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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 8, 2024 9:00pm-9:16pm CEST

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the, the dw news line from berlin accused of helping is real commit genocide. that is the claim by different rob was against germany, periods and started at the international court of justice and the hate were dig around. what saves it for lynn is an accomplice to a ledger genocide and gaza. germany has rejected that accusation also coming up tonight, sky gazers across north america, beholding one of nature's most spectacular shows tens of millions, marveling at a rear total solar eclipse. watching the moon swallow up the sun over parts of the us and mexico, the
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brit golf is good to have you with us. we begin tonight with the accusation, eating in genocide hearings began today of the international court of justice in the hague were nicaragua is claiming that germany is quoted facilitating the commission of genocide in the gaza strip. nicaragua is arguing that germany is breaching international law by supplying weapons to israel for its military campaign against tomas germany has rejected that accusation. israel has also repeatedly denied committing genocide or other more crimes in its response to whom loss is october 7th terrorist attacks. nicaragua, his case against germany has to main goals to holt violins, military exports to israel, and to restart german funding for the u. n's, palestinian refugee agency of the arguments that germany's actions are in breach of the genocide convention. government is taking to on the result of the gauge and to
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present in the side or to a see respect of international humanitarian law. gemini, supply of alms to israel, is a central pillar of nicaragua, as case germany is. israel, 2nd largest supply of behind to the united states, accounting for about 30 percent of all is rails with an impulse. nicaragua argues that by continuing to provide these weapons, germany is enabling israel to commit acts of genocide in gaza. the international court of justice is currently examining whether israel has committed genocide in a separate case launched by south africa in bringing this case before the court. nicaragua says it is acting on behalf of the palestinian people. i mean, this is a very important case. obviously for out of the stadium brothers, but also for the people who make it, i will, as you may have heard and always oppression indicates where we have a norms,
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sympathy with the palestinians, with the suffering device to new people are going through. and that's why we felt think we had to do something. obviously the only thing that could i look into issues to, to record since it has been one of the few things. i think that i've had some experience with the international court of justice. close ties between nicaragua and palestinian organizations, dates back to 1979 when palestinian groups supported the send. and this, the guerrilla forces that over through nicaragua, as dictatorship, mental germany staunch support of israel goes back to just off to the 2nd world war . the german government sees supporting israel security as a historical responsibility for germany's actions in the holocaust. it's lynn categorically rejects nicaragua, as accusations does not and never did. while at the genocide convention nor international,
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assuming that direct indirect germany will get its chance to make its case in court. on tuesday, jeffrey nice is a barrister who led the prosecution of former serbian presidents slipping envelopes of age back in 2001 at the international criminal court. i asked him for his take on what is motivating nicaragua to bring this case against germany. it's actually prod, intuitive, i think if, for example, you know that your labels about 2000 to the neighbors pop net and you provide the neighbor with a gun and the neighbor use it. and of course, you're responsible for the crime, the impact for the crime, the neighbor commit search, quite easy to understand. most being said here, and it's not just in respect to your country, but also an extensive gee, in respect to the united kingdom as well as in america, is that, well, if the time has come and many people think it has,
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when israel is coming back to the will no longer be justified in, as well as your tubs. then if you provide weapons to assess your country, you will becoming a partner in breaking the law. whole israel says that it has set a date for a major incursion into rough or even as allies, which as the united states repeats their opposition to the plan. the announcement comes a day after israel's army with 3 troops from hon. units, the gods and strips. second largest city, the palestinians who fled from there have returned only to find the city and ruins . the vast majority of gods as population has been displaced by these really offensive, which was launched after the october 7th terror attacks. by hallmarks, all parts of north america are currently experiencing a total solar eclipse, the path of to tower the crosses and several us states right now as we speak,
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it's about to reach the us city of indianapolis. in the state of indiana, you are looking at live pictures from nasa. the totality is making its way north west, where it will probably end around the island of newfoundland in canada, later on today. all the way across north america. if you're interested here with me now is derek williams, from dw science department. to see you, derek were in doors. no eclipse. here, a big one, north america. why is it such a big deal? well, in order to answer that, you kind of have to do a little bit of elementary background stuff. now 1st of all, although the sun and moon look like they're the same size, they of course aren't. the sun's diameter is about $400.00 times the diameter of the moving, so it's much, much, much larger. but it's just that the moon is $400.00 times closer to the earth. send
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the sun. yeah, sure. so that makes them appear to be sort of the same size. um, now, as the moon orbits, the earth which is orbiting around the sun at the same time, there are moments when the moon passes directly between the sun and the portion of the or its surface. and when it does that, it blocks the sun's way to ation for a while and, and in what's called a partial solar eclipse. the moon only appears to take kind of flight this buys out of the side. that's what, that's what people are seeing right now. like, along in this southern united states along the eastern seaboard who are not in this path of to tell you, right, right well that the totality begins with a partial eclipse. as an, as this, as this, as the moon moves in front of the sun, if it starts, it eventually reaches a point where it blocks it complete by. and that's what we're seeing right now. derek, this is indianapolis, indiana right now. the live pictures of this is the total solar eclipse taking
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place right now. that's pretty awesome is amazing. yeah, it's, it's an amazing site. and we see what the corona is, what we see around is running the super heat. a gas is that surround the sun. so you can only see those one. this one itself has been blocked out or as it's being blocked out. now as the light from the sun has been blocked out by the, by the moon. now there are different kinds of there. there are 2 different kinds of, of solar other solar eclipses. there is what's called also an annual or solar eclipse, which is when the moon is perfectly lined with a sun like it is now. mm. but it's a little farther away from earth in its orbit. now, you might know that the, the orbit of the moon is not a perfect circle, so it's not always the same distance away from your lips. so it goes to an elliptical orbit. now, when this, when the moon is a little bit farther away from the earth, and it's in this elliptical orbit, and it's, it appears smaller. so it doesn't cover the sun completely. that's uh and you get
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this, this sort of ring of fire around the outside of, of, of, of the shadow of the moon. i think that we're seeing the grounds now. it looks like complete and utter dark arts. things right now, let me just ask my producer what that is. that is this is this also indianapolis that we're seeing right now. this is, this is moving into a, this is the partial eclipse. yes. or the aspect that we talked about as it, as the moon slowly crosses the sun. actually it's not, it's not moving all that slowly. it's, you know, this, the shadow of the cast on the earth, the totality is moving along. this, this strip at about just under 2 and a half 1000 kilometers an hour. so it's nicely fast. it's pretty fast and, and the, that the amount of time that somebody who's on the ground will spend in the shadow of this totality. so in this total darkness is only about 3 and
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a half to 4 minutes. this is what, which is what we are seeing right here. now this one was in was yeah, right now it's, it's, it is when the moon is closer to the earth and it's orbit as it is now, then you get, you get this total solar eclipse, which is when it casts the stretch of territory down on the surface in the, in the shadow for a little while and it feels like people say, i've never been in a total solar eclipse myself. yeah. but people say that it feels like, really like day suddenly turns tonight it gets, it gets colder, it gets colder. the bird stop singing, right? the region it's, it's this dramatic phenomena and which, which we call the totality. yeah. i mean, right now there and see it's the totality is now beginning to end their over indianapolis. right? yeah, of what we are seeing that in this corona, it looked like there were red pieces shooting out from this. what do we know where
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that is? that's well, that's the, that's the formation is on the surface of the moon that appear as, as, as the, as the light from the sun. the moon is not, it looks like a circle from down on ours when you see it against the backdrop of space. but when, when you get the sun behind it, you begin to see the irregularities in the moon's surface. and that's the, that's the sun being deflected or moving through those irregularities. is that show you the moon is not actually a perfect sphere. that's perfectly round. hm. there are geographic figure, figures and features on the surface of the moon as well. um, millions of people right now are flocking to areas, hoping to experience this to ality. it's, it's, it's really, it's a rare bit, isn't it to be in this place where the totality happens? well, it's, it's, it's interesting because total solar eclipses are not actually really all that rare
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. they happen there regularly. but one does occur somewhere on earth, on average, around every 18 months or so. that's it regularly, sometimes that might not happen for 3 years, but on average, every 18 months or so. and derek, i've been told what we're seeing right now. these are live pictures from cleveland, ohio, where they are now about to hit totality. we see the moon covering more and more of this on. this is one of the most interesting things i think about this particular spend. a lot of hype me around this total eclipse. and, and, and, and there's, there's also some reason for which is that the path that this total eclipse is taking is taking us through some very heavily popular, densely populated urban centers including cleveland and any annapolis and buffalo. so, so really a lot of people are already in place to see it. um, even without all the eclipse tourism,
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that was really nice. plus it comes after last week's surprise, earthquake, and the northeast and the us. so these forces of nature are commanding a lot of attention, art that they, they seem to be in the us at the moment. certainly. um this right here derrick, what was the live pictures of niagara falls where people are waiting, i guess for their moment of to tell a date to occur, never falls. of course being a place where people go to see the the, the water falls. yeah, well that's, it was also on the, on this, this path during, during this total solar eclipse, the moon shadow moved or is moving as we speak along this arc that stretches diagonally across north america. so it made land and saw on the west coast of mexico and then as in passing across the large stretches of the united states starting in texas and ending eventually up in maine and going through many other states along the way. and then moving into canada, where we're at,
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we'll leave north america off the coast of newfoundland and labrador. so the whole process, as i said, will go faster than you think with that shadow traveling at nearly 2 and a half 1000 kilometers an hour. but during that time, because the sun's light is more or less totally blocked from the stretch of territory and the moon shadow, we're going to see a lot of these natural phenomenon that you talked about earlier than bird stop saying the temperature drops. i think that people in those, in, in the total area will experience what it feels like very briefly. yeah. so that's enough. that's cleveland, that we were just seeing there. people in cleveland, ohio. yeah. well, you think that they'll begin to understand what a key role the son plays in life on this plan and bite you don't want the son to ever go out though not sure they're going to have you here at the big table there
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we are and we will be back at the top of the hour with more world news. we hope to see you that if you are what you get to north america, we hope you're enjoying. it's not total, a partial eclipse of this, of the conflicts of crises. every single connection mapped out shows the geophysical reality. the on the board is what makes things the way they are mapped out, navigating a changing world. now on youtube, the discovery change your mind just a click away. find out best document trees on you to.


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