crime. it's probably up to speed is secure. subscribed to this channel. every friday. subscribe to plan. it's a the nato, the north atlantic treaty organization was formed to 70.


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