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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 9, 2024 1:00pm-1:30pm CEST

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the, the business, the w news live from val in a group of swiss pensioners wins a key court ruling against the wrong gulf. buick being called schumann writes of polls the complaint that governments inaction on climate change quotes been adverts about. the quote throws out claims from people in portugal and from also coming up german government lawyers tell the un installed cost components support for israel does not preach international load. they argue a claim by nicaragua. the berlin is helping israel commit genocide and gaza is grossly biased. as applied to a for a hinge, a fleeing from bundle of dish to indonesia, despite offerings, temporary shelter,
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coastal communities in west palm shapes cross. i'm struggling to cope with the refugees who faced increasing hostilities from the host. the guy both is welcome to the program being called of human rights as ruled in favor of swiss pension us that the government's failure to act on climate change violated best human rights. it's the 1st time the court has accepted such an argument and opens the door to more legal challenges, but it wasn't all wins for activists. the judges in strasburg, throughout a similar case, bought by young portuguese plan to contain his own procedural grounds. another case followed by a french form, a mayor was also ruled in miss and now the swift companion is welcome to
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landmark routing. after 7 years of legal battles, as well as east coast of what i have understood is that switzerland has really done too. let's so to come back to climate crisis and has their football, i like to to human rights. that's a nice victory. i'm not the studies of the paris climate agreement was ratified with the $1.00 degree target, which is no longer achievable. so effective measures must now be taken west of a possible as quickly as possible the mouse. and i'm going to assume we have known for 50 years that something has to be done by some control inside seems to be out and that's much less marketing. now let's go straight to strasburg, where the w for split the balance sheet of the standing by at the bottom. we just heard a to of this way as women you will have been talking to them. what else have they been saying about the quotes decision to the least was ladies of a cheerful because they say that's more than we would have as i expected. and the
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co and also some legal experts. you said there was a surprise that the court actually said that the protection against climate change is part of the human rights in europe. and now everybody can see, it says, states or government if you things that they don't do enough. so this is a landmark case, it opens a legal pause rates in many isn't much of the litigation that might come. and the cd lady is not expect that switzerland reduced something, but a spokes person of the swiss government also spoke to a said, well on the ground, nothing will actually change because the government maintains that they are doing enough against climate change. so this whole thing is back in the political arena now in switzerland and one has to rate what actually would come out of this try in practical methods. and so when of thoughts for this, with up to cases dismissed, what were the reasons behind that decision?
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did they you were being code of human rights did not actually go into the substance of these 2 cases from paul to go in front because it said the french applicant is not living in front of him. also, he cannot claim that the government is doing something against him case dismissed. and then the portuguese case was 6 youngest of half price applications because it says, and these youngsters have not exhausted the legal pause in part to go. they have to do that at 1st and then come to the court in stroudsburg and also claiming or trying to suit. 32 of the states in europe is not admissible. and also they, this case was thrown out to douglas bound thing of them. and for some stress, but thank you very much band us and we've been out the studio is the w as senior crime and for the louise. osborne louise,
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what's your main take away now from this decision? i mean, obviously it was the setback for the french and portuguese cases, but they were made admitted in admissible on mia details. and it was a huge success for the, the swift groups who have now had this issue of climate change connected with their human rights, which obviously opens up a whole world for, for others seeking to make the same argument in their own countries. and a switzerland is not alone and having a goals that are just that too low. so a people will be looking at the room countries and seeing how they can also look to take what court action, what that is also the case. now this verdict, all this decision comes on a day with sign to say that march was the hottest ever recorded a march. what does this mean for the action that the governments have taken? well, i mean, exactly we've, we've seen the record set every month over the last 10 months. we're seeing
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a huge amounts of extreme weather in europe, particularly, which is also one of the, the fastest and most heating continents in the world. so the, the actions that governments are taking here is not sufficient. and joe's scientists have all set this. they've said the european union's actions or promises for action on climate change would see a 3 degree rise in the global temperatures, which is obviously way too high for your parents side as well. the part way or the parents. i mean power. so set a $1.00 degrees, so this would double that. um, so it's clear that they're not doing enough. there's no date to phase out fossil fuels yet, which is something that they should in theory be moving towards scientists say. and they're relying on technology like copping cup to storage to basically be able to continue pumping out fossil fuels that are leading to global warming. and it cont,
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continually like that. so what other avenues other enough for a active is to hold the government's should come? i mean, obviously a court action is still completely open despite those 2 cases that were old and admissible. and like i said it's, it's set a precedent, be switched verdict for people to come forward with the complaints about the human rights being violated on the basis of climate change. and they were already many, many court cases taking place around the world. and they will continue to be taken against a national governments in states. so we will see that continued. thank you very much, lose. osborne or senior fund tripled way go to the hague. now with germany has presented its defense at the international court of justice. often, nicaragua, excuse berlin, a facilitating genocide will act in gaza, gemini,
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as from the rejected nicaragua accusations, an opening statement strongly emphasized what it calls it's special, historical responsibility for israel security. it stems from germany's actions during the holocaust. and a lot of germany argue that it's military support for israel and the ghost, vigorous and national examination, and that the country is doing is optimal. it's to balance. it's responsibilities to both israel and the palestinian people. god, germany also challenge the legal basis of the case bullets funding for rob, why? the president, members of the court, the bulk of nicaragua, application and it's a request that says this, israel's conduct and alleged violations of international law. but israel. but this is not the case brought against israel. the corolla has initiated proceedings against germany, to germany suddenly rejects nicaragua speculations. they have no basis. in fact
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total. they are dependent on an assessment of conduct, but it's really not a potty to these proceedings fall from enabling electric breaches of the most fundamental rules of international law. germany has called consistently for the strict compliance with international law. germany is always acted on this basis. and have some breaking news, so you see, and i to nations, migration agencies associated bodies have been recovered, offer shit, break off that you booty, coast the international organization for migration, set in a post on x that to the bodies include those of children that at least 6 of those i'm missing and presumed dead. the island and to booty and local authorities offset to be assisting $22.00 survivors. now let's take a look at some of the other stories making headlines today. equitable as former vice president for good class has been hospitalized as days officer x,
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the door and police, the mexican embassy to arrest him. mexico comfortable magic ties. following the incidents, present authorities, set blast was taken to the naval hospital after refusing to eat russian authorities. one of more flooding to come in the countries southern or in the region water levels into your old river are still rising off to a dike broke on friday, thousands of people have been forced to flee the homes in the area close to the contract border in recent days starts cars onto china now with roches for administer said a lot for off is meeting his chinese council pods. wong, the in a badging both countries hoping to deepen ties and strength and strategic corporation with the partnership growing of us ever closest since russia invasion of ukraine. us officials have recent, they won't be changed against providing in direct aid to the russian war. if it's
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a regularly just china to wield its influence, to help bring about peace, settled in ukraine of what's in them. and for more than this, we can cross live to badging of the gentlest fabia encouragement. joining us from the fabi and today's the 2nd day of level of visit board with the main points on the agenda. so yeah. level of basically i had 2 high ranking talks today, the 1st one that was to be expected with a 40 minutes. the one e, and there was enough for a friend, the rhetoric that both sat, for example one you said that the, if i left ro, ties between russia and china, has been elevated to the highest level in history. and what was really remarkable is what happens later because the level of also met with a seating ping, china is head of state and no date is not really very common. that a minister gets to meet the head of the state of a country. and i mean, it goes to show how important the bilateral relationship is for china. and also
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what is really interesting, if you look into the archives the last time when level of was meeting with a seating ping. at the several weeks later, russian president vladimir 14 came to visit it to china and you know now that's a lot of talk going on that level of visit. and badging might also pay for the way for another delegation that could be left by a poor team. here to china. now if i'm in a china, i'm the has always been trying to find the balance between keeping it's aligns with russia strong while staying friendly to the west. this time the language used, but both of elk grove and long as he seems hostile. does this signal shift in chinese foreign policy? you think of i mean, i would call it the logical consequence actually if you look at the statements and all the rhetoric by china, it was just from the beginning of russia's full scale invasion and ukraine,
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a pseudo neutrality with a very, very heavy pro russell leading into a tendency, so in the beginning of the russian propaganda was repeated by chinese state media. and the economic trait between russia and china has been blooming since the beginning of the war and so on. and you know that they rolled out the red carpet for protein while for a very long time. china ignore the ukrainian president, savanski. so i could go in on and on about this. now, when you look at the really remarkable that the russian side is more prominent, i mean, the aspect that russia sees china is a pot and it's, you know, fight against west and hit jump, had gone to me as they call it. it was more prominent. i think china statement was most up to most subtle, and that shows you that, you know, china wants to have it both. they want to have meet the want to maintain very close relationship with russia. what at the same time keeping europe and the west as a trade partner. and i think those to go to achieve them at the same time,
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but increasingly difficult and not only the us, but also you are open of putting more pressure on china to a basically not prove provide, rushed up with an economic lifeline and economic life. and that also finances at pollutants, one you crate, which on this funding customer that for us in the badging. thank you for the in the us house of representatives. we tons to work today with all eyes on speaker mike johnson of the month of wrangling over ukraine. aid these promise to finally put the button up ministrations. $60000000000.00 support package up for a vote. you find desperately needs mon military support with president followed them. is alaska saying this week if could lose the war against russia without its due? that'd be as nic connelly as this report in february 2024. how gun $5.00 to $1.00 ukrainian troops pulled out collab. do you have the russians not only have many, most soldiers and shells defended tobacco. they also have plains to launch heavy
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black booms that can route through fortifications. ukraine couldn't go out because it didn't know when the next trunks of us met g 8 would arrive. that withdrawal from f d as has become a symbol of what happens when you cranes west and support has a distracted. when you've seen your ukrainian partner described what happened to me, he said that you know, our man for as long and as hard as they could. we ran out of ammunition and the russians just kept coming. and i think without supplemental assistance in 2024, you're going to see more of the because russian troops are making progress, even if it's low. the us based institute for the study of full estimate, they've taken some 300 square kilometers since the start to the support speaking to german broad cost a o d ukrainians by chief get a little done of predicted, the russian forces would step up the campaign with a major offensive in the summer to cool, this would be great at best 2 months to prepare according to put down a rush,
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it wants to take the remaining parts of genetic regions, still controlled by key of focusing in particular on the key logistics hubs. like from a task across that makes the next few weeks in washington crucial because you're brand new military expert. looks on the vehicle. yep, sure. when that was the, what the beat, it should have been more than the extra money if it don't get more immunization and resources. we're going to see the equipment arm is slowly for us to pull back. is russian makes the most of the situation that you believe to you. i don't see a product as much and that was what it was. it's not just the do net squeezen that seen it uptake and fighting in recent weeks. like if just 35 kilometers from the russian border scene, we saw strikes, intensified as present as a russian estate tv. who's on that? oh me to wipe the city of the map minneapolis. i'm convinced that this means the russian ground defensive is actually on the cards inside of give receivables. it
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will not be russia we'll, i'm sure increased the effects and how kimberly was i think we will probably see them concentrate some to near the board to make it look like they're ready to a tech. it's all about forcing the equipment army to support itself out and go down to some of the semester to use in this can only you can just keep another and boss with 8 still stuck in washington. some minutes. resources and kids have been giving ever more alarm is briefings. and even if you don't take these at face value, it is getting much harder just to hold on to derek. g. great forces digging in behind the front lines using what they have. that lead is comp time much further ahead than that. a year ago ukraine was asking for western aid to help re take russian occupied territory. right now or you crank and hopeful is to prevent more of the east coast. nearly a 100 people are dead up to an overloaded boat sank off the coast of mozambique,
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according to local officials. many of those on board were fleeing. i'm. it says of a color uh, outbreak of the celtic scenes on a beach in num pulled up province in mozambique all of the dead work bessengers on a small fishing boat capsized bit more than a 100 people, including many children on board. they said that no good any at all. my sister was with a grand daughter and all that was 3 family members on the bus. and 2 of them died the bottle, which was like, but they don't need the fishing vessel was heading from luna to mozambique island. then it's think local authorities say the overloaded boat was being used as a mix ship. sadie, what did they do?
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it was not authorized to get any bessengers many of those on board water board or di trying to flee a colored outbreak on the mainland. according to the government, data mozambique has recorded on most 15000 cases of canada and 32 debts in the past 6 months to introduce an outage in recent months, a seen an increase in the number of migrants arriving on the tools brought him to refugees. have been slain, overcrowded comes in bangladesh. they've been living there for years, having escaped violence persecution in me on law despite not recognizing them as refugees. indonesia has provided some temporary shelter, but coastal communities in west struggling to cope and is the w settlements in my one simple reports from audrey, the mainly mazda in the hands of refugees are facing increasing hostility from some
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of the federal moslems. fisherman up good road. he's happy to have his boat back, relies on it to make a living and feed his family. he lost it when he and his book kept sizes while trying to help to who you're writing checks. grove helps the 6 lives, but he says he's good deed costs him due to the progress i still be try to only one person was supposed to get on board to call for health and physical but more and more people climbed on board one. and then we capsized modeling. if they'd done what i asked, we wouldn't have gone into problems. i am the victim here. i have lost more than 4 months and come to the dow about the water bottle. fishermen like after rove, are often the 1st to spot and help the refugees. but he sees he will not help. in future though he has had been stranded at sea for 3 days,
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trying to make the dangers crossing from bangladesh. of the 142 people who attempted the crossing in march. i chased search and rescue the manage to save of further 69. the rest bears as the the numbers have been rising. we're all here right. even easier last year didn't the previous for a combined annual position to their presence and i to is going to i don't accept them because they have their own land. they have their own country. we ourselves in our own land, still need attention to mount government. that's why should we pay attention to people from abroad, but not actually, i'm not going. i refuse because the writing is like gratitude. for example, when they were given rise, they felt that the rise was not enough for them. people don't want them to leave in the village. so this is where they have ended up in the temporary shelter in the yard of a government office. the authorities and eat organizations
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say they want to find them something better. there's a plan to re house throwing out an empty buildings on the outskirts of town. but this has also been mapped with opposition from local officials. are apple, us. so you have anybody. and while i personally and the government pray that they will not to come to west, i'll try again. because frankly we, i know some read to you. and this, the rejection from the community, the community really won't accept more arrivals. let us look with that with the gloomy some of the despite the grubbing presenting sounds like a nice are helping, providing food quotes and other sites, especially at this time offer on monday. but each group say you to take more then to monitoring just you. they want for their house from the government with continuing pensions in myanmar. it's likely that increasing number of for here
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with secret future, not just in the future. well for more and this week and i'll speak to and maintenance as he's the u. n. h c. also representative in, in the news and you and it's the are, has a protection program in bunk let do so in arrange accounts. wow. so many then of feeling compelled to flee to indonesia. a good, good evening and thank you for is asking for the interview and for shifting light on this a very tragic situation. yes, it is correct that we have a your present is and i know but ration in cox poseida in buying a dish where we work with the civil populism, with deal far cheese. but it's important to keep in mind that i am the u. n. h. our representative for indonesia, so my area of responsibility is not funded fish, but i can tell why the refugee what the references are telling us when they arrive
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in the indonesia. and that is indeed that the 2 main reasons are 1st of all of the machine gun they are from the mall. they left the in 2017. but the real hand displacement out of me a mob is a very long one that have the been going on for several decades. and the last displacement you had was from tooth uh it wasn't 2017 that we have warranty around . 1000000 refugees in cox pesa and there is no prospect unfortunately for voluntary return to me amount. we just want to be able to go to the for interrupting you here. but i would have to look at the current situation. what steps is the, when it's the, uh, which is your organization taking to address the violence within the attempts?
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we work very closely with your socrates and, and trying to address the problems from a protection and go. but i say i do not have the full details of all our programs and it's also important to keep in mind you and a, it's a humanitarian agency. we are not an agency that can tackle and address in security. we need close support from the, from authorities and from a range of pop, most of and we addressing that. but it's not only because of the in security that the reputation of leaving. it's also because a lack of opportunities. these cams, uh uh, that is a deterioration of the humanitarian coordinator, the condition in cox pizza. we have see the reduction india systems because of lack of funding. the regular, the mot slides, when there is a heavy rain,
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the breaking the, the files the go through the cam. so it's a very precarious situation that the remedies are in. so they are looking like any one good, full and. 1 petunia, t to live and safety. thank you very much. i'm a member of the u. n. h c, or a representative in indonesia. thank you so much. i and that's it from me, this team for now you're up to date and i have an update for you at the top of the hour, but don't go away. up next. the wellness magazine in good shape the colleagues are looking at hallman can better look off to the house. but of course, i've got a office in berlin from the of the whole news team here. the
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are in good shape and preventative health care to huntington checkout, lifestyle changes. while you do, men take stops, pool care of themselves. easy fix, change in good shape. next on d,
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