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tv   HER - Women in Asia  Deutsche Welle  April 8, 2024 3:15pm-3:31pm CEST

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flustering at the sun and that's it from me on the new steam for now i will have the world is update for you at the top of the next. thank you very much for watching for me on the team i've gotten else as invalid by the name project, cassandra re determined that hezbollah was operating like a global drug car. the objective to financially drain has gone up and bring them down. the team agents from the american drug enforcement agency they had criminalized themselves. we needed to reveal that so world. why did the us government suddenly shut down project cassandra in 2016?
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03 pod documentary series on ma skiing has paula dots may 4th on d, w. the the, the say i'm, i'm with the gun tamales. yeah. the couldn't make little garcia. the honest use of a 100 the g p to hold that talk. you may have gone see me on the do you uh put push. you pushy me. yeah. yeah. the
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of the he did the bottom a customer will be at the basement for you to are you what are doing? god yeah. would this be a basement board alert? i already was he bought yeah. how my daughter and your local mom? nice little. that'd be a pretty nice little guy. the eyes, so beautiful and della and i do it over the last 2014, maybe a month for to total number key made or has been me. i'm. i've seen the i've a fee is to be a medical yet in particular could both but a shiny or anything in monterey made on the or marlene here ma'am. yeah. marcell. nice talk to me. i'd be because scooted eliminating the how much that's going. utah, how may i imagine? meanwhile, i did on a how me uh the fox going to be
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a man made it to do any by 10, uh movies on the side of the call. i looked at a visa or made an automobile here. we'll do a local, i looked at visa to boston, how about that again, instead of a home, don't know what kind of you were you to limit and it should have vienna to get towards the dv builder or it is the and it is how was the key, but good thing to know if she is doing it could be made aside from it. well, but i'm going to be if you've been saying move on or train me back to a train, which i have not seen been talk to love her. and i didn't see that the restriction repository, the of
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the, the 2012 major. finally, mind people behind the happy people, how to juggle for them, laska sleeping. so i have a mazda told y'all have boost coolant. ho. items who don't may come out of school be that will get their tag by the hand school, the a cable blackboard had you hear me? yeah. about they can you hear me out of school? so we split the needs of patients. 65 be made on i'm to my mostly be m as in mary evelyn because of the man locus student who i'm also
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a fee non circular document. you can make good out of the did you say i'm with a gun tamales. yeah. and something a month later for us, i'm sorry. yes i have that quote number. yes, let me put the, the little my then what i'm agree. yeah. and i'm gonna say, and that's the gus i found that i saw that a lot of them. so it's in what, underneath the, the somali, see it sounds that he has nothing to do this for a day, but i'm dead or my thunder the size too much again, but the, my, those because it sounds that long. so is a better, but to be done much again, this is my lot on size,
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but who point and then on the what you were say at a depth and i'm going to go see thing in the let the let them i took up my gun to date uh, i had the key and then the disadvantages. let's say you have to pick the, the mail, it may be banned sort of the day. just continue honestly, the behavior of the documents gone to the public and they look at it should be off,
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which of the alarm it needs to be selected? would you have any constitution cup, but that's really the journalism or documentary. so making start to be talking to somebody, a hockey issue have will highlight the best for me to do it during the course of the heavy as you start the conversation. but let's say you have more like words and then they put them down. you get an denise yet said get the more identity when someone put the money to get them to send those that to or punish se the results
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of this. but they nikia putting something up, but then i'm selling it. but the book instead of my thunder. but it goes to by a live on down the by the, the us that the, the much you can email it to someone. yeah. that was. yeah. i just stuck in much good again. but goose the puppies. okay. yeah. system natal pretty do. did don't get mess, it must be fun. i'm. i think that that's a problem again, the bottom line is that besides the demo, the heads up, what the month to month government funded this addendum. like once you did the model was and then what i saw on the, the, the, the
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story if we did the deal with that, i'm going to, you uh, put push to push him a year to be liberated. the board was getting a while back and keeping thing, but to coordinate that i yeah. how may i happen to go to the little mid, 80 account the, the people barely bring in the cut the bottom on me. so i'm sort of way of pushing way to avoid dominga boss for my company, or i'd be back to the school. it may not be at all, but to go to the start. i attended, i automatically, you come to the right has been going to come see i we to thought up and simple. i
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to have october. the assess set them up. so i'm only sending them from us. i. yeah. and that's. i'm been looking at the bottom of this and the militia, toyota, and yeah, what's up with it to the gala? phillip is a small i you but not going. one is mumble i you would say i feel i haven't been in any c. uh, let's see. i must be a day, i mean even longer in denise. yeah. the most of most up to one on these these uh then i don't wanna say it's defending himself citizen. i actually see somebody must be from london. allow me the
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do you mind me, sir? thank you. i'm really yeah, it's in the space less. it was really good. but tickle bus g dot edu. how me not talking today? yeah. we, we don't want to boost that a little bit earlier course name. what was the daughter to be told? yeah. did not make us a deal but took or you cannot help me, 3 east georgia. you can get the number and it's got a good thought offers. are going to in the colors, getting it. what check out to study a check on the key blade the
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or made us to come with a few minutes a be with the minority fabian on costs or reduce handling behavior or his name data. com may give in to be good to document on construct goes could be highlighted, go support emitted futures. nancy huyck, you met a unique social media platform but no just me do for like being home game will move the lift bag down to give us the live groups in the christian in the yeah, most the most me see most names sally seen will give you how to make document faced the i think networking bessie b. few minutes could be. but how does that, does it?
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does this, i believe in we not, i the come to the polls. it's election year in south africa. it's outside young voters of a key to exchange the
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own dismissed together. let's come together. let's do it together and repeating here when we change things around this 77 meg on. definitely here. so stay plastic one is non pines. most practical inventions is threatening to suffocate. its creation, but there is hope that we can get a grip on plastic pollution house. let's have a look. tomorrow today. in 60 minutes. d w. get ready for an exciting, auburn toyota look surprised. hi, irish. and i'm ready to dive into the hands of human to you on the have you have
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a one to start doing either from port yet please go to the spot on the on expected sides of the 2024 is election year in a good number of african states, so today we'll look at how young africans feel about their elected officials and how they are getting involved in politics themselves. my name is low, so welcome to the 77 percent. here's what's coming up. in liberia we needs angry young citizens who are disappointed in the leaders. they want selected ahead of the 2024 elections. yeah, so that they can tell us they can transform the political landscape and we explored his full.


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