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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 9, 2024 9:00am-9:30am CEST

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the, the business thing that we do is long from berlin. benjamin it says israel's military has set a date for the ground invasion of rough on and the gaza strip. statement comes as well as the indians return to the ruins of gaza. second largest city han units following and is really true withdrawal. they are also a head germany prepares to defend themselves at the international court of justice in the hate and rejects, acclaimed by the garage of what that for. lynn is helping israel's commit genocide and gaza calling the case grossly by the u. s. congress. it's finally due to vote on a new funding package for you. bring money urgently needed to help you frame sure up
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. it's ground in air defenses in the east following the fall of of the gun and a relentless russian bombing campaign against the city of hardships. plus a spectacular total eclipse with north america in all. tens of millions of people watched the moon block the sun over mexico, the us and canada the outcome fairly welcome to the w is rarely prime minister benjamin netanyahu says, be, is really military instead of dates for sending ground forces into rough up, but it's not specified when this will happen, the us opposes the plan saying that it would have a devastating impact on civilians in israel's own security. that now statement comes days out for israel's army with through troops from han units. some guys have
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already started to return to the rubble in gaza. second largest city over a 1000000 are still sheltering. in rough on most of gauze, this population has been displaced. finding is really offensive, which was launch after the october, 7th to her attacks. by a months lieutenant colonel peter learner is a spokesman for israel's military, and he told his wife his real against it as ralph ought to be so crucial to defeat him. us. we do know that in the gaza strip, there are still at least 6 operational battalions or from us 4 of those indeed in the rough area to in most central gaza. upper, i think of the lower capacity but in the south and roughly there are still for operational battalions. if we're going to be successful, it dismantling. how much we're going to have to go through rough. uh, i think if we've learned anything from our risk operation 2 months ago, in rough up the hostages are being held there and that there is
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a extensive force that can conduct organized bites and you're getting stuff. so we need to operate in order to get rid of from us and bring back to the hostages. let's take this to our corresponding tanya kramer and jerusalem. tanya, israel seems determined to go into rafa despite many calls opposing this plan, including from their sanchez, the allies. why would israel take the risk? none the less to well, i mean, i think is what it doesn't see it as a risk. it does seed as a necessity, and we just heard it from the spokes person of the is really military. and you've heard it also from prime minister benjamin netanyahu, the time and time again. that is, the military needs to go into run for us to destroy those 4 battalions. so also still a searching for the leadership. and there's also a lot of pressure netanyahu this announcements, and that there's a date for russell, although it wasn't specified when and how this will happen. uh, also was cutting came off to a lot of criticism by his power, right?
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a copy to administer saying the policy of maximum price out and how much needs to be maintained. and of course, this all happens and defines, of, you know, international position international, a pressure of not a going ahead, especially also from is, was key. i like united states, they have said that is what needs to present a clear plan, how they will about create how they will bring those, uh, estimated 1000000 people that are sheltering in rough to some a sort of a safety. their talks that going on between the us and is rarely officials to explain how they're going to do it. i mean, the tool cost is for the residents and for those displays people in, in russell. and if you use the word charging, it's also not really describing the situation there are as strikes and strikes on the city as well as the war is going on. and we've been talking to people the in
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the past week. so same thing as we don't know where to go, we don't know what to do and they're very, very concerned about these announcements that are coming every other day that an operation is imminent. and that is part of why the us, for example, is calling for an immediate cease fire, and a mazda in israel both send delegations to cairo for truth talks on sunday. mazda, which is, of course, considered a terrorist organization by many states, as it is now studying the terms of a new proposed true steel. what more can you tell us? well, this came off, the high levels took, said by the mediators, and also were research the u. s over the weekend. now we understand that having us has said that it's this proposal that was submitted by egypt and cut our a to how much doesn't need any of the demands. but they will continue studying that
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. and there is the expectation that they will give another answer some time. assume no, of course we have heard this many times before. and depending on which source of you know you're hearing, sometimes it said this progress. sometimes it said the gets a very wide, it's mainly about how much demands of this thing that needs to be a full seas for that needs to be full withdrawal and people needs to be able to need to be able to return to the north. so we are waiting to see what will actually happen here in the coming hours was dw corresponding tanya kramer in jerusalem is always great to get your insights. thanks so much. well i'm in hopes for a ceasefire and time for the end of ramadan families in gaza has been doing their best to prepare for 8 of feature of the celebrations, marking the end of the fasting month. but with most of the population displaced by the fighting and much of gauze of infrastructure destroyed, this year's facilities will be difficult to organize. these
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pastries that traditionally baked and eaten by palestinians to celebrate, eat the end of the who in the month of ramadan this year, i loved her all. we is preparing them in a make shift oven next to the 10. she says with her sisters and the children as they fled to the homes, to this comp, in rough uh, in the southern gaza exemption gotten into by his she's used to be joyful. yeah, monsieur was beautiful. we used to make these pastries with loved ones and distribute them, but nowadays, and had there's no joint needs. and so, and because we've been displaced from our homes, you know, in this, our family members have been killed the dog or a student guys as cc as the, as a. so each doesn't bring as much joy anymore. right. in the mind,
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crowd sky, the in this small kitchen, the city of dade, on follow in central garza to buy supplies for the religious holiday. here to the annual festivities, overshadowed by the ongoing conflict and food shortages, hoping that the price spikes was on top of because of the war here in gaza. there's no service or joy, the prices are too high. no one is able to enjoy e u. n. trucks arrived in did paula for the 1st time in 2 months, distributing critical supplies among several schools and shelters. but this when huge trickle of age does not go far enough to help the palestinians who are sheltering here. as they face malnutrition and disease
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to the hague, now were german government. lawyers are set to argue that berlin support for israel does not breach international law. this, on the 2nd day of a hearing at the international court of justice, the case has been brought binding. cromwell, which accuses germany, of, quote, facilitating genocide in the gaza strip by supplying weapons to israel. the head of germany's legal team calls nicaragua, as case grossly biased to nicaragua. his case against germany has to main goals to hold buildings, military exports to israel, and to restart german funding for the u. n's, palestinian refugee agency. the arguments that germany's actions are in breach of the genocide convention government is taking to on the result of the gauge and prevention. decide what we have to respect of international humanitarian law. germany supply of arms to israel is a central pillar of nicaragua, his case germany is israel,
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2nd largest supply of behind to the united states. accounting for about 30 percent of all is rails with an impulse. nicaragua argues that by continuing to provide these weapons, germany is enabling israel to commit acts of genocide in gaza. in the international court of justice is currently examining whether israel has committed genocide in a separate case launched by south africa in bringing this case before the court. nicaragua says it is acting on behalf of the palestinian people. i mean, this is a very important case. obviously for out the stadium brothers, but also for the people that make it, i will, as you may have heard of highway suppression indicates where we have enormous sympathy with the palestinians with the suffering device. and if people are going to and that's why we felt think we had to do something. obviously the only thing that i look into issues the 2 records since it has been one of the few things. i
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think that i've had some experience with the international court of justice, close ties between nicaragua and palestinian organizations, dates back to 1979 when palestinian groups supported this end. and this the guerrilla forces that over through nicaragua, was dictated to germany. staunch support of israel goes back to just off to the 2nd world war. the german government sees supporting israel security as a historical responsibility for germany's actions in the holocaust. of the lynn categorically rejects nicaragua, has accusations i mean does most and never did. while at the genocide convention nor international directory was in the gym and he will get its chance to make its case in court. on tuesday. mckayla soft sky heads the human rights hub of the british. now mon foundation for freedom,
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a foundation affiliated with germany's free democrats. one of the parties in germany's government coalition mckayla could you have you on the w, you say, nick around was case is a political red herring. but if the court were to determine that israel is indeed committing genocide, it is currently still deliberating on this separate case in the gaza strip with germany as the 2nd biggest weapons supplier to israel. not fair, a certain responsibility to well, good morning. first of all, jeremy has always a responsibility as a weapon supply. of course, that's true. but nicaragua, i've used the chimney, violates legal obligations of the to those sites, put them in. she wouldn't be caught like what did successfully if i may say to point a finger towards germany. and naturally people follow the direction of the finger, but we should turn around and look into that into the direction of the. um. so that means that actually it was not
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a co incidence that nicaragua submitted the application exactly on the 1st march of 2024 against too many because the day before in the late afternoon of the 29th february here in geneva at the u. n. human rights council, the experts of the u. n. human rights group on the cadillac was presented their report on grave human rights violations. you know, the central american country. we, we do want to talk about direction the finger is pointing though, because, you know, israel, of course has a right to defend itself against a monster. many is assisting them in this endeavor, but providing 30 percent of all arms to israel with all of these allegations of the rules of war being broken in gaza. is germany down playing its role in this a? no, absolutely not. i mean it's a leader accusation. that's true, and germany, as you've said, and your report will be check,
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nickelback was acquisition and respond this morning before the quote in the hate. but what we have to know is that we come back what does not allow access to choices to all its citizens. so this is really an important issue here because you cut out what gets the media attention and it's not about channels. so it's not about easter island. god. so it's about because i grew up putting itself on the stage of international trust this in the hague. today, all right, and nicaragua, once again, they also accuse the u. k and the netherlands and canada of a betting genocide. i do want to look at the case of the i c j today. it's very interesting what's happening in nicaragua. but, but just to focus on what is happening today, how big could this case become? well, i suppose that the outcome of the case today, it's not the case yet. so i c k. s that adopted it accepted it as a case. it's really a 1st hearing today and yesterday was the hearing by the cut off. well,
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so the outcome will probably that's the court decides it will not accept the case before the official. a main case south africa against east drive would be decided. so i do not expect the case to become because x me well if they do not throw the case out, um, how do you think it could affect or if, if the court ended up, let's say ruling in favor of nicaragua. how could it affect jeremy's policies? in the middle east as well, i cannot really say something about the effect because from my point of view i'm, i'm a little expert in, i'm an expert political expert on international justice. and from my point of view, there will not be an outcome. it's really the case is really for me to cut aqua side, is an awareness raising and getting media attention really and putting itself on the case and the on the stage of the, into the national trust is intake. right. that was metallic,
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dusky head of the human rights of other for it is now on foundation for freedom. thank you so much for your time. thank you very much. let's take a look at some other stories making news around the world today. but use climate agencies as that last month was the hottest march on record globally, and the 10th straight months of record heat. according to its data marched temperatures exceeded the pre industrial average by 1.68 degrees celsius. scientists say the record breaking heat is due to rise in greenhouse gas emissions . china is for administer a wong. he has said that beijing will continue to increase that strategic cooperation with moscow. he made the comments after hosting his russian counter board surgeon laboratory for talks and the chinese capital. the 2 countries have ramped up co operation in recent years, even as russia's war and ukraine has left it internationally isolated. c, a, but it shows us house of representatives returns to work today with all eyes on
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speaker mike johnson. after months wrangling over ukraine, a he's promised to finally put the by the administration. $60000000000.00 support package up for a vote. in green, desperately need more military support with president related reason. lensky saying this, we can, you could lose the war against russia without it. it will be as an economy has this report on the struggle to shore of ukraine's eastern front, against advancing russian forces. so what do, what? february 2024. how gun 5 to one ukrainian troops pulled out collab? do you have the russians not only have many, most soldiers and shells descended to battle. they also had plains to launch heavy blood booms that can rip through fortifications. ukraine couldn't go out because it didn't know when the next trunks of us, mid 38, would arrive that withdrawal from f d. if it's become a symbol of what happens when you cranes west and support is distracted. when you've seen your ukrainian partner described what happened to me,
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he said that you are a man for as long as hard as they could. we ran out of ammunition and the russians just kept coming. and i think without supplemental assistance in 2024, you're going to see more of the because russian troops and making progress, even if it's slow, us based institute for the study of full estimates. they've taken some 300 square kilometers since the start to the support speaking to german broadcast, a o d ukrainian spite chief, get a little begun of predicted, the russian forces would step up their campaign with a major offensive in the summer school. this would be great at best 2 months to prepare me. according to put down of russia, wants to take the remaining parts of dentists region, still controlled by give, focusing in particular on the key logistics hubs. come a task book or ask that makes the next few weeks in washington crucial because your brand new military expert looks on the vehicle. yep, sure. when the, what they mean, it should have been more than the extra money if it don't get more immunization and
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resources. we're going to see the equipment arm is slowly for us to prove back is russian makes the most of the situation that you believe t a c, a prompt as much, and that was what it was. it's not just the do net screens and that seen it uptake and fighting in recent weeks give just 35 kilometers from the russian border. seeing missile strikes, intensified as present as a russian estate tv. who's on that on me to wipe the city of the map? minneapolis, i'm convinced that this means the russian ground defensive is actually on because inside of give receivables. oh no. would it be russia? we'll i'm sure increased dex and how, kimberly was, i think we will probably see them can scituate some troops near the board to make it look like they're ready to a tech. it's all about forcing the current army to support itself out and go down to some of the snow surgeries in this can only you can just keep another and boss with 8 still stuck in washington. somebody that resources in cuba have been giving
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ever more alarm is briefings. and even if you don't take these at face value, it is getting much harder just to hold on to territory gray and forces digging in behind the front lines using what they have that lead is comp time much further ahead than that. a year ago, ukraine was asking for western aid to help re take russian occupied territory. right now, will you crank and hope for this to prevent more of the because springing your socks, he's an advisor to the to you're going to administer of strategic industry and you're welcome back to the definitely. now at this point, how likely is the prospect of another of dave? good morning. well indeed, what we're seeing is uh the, the rest of the guided bombs that's got these now you go some types of a to read and khaki actually is. at the moment the at the center of these bombings,
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but by the looks of it, a strategy seems to be 2, does have 2 things and all of them are involved in doing either of these. and this is exactly why our political and military leadership on a daily basis is talking to our partners with a view to securing more air defense systems. more uh, air defense midsize. and of course, you know, sooner or later we will see the f. 16, which again will compliment our air defense system and we'll make it a little bit more difficult for the enemy to use the sliding boss. uh but yes, we don't see any signs of process stopping. and um, the situation is a very, very serious um with the us congress convening today. some lawmakers remain hesitant about a levels to ukraine. what would be your message to them?
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my message to them would be that i personally meet almost every week different uh, delegations from the us. uh, many of the people i meet uh politicians, even congressmen and they are republican and uh, my mind breaks because when i speak to these people who visit you, pregnancy, it with their own eyes, they support you. right. and they want the u. s. congress to vote in favor of this bill. so quite frankly, my mind just cannot understand why we're seeing what we're seeing. and of course, we hope we hope that the a political situation inside the congress will change in favor of voting for this bill. because it's critical for us. presidents are lensky as warrant of a ukrainian defeat in the war if congress doesn't approve more 8. how big a sense is there in the country that you know, despite all your efforts,
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it doesn't control its own fate and future. we know, and tom does know that this full has never been just about ukraine. this has always been about the design of the criminal, the terrace, that russia to destroy the world or so this is why we have always been pretty much warning all the time. is that, you know, if you does not stop here in the train, which is still possible, if we all step up our efforts and if the munitions arrives on time, there's other weapon systems arrival time. so if it is not stopped here, it will spread further west, you know, the eastern european countries, the baltic states, they understand this risk very, very well because that just next door neighbors to us. we will do all we can know we have to and we will never stop fighting for asset territory and for the shared
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values of uh you have and will. but again, it's time for all of us to step up our efforts. that was very soc, advisor to ukraine's minister, a strategic industries. thank you so much. thank you. tens of millions of people are witnessed a rare total solar eclipse and north america. the moon shadow traveled across the continent from mexico to canada. those lucky enough to be the path of to tell of east on the moon completely engulfed the sun and briefly turned date and connect. the last slip of lines before the sun, this swallowed up by the moon. then a single bright speed of lights like the jewel on the diamond ring. before to tell it to the sky, gazes across north america were treated to once in a lifetime. view is so beautiful. oh,
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my goodness. listen for the birds. i don't hear any during totality the sun's atmosphere. the corona is visible and you can see flash on the sun surface, some of them the size of our own planets. the solar eclipse is the consequence of the cosmic co incidence. the sun and the moon appear the same size in our sky, even though the sun is some $400.00 times larger. and every now and then the moon passes directly between us and the sun blocking out its lights and creating a path where when eclipse is visible for those in the center of the path, the eclipse is total with every kilometer you move of that path. the coverage gets less a total eclipse usually happens once or twice every yes,
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some way around us. but it's not often that the path of totality processed through a densely populated colorado like this one from mexico, through the united states and into canada. and just the sudden as it disappeared, the sun returns. the sky is again filled with lights. as the moon's shadow dissipates. but those who stood in its path, well remember it forever. just in case you don't remember our top story. here's a quick reminder, palestinians, in gauze i'll return to the ruins of hon units following the withdrawal of israeli forces. benjamin netanyahu says these really military, a set of dates for the ground invasion of the southern mouse johnson city of ruffled and that's your all up to date and stay with us. now, after a short break,
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we'll have a documentary looking at the continuing worth finding german soldiers who died in world war 2. i'm gonna go fairly in berlin from all of us here in the newsroom. thank you so much for the
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a buried. found and returned the german graves commission helps with the search for missing, sold from scott to trace history. and then they ship together and folding soldiers backs and names and identities. next on d, w a co africa. the good. and then the goal is the power dies, apply
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a diversity dr. sensitive ecosystem expressions by a decision. climate change. now the government's numerous initiative offline team for protection, right? presented in 60 minutes on d w. the, you'll see about the video that goes enabled other data media, amiga, la, google, i've got that done. but again, i will stop into that and i'll give you a go or them and you are you able to order that up? joe media, doctor coverage, the more people than ever on the move world wide in search of a better life to jump be able to use them in a decade t mess with the guns already already a few megs of appears and mid afternoon. does our peers send minutes useful,
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or is that i'm was moved to it gets expose, go to lunch. when you find out about all the story info, migraines, reliable news to migrate wherever they may be, the the, the city goose. numerous times you see a new screen, it does need to produce, there's 2, his name is get this new router, okay. and so on the back of course, cuz and just comes, come a money order. if i've seen your advisors, dennis, i switched the dentist to them pulled us citizen.


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