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tv   Arts Unveiled  Deutsche Welle  April 9, 2024 8:30am-9:01am CEST

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i asked a little surprised hi irish and i am ready to dive into the house of gentlemen to have you as a one, dodge, so do me before you come to the spot on expected side to side. almost if you have to imagine that it really hits like a bomb, i'm just talking about paintings like a bon. we're talking about cost, but obviously donation a painter who still has an influence on the visual aesthetics of today. we'll examine his paintings of magical beauty and dark melancholy. the painter of the sky, the sea solitude. silence, will also meet people in whom his paintings live on and will find out why he depicted everyone from behind costs but dotted sweetly. she revealed
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the, there are plenty of good reasons to take a closer look at the painter in his $250.00 of anniversary year. so here are 10 of his most famous paintings, starting with a legendary back the, the magnum opus trans. is that what we see here? high grass just climbed a high peak, taking the last difficult step. now he rests his hair blond. lexi denise is blown by the wind. he looks into the distance. will it be done? soon? fog is gathering the mountain landscape, lies below him. the world is at his feet or perhaps not
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a visit to the landscape, insects, and switzerland that inspired the painting is sobering. it's clear that free for these figures wonder through fantasy landscapes composed from different places to cause a quote for the great dots of free duration is that the color is just not perceived as a car wash, but that an image is created. it's like a great utopia of a picture cause or to p. i'm as big as the utopia of a picture. hardly anyone knows free today's as well as art historian, hug a middle class. he's been studying the, please, the phenomenon for several decades now. and he has his own explanation for the current state police mania to be definitely his paintings. awesome. think incredibly fascinating. or if you look closely, you see the subtlety with which he constructs his pictorial wells lie. the way he paints on a small scale has a great presence. and at the same time,
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the space is also open. you have these one to, for these stretched out skies, which are sometimes just color and have an incredible intensity. you know how these kind of low please enter the tape is it's the sky overdressed and at dusk, these are precisely the moments please, please was looking for their moments in which something passes and something new emerges. skies of transition. twilight, the changing moment. impossible to capture in words, the sky in nature as a space for the soul. a new way of seeing which please, harold's contacts which have free duration, fundamentally changed of use, including a few of landscape. we can no longer see a sunset without thinking of free duration, but i think this
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is how it all begins. this alter is not in a church, but in a dressed in museum. a rocky mountain peak overgrown with fruit trees. crucifix entwined with ivy, a figure of christ turned away from us. rays of sunlight against the pink, glowing, cloudy sky. the frame was designed by so easily himself, a mine ears of corn, the eye of god. symbols of christianity. angels, chrome, the work of art. this is free to these 1st oil painting debut and to break with the traditional rules of art, a new beginning. so this is what was it made him famous in one fell swoop, steed, suddenly, before christmas, 18 o 8. there is this some painting in his studio and you have to imagine it really
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did like a volume talk a, well, i guess i have, i think up on the dressed and had never seen anything like it when he painted this picture for you today was 32 years old and had been living in the eastern german city for 10 years. at that time dressed and was an art metropolis, and sleepless was a central figure. but one who divided opinion is on a freight branch was controversial stuff. the west fans that collected his paintings are kind of identified with his words. and then with those who said it's all monotonous, it's very melancholy. i mean, i corner please. they spend 30 more years of his life and dressed, and he married, had children, and died in poverty in 1840. his painting style had fallen out of favor. realism won out over his romanticism. he was condemned to oblivion.
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please lived through travel times. the french revolution had just failed. the old political order was turned upside down. napoleon conquered europe and occupied, dressed in saxony, in $1813.00 calls for democracy and freedom grew louder and shape sweep lease, thinking the cutter, spit out what was the doctor items 3 drinks and paintings are characterized on the one hand by the deep religious nature and on the other hand, they are completely tied to the political situation and it was a time of great political upheaval, heights that opposed these challenges for the people of his time in china. type for hope. all's for the longest item. truthfully was born on september 5th, 1774, to a strict protestant family,
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in 5 spots on the baltic sea. he began to draw. this was how he saw himself in 18 o 2 at the age of 28. as a young man full of yearning, his drawings and paintings are characterized by memories of the sea and the coast of his childhood. but water can also be threatening. a huge ice flow is pile up to form apparent at the sky is less than the tunnel ice shimmers bluish and brown. we are facing a boundless polar landscape. mighty in human, sublime, threatening only at 2nd glance, do we recognize the whole of a ship shattered by slabs of ice last forever. the 1st expeditions to the north pole took place during sleep least lifetime and failed. what does the painting say more than that? the motif may have its roots in a childhood event. in 1787,
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please release brother drowned before his very eyes. he died while trying to save cusp, adobe who had fallen into the ice. a lifelong trauma for the artist or so, the legend goes. skate on dimensions here. it's about our human existence within the cosmos. you could also call it within the divide that which humans cannot grasp, sneak, and it's please hold this awareness. that's what set him apart, that this awareness that there's something beyond. something with humans cannot grasp destination for some kind of and that is exactly what german romanticism is all about. privilege, it's most important. representative describes what cannot be put into words in his images of nature. nature as an image of the divine
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and majestic white peak reaches into the sky, recognizable as the that's mine in southern germany, perhaps one of the most beautiful alpine peaks. it's around mid day and the sun reflects off the snow and almost shadow this landscape. devoid of people, the image moves from deep dark tones up to glistening white. we already know that the landscape here is also in utopia. in reality, the mountains in the foreground are hundreds of kilometers to the north. the painter had never seen the buds months or the alps. he again created a fantasy landscape this time from the foot of the mountain. here in the original location, we made up with the landscape photographer kelly and shadow cast by davi freeplay has been his source of inspiration for years. he appreciates the painter's precise feeling for atmosphere and for the magical moments of nature.
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the particulars from the, i guess for free duration mountain was including this apparent mich shape, was the mountains, which is very pronounced in the bucks month take. we're a connection between the fleet and the divine good. for me. these are free drinks, my business, and i can also find free duration. the today carry on. sure and back i finds pretty place moments in the present. this is how he sees the that's month. and this is how caused by diabetes thought another popular free to reach motif was the human in cop photographed today and painted 200 years ago. fried reach and shown back out both have a feeling for the vulnerability of creation to mrs. loved to landscape is not just in motion, not just beautiful, opened. it tells me something. when i look down here today, i see how erosion isn't changing the landscape. i can see at the beginning of
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february that the snow cover on the mountains is very low. i see the effects of climate change. these are things that can be read from the pictures of them for them that obviously some con, carry on. sure. and that is a child of his time just like husband. obviously they both are faced with on certain times and which old orders are crumbling and both confront the challenges of these times in their art. because by david sleeve, they can also be full of the joys of life. pointed chalk, cliffs rise from the waves white against blue, a steep coast line. the horizon is shaded by canopy of leaves. the baltic sea in summer, around mid day to sail boats in the distance.
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there's a feeling of lightness, almost as if we were looking through a window at the sea. a man gazes thoughtfully into the distance. but what is the other man doing, crawling on the ground? have his glasses fallen off? or is he overcome by fear of the steep drop? a woman points to something below him. could she be fleet lease wise, catalina, their honeymoon was spent here and lugen? the painting was created immediately afterwards. faithfully tells us small, very private story here and creates an allegory of love, loyalty and safe. the lonely man by the sea. some suspect it is clearly himself tiny in the vastness of space. his long monks road is the color of the turning water. gold circle above him, clouds pile up on the horizon. is it dawn? or is this thunder storm brewing?
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gloomy, turbulent water, white spray on the waves. his face is a bright spot. drawing our attention and almost timeless space. the man remains calm, standing is, are frozen as if he controlled the elements a radically emptied picture. probably seemed at least most radical the monk bye to see is it home in berlin in the i to not, you know, i got a and it was here that the forgotten painted fleece was rediscovered in 19 o. 6. germany got re acquainted with this painter in a spectacular exhibition of the day. i went to the office at this once in a lifetime exhibition for the police was a sensation, had people really celebrated. the monk by the sea has remained an icon of
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modernism. the treasures of the not to not only include another picture that city police painted in the same period. these have, these are similar colors. these moves are expressed through the light. the typically does contain wonderfully often, and that's often the light of transition of twilight when and then it does. as we know, we have an incredible color spectra, like much more color than it mid day. i will turn me text tide early evening calls an oak forest in winter without leaves. some trees seem dead. the moon has already risen half ruined gothic chapel. but what is really happening here? monks move almost silently. it seems towards the portal. carrying
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a coffin. they are carrying one of their own to the grave. the funeral procession cemetery. we are witnessing a funeral beneath the stillness of the picture drama on the horizon, a bright glow. the sun sitting. what prevails death or hope in the center of the picture is a tiny little bird splice. it is still a mystery. he doesn't tell any complete story because we as visitors as an audience, can each find the answers for ourselves. and on to you, i left us and you'd be to and but this painting has not always stood before the viewer and such a radiant light. the painting has been undergoing restoration for 3 years now. christine emeryville from the berlin knots. and i gotta say, is responsible for restoring it to its former glory. the reason for the poor state
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of preservation is, of course, that frederick was a forgotten office just such a long time. and that's never good for paintings. if nobody knows the artist and then the launch full of met some of them, i'd rather not think about how these moves from a palace to palace were carried out in such a rough and ready manner. so that also played a role speed on the the centimeter by centimeter layer by layer christina, lose it, freeze fleet, least original brush stroke from over painting and 14 layers of varnish and makes interesting discoveries in the process. the design is father, you'll say prepared. most of his colors himself, or homes, you know, if i'm 11 does why he was suddenly so driven to carlos. that's what that was
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a huge, the self confident step that on when painting he worked with way 15 layers of paint, which is almost a selling point of his dental maximum. you can tell he's interested in the atmospheric the sky, the franklin says the ticket. the infra red images also reveal frequencies under the surface drawings, especially spectacular in the month by the sea. an audition, even in the sixty's, people suspected that there was something else under the monk by the sea possibly ships. she said he thought you can see fantastically detailed sailing ships, every road and every plank is recognisable. campbell, i'm an anchor hanging over the side of the ship because i think that's a total of 3 ships that free to reach the crew and then did not paint 5 minutes. i'm going to talk with the model the next hour. and so he radically emptied this composition. something he never did again, maybe the most of the, of the in contrast to the month by the sea.
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this is a rather unknown word by sea face. yet a significant one, paying testimony to a lifelong friendship. 3 men at a railing, as always shone from behind. they are russian poets. one of them is law, cities, you kosky, a friend and patron, a free place throughout his life. this picture represents a special story, a fleet of his closeness to russia, and of russia's great love for him, the poet and statesmen, cds, you kosky, is responsible for infecting russia, with an ongoing, slightly fever. along with these 2, the futures are nicholas the 1st and his wife, alexandra, who was princess. charlotte appreciated before her marriage. they travelled to
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dresden and purchased this painting included at least workshop on the sailing boat . perhaps charlotte saw herself in it the vol. these charlotte was the system of frederick william crusher, when a fried used for us collect 2, which means that she was very familiar with his work. and she took her love of his what with her to st. petersburg. it's now some beautiful. charlotte's love for a customer, david situation was not only celebrated at course, but took hold of all russian society. the consequences are still visible today. the hermitage in saint petersburg. now house is the largest and most important fleet which collection outside germany. as to something seem familiar here in this painting, men again turned towards each other, demonstrating closeness. they contemplate nature immersed in it. a crescent moon is
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in the sky. the small picture is the epitome of german romanticism. and it's precisely this painting that will soon play a role of great significance. good . it is safe to drop hounds to an expedition in 2025. the metropolitan museum of art in new york will be hosting the 1st major customer adobe police exhibition in the us. there's never been a comprehensive exhibition of his work. i'm here in the u. s. and we thought it was, it was time to really give our audience is a chance to, to get to explore his work in depth in the painter they recognize the beginning of a new relationship. so the language of our exhibition is
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how we understand our relationship with nature. and we want to encourage our audiences to, to think about the new visual language that he is creating. to express this new experience of nature, nature suddenly becomes central to our identity as to who we are. it becomes a place for spiritual and philosophical and emotional discovery for the curator see. so this is the 4 father of an ecological view of nature. the renaissance of this artist in the usa is a milestone for a late work by straight ration. but what is it exactly a cosmic sky? the curvature of yours. in fact, the picture shows a marshy landscape on the outskirts of dressed in
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a flooded area with islands of sand and mud. dark groups of trees alternate with light meadows. in the background, a barge sales on the elder painting at life and the deserted landscape. the day is fading, the summer is slowly coming to an end pretty easily captures this fleeting moment the. this painting still fascinates. today. romanticism in art isn't life. the ease of that makes sense. a made now is a student address does university a fine arts. she's currently preparing for an exhibition. in 2023, she received the cusp of diabetes prize. the jury chose her because they believe
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her work falls in the tradition of the great romantic painter. in an example of that word, a transparent curtain blows gently in the wind, softening the boundary between inside and out the familiar and a foreign of a photograph of bare trees in hazy, shifting light. where does she see parallels between herself and the romantic painter born more than 220 years before her as it is. so i think many, ah, she's story and see it very differently that from me has pictures the sent to about this new just lice. and this experience that you have when you were alone, and to throw them back on yourself with guns of say, so i've sort of off road a sensitivity for light and shadow for the feeling of being alone. for the mood. this is what she shares with cds
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the to the moment that moment when the sun comes over the horizon. and when i see the shadows moving on, the wall, i'm seeing the earth turning. and i become aware of how i sit on this and how small i am and how big the world is. this is the themes that i see. and frederick's painting see this in the community. has the adobe suite, the nation, a painter for the present day. the last generation climate movement even sees him as an accomplice, fighting for the same things, for the salvation of the world. they want to emphasize that with this protest action that they want you to believe that customer adobe suite waste was just like them. the one question remains why does cost,
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but obviously they show people almost exclusively from behind. was he unable or unwilling to paint faces? certainly not. he was a great portrait painter. his perspective from behind was a conscious decision. these are proxy figures whose bodies we slip into, whose gaze we adopt. they are us the, that's the great thing about freed ration, the opportunity to inhabit these figures to find the place within his words. well, we can emphasize with feelings. precise trademark motif has set a trend and been imitated thousands of times even in advertising. and of course, in computer games, the protagonist back is ever present there the avatars with which we enter the fray . they are us. the fleet, the here 2024, has made it very clear. the artist is everywhere. the tier 2, by the way,
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in the classic movie bandy. and that's no coincidence. because walt disney was also an avowed fan of cast by davi to create place the the
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buried found under the german graves commission helps with the search for missing, sold from scott to trace history. and then they ship together and folding soldiers backs and names and identities in 30 minutes on the w. a co africa
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the to mom, the good and then a go is a power dies, biodiversity, bosses sensitive ego system is threatened by as efficient as climate change. now the government and numerous initiatives off fighting for protection rights result in 19 minutes dw, the name cassandra re determined through our investigation that had just below was operating like a global drug car. not something you normally see a terrace organization. the object to financially drain has gone up and bring them down. suddenly we have in las vegas to attack at a terrace organization. finance. the idea is the file, the money,
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the team agents from the american drug enforcement agency. i was scared. i mean, as well as another whole life, they wanted to go after their money. i wanted to take down their findings. they had from lice themselves. we needed to reveal that so world and to their own people. why did the us government suddenly shut down project? cassandra in 2016. so the opportunity was, was a 3 pa documentary series. unless the hezbollah dots may 4th on d, w. the
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. this is what we do is long from berlin. benjamin at now says israel's military has set a date for the ground invasion of rough ha and the gaza strip. the statement comes as well as the indians return to the ruins of gaza, 2nd largest city, han units following and is really true withdrawal. they are also a head germany prepares to defend themselves at the international court of justice and the hate and rejects, acclaimed by the garage. what that for? lynn is helping israel's commit genocide in gaza, calling the case pro, sleep on the u. s. congress is finally due to vote on
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a new funding package for your brain money urgently needed to help you frame sure.


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