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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 8, 2024 4:00pm-4:31pm CEST

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the, the business dw news line from ballad nicaragua takes germany to quotes over its support for israel, the international court of justice and the hague. begins hearing a claim by nicaragua, that berlin is facilitating alleged genocide and gaza. germany says the case is not justified. also coming on the people in gauze, i'll return to that homes of the israel surprised withdrawal from the con eunice. first indians russians to discover what is left of the neighborhoods plus german troops arriving lithuania, as nato shows up defenses on its eastern flank. it's the boat as best 1st permanent employment abroad since it was from
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the gulf is welcome to the program. the international court of justice in the hague has begun hearing a claim, but nick rog awhile that germany is quote, facilitating the commission of genocide in the gaza strip in corolla is arguing that germany is reaching international law by supplying alms and other aids to is a israel for it's a military campaign and gaza, it wants to go to order ballad to hold exports. germany has resolutely rejected me for august accusations, as well as also repeatedly denied committing genocide all crimes in its response to homos 7th october terrorist attacks. now let's listen into the lead of nicaragua as the location now to say in the present case, because i was invoking the responsibility of the money in connection with the
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genocide committed by israel. also, the responsibility or germany for the violations office will not be jason's a did attendance i convention and know the violations by to many of its own obligations under international humanitarian role. government is taking to, i knew it showed an application to prevention decide what risk, respect of international humanitarian law. does the lawrenceville causal is an associate professor of law at the center for international law at the university of bristol. and he told us more about this case. well, so, so the low seat alleges germany's responsibility for, for several violations of international law, both in respect of its failure to prevent violations within garza, including its failure to prevent genocide. its failure to prevent violations of the laws of on the complex and its actual supported aid and assist protecting the form
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of weapons transferred to israel. and much of this arise as much of that. the case in the way arises from an earlier case instituted in, in january brought by south africa against israel in relation to the assault on golf in which south africa, religious genocide is, is being committed in golf for itself and in legal terms. does nicaragua have a case here as well? yes, it does. and, and certainly nicaragua is not that the 1st state or, or, or entity to alleged these kinds of violations being committed in golf. or we have had the, the un secretary general make these points, the un committee on the elimination of racial discrimination, a number of un special wrapper tubs have have all like you that there is a risk of genocide being committed in gaza. the international court of justice stated in january that there's
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a risk of the right people prejudiced to the rights of palestinians to be protected from genocide. i'd even domestic courts have started intervening benevolence, dutch court of appeal, for example, or did the suspension of um, sales to israel on the basis of a clear risk that they'd be used to commit violations of the law of armed conflict . and so that's quite a lot of clear evidence of serious risk, the violations of international being committed in golf. and now why do you think it is nicaragua of all countries finding this case? yeah, it's a very good question. nick roger is actually of a common lift before the international court of justice that so, so it's a paid quite frequently before the court. many of those cases concerned it's neighbors in, in central and south america. but some have concerned all the states, and in particular, 40 years ago, nicaragua brought a case against the united states for the us is intervention and supportive of rebel
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groups within nicaragua itself. and that was alluded to by knickerbockers agent this morning in the court. it's also the case that this is an example of, of what we might think of as public interest litigation or an applicant state is bringing a case against another state. not assault on the basis of home being committed to the applicant state, but robin in order to protect a particular interest of the entire international community. and that's something we've seen increasingly in the long last 10 to 15 years, a germany. it says that this case is quote, grossly biased. what do you say? well i, as i said before, i think there's a considerable amount of publicly available evidence from there. you'll start to have sources that serious violations of international being committed in golf and those violations. i saw that they not only entail the responsibility of israel,
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but they can also entail the responsibility of every, all the state in the world. failing to prevent those violations on for aging and assisting in those violation. so i actually think the argument were on the marriage is quite a strong wife and because he didn't see it, difficult is one of his lawsuits, germany serving as a scapegoat for the united states as well. of course, they'll be implications for all the states, and the u. s. is the principal arms exported to each row. so an order from the i c, j to suspend width and this transfers to each route would therefore be it'd be an important consideration for the us as well. but germany is the 2nd principle exporter of, of the trial accounting for something like 30 percent of alms exports to israel. and the obligations being invoked by nicaragua, in this case, clearly relate to the, to the actual acts and responsibilities of germany itself. so i,
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i think i don't think this is a thought using germany as a skate good for the us. it's about germany independent responsibilities. thank you very much. low on sale, going on from the center of international lowered bristol university. thank israel's defense minister you of got on says the withdrawal of soldiers from con eunice announced on sunday is to prepare troops for future offensive, including into the city of rough following the droll down. some palestinians have begun returning to their homes. but also months of had strikes ends, ground bottles with homeless militants, many are returning to ruins and rubble. this is con eunice. after months of bombardment, displaced residents have been rushing back to their homes after israel and asked most of its troops being pulled out of the area. it's a show,
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a shock. what happened was not small. on my way here in the car, i saw the destruction. it's unbearable. i'm going to my house and then know that it is destroyed. i'm going to move the robot so i can get a show the do. a bit further north and daryl bella much needed a to arrived at schools and shelters for the 1st time in 2 months. the need for everything from food to medical supplies is urgent. according to 8 agencies, the un says fireman is fast approaching the number and i many children have suffered from del nutrition as a result of the crowd and they've been respiratory and health problems such as hepatitis. all of these things are a result of overcrowding. in the shelter because a large number of people left their homes because of the war. a war that has 9 lasted 6 months and with no end in sight. after the has ready, it drove, drove down many and now looking to rough. uh,
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weigh more than half of gauze population is filtering. we all style correspondents on the exam and jerusalem. but the next phase of the wall could look like, i mean, is really a military analyst who believes that this is more of a tactical move. and the longest tried to achieve might be a new phase where you see more as the army puts an intelligence based position or targeting. but again, as we heard a, the chief of stuff had c, i levy saying the board is not over. and that also includes also, so what we're having right now is a brigade that is still in the north of garza also guarding this new cory door that has been created by that is really military that uh, separates the north uh from the south. that is uh, located in central gall, it's around body of us. uh and uh, this allows actually the army to go in with the ground troops when ever it is needed, as they said. and of course,
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strikes. neighbor strikes as well as to artillery are still a continuing of this military unless you believe so. a rough operational offensive is not of the table, but it does know. it allows some of the population that has taken a show to or trying to take some kind of show to him is also a to go back to con eunice. as you said, they don't have much to go back to. but again, this would move some of the population out there and we have to wait and see what will happen next. but some reading also into this situation that is, might allow some progress in the hosted stokes that are ongoing in cairo 10 except the reporting from jerusalem. and now let's have a look at what else happened around the world. as i'm sorry, we are now going to mozambique 1st wireless 94 people have died after
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a boat capsized off the coast. local authorities say more than 20 others are missing. officials said the fishing vessel was heading from loan. got to mozambique island when it's sun, local media say the boat was being used as a mix of ferry many on both were reportedly trying to flee a color uh outbreak on the mainland risk operations are still on the way for me on this. i'm not going to also have to correspond to down whole cut. then this is set to being an unlicensed ferry boats. can you tell us why it capsized as well? um, information from the beacon government is that the boat is actually a fish fishing basal which was loading people onto it. and a fishing vessel would not have been the both arise to carry over a 100 people. and that's one of the main reasons why the boat is said to have capsized, and that's a big concern. will be a contributing factor. ah,
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that was the width it in that area. i spoke earlier on to a made a representative from the government in the province and he indicated that the with the at that location is it hasn't been great. there's been a lot of inclement weather, rain and some wind. and he said that kimberly, that stretch of ocean can be quite treacherous. this is leads for some members of the opposition party to pull forbid to enforcement from the government when it comes to the use of fishing vessels and, and other types of boats to ferry people. they say that they needs to be more maritime safety information given to people about the dangers of using this kind of a boat, which is not actually authorized to carry this number of people. now apparently, several people are still missing. is there any hope of finding survivors slow?
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i think that as a time goes by, the hope of finding some survivors does decrease. the most of the beacon government has said that it has requested assistance in the search and rescue operation from the national government. so this is the, the government leading the problems as cold in the national government to assist them. at the moment 10 people appear to have been notated, but the us, the number of people, you know, that i have not been found. and it is likely that the death toll would increase if those people are not found by later this afternoon or early tomorrow morning. that also reports that people on that boat were fleeing a color outbreak of what more do you know about that? well we know that the issue of the color it has to be the major concern in mozambique, and in fact is above way. and that the,
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the has have been cases that have been increasing over time in mozambique. the government has said that they've reported 15000 cases and more than 50 this as a result of contrast, the area of the pool that has been quite severely affected and it seems that the was, was indications. we're not 100 percent sure whether it's true or not, that they were both cases. and this late this group of people to panic and try to relocate to another area which they believe would be more se offer on that. the ad hoc of that. and john is, but for us, thank you very much. dan. us have a look now at once else is happening around the world. the us, the philippines, australia and to have held joint military drills and the disputants south china seats. china said it carried out its own exercises at the same time. the gene claims almost the whole of the area as its own territory. the vatican has
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reaffirmed its opposition to sex change operations, magenta theory, and surrogacy, calling them quote, grace threats to human dignity. the new declaration approved by po process puts them on a pile with us in asia and the boston us practices that violate god's will power and list self co am has successfully launched with seconds military spice satellites into orbits. launch from florida in the united states comes days off to north korea space agency said plans to send up several more if it's on the spice. i have lots of this. yeah. it's like a space race that follows increase weapons testing by turning on the kennedy space center. german soldiers have arrived and looked away and yeah, as nato allies seek to show up the alliances, eastern flag. the troops out part of germany's 1st prominent deployment abroad since it was found it, it's
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a major shift which was spock by russia's full scale invasion of ukraine around $5000.00 soldiers will be stationed in this way. and yeah, with that brigade expect it to be fully operational in roughly 3 years time. and the w as chief political correspondent, you know, has a travel with a 1st german contingent to lithuania and told me why this deployment is so significant. it is a significant because of course, during the cold, low western germany was at the time nato's eastern flank. and it was protected from soviet aggression by western allies that was stationed that permanently for some 40 years. and now says devin, defense minister bars the stories, it's time for germany to give back and to help others be protected from russian aggression and help protect nato's current eastern flank. and this is the baltic countries. this it is list way the where i'm stationed now. the threat is very tangible here. people are talking about to know about if but about when russell
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will attack. and you have to say is a shift in mindset for germany as well. germany does see russ is war against ukraine as a turning point for geo politics. has been dealt famously as a site vendor. so if you see these images of the 1st unit arriving here, of soldiers are going to be station permanently abroad to help protect all those fact truly is an illustration of what sites and then the concrete li means in concrete terms. but obviously a lot of questions are still open. now it's going to take round about years to set up that guide properly at what all this stumbling blocks that you know, this unit that arrives today consist of 21 soldiers and 3 civilians. and that tossed with essentially getting in touch with me. so i need counterparts to prepare the ground so that more most soldiers can arrive here over the next few months over the next few years. so the next big batch is going to arrive in october,
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but they're all open questions that they will also have to sort out details full. and the list waiting in defense minister said today is that overall the costs will amount to some 800000000 euros. now, what is actually going to be spend went by who, which part is going to be taken over by this way? and you know, which pop by germany, all of these things need to be figured out in the next few months. then on the german side as well, you've got the question of will germany actually managed to get enough people to volunteer for this mission? so far, it's done on the voluntary basis. many of german soldiers move on to bring the families. so at least wayne, your needs to build infrastructure, people need to go to school and they need to find jobs. they need to find a house to live and, and all of these questions still remain. but overall, and this is the message that is coming out from every body, essentially the german and best of those said today, here we are very much aware that list wayne is freedom is germany's freedom of this way. neos security is germany security and that's why they're going through with it
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onto the corresponding nina hawes of the thank you very much. the now and 2016. the shoots for all of leaks, documents revealed how the law firm must like. fonseca help the wells which in powerful evade the tax money tied. the wealth of the scandal became known as the panama papers. and in snap of many of the wells wealthiest people from billy and asked to politicians to support stuffs today's 27 people, are going on trial in panama city, for alleged money laundering connected to that case. from politicians to celebrities and criminals, welds wealthy have always found ways to hide them. money, including and panama, with billions of dollars, had been stashed away in a scheme to evade taxes. in april 2016 investigative journalists reported that front of me in low for a most suck fonseca. i've set up thousands of offshore companies for that purpose.
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journalists reviewed 11500000 leak documents, 214000 offshore companies, and 14000 customers. the trail quickly lead investigators to deutscher bank several of its stuff, allegedly helped customers transfer funds, some from suspected criminal activities to pond them up. other banks, i've also been implicated among the bold face named linked to the scandal presents then prime minister david com or on i continue on focus directly on the mfc. an iceland is present sigma conduit, david gun locks, one who had to resign. often use of his involvement broke. most ex on seca, also had chinese customers, but their names weren't released. millions and fines have been paid by the law firms, founders panamanian citizens. you can most talk and rum on fonseca have been spared
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despite international arrest warrants against them. they remain untouched because the tax evasion wasn't a punishable crime in panama until after the infamous papers were released. but 27 suspects of finally on trial. after years of delay court proceedings of finally set to begin a lot of this that spring and robots from dw business as well. it seems quite long ago. remind us how big a deal this story was back in 2016. yeah, it was called the panama papers, isn't it? but when these 11500000 documents landed, it sent a shock wave around the entire world that just sucked all kinds of figures from level politics, from sports, from attainment and beyond, into it's $2.00 terabytes of data that was handed over to the german newspapers who tortured sites on and then shed it with an international console to you and have janice who then shed it with those pieces this day to equipment. i mean, like half
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a 1000000 e books, i was just reading some awful lot of information which is might be one of the reasons is taking so long to reach where it is. but we had about some of the big names the, unless it was in that david cameron who has permit us to the u. k. both of those faced and the car in front of me is willing to just had enough time to, to, to spend a bit of a period in the wilderness now come back to the veteran while waiting for this. but they faced completed questions because of either that role that families, associations with and offshore organizations. but we also so and i found the prime minister brought down. so going to a topic and louts, and after i signed it, took to the streets of reykjavik and pelting the parliament building with y'all getting bananas. it was quite a sight bank then that would protest as well planned and talk his down before and the prime minister that now is sherry's was banned from ever running for office. again, the legacy of this pass trove of documents can't really be undetected. now a 27 people go on try. why is it taking so long?
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yeah, well this should have been wrapped up by now this we're scheduled to begin last j to the stuff that this year. and hey, we all know, you know, the thing is to one of the things about kind of main in institutions. this man place has been able to establish itself as a place for offshore activity as a sub secrecy. we have seen a surprising level about this case, but we get some bumps about why this has been delayed. the most recent delay was put down to the phrase is used international assistance, a waiting internationally system. so i think we can conclude that the global nature of the story is one of the reasons that it has taken so long to get here. but over 8 years, so much water has passed on the bridge and other revelations, best breaking in type 60, haven't mentioned most like fonseca low risk in 2018 the us fault. it's best charges back in 2019. and there been other cases that have either strengthened the weakened, the prosecutor's case relating to this service interest and say, finally, reaching court at
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a time when it will be treated differently. so it would have done, i guess, gotten, it was probably armies of lawyers are engaged by all these very well. see people who are fighting this is and now, and what can we expect from this trial? as i mentioned, we don't know a huge amount about what is going to be set. in fact, we don't even know who all of these 27 defendants are. in fact, some organizations aren't even reporting the numbers 27. there's a lot of uncertainty about this, but it would appear that your can mustang and the phone, so it goes, well, sorry, i'm running from 2nd morris. never set my mind that for a 2nd, but, but it would appear that they are among the defendants. you, again, most that has been shown appear in the court today saying he's feeling very optimistic about the process. we can expect the defendants to make various arguments along the lines of the fact that not all offshore activity is illegal activity. that's one of that key documents, and also we've had these cases in recent years that have,
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it would appear at strength in that case. but now we just find a rich court. we're actually going to see whether foss cases case hopes we will watch and i have close to the thank you very much. well, what's the w business? some tens of millions of people in north america hoping for clear skies in the coming hours as they wait for a rat total eclipse. with the sun spectators in mexico, the united states and canada, flocking to areas along the part of the eclipse to experience this phenomena on the seaside city of mazda outline, mexico lies in the path of darkness. a solar eclipse tours are flocking here to see seems like these ones captured in argentina in 2020 the move block design and cast the 160 kilometer long shadow reading. what's called the path of to tally and eclipse. own that passes from mexico in texas to maine and parts of
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canada. viewers both the stripes of light and darkness as the eclipse advances and even planets. forecast of quality weather may have short views throughout much of the pathway. but that's not stopping. texas stargazers in texas, we're the 1st major area that's going to be able to say something again, it won't be ideal. so we'll get to see the mood here is optimistic. of course, i am definitely nervous, but i'm trying to just think of it as i'm never going to touch this. try to enjoy the weekend as a whole and keep a positive spirit because i would time generally a little nervous about the weather. the eclipse will last around 2 hours and 30 minutes from start to finish. expert advised that viewers were a protective solar glasses, both steering at the sun and that's it for me
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