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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 9, 2024 8:00am-8:16am CEST

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the, the business day that we news line from berlin, germany will today reject the claim vine, nicaragua, that berlin is helping israel commit genocide and gaza. it's the 2nd day overhearing the international court of justice in the hey, germany's chief legal council calls the case growth we biased, also coming up a spectacular total eclipse leaves north america in all, tens of millions of people watch the moon cover the sun over mexico. the us and canada the
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i'm the call for life. thank you so much for joining us. german government lawyers will argue at the you once top court, that berlin support for israel does not breach international law. this on the 2nd day of a hearing at the international court of justice in the hague. the case has been brought by nicaragua, which accuses jeremy of quote, facilitating genocide in the gaza strip by supplying weapons to israel. had of drawing his legal team calls nicaragua, his case grossly biased. nicaragua, his case against germany has to main goals to hold buildings, military exports to israel, and to restart german funding for the u. n's, palestinian refugee agency. the arguments that germany's actions are in breach of the genocide convention government is taking to onto it so not to gauge and to present in the side or to a see respect of international humanitarian law. a gemini supply of alms to israel
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is a central pillar of nicaragua, his case germany is israel, 2nd largest on supply of behind to the united states, accounting for about 30 percent of all israel's weapon imports. nicaragua argues that by continuing to provide these weapons, germany is enabling israel to commit acts of genocide in gaza. the international court of justice is currently examining where the israel has committed genocide in a separate case launched by south africa in bringing this case before the court. nicaragua says it is acting on behalf of the palestinian people. i mean, this is a very important case. obviously for out understanding and brothers, but also for the people in the care i will as you may have heard and always pushing me can we have enormous sympathy with the palestinians with the suffering defies to new people are going to and that's why we felt think we had to do something.
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obviously the only thing we could look into issues the 2 records since it has been one of the few things. i think that i've had some experience with the international court of justice, close ties between nicaragua and palestinian organizations, dates back to 1979 when palestinian groups supported the send. and this, the guerrilla forces that over through nicaragua, as dictate issue germany staunch support of israel, goes back to just off to the 2nd world war. the german government sees supporting israel security as a historical responsibility for germany's actions in the holocaust. a 1000000000 categorically rejects nicaragua, has accusations i mean does most and never did. while at the genocide convention nor international directory in germany will get its chance to make its case in court on tuesday for let's bring in the w corresponded lucy
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sheldon. she's at the icing. j in the hague. good to see you again. let's see it now. yesterday nicaragua claimed germany was, quote, facilitating genocides and dates during these turn to take the stand. how will the delegation respond to these accusations? yes sir, it is expected that germany is going to reject these allegations. we've already heard yesterday from the german agent that germany saying that this me, colorado, his presentation was grocery buyers, fed germany, gas and did not violate the genocide convention and international humanitarian law . and that it is on the contrary, committed to upholding international law in the, in the international and it's international relations. and it is going to show today in detail how it does this and how it lives up to its responsibilities driven, you said, sorry, in about 2 hours of jeremy, we'll start with it's defense. and we will then see what are the main arguments.
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jeremy's, going to make, to show on the legal side how it is doing that, and that it does not do or how it says how it's going to prove that. and you can progress accusations on north relative endow opinion. and those are great accusations that nicaragua is raising what evidence are they building their case on? so nicaragua has been mainly talking yesterday about a veteran deliveries of germany to israel in germany is indeed after easter, after the united states, one of the main supporters vis reference various m. c. p numbers that germany does provide 30 percent off the reference to each trail. and um, this is the main argument. i would say that via fraud yesterday here from colorado
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and they have been giving numbers, official, german numbers to prove that. and um, it is expected also that germany will answer to this and give their take of what they did as a ring and what that actually means. okay, so after today's session, the cord will have heard both sides was going to happen next. here what is really important at this stage to mention is bed, we are at the stage of provision and mattress. so at this stage, nicaragua is asking the court to order germany to mainly stop sending military at to east you as well as to start funding, right? again for these provision and mattress it is, there is another test. so to say then for the main case. so these provision emetrius, i expect it to come relatively early within reach some people even say within 2 weeks, this might already be the case that we have for 1st on sir, the 1st decision by the court. and then it might move on to the latest to delay to stay just had to possibly a case on the merits,
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but this is expected to take much longer the csl time in the hague. thank you so much. i this pro palestinian protesters gathered outside the german embassy in washington to show their support for in the garage was case the double use benjamin alvarez reports these protest is a supporting the case broad before the i c j a choosing germany of facilitate content is so different the deals of quotes for pro just not only here in front of the german embassy, washington dc, but also in front of the german un mission in new york and several other consul. let's say that germany, it's the 2nd biggest exporter of weapons to is read is facilitating dentist. i didn't go this reporting the claims spanish. and i went to also handed a letter over to diplomatic stuff here, saying that germany should stop sending weapons to israel immediately. germany supporting is right no matter what,
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they are complicit in the crimes that this was committing. and i feel deeply ashamed about it as a drama this that's precedent for us to then turn and go back to our government and say stop farming, genocide, stop breaking both our domestic was the foreign assistance act and stop ranking international humanitarian law. we're here today to let them know that we're, we're aware of what of their complicity in the genocide often handing the matter with the embassy organize is express disappointed with the response. they've got some diplomatic stuff germany rejects, can you cut out was accommodation for space less and will presented the argument on the 2nd day of hearings in the the meanwhile is rarely prime minister benjamin netanyahu says, be, is rarely, military has set a date for a major incursion into a rough line, southern gaza without specifying when the west has repeated its opposition to the plan thing and would have
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a devastating impact on civilians that yahoo statement comes shortly after. israel's army withdrew troops from con unit because the 2nd largest city, many residents have returned to find on the ruins. most of guys, this population has been displaced by these really offensive was launched after the october 7th terror attacks by a month over a 1000000 of them are currently sheltering in russell ceasefire. negotiations appear to be making limited progress as ha says, the latest proposal made by israel failed to meet palestinian demands, israel and mos both sent teams to egypt on sunday. for true stocks had of the muslim festival of age of feature which marks the end of ramadan families and garza, were most of the population has been internally displaced by the war. i've been doing their best to celebrate 8 these pastries, the tradition, the baked and eaten by palestinians to celebrate, eat,
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the end of the who in the month of ramadan this year i loved her. all we is preparing them in a make shift oven. next to the 10, she says with her sisters and the children. they fled to the homes to this comes in russell and southern gaza exemption gotten into by his feed used to be joyful. monsieur was beautiful. we used to make these pastries with loved ones and distribute them, but nowadays, and had there's no joint need. and so, and because we've been displaced from our homes, you know, in this, our family members have been killed the due for a student guys assessing. and if so, that's the values of each doesn't bring as much joy anymore that in the mind, crowd sky, the in this small kitchen, the city of dade, on follow in central garza to buy supplies for the religious holiday. here
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to the annual festivities, overshadowed by the ongoing conflict and food shortages have led to price spikes while they're on top of because of the war here in gaza, there's no service or joy. the prices are too high. no one is able to enjoy e u. n. trucks arrived in data by law to the 1st time in 2 months, distributing critical supplies among several schools and shelters. but this when huge trickle of age does not go far enough to help the palestinians who are sheltering here. as they face mal nutrition and disease. and a quick look now at some of the stories making is around the world today of the use
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climate agency says that last month was the hardest march on record, globally, and the 10th straight month record. according to its data, march temperatures exceed at the pre industrial average by 1.68 degrees celsius. scientists say the record breaking heat is thanks to rise in greenhouse gas emissions. i called, or his former vice president, called pig glass, has been hospitalized just days after ecuadorian police storm, the mexican embassy to arrest him. mexico cotton diplomatic ties following the incident, prison authorities sunglass was taking it to the naval hospital after refusing to eat. tens of millions of people have witnessed a rare total solar eclipse in north america. the moon shadow traveled across the continent from mexico to canada. those lucky enough to be the path of totally solomon completely engulfed the sun. and briefly during the day and night
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the last slip of lions before the sun this swallowed up by the moon. then a single bright speed of lights, like the jewel on the diamond ring before tow. tell it to the sky, gazes across north america were treated to once in a lifetime view. so beautiful. oh my goodness. listen for the birds. i don't hear any during totality. the sun's atmosphere, the corona is visible and you can see flash on the sun surface, some of them the size of our own planets. the solar eclipse is the consequence of the caustic coincidence. the sun and the moon appeared the same size
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in our sky. even though the sun is some $400.00 times larger and every now and then the moon passes directly between us and the sun, looking out its lights and creating a path where when eclipse is visible. for those in the center of the path, the eclipse is total. with every kilometer you move of that path, the coverage gets less. a total eclipse usually happens once or twice every year, somewhere around us. but it's not often that the path of totality processed through a densely populated colorado, like this one from mexico, through the united states and into canada. and just the sudden, as it disappeared, the sun returns. the sky is again filled with lights. as the moon's shadow dissipates, but those who stood in its path will remember it forever. and with that,
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