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tv   Reporter - On Location  Deutsche Welle  April 9, 2024 11:45am-12:00pm CEST

11:45 am
the not so much snow on youtube, the subsidy on the front line and you create your home? yes. and the last word yellow just in the hospital the. he's finally asleep. i don't want to die the
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. it's a beautiful day for the front line. city of kind of sun no sunshine, no to the sky. there will be fewer attacks launched by the russians today. the, for the set of someone has to do it and do it here. the theater available. if that's the 1st reason why 3 of the federal a, the 2nd just, i'm doing something good here. is it any different from the boys in the trenches can photo level stuff don't look sensitive to both ideals is
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one of the c duct or so remains here in defiance of the daily attacks to say to the cities liberation from russian occupation. november 2022 block the 1st day of deliberation, i raise the flag the ever since the liberation had. a son has been under constant bombardment by russian forces and so all activity inside the hospital takes place without the benefit of daylight. the windows are forwarded up from outside to keep the glass from shattering in a missile attack. yes, i got a sure getting them on the head of the radiology department and when it goes through cuz i used to be responsible for consulting with other radiologists on identifying injuries under radiology scans, which i think it would 1st of all and come up and say to but now i routinely do whatever comes up. i think video advertising has any wires. so what is this?
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your home? yes. and the russian had a son lives in southern ukraine. the opposite bank of the nape or river is in russian hands. the city was occupied by russian forces for 8 months until autumn, 2022. this throne, liberty void war we had every day, injuries, especially from black eyes, broken bones and so on whom now their injuries from mines, artillery, shopping the food. sometimes it gets difficult when someone has several injuries at once. with all the patient was brought to the trauma intelligence center with a broken bone. but it turned out that he also been shot of the medicine is bombarded daily. the,
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the attacks can come at any time the doctors rarely have time to seek sensor to about that he of is the only right yellow just left in this hospital. the other 15 have all slept either abroad or to other parts of you. cree. his wife and little daughter, also fled after their apartment was here last year. at the time that daughter liza was only 4 years old, our home was destroyed. so we'll fix it. so you won't have to buy a new one. i got a farm of some kind threw into it. a man. i feel
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sorry for our home. luckily we got out in time where we'd be dead. i don't want to die. the 80 percent. i've got a son stipulation have left now
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it's like it goes down the the few remaining people of wide open spaces. the playgrounds that are barricaded shelters are placed near every best of the peoples that remain here. have learned to live with the war only near the supermarket, is there somewhat more activity? this is one of the few supermarkets open in the city center. it's like an oasis in the midst of a war zone. life here is full of contrasts. dishes as
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i chose the where can you feel safe now? what's new, do you know? where can you be safe here really did you have control to at any moment? unaware of the more or less and you have to put the last of animals at home and away from the seriously ill. a night when you most impressively, the countries pack up and leave. after doing their best to i'm from you. if you ask me if, and if i brothers a boat presidents negotiate for 10 long years, then go through one or day of war here. we approach but the need, per river, and the from plane was my balcony. dr. tip i to re ups old neighborhood was caught in a combat zone. the
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smooth hole here we took a directed me thank you. that was i do. my balcony was turned completely off and all that day, he remembers the embarrassment was much louder and more intense. the yesterday, if i drove away with my family, we didn't have any electricity anymore. i saw some done around 2 am. my neighbor called instead of bomb had landed right in our apartment cost to put it out. you know, 6 am i came back here and so on a norm as whole. and i knew that a couple of the of the young stuff is getting my balcony was torn off one. it was all rouble. yeah, it was a question for you to do when i took a look at here at the center. it is. it's almost a real isn't that,
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but it just keeps on and never stops, or give me a price for that. the president at some point it doesn't surprise you anymore and it's over here with me from the 1st days when the attacks were just starting, there was panic bodies on the streets and just sort of now we don't react to it anymore. and the thing in a hit or one day, you run into a co worker and the next day you see his corpse and the pathology department. now, the initial for the, i'm working on this is only an apartment or theater. the material thing, once the war is over, we'll fix everything again. so based on the, the, the final frankie is a small city in the far west of ukraine. the doctor's wife vitale. and daughter liza has been living here for a year. you see me but the new apartment still fields temporary.
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vitale is also a doctor, but she hasn't found a new job yet. or a daycare center for liza. so many people have moved to western new queen from the east, but it's extremely hard to get a foothold for a new beginning here. but vitalia says there was no other solution. a reasonable number, you also use a visa has begun to understand that we're living through a war. what do you watch the news on tv with us? with all the children up, she started to realize that people are getting killed children to the women from around. and she started to get frightened to before she went to bed. and she always asked if she would die, whether we'd see one another the next day, or whether we'd be killed to, at this age, a child shouldn't be thinking about war and death. that's the reason we decided to leave a 2 weeks or so. i use visa
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also understands why they had to leave their city because because someone is being bombarded, it's a bad time to focus on the pump is doing the best he can them my the here too far away from the front work always ways on people's minds even if life in this part of ukraine is very different the sideboards commemorate
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people from the final gifts for falling at the front. one of them was friends with vitale and her husband. there was a clue gets horrible. maybe just never should have happened. you know, every day there are more of these pictures of the year ago. this boulevard was only half as full of them. the you remember people learn to survive in every situation. you get used to everything. you survive the the to say plastic one is non pines,
11:58 am
most practical inventions is threatening to suffocate its creation. but there is hope that we can get a grip on plastic pollution house. let's have a look. tomorrow today. d w in good shape. then i'm preventative health care to hampton checkout. lifestyle changes. while you do, men take stops, pull care of themselves. easy, fix, change in good shape. in 90 minutes on the w, the
11:59 am
largest category, issues or thoughts say well crazy. the why do humming does not get drunk. why do gravitational waves squeeze all bodies? how much do we need to put a stop fun cream for help find beyond is getting smaller on dw science, outtake talk channel. the
12:00 pm
. this is equal to you news line from berlin. good news and bad for climate active is after key judgments from the european court of human rights. the stress for court upholds are complained by 2000 swiss women that government in action on climate change puts them at risk of the core throughout planes from portugal and friends. also coming up as palestinians return to the ruins of gaza, 2nd largest cities hun eunice, following is rarely withdrawal. benjamin netanyahu says israel's military and set a date for the ground invasion of nearby rough.


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