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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 9, 2024 2:00pm-2:16pm CEST

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the, the business dw new slides from ballot. the group of swiss pension it's wins a key called ruling against their own government, b, r, p, and quote of human rights oppose the complaint that governments in accidental climate change puts the mattress box. the codes throughout claims from people in portugal and from also coming up german government lawyers tell that you installed the cold berlin support for israel does not pretend to a national. lo stay strongly rejected a claim by nicaragua, the proteins helping isabel committed genocide in gaza.
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the guy that says, welcome to the program. the european court of human rights as ruled in favor of swiss pension is that to the government's failure to act on climate change violated the human rights. it's the 1st time the court has accepted such an argument. opens the door to more legal challenges to compel government to do more to fight finance climate change. they so is government says it is analyzing the ruling, but it wasn't all wins for activists. the judge's instruct book throughout a similar case followed by young portuguese climate companion is on procedural across another case, both by a french form a male was also ruled in it miss this was compiled as well comp lunmark holding after 7 years of legal battles. so as far as the 1st time,
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what i have understood is that switzerland has really done too, let's so to come back to climate crisis and has the full body light to, to human rights. so that's a nice victory. not the studies of the paris climate agreement was ratified with the $1.00 degree target, which is no longer achievable. so affective measures must now be taken where of a possible as quickly as possible, the mouse. and i'm going to assume we have known for 50 years that something has to be done by some of your own sites. seems to be out in the small plus marketing w correspond the bad guys spoke to this with comparing us. we just hood and stop the book and told us more about what people have been saying about the verdict, or the least was ladies of a cheerful, because they say that's more than we would have ever expected. and the co and also some legal experts. you said there was a surprise that the court actually said that the protection against climate change is part of the human rights in europe. and now everybody can see, it says,
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states or government if you things that they don't do enough. so this is a landmark case, it opens a legal costs rates in many isn't much of the litigation that might come. and the cd a lady is not expect that switzerland reduced something but a spokes person of the government that i also spoke to said well, on the ground, nothing will actually change because the government maintains that they are doing enough against climate change. so this whole thing is back in the political arena now in switzerland and one has to wait, what actually would come out of this trial in practical methods. and so a wind of thoughts for this with 2 cases dismissed. what were the reasons behind that decision? did they you were being code of human rights did not actually go into the substance of these 2 cases from paul to go and friends because it said the french
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applicant is not living in front of him. oh, so he cannot claim that the government is doing something against in case dismissed . and then the part of each case as 6 youngest of half price applications because it says, these youngsters have not exhausted the legal pause in part to go. they have to do that at 1st and then come to the katya and stroudsburg and also claiming or trying to suit. 32 of the states in europe is not admissible. and also they, this case was thrown out to doctors bouncing back and forth some stuff. but thank you very much back and we've been out the studio is the w as senior time to pull to louise. osborne louise, what's your main take away now from this decision? i mean, obviously it was the set back for the french and portuguese cases, but they were made admitted in admissible on mia details. and it was
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a huge success for the, the swift groups who have now had this issue of climate change connected with their human rights, which obviously opens up a whole world for, for others seeking to make the same argument in their own countries. and the switzerland is not alone and having a goals that are just that too low. so people will be looking at their own countries and seeing how they can also look to take what court action, where that is also the case. now this verdict, all this decision comes on a day assigned to say that march was the hottest ever recorded a march. what does this mean for the action that governments such as well? i mean, exactly we've, we've seen the record set every month over the last 10 months. we're seeing a huge amounts of extreme weather in europe, particularly, which is also one of the, the fastest and most heating continents in the world. so
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the, the actions that governments are taking here is not sufficient. and joe's scientists have set this. they've said the european union's actions or promises for action on climate change would see a 3 degree rise in a global temperatures, which is obviously way too high feel. parasite is well, the part way overpriced. let me parse. is that a $1.00 degree? so this would double bonds, i'm so it's clear that they're not doing enough. there's no date to phase out fossil fuels yet, which is something that they should in theory be moving towards scientists say. and they're relying on technology like copping cup to storage to basically be able to continue pumping out fossil fuels that are leading to global warming. and it cont, continually like that. so what other avenues other enough for a active is to hold the governments on? i mean, obviously
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a court action is still completely open despite those 2 cases that were fooled and admissible. and like i said it's, it's set a precedent, be switched verdict for people to come forward with the complaints about the human rights being violated on the basis of climate change. and they were already many, many court cases taking place around the world. and they will continue to be taken against a national governments in states, so we will see that continue. thank you very much, lose osborne or senior fund tripled. now let's have a look at some of the other stories making headlines today. the un migration agencies says so to bodies have been recovered off to a ship rank off the coast of to booty. international organization for migration said at least 6 others were missing and presumed dead. while 22 survivors were receiving assistance. china is foreign minister wong. you has said that badging
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will continue to increase in strategic cooperation with moscow. he made the comments off the hosting his russian counterparts. i love golf for adults in the chinese capital. the 2 countries have ramped up cooperation in recent years. even as russia's one ukraine is less that internationally. i so that the thought is in russia of wanting, of more flooding to come in the country. southern oregon book of each of the water levels in the euro river are still rising. offer it broke through a dike on friday. thousands of people have been forced to leave that homes in the area close to the cause. our folder, in recent days, for those former president gloss has been hospitalized those days off to ecuador in police. still the mexican embassy to arrest in mexico comfortable magic ties. following the incident, present authorities say glass was taken to a naval hospital officer refusing to eat to the hague. now,
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germany has presented its defense at the international court of justice. often, nicaragua, a choose the berlin of facilitating the alleged genocidal acts in gaza. germany has from the rejected nicaragua, his accusations in opening statements. germany emphasized what it calls its special, historical responsibility for as well. security extends from jeremy's actions during the hold on the last. it argued that it's military support as well, undergoes rigorous national examination of the germany is doing its utmost to balance its responsibilities to both israel and the palestinian people situation and gaza to court. and from all this, i'm not joined by g w as a chief political either told me you say, look, who's the mission of germany has rejected all of nicaragua, as allegations today at the i c j. is that in line with the german foreign policy, that recently has been more critical to us as well as military campaign? it's it is that's the sort on. so basically the done inside argue today
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that there was an i quote, no basis. in fact, no of the accusations made that in this quote alleging that germany was the policies assisting in what the correct were called a genocide or less of the taking place in gauze. of right now, and that very question of whether that was it didn't, the side was already in this court in january when south africa took proceedings against israel. and that very same court did not come to the conclusion that there was a genocide actually happening at the same time is obliged israel to take steps to prevent the side from happening. so clearly a recognition that there was a very serious humanitarian situation to say the very least. and we also sold the tubman farm and this to come out today commenting on these proceedings and highlighting the commitment of the many towards israel. it's right to defend itself
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against the act of terrorism on october 7th by hamas, but also speaking of durham in these efforts to basically count to what she described as a di lemme posed by how mos fielding behind civilians that is following also israel's line of argument saying that the most i will say in the face of such difficult conditions at the same time, we see that continued criticism and this tool. so you and security council resolution that cool for an immediate hold to the 5 thing that we're seeing happening now will apparently take some time before that court ruling or any court ruling will be pronounced. what impact can legal action have on a conflict like the one we're seeing right now and gaza? or it's cons. have an impact on what is actually happening on the ground. because many people who are suffering there are some things running out of time. and what it does have an impact on is the political debate of,
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of what is taking place in gaza and hit united states and germany. i've seen as pretty much the last 2 powerful nations backing israel's actions that we're also seeing the human rights council of the un, which israel basically reject calling for an end for arms of arms deliveries. so that's also part of these proceedings. and so this is part of a political debate and also political campaign to put pressure on israel and its allies, to a sense sleep stop the, the death of civilians on the ground. and history will decide what actually took place is the case of the thank you very much. i a tens of millions of people that have witnessed a rat total solar eclipse in north america. the most shadow travels across the continent from mexico to canada, those lucky enough to be in the pop of till talbot t sold the moon completely cover the sun and briefly turn day into night.
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the last slip of lines before the sun, this swallowed up by the moon. then a single bright speed of lines like the jewel on the diamond ring. before totality. sky gazes across north america with treated to once in a lifetime view. it is so beautiful. oh, my goodness, listen for the birds. i don't hear any during totality the sun's atmosphere, the corona is visible and you can see flash on the sun surface. some of them the size of our own planet. a solar eclipse is the consequence of
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a cosmic co incidence. the sun and the moon appear the same size in our sky, even though the sun is some $400.00 times larger. and every now and then the moon passes directly between us and the sun blocking out its lights and creating a path where when eclipse is visible for those in the center of the path, the eclipse is total with every columbus. so you move of that path. the coverage gets less, a total eclipse usually happens once or twice every yes, somewhere around us. but it's not often that the pos of totality processed through a densely populated colorado like this one from mexico, through the united states and into canada. and just the southern, as it disappeared, the sun returns the sky is again filled with lights. as the moon's shadow
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dissipates, but those who stood in its path, well remember it forever. and that's it. from the end, the news team up next magazine close up focusing on saving the giant's how old growth forests protecting the climate. i've got office and berlin from me and the news team do big companies play a role in the destruction of the rain forest? the letter for luxury cars awesome comes from illegal capital funds in the m as in yet the supply chains does matter to the view industry. the illegal of the stats may said on d w a .


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