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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 9, 2024 3:00pm-3:15pm CEST

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the, the business dw news line from ballot a group of swiss pensioners when's a key role at court ruling against barrel and government bureau p and called the human rights of polls. the complaint that the government in action on climate change puts the mattress above the quote throws out claims from people in portugal and front german government. lawyers tell that you ens, top called berlin, support for israel does not breach international law. the, they strongly reject to the claim bind to colorado, all but for them as helping is will commit alleged genocide in gov the
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i'm guy both as welcome to the program the european court of human rights as ruled in favor of a swiss pension. this, that the government's failure to act on climate change violates that human rights. it's the 1st time the court has accepted suction i'll give it opens the door to more legal challenges to compel the governments to do more to funds global warming . the swiss government says it is analyzing the ruling, but it wasn't all wins for act to this. the judges and stress book throughout a similar case bought by a young portuguese planet containers on procedural grounds. in other case, both by a french form and may, i was also ruled in miss this was containers. welcome, the landmark rolling off to 70 years of legal battles. as the for started,
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what i have understood is that switzerland has really done too. let's so to come back to climate crisis and has the full body light to, to human rights. so that's a nice victory. not the studies of the paris climate agreement was ratified with the $1.00 degree target, which is no longer achievable. so effective measures must now be taken when of a possible, as quickly as possible, the mouse and i'm gonna be so if we have known for 50 years, that something has to be done by some of your own sites seems to be out in the small plus market and did that because funded balances. he got spoke to these swiss competitors in strasburg and told us more about well they've been saying about the verdict. the lease was ladies of a cheerful because they say that's more than we would have ever expected. and the co and also some legal experts. you said there was a surprise that the court actually said that the protection against climate change is part of the human rights in europe. and now everybody can see, it says,
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states or government if you things that they don't do enough. so this is a landmark case. it opens a legal policy. it's in many isn't much of a litigation that might come and the cdl ladies, no expect that switzerland reduce something but a spokes person of the government that i also spoke to said well, on the ground, nothing will actually change because the government maintains that they are doing enough against climate change. so this whole thing is back in the political arena now in switzerland and one has to wait. what actually would come out of this trial in practical methods? and so when of thoughts for this, with 2 cases dismissed, what were the reasons behind that decision that you're being told of human rights did not actually go into the substance of these 2 cases from paul to go in front.
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because it said the french applicant is not living in front of him. also, he cannot claim that the government is doing something against in case dismissed. and then the part of each case as 6 youngest of have 5 applications with this because it says these youngsters have not exhausted the legal pause in paul to go. they have to do that at 1st and then come to the court in stroudsburg and also claiming or trying to suit. 32 of the states in europe is not admissible. and also they, this case was thrown out to doctors bouncing back and forth to some stuff, but thank you very much back a lot simpler. what else is happening around the world and staying with the issue of global warming? the use climate agencies as last month's mostly helps us much on reco globally and the tense, straight months of reco seats,
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according to its data. much temperature has exceeded the pre industrial average by $1.00 degrees celsius side to say the regular braking heat is thanks to rise in greenhouse gas emissions. the u. n. migration agency says $38.00 bodies have been recall that officer ship rake off the coast of to booty. international organization for migration said at least 6 others were missing and presumed dead. while the $22.00 survivors were receiving assistance, china's foreign minister one, he has said that badging will continue to increase at strategic corporation with moscow. he made the comments off to hosting his russian, calling to ponce de la pro for toys and the chinese capital. the 2 countries have ramped up corporation and recently dea's, even as russia's war and ukraine has left the international. the isolated islands. parliament has voted in simon harris's prime minister was replaced. it is leo garth kyle,
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who resigned abruptly last month. the 37 year old from the governing center i've sent a go far to you will be islands. youngest finance, though it is in russia. i wanting of a more flooding to come into the country, southern oregon bug region, which levels in the ural river still rising after it broke through a dike on friday. your 1000 people have been forced to flee that homes in the area close to the cause. our daughter in recent days in germany has presented its defense at the international court of justice to an accusation of facilitating genocide in gaza, nicaragua, and seeking to hold german weapons exports to israel, claiming they are potentially being used to commit electric genocide. germany rejects that. those accusations saying it is trying to balance responsibilities to both israel and the palestinian people. israel security is that the core of german
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foreign policy. that is how germany justified it's going to support of israel as it rejected in nicaragua, as accusations at the i. c. j durham, and he has learned from its post posts that includes the responsibility for one of the most of or if it crime since human history to show us. but despite that history, nicaragua says germany's military support of israel is in breach of the genocide convention. germany is, israel is 2nd to largest supplier of arms and make a rug with says those experts are enabling is riley forces to commit to potential acts of genocide in gaza, application in the gym. and he says, the accusations are not placed on fact and the, let me only supplies on the basis of detached scrutiny. the scrutiny, the only respect but far exceeds the requirements of international law is argued
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different. nicaragua has grossly distorted the quantities and purposes of berlin's palms. exports to israel. and if we look at what has actually been license for export to israel under this framework. since october 2023. we see no artillery shells, no munitions for nearly all x, but the exports involve what is known as of the military equipment. typically of a subordinate or defensive nature position is israel's conduct in gaza. it's central to this case. and so many questions how the cold can rule without israel's presence to allow heat, also lash downs that nicaragua for focusing on israel's actions through but ignoring those of from us fire. unlike nicaragua, drummond is not blind to the fact that thomas also has obligations under international humanitarian law including towards the civilian population in gaza.
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but only that's how most most comply with its obligations. but it also renounces family responsibility in the most significant manner. the judges must now decide whether to impose emergency measures to holt german onto exports to israel no to physical edits. obviously location is following this case and as germany has rejected all ethnic argos allegations, i also by the that was in line with his policy that recently has become more critical tools as well. it's, it is that's the sort on. so basically the done inside argue today that there was an i quote, no basis. in fact, no of the accusations made that in this quote, alleging that many was the policies assisting in what the correct were called a genocide allegedly taking place in gauze of right now. in that very question of whether that wasn't the and the side was already in this court in january when
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south africa took proceedings against israel. and the very same court did not come to the conclusion that there was a genocide actually happening at the same time is obliged israel to take steps to prevent the side from happening. so clearly a recognition that there was a very serious humanitarian situation to say the very least. and we also sold the tubman farm and this to come out today commenting on these proceedings and highlighting the commitment of the me towards israel. it's right to defend itself against the act of terrorism on october 7th, by how mosque, but also speaking of durham in these efforts to basically count to what she described as a di lemme posed by how mos fielding behind civilians that is following also israel's line of argument saying that it must ad will sit in the face of such difficult conditions. at the same time,
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we see that continued criticism and as full. so you and security council resolution that cool for an immediate hold to the pricing that we're seeing happening that now will allow me to take some time before that court ruling or any court ruling will be pronounced. what impact can legal action have on a conflict like the one we're seeing right now in garza or it's cons, have an impact on what is actually happening on the ground because many people who are suffering there are some things running out of time. and what it does have an impact on is the political debate of, of what is taking place in gaza and hit united states and gemini, are seen as pretty much the last 2 powerful nations backing israel's actions. that we're also seeing the human rights council of the un, which israel basically reject calling for an end for arms of arms delivery. so that's also part of these proceedings. and so this is part of
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a political debate and also political campaign to put pressure on israel and his allies to ascend, sleep, stop the, the death of civilians on the ground. and history will decide what actually took place was the case of the thank you very much. i as tens of millions of people that have witnessed a raf total solar eclipse in north america. the moon shadow traveled across the continent from mexico to canada. those lucky enough to be in the path of toll technology. so the moon completely cover the sun and briefly turn day. tonight the last slip of lions before the sun, this swallowed up by the moon. then a single bright speed of lights, like the jewel on the diamond ring before tow. tell it to the sky, gazes across north america were treated to once in
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a lifetime view. so beautiful. oh my goodness. listen for the birds. i don't hear any during totality. the sun's atmosphere, the corona is visible and you can see flash on the sun surface. some of them the size of our own planet. a solar eclipse is the consequence of a caustic coincidence. the sun and the moon appeared the same size in our sky. even though the sun is some 400 times larger and every now and then the moon passes directly between us and the sun, blocking out its lights and creating a path where when eclipse is visible. for those in the center of the path, the eclipse is total. with every kilometer you move of that path,
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the coverage gets less. a total eclipse usually happens once or twice every yes, somewhere around us. but it's not often that the pos of totality processed through a densely populated colorado, like this one from mexico, through the united states and into canada. and just the southern, as it disappeared, the sun returns. the sky is again filled with lights. as the moon's shadow dissipates, but those who stood in its path, well, remember it forever. your watching d. w, and you see is a reminder of on top story period, the you are a fee and costs of human rights as back swiss pension. that's who say the government's failure to act on climate change violates the human rights. the 1st time the court has accepted. so that's it for me and it is
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seem you're up to date of next we have a report on the illegal drug trade and how europe became the wells, knew cocaine hospitals, the stuff i've got, the office info in the name is the calls back said wow, thank you so much for joining in. welcome to don't hold bad. a lot of people do that. it's all about saying it aloud. that's what it being nosy bay, like. good. everyone to king. check out the award winning called com. so hold back to ecuador governments. done to tv channel during a live broadcast and then.


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