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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 8, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm CEST

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[000:00:00;00] the, this is dw news line from berlin accused of helping is real commit genocide. that is the claim by nick or roswell, against germany, earrings, and started at the international court of justice in the hey, were nicaragua claims that berlin is an accomplice to a life genocide? in guns and germany says that the case is not justified at all. also coming up tonight after he is real surprised, withdrawal from the golf in city upon eunice, fellow citizens are rushing to discover what if anything is left of their neighborhood. plus the german troops arriving and lithuania as need ensures of
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defenses against a growing russian threat. this marks the moon disappears. first, permanent deployment abroad since it was founded back in 1955 and sky gazers across north america. ready their telescopes, as they wait to view a total eclipse of the sun. but the real clouds. will the cloud skate in the way the break off is good to have you with this, we begin with the accusation. ating in genocide hearings began today and the international court of justice and the hague. we're nicaraguan is claiming that germany is, and i'm quoting here, facilitating the commission of genocide in the gaza strip. the garage is arguing that germany is breaching international law by supplying weapons to israel for its military campaign against them off germany has rejected nicaragua,
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as accusations. israel has also repeatedly denied committing genocide or war crimes, and it's response to him off is october 7th terrorist attacks to nicaragua, his case against germany has to main goals to hold billions, military exports to israel, and to restart german funding for the u. n's palestinian refugee agency, the arguments that germany's actions are in breach of the genocide convention government is taking to onto it. so i'm not the agent to present in the side or to a see respect of international humanitarian law. gemini, supply of alms to israel, is a central pillar of nicaragua, as case germany is. israel, 2nd largest supply of behind to the united states, accounting for about 30 percent of all is rails with an impulse. nicaragua argues that by continuing to provide these weapons,
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germany is enabling israel to commit acts of genocide in gaza as the international court of justice is currently examining whether israel has committed genocide in a separate case launched by south africa in bringing this case before the court nicaragua says it is acting on behalf of the palestinian people. i mean, this is a very important case. obviously for out of the stadium brothers. but also for the people that make it, i would assume we have hurting always. oppression. indicate where we have a norms, sympathy with the palestinians, with the suffering device. and if people are going through and that's why we felt think we had to do something. obviously the only thing you could look into issues to, to record since it has been one of the few things. i think that i've had some experience with the international court of justice, close ties between nicaragua and palestinian organizations,
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dates back to 1979 when palestinian groups supported the send. and this, the guerrilla forces that over through nicaragua, as dictatorship germany staunch support of israel goes back to just off to the 2nd world war. the german government sees supporting israel security as a historical responsibility for germany's actions in the holocaust. of the lin categorically rejects nicaragua, as accusations does not, and never did. while at the genocide convention nor international directory is not in the gym and he will get its chance to make its case in court on tuesday. my 1st guess tonight brings a wealth of experience in international criminal justice in 2001. you led the prosecution of the former president of serbia. so but on the looks of it she in front of the international criminal court. i'm happy to welcome to night mister jeffrey. nice. you joins me from london, mister knight. it's good to have you with this,
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this case before the court now in nicaragua, aiming at germany in connection with this real, the palestinians and gaza, the accusation of genocide to the outside observer. this may not seem intuitive at all. what is the reasoning behind this lawsuit in your opinion? um, it is actually prod, intuitive. i think if, for example, you know that your labels about 2000 to the neighbors pop net and you provide the neighbor with a gun, but the neighbor uses it. and of course, you're responsible for the crime, the impact for the crime, the neighbor commit search, quite easy to on, to stop. most being said here. and it's not just in respect to your country, but it also, it extensive in respect to the united kingdom as well. as in america, is that if the time has come and many people think it has, when israel is conducted,
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the will no longer be justified in will of your tongue. then if you provide weapons to assess your country, you will becoming a partner in breaking the law whole. i have said that if there's any evidence of genocide by israel and you know that there may be genocide getting on then obviously you can't be complicit in genocide. but more than that, as the ambassador of nicaragua, to the hey explained in his address to camera the genocide convention, which meant to come to the punch is state policies such as our end country and your country. article was as soon as genocide happens, you have to do something about it depends on the circumstances. if genocides happening in the neighboring country and it is something like the horrors of the
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holocaust. and maybe you have to take very strong for the collection, but wouldn't make that distress, would it make more sense for them to her off what it to, to aim at the united states. since you're talking about your neighbor, we know that that's not possible in this case, right? the as well. that's a matter of the nature of do it. but they've chosen to go against germany on the basis that germany is a very substantial supply. robbins and that's open to them as a political decision icon help was why they didn't make the, the, the decision as long as they made. i think it's very important for people to understand that it's the last 70 years. since the genocide convention came to being in 1952, that those who exceed or rush to or ratify the convention knows it's absolutely telling gucci the minute genocide maybe committed. and you called this time why it's all pop in the front. the people who drafted the genocide convention knew
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exactly what they spoke about. they've been in one world probably and 2. and they've seen the higher as of the concentration comes in within the last 12 months . so they knew exactly what was going on. but it's all based if you, if you think about it on the concept that humanity is single. and if you mounted his single, then the mental stake required to prove genocide which is the to intend to destroy another bits of humanity simply because of who they are and the rich jewish people, whether it's people in orlando, uh, mediums and so on me. if you intend to do doing something actually dreadful, because you're destroying ourselves, but but distress, not all of humanity is, is a member of the international criminal court. the united states doesn't recognize this court, for example. and i'm wondering, since germany does, is germany being targeted by nicaragua,
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simply because it's the next best thing that can be targeted could easily be i'm afraid you'll have to ask you a political expense about that because it's outside my sphere of expertise. but the beam pen key pen cubic tonsils, the recent years. tragic examples to of how possible country this has stood in the way of justice. all attempts to deliver just so that i think if you would have gotten us the citizen on the streets of germany, britain, or anywhere else at the moment, most of them would say, for goodness sake, let's stop the fighting. and for goodness sake, let's have this master promptly adjudicated by an independent try, beautiful. and if it happens to be her mouth only to a comfortable so be it. cuz obviously i'm asked how comfortable the web page it is without doubt criminal. pretty quickly, if there's evidence, israel may be criminal and that has to be tested. and what you're not hearing from the political leaders of the big countries is that they agree that there should be
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a trial criminal law. in the i, c j, which is not a criminal court, you know, it's a different kind of the, the protection and survival of the state of israel. it is part of germany's region of state, part of the dna, if you will, of the german body polity has this commitment, has it made berlin especially vulnerable to legal challenges like what we're seeing right now? i'm not sure who it is. my germany especially in the bottom of the creation of the state of israel, which from the beginning of the 19th century, with the balance of declaration made by an english, minnesota. and then as being supported by many countries, naturally the united states of america. but out of the country sense is there is a response to the terrible things have happened to the jewish people, not just in world war 2, but for centuries are indeed millennial because of ralph and anti semitism which has existed around the globe. that's why i'm develop as soon as it was
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happening, all those involved who weren't guy, that palestinians, or jewish or your state people themselves charged you to recognize that this was an inevitable problem that was coming and design is found as of israel. so bad. and i think it's more important perhaps, but again, i'm straining outside my expertise is more important. in fact, to look at the locked the big composite countries in the united nations and so have not stopped over the last several decades to a full size or a 2 state solution or one state solution that resolve this problem. and say you got 2 problems in power, know how we must on that. what we've always tried to on the, in respect to the jewish people in the jewish state. but how does this power, no problem, not with their own initial creation of the palestinian people, which citizens around the world feel very strongly. i want to ask you before we've been out of time, you have chaired to try bugles at the cord. the we are in the,
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the trying to try beautiful in the week or try the funeral. the conclusion was that china had committed genocide under article 2 of the 1949. and as such as i convention, you've been quoted as saying at the time that there was no other way of bringing the leadership of the chinese communist party collectively or individually to judgment. does that also apply to data is real and or its allies in the claim of genocide against palestinians and gone ser, you know, it's not the different as the what i was saying that was that china is probably the most vulnerable to the international court of justice and that's why i wanted the 5 we already saw it made we made of funding one of 5 possible forms of genocide. but we did make you can be made with absolute to fire, she beyond reasonable doubt. so that's different from the position that and so far as this, where it is concerned is rep how as always, remember, both sides are always remember that how much there's no defense to what they did.
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on the 7th of october, the international criminal quote, a welsh quote sold 12 accepted by the large part of the world is not signed up to it, but it does have jurisdiction of israel. and therefore, it is in a position and it has said as much, well, the america and great britain, i dare say germany doesn't want it's the same as it has jurisdiction that what's happening invo reversed was considered a thomas and the is there any defense schools in these ready political leadership, but also quite possibly, if any of the countries getting both on the ground, because the basis for jurisdiction of the international criminal quote in casa, is the submission to jurisdiction by the palestinian also archie in 90 in 2015. they need to be off the shortly after the end of the last major war, opperation protect ridge right. and it submitted during the ice. you see for both
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the westbank characters and for gauze there's lots of fortunately we're out of time, but we certainly appreciate you taking the time to help on this critical analysis of what's going on. thank you. yeah, it looks as well there is going in certain ze, over israel's ground defensive in the gaza strip after the is really military pulled. most of its troops out of southern guns are on sunday. israel said that it needs to prepare soldiers for future offensive, including into the city of ruffled where more than a 1000000 people are still sheltering. meanwhile, some palestinians have begun returning to their homes, but after months of air strikes and ground battles with a mazda militants, many are returning to ruins. this is con eunice. after months of bombardment, displaced residents have been rushing back to their homes after israel and asked most of its troops being pulled out of the area. it's a show,
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a shock. what happened was not small. on my way here in the car, i saw the destruction. it's unbearable. i'm going to my house and then know that it is destroyed. i'm going to move that or i'll move so i can get a show the do a bit further north and daryl bella much needed a to arrived at schools and shelters for the 1st time in 2 months. the need for everything from food to medical supplies is urgent. according to 8 agencies, the un says fireman is fast approaching the number and i many children have suffered from del nutrition as a result of the crowd and they've been respiratory and health problems such as hepatitis. all of these things are a result of overcrowding. in the shelter because a large number of people left their homes because of the war. a war that has 9 lasted 6 months and with no end in sight. totally seen the colonel peter learner is a spokesman for israel's military. he told us more about the strategic
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considerations behind the idea of the withdrawal of soldiers from hundreds. we know that the adf is continuing its mission through this manual and destroyed from us as a governing authority in the gaza strip. and indeed, as to the defense minister pointed out, the forces have been re withdrawn or taken out of the gods strip in order to regroup, recuperates, and continue for operational planning. wherever it takes us, we do know that in the gaza strip there is still at least a 6 operational battalions or from us. 4 of those indeed in the rough area to in most central gaza, appraising of the lower capacity but in the south. and roughly, there are still for operational battalions. if we're going to be successful at dismantling, how much we're going to have to go to rough. i think if we've learned anything from our risk operation, 2 months ago, in rough up the hostages are being held there. and that there is
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a extensive force that can conduct organized bites and you're getting stuff. so we need to operate in order to get rid of from us and bring back to the hostages. that was lieutenant colonel peter learner, their spokesman for israel's military, one across now over to mike martin, he's military analysts from king's college london. mike, it's good to see you. um, so we've heard from the audio is the only 6 operational hm. off battalions are left in rafa and central gaza. we've also heard from is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu saying yesterday, that is real, this one step from victory taking all of this together. does this mean that the war in gaza is close to it's in couple of points. so the what battalion is, is quite problematic when you apply it to an insurgent group because they don't organize themselves in battalions. that's of course what these really decides as full stuff and all the abilities they organize themselves and structures. but as an insurgent group, how mazda is quite hard to describe that was organized in battalions,
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in terms of is the war going to end. so what i think, you know, the conflict in cause that can and i said any time the receipts 5 talks going on and you know, the hostages will be released and the idea of withdraw are, these will the things that are being discussed at the moment. but really only freeze the conflicts in a strategic sense, the conflict and carry on how much still wants to destroy israel. and israel still wants to destroy homage, and there's no political end state for this complaint. and there's no off the conflict time if they do do this. c 5, also just swap. so the fighting could end any time, but the conflicts will continue. there are critics in israel who say that the troop withdrawal from fund judas. gibbs for mazda the chance to regroup they are. what do you say to them? yes, i think in one sense that is, is very correct. but in another we've seen,
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they've been separate examples during this war of a areas of gauze or that has been occupied by his by the troops. and then rockets have been fired from those areas or the l. a chief of hospitals. a good example as well, where these ratings obviously went through, we did a big operation, the catch lots of troops in the vicinity, and then a couple of month flights. they had to go back and do another operation. and again, that's the nature of these types of rule. these insurgent conflicts, it's very hard to. busy the enemy, and so you end up just going back in cold, it's cooled, unfortunately, mowing the gloss and you don't get ahold of the enemy, and then you have to go back again. and so, yes, these ladies have left hong units and that may give some of those how muscle preserves more space. but in the overall sense of the will, you know, how much the still able to operate on the ground even in those areas. that is ro
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controls and hearing you say that it sounds like the past 6 months, some of fighting have been for, almost for, for, for nothing. if a mazda is still able to operate in some form or fashion, we still don't have the hostages released. so what has been the point of the past 6 months to meet as a military analyst? i mean, do you also find yourself trying to get through the fog of war all the time when you're trying to understand what's going on? yeah, obviously it's a great question and you'll have to look back at some why dw ins views in october, november, december. and along with many other people. we pointed out that this type of high intensity ground combat the israel has been practicing carrying out in the gaza strip, is ultimately unsuited to trying to achieve what it said it once is to achieve which was to destroy how much you need something much more targeted specific
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intelligence lead precision, take out individual people. and this way you also, of course, you avoid these massive civilian casualties, which is so counsel productive. not just the israel international image, but will say it creates the next generation of insurgents will terrorists that want to fight as well. so i do think, you know, there is this question. is this withdrawal admission by these writings a tacit admission that actually the strategy here, the to hasn't been working that well and now they going to do something slightly different. like morgan military analysts from king's college loans. and like, as always, i appreciate your time and your analysis. thank you. thank you very much. all right, let's take a look now. some of the other stories that are making headlines around the world. but francis has met with relatives of the hostages taken by him off of the october 7th terror attacks. around a 130 people are still missing. it's the 2nd time that the pope has met with families of the hostages last year. he also met palestinians with family in gauze for you as president. donald trump is
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a down between stance on abortion rights saying that they should be left to individual states to decide in previously suggested that he might support a nation wide band. reproductive rights have been one of the most contentious issues and the lead up to november as presidential election. german soldiers are being deployed to lithuania, as nato allies seek to shore up the strength of the alliances. eastern flight. move marks a major shifting german policy. it's the 1st permanent deployment of german soldiers abroad since the building. this is where the military was founded back in 1955. first contingent of troops was seen off at berlin airport by german defense minister for specific tories around $5000.00 soldiers would be stationed and lithuanian with a brigade expected it to be fully operational by 2027. the w. c. political correspondent e deposit is travelling with the troops and told us what has prompted this move.
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during the cold, well west in germany, it was nature's eastern flank and was protected from potential soviet aggression that lead time by worse than allies that was stationed that permanently. now it's time for germany to get back and help protect nate as current eastern flank bodies here in the baltic countries. i've very much fear that russia could attack that european union. now germany stationing soldiers abroad is the significance that they will be stationed here permanently up to 5000 soldiers that would come to literary news rescue because as well as the message here in billiards today, midway, news freedom is terminates freedom. this way near security is 70 security. that was dw hobbs reporting beer here. other headlines now from around the world at least $96.00 people have died after a boat capsized off the coast of mozambique local authorities a more than 20 others are missing. the officials say that the fishing vessel was heading from loan. good to mozambique island when it's
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a local media said the boat was being used as a make shift fair. south korea has successfully launched and 2nd military spies satellite into orbit launch from florida in the united states comes days after north korean space agency said it plans to send up several more of its own spies satellites. this year, the space race follows increased. what it is, it's testing by beyond yay! the us, the philippines, australia and japan is held in joint military drills in the dispute in south china sea. china said that carried out its own exercises at the same time. the gene claims almost the whole of the area as its own territory in the sky gazers across north america are preparing to take in one of nature's most spectacular shows, a total solar eclipse. you're looking at live pictures from nasa, and as the moon begins to block out the sun over parts of mexico in the south
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western united states. now in less than an hour, the move will completely swallow the sun. tens of millions have been gathering along the path of the totality of this eclipse for a chance to see the phenomena. the seaside city of mazda outline mexico lies in the path of darkness. a solar eclipse tours are flocking here to see scenes like these ones captured in argentina in 2020 the move block to sign in cash to 160 kilometer long shadow. reading what's called the path of to tally and eclipse. soon. that passes from mexico in texas to maine and parts of canada. viewers both the stripes of light and darkness as the eclipse advances and even planets. forecast of quality weather may up short views throughout much of the pathway. but that's not stopping. texas stargazers in
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texas, we're the 1st major area that's going to be able to say something again, it won't be ideal. so we'll get to see the mood here as optimistic as i am definitely nervous, but i'm trying to just think of it as i'm never going to talk this. try to enjoy the weekend as a whole and keep a positive spirit because i will time generally a little nervous about the weather. the eclipse will last around 2 hours and 30 minutes from start to finish. x pretty advised that viewers were protective solar glasses fostering at the sun, the glass. in finally, utopia and annual memorial service has been held for a very special dog who has come to symbolize the saying dogs are a man's best friend. what was it towards the light, the other to the statue of a chico, the beloved dog waited faithfully at
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a train station for his owner to return from work for nearly 10 years after. it was overdone, disappearance under a chico with sprigs from a sacred tree. and a flower we of the that is loyalty. you're watching the time you do something, you forget at the top of the
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the magical duty dark melancholy. the paintings of caspar davi treated like an artist whose works continued to influence the world even today. but why exactly? finally, for the 250 at the anniversary of his birth taskbar diabetes explained both unveiled next on
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d w. it's time for new ideas. it's time to ask to save big giant, big, clean air or the habitat of many species and are important climate protectors. but these forest joins are on to trend around the world. ready it's time to recognize that trees around those in 45 minutes on d w. the do big ocean view companies play a role in the destruction of the rain forest. i have time to raise all over the brazilian. we process $30000.00 hides a day, 90 percent of that is for the forward market. the auto industry, for example, the,
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the full actually cost awesome comes from initial capital times in the m as in. yet the automobile industry doesn't care about the supply chain. profit. all of that massive illegal as a starts may stood on d w the most. if you have to imagine that it really hits like a bomb. i'm just talking about paintings like a bon. we're talking about cost, but obviously donation a painter who still has an influence on the visual aesthetics of today. we'll examine his paintings of magical beauty and dark melancholy. the painter of the sky, the sea solitude, silence. we'll also meet people in whom his paintings live on and we'll find out why he depicted everyone from behind. casper,


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