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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 9, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm CEST

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[000:00:00;00] the, this is the, the, you news line from berlin. good news and bad for climate active is after key judgments from the european court of human rights. the stress for court upholds are complained by 2000 swiss women that government in action on climate change puts them at risk of the core throughout claims from portugal and friends. also coming up as palestinians return to the ruins of gaza, 2nd largest cities, hon. eunice, following is rarely withdrawal. benjamin netanyahu says, israel's military and set
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a date for the ground. invasion of nearby rough and german government lawyers tell the new ones tom, port berlin, support for israel does not breach international law. they argue a claim by nicaragua, that berlin is helping israel commit. genocide in gaza is grossly biased and the us congress was due to vote on a new funding package for ukraine. money urgently needed to help you frame shore up its ground and air defenses in the east following the fall of the gun and a relentless russian bombing campaign against the city of harkey. the . i'm fairly sure welcome to the show. the european court of human rights has ruled in favor of swiss pensioners that there governments failure to act on climate change, violated their human rights,
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is the 1st time the court has accepted such an argument. but it wasn't all wins for active as the judges in strasbourg, throughout the case brought by young portuguese climate campaigners on similar grounds. another case brought by a french former mayor, was also ruled in missile. and we can go straight to strasbourg, where the w for spawn and bend regan is standing by for us band, 2 cases dismissed. and a wind of sorts for the swift. how the decisions been received by people there and the cord. what are you hearing is of course the french and the portuguese applicants disappointed because the court said that they did not prove that the individual individually and a pump by a climate change and have not exhausted all the good policies in the whole countries. but this is ladies, this with the pension, if they have cause of cheering and celebrating here because they got at least a half when because of the code for,
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for the 1st time ever accepted that the climate change has also a human rights. under the you'll see and convention in that switzerland has not done enough to predict these rights of the dismiss seniors and also there was no failed twice in switzerland before that. so i talked to some of the suites ladies here, and of course they are very cheerful and very happy that they have got this verdict and also talk to a spokes post office with the government. she said no sweets will check this verdict very slowly, but there will be no practical consequences immediately because the court did not apply any measures on switzerland. you only said that so was 7, has to do more. so it has to be seen of what that will do in the future. but the, the tried the applications like ins. 32 of the european states brought by paul to
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go about the portuguese applicants also get in mississippi. it's of course, up to national courts to impose concrete measures there, but what have the judges said about the reasons behind those decisions today as well as it does, it says that article 8 of the vin convention of human rights also includes the protection against the climate change in the pollution emissions and all of the health habits that come to that and this is actually new and this has not done before. and the grand chamber of the court. 17 judges declared that this would be no part of further legislation. more cases pending here in straus book and also pending in other color codes over the road. and this could be a kind of
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a guidance how these are trials with this you in the future. that was data. we use ben rigo covering this landmark trial in strasbourg. thank you so much. i and dw senior climate reporter louise osborne joins me now in the studio. louise, what's your main take away from these rulings today? i mean, obviously it has been a blow to these 2 groups, particularly to the portuguese on to the, the french plaintiffs in the cases. but these cases were made admissible on mid details. and so it doesn't prevent anyone else coming to the court and potentially trying again to see whether they can can move forward. it's also put would be the ruling for the swift retirees has been put government from north just because switzerland has been told that it's a, it's goals are woefully inadequate and that they are not doing enough. and obviously that is true of a lot of governments around the world. so this is something that they will be taking on and,
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and perhaps thinking about more clearly as result. so there's not being a success as big as may be expected or hold for by many climate activists implies in no way that european governments are doing enough to protect the climate. absolutely, you know, i mean, we can see that we have reports that have put been put out by scientists and engineers that are showing that the european governments are categorically not doing enough. the goals that they have in place at the moment, which leads to average global warming of around 3 degrees, which is far too high. so what scientist said, we should be limited in global warming to so they definitely do need to be doing more, including uh, you know, putting in place states to phase out fossil fuels. i know to be concentrating so heavily on technologies like copping cap to storage, which they hope would allow them to continue buttoning fossil fuels. and what would lead to more global warming eventually because this technology is just not ready or
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bass of the kind of scale that that they would be looking for. and what other avenues are there then for climate active, is to to increase the pressure on government around the world. not only here in europe, i mean there are many, many cases pending across the world a through with the courts. maybe not at the level of be the human rights court court, although there are still fix trials to, to be felt there on that. but against government, against states in the us, for example, against companies to tell them that they need to be bringing down at their carbon dioxide emissions. and those cases are still in play. there have been successes elsewhere in the world as well in the us. for example, in the states of montana last year, 16 units, one a case against the state of for not including fossil fuel reduction is adequately enough. so those are things that they can still be moving forward with, but we've also seen the success of, you know, street campaigns like
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a fridays for future let by costumes, like, for example, and the impact that has had worldwide. and obviously those methods are still there and ready for us to be using and it doesn't look like this will make them back down any time soon that was lose osborne, our senior claimant report. thank you so much. i its well onto israel were prime minister benjamin netanyahu says a dates has been set for sending ground forces into a rough up, but he is not specified when this will happen. us opposes the assault on gaza, southern no city saying it would have a devastating impact on civilians and israel's own security. and that in yahoo statement comes days after israel's army withdrew troops from nearby han unice. some thousands of already started to return to the rubble in gauze, a 2nd largest city over a 1000000 are still sheltering and rougher. most of gauze population has been displaced by the is really offensive,
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which was launched after the october 7th. her attacks by lieutenant colonel pier learner is a spokesman for israel's military. you're told is why is really considered as rough ought to be so crucial to the feet home us. we do know that in the gaza strip there are still at least a 6 operational a battalions of almost 4 of those indeed in the rough area to in most central grocer um, operating at a lower capacity. but in the south and roughly there are still for operational battalions. if we're going to be successful, it dismantling. how much we're going to have to go to rough. i think if we've learned anything from our risk operation 2 months ago, in rough up the hostages are being held there. and then there is a extensive force that can conduct organized bites and you're getting stuff. so we need to operate in order to get rid of from us and bring back the hostages over here to their israel,
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seems determined to go into roughly despite many calls opposing this plan. i asked our correspond antonio kramer in jerusalem, why israel would still take this risky step to well, i mean, i think is what it doesn't see it as a risk. uh, it does see it as an assessment team. you just heard it from the spokes person of the is really military and you've heard it also from prime minister benjamin netanyahu, the time and time again. that is the military needs to go into run for us to destroy those 4 battalions. so also still a searching for the leadership and there's also a lot of pressure netanyahu this announcements, and that there's a date for russell, although it wasn't specified when and how this will happen. uh, also was cutting wood came off to a lot of criticism by his power, right? a copy to administer saying the policy of maximum price on how much needs to be maintained. and of course, this all happens and defines of a, you know,
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international position international, a pressure of not a going ahead, especially also from is, was key. i like united states, they have said that is what needs to present a clear plan, how they will create or how they will bring those. uh, estimated 1000000 people that are sheltering uh, in rough to some, uh, sort of a safety. the tools that are going on between the us and is rarely officials to explain how they're going to do it. i mean, the tool cost is for the residents and for those displays people in, in russell. and if you use the word charging, it's also not really describing the situation there are as strikes and strikes on the city as well as the war is going on. and we've been talking to people the in the past week. so it's been saying as we don't know where to go, we don't know what to do and they're very, very concerned about these announcements that are coming every other day that an
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operation is imminent. yeah, and that is part of why the us, for example, is calling for an immediate cease fire, and a mazda in israel, both then delegations, to cairo for truth talks on sunday, mazda, which is, of course, considered a terrorist organization by many states as it is now studying the terms of a new proposed true steel. what more can you tell us? well, this came off, the high levels took, said by the mediators, and also were research the u. s. over the weekend. now we understand that having us has said that it's this proposal that was submitted by egypt and cut our a to how much doesn't need any of the demands, but they will continue studying that. and there is the expectation that they will give another answer some time. assume no, of course we have heard this many times before. and depending on which source of you know you're hearing,
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sometimes it's set this progress. sometimes that said the gets a very wide, it's mainly about how much demands this thing that needs to be a full seas for the needs to be full withdrawal. and a people needs to be able to need to be able to return to the north. so we're waiting to see what will actually happen here in the coming hours. i was dw corresponding, tonya kramer in jerusalem is always great to get your insights. thanks so much. well i'm in hopes for a cease fire and time for the end of ramadan. families and gaza have been doing their best to prepare for 8 of feature. the celebrations marking the end of the fasting month. but with most of the population displaced by the finding and much of causes, infrastructure destroyed is here's facilities, will be more of them, difficult to organize these pastries, the tradition need baked and eaten by palestinians to celebrate, eat the end of the who in the month of ramadan, but this
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u i l muster all we is preparing them in a make shift oven. next to the tense. she says with her sisters and the children as they fled to the homes to this comes in rough uh in the southern gaza exemption gotten into by his feed. used to be joyful. yeah, monsieur was beautiful. we used to make these pastries with loved ones and distribute them, but nowadays, and had there's no joint needs. and so, and because we've been displaced from our homes, you know, in this, our family members have been killed the due for a student guys assessing. and if so, that's the values of each doesn't bring as much joy anymore. right. and i'm on crowds gather in this small kitchen, the city of dade, on follow in central garza to buy supplies for the religious holiday. here to the annual festivities,
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overshadowed by the ongoing conflict and food shortages have led to price spikes. while they're on top of because of the war here in gaza, there's no service or joy. the prices are too high. no one is able to enjoy e u. n. trucks arrived indeed on file for the 1st time in 2 months to distributing critical supplies among several schools and shelters. but this when huge trickle of age does not go far enough to help the palestinians who are sheltering here. as they face malnutrition and disease. to the hague, now were germany has presented its defence at the international court of justice. after nicaragua accused berlin of facilitating genocidal acts in gaza. germany
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has firmly rejected nicaraguans accusations in opening statements. jeremy emphasized what it calls it's special. historical responsibility for israel security stemming from jeremy's actions during the holocaust, would argue that it's military support for israel under goes rigorous examination. and that germany is doing as of most to balance its responsibilities to both israel and the palestinian people. germany also challenged the legal basis of the case brought to find the corolla, the president, members of the court, the bulk of nicaragua application in a request to says this, israel's conduct and alleged violations of international law. but israel. but this is not the case brought against israel. the corolla has initiated proceedings against germany, germany funded projects. nicaragua speculations have no basis. in fact, total. they are dependent on an assessment of conduct, but it's really not
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a party to these proceedings fall from enabling electric breaches of the most fundamental rules of international law. germany has called consistently for the strict compliance with international law. germany is always acted on this basis. so let's take a closer look, what's the w corresponding, let's say a children's at the i c j in the hague. we'll see how we just heard of there, the head of the german delegation at the i c j. basically saying, these accusations are for israel to respond to and not for us was that they're only response to nicaragua. the challenge. i know it clearly wasn't there, but also going a bit into the effects into what nicaragua is claiming. and you correct are saying that germany is helping of facilitating an alleged genocide file to sending military assistance to israel and business one point where jeremy and he said that the fact that history
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a that you can progress has been giving them are indeed mission representation. and they have been going into detail, they're saying that the rep and deliveries that they have been sending to you as well. since october 7th, we have to 98 percent so called either military equipment and not war veterans. they're making a distinction there and run it came to the wall gap and several to say that a part of these that are considered to be wall that and spell it your own to used for testing. so they have never been used, according to germany, in the gall, this trip were never meant to be used to. so that was one of the points that germany was making. and the other big points that they were talking about where the stop of the funding for them. right. and they are germany said that they have taken the decision on the 27th of january. uh, but this, this is a decision has no go ahead. no really effect because they read no pending money that were supposed to go to the gall this trip. and then there's also been mentioning that since october 7th, it has been
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a tripling. it's too many terry and assistance to the goddess trip, also via other organizations. note are due to in rough, so these are the main arguments spectrum us presenting here on the picture day is today. all right, so now that the court has heard both sides of the argument, what's going to happen next? there. so now the court is going to decide whether it's going to grande's provision or measure of state in colorado. it has been asking for nicaragua, mainly wants germany to stop all military assistance to reassure you. and also the 2nd point to start funding, one rug in business would be groggy as off for now, the court will decide whether it wants to grantor's or whether it wants to grant other provision. the mattress or not at all is exactly because the icing j as not yet accepted the case. it has done so though with other guys are related issues in recent months. so what are the chances of this case actually going forward?
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this is really difficult to say at this stage. what is clear is also that even if there might be a decision on the provision to measure to measure measures which is expected, expected relatively quickly within the next 2 weeks or within weeks. that does not mean that the case of what's moved forward into the show cause merits face. there are a lot of pitfalls for this case. so to say, one thing is clear, germany does not want to see these uh, physician emetrius tests just off the court to dismiss the request for the provision of address and has also asked to strike the case altogether from the list of cases. so germany wants to not see this case moving forward better. this is the case or not the judges federal just go into deliberations of we'll have to decide and we have to bear in mind that the i, c j. it lacks the means to actually enforce these measures. that was loosely your shows and thank you so much. before we move on, we want to bring in some breaking news that are coming in just now. the united
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nations migration agency says $38.00 bodies have been recovered after a short break off that you beauty coast, the international organization for migration said in a post on ex, formerly twitter of the bodies include those of children and that's at least 6 others are missing and presumed dead $22.00 survivors are said to be assisted by the i o. m and local authorities will bring you more on the story as soon as we can . but 1st, let's take a look at some other stories making news around the world today. echo doors, former vice president quarter glass has been hospitalized just days after ecuadorian police storm, the mexican embassy to arrest him. mexico cut diplomatic ties. following the incident, prison authorities said gloss was taken to the naval hospital after refusing to eat china as foreign minister wong. he has said that beijing will continue to increase
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its strategic cooperation with moscow. he made the comments after hosting his russian counterpart, sir de la ralph or talks and the chinese capital. the 2 countries have ramped up cooperation in recent years, even as russia's war and ukraine has left its international way isolated, mostly so through the russian authorities or warning of more flooding to come. and the country southern oregon board region, water levels and the ural river are still rising after it broke through a dam. on friday, thousands of people have been forced to flee their homes and the era close to the cons. that border in recent days in the united states, the house of representatives returns to work today with all eyes on speaker mike johnson. after months of wrangling over ukraine age, he's promised to finally put the bite and administration $60000000000.00 support package up for
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a vote. ukraine desperately needs more military support with president loading. there's a lensky even saying this week, but keith could lose the war against russia. without it, it will be used in economy. has this report on the struggle to shore up ukraine's eastern front against advancing russian forces. february 2024. how gun $5.00 to $1.00 ukrainian troops pulled out collab. dave, go. the russians not only have many, most soldiers and shells descended to battle. they also had plains to launch heavy blood booms that can read through fortifications. 6 grand couldn't go out because it didn't know when the next trudge of us mitre 8, would arrive. that withdrawal from f d if it's become a symbol of what happens when you grange west and support is distracted. when you've seen your ukrainian partner described what happened to me, he said that you know, our man for as long as hard as they could. we ran out of ammunition and the
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russians just kept coming. and i think without supplemental assistance in 2024, you're going to see more of the because russian troops and making progress, even if it's slow, us based institute for the study of full estimates. they've taken some 300 square kilometers since the start of the simple speaking to german broad cost a. d, ukrainian spikes. you've got a little done of predicted that russian forces would step up that campaign with a major offensive in early summer school. this would be great at best 2 months to prepare according to productive rusher, wants to take the remaining parts of genetic region, still controlled by key of focusing in particular on the key logistics hubs. like from a task across that makes the next few weeks in washington crucial because you create new military expert alexander vehicle. yeah, sure. when that was what the, what the beautiful, the morgan. yup schuman. if it don't get more immunization and results, we're going to see the equipment arm is slowly for us to pull back. is russian
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makes the most of the situation that she believes he, i don't see a apple but have dropped as much and as what it was, it's not just the do not squeeze in that scene and uptake and fighting in recent weeks. like if just 35 kilometers from the russian border. seeing missile strikes, intensified as present as a rushing state to be called on that on me to white the city of the mass minneapolis. i'm convinced that this means the russian ground defensive is actually on the cards. and if i give receivables alone with the device, you will, i'm sure increased the decks and how kimberly was i think we will probably see them can switch rates some to near the board to make it look like they're ready to a tech. it's all about forcing the equipment army to support itself out and go down to some of the semester to use in this kind of. hopefully you can just keep another and boss with a still stuck in washington. some minute resources and kids have been giving evon more alarm is briefings. and even if you don't take these at face value,
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it is getting much harder. just to hold on to derek. g. green and forces a digging in behind the front lines using what they have the latest comp time much further ahead. and that a year ago ukraine was asking for western aid to help re take russian occupied territory right now. or you crank and hurtful just to prevent more of the because and we leave you now with a dazzling cosmic co incidence. some of the best images of monday's total solar eclipse,
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as it was seen by hundreds of millions across north america. the, the is to say, 61 is non pines, most practical inventions is threatening to suffocate its creation. but there is hope that we can get a grip on plastic pollution. how? let's have a look. tomorrow today, dw,
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in good shape. then i'm preventative health care to hand and the doctor visits checkups lifestyle change while you do, men take stops, pull care of themselves. easy, fix, change in good shape. in 60 minutes on d, w, the dig ultimate beauty companies play a role in the destruction of the rain forest. i have kind of raise all over brazilian. we process $30000.00 hides a day and 90 percent of that is for the forward market. the auto industry, for example,
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the letter for luxury costs awesome comes from illegal capital funds in the m, as in yet the automobile industry doesn't care about the supply chain. process. all that must have a legal letter. the stats may stood on d, w, the to open the lid or in the hot water and enjoy all that's left afterwards. he's the packaging. what do we do with all the plastic weight? or could we manage without plastic? the welcome to tomorrow to date is fine. and show on dw, well, eagles has been a favorite for decades. the japanese version is especially popular among young


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