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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 9, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm CEST

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[000:00:00;00] the, this is the views lot from bell in a group of pension is from switzerland's, wins a key court ruling against their own governments. the european court of human rights. a pulse that complaints that failure to act of climate change puts them at risk, but it's throws out similar claims from portugal and from also coming up. lawyers tell that you ends top quote that german support for israel does not pretend to national. they strongly reject the claim by nicaragua,
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and that berlin as healthy as well commit alleged genocide and gauze and violent crime in germany rises shop. the with many suspects from overseas increase is fueling a debate on toughening immigration. the says, welcome to the program in europe stops, human rights court has ruled in favor of the group of swiss pensioners who argue that governments put them at risk by not doing enough to prevent the climate change . it's a landmark decision that could influence legislation across europe. and give a boost to active as to say that governments are failing to tackle global. these women have made climate history some 2500 swiss pensioners through their own government because it's handling of the climate crisis put their health at risk. the european human rights question,
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strossberg funds ruled in their favor. a landmark decision cementing the idea that governments clements in action can violate human rights. as the step is to talk, this is the best they. yeah. that's we have the right thing history. as well as i pushed on the way i understood it, switzerland has done too little, took up the time of crisis and violated human rights. that's a nice victory bagley's too. and they'll see some of the applicants use their own medical records to support the case. they said that heat weights which has become stronger and more frequent with climate change are especially risky for them as elderly women, 16 of the grand chambers, 17 judges voted in favor of this with women's associations. and as a result, they concluded that this was government failed to meet emission targets and that it should have examined the associations complaints. these is what the ruling will be communicated to switzerland and it will have certain measures that switzerland will have to perform to do more. but the plaintive stress, the ruling isn't only for their benefit. yeah,
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i'm using the other bit to know when all the affected, not on the oh, the women, it's been proven that they're out a greater risk, but it's important that everyone is good for the best fit they can sort of to be. i was told that this was the associations case wasn't the only one the court considered today. 6 young people from portugal suits 32 european countries because increasing climate extremes, like the wild, far as in portugal, make the planet unlivable for future generations. a former french mer also suited his own government for not taking significant steps to fight climate change, but the court ruled both cases as in admissible and procedural grimes. still the one when of the day to change the future of climate litigation is the 1st time a powerful court has ruled on climate change, and it could set a precedent for more people all taking the government to court holdings. there is some responsible for their actions, and this as a result of this can meet in no way that we get feedback. this means that we have to fight even more the beginning, because in the time it's emergency,
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everything is that same. the effects could be felt in courts across europe or even the world is an earlier i spoke to christine a full t as a professor of international law at the university of also and also how significant this ruling is. oh, it's a, it's a very important indication that governments have to step up their game in order to protect human rights and governments all over the world and new as well uh, legally responsible to take appropriate measures to protect human rights. and in order to do so, we're now told they also have to take ambitious climate change action, big using greenhouse gas emissions to net 0 by 2050, having effective measures in place to get there and to ensure that they actually reach that goal. so that link is very important for decision makers for lawmakers, for implementers, but also for other quotes proceedings world wide. and it can have very important repercussions and other quotes,
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but also other international quotes. and then many proceedings ongoing, which i kind of will waiting for that judgment from staff book that we have. now we can all talk to these about style. she is a board member of swift, senior women for climate protection. the group that filed the complaint and one in court today, she joins us from zurich. uh, elizabeth, what are you expecting this result? well, where are we expecting you? oh, as though that it will be a very pretty so, but could be the only expected. i just noticed that it took me a wide range. is that what was happening today? because when you listen to the reading of the judgment, there is one point next point next for the next point and then not again too long, but do they understand everything correctly? and oh, yeah, my english actually should be good enough. i hope i did on this thing for that, but it took me a while until that penny drop. and then i so yeah,
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i guess so how we did expected, but they did. it's just the ball rolling. it's just incredible as to 8 years to have to find no junction. i can't imagine that you just mentioned the aid years describe this journey for us to get to this point as well. it is a lot to me and nobody can say that to me that not to be patient, be more because we have to go through all the institutions within a culture. you have to do that. you have to be exposed to national. all the national are possibilities, so all the ports actually dismissed up and all the reasons that were somewhat hard for me to understand to follow to. so in this time i really hope that whatever the church will be,
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we will get very good reasoning for the not like i'm going to have to feel like in the past to speak to someone who was just giving you some explanation. and so this is just the best we could expect. and of course, at the same time, i'd be really sorry for the young for to keith who lost their key. you mentioned the portuguese claimants that do you hope that your actions can inspire others to do the same young people in particular? well, that would be whoa, that we are so much more than that a full in the pond. and that he does have a future generations to include the best way. and then just that, that post to be said she opened and they were so the j as in saying that you want, that means you also want for the us. so in that sense, yes,
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we do. it has to do revisions to where all the rooms, and there are those who have the courage to take you don't like you already, you know, for the countries that they actually do. yeah. and we are inspired by someone else, so i know we are going to be an inspiration to some of the groups. and i'm just briefly to come back to the core of this. uh, what do you expect your government now to do? well, the government is not too happy because they really get a lot of work and they have so far just today actually, this is very valid question. yes. yeah. well, in the course the exactly that way you so now i live, we are going to do as a homework now. and we'll see we will see the be sure that we watched
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in thank you very much. so these are that stand that from this with senior women, full climates protection. thank you. thank you. in another quote, case, germany, it has presented its defense at the international court of justice to an accusation of facilitating alleged genocide in dogs that you could log was seeking to hold german weapons exports to israel climbing. they on potentially being used to commit genocide. germany rejects these accusations, saying it is trying to balance its responsibilities to both israel and the palestinian people. israel security is that the core of german foreign policy. that is how germany justified it's don't support of israel as it rejected in nicaragua, as accusations at the i. c. j. still, many has learned from its post posts that includes the responsibility for one of
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the most of or if it crime since human history the show. but despite that history, nicaragua says germany's military support of israel is in breach of the genocide convention. germany is israel as 2nd largest supplier of arms and make a rug with says those experts are enabling is riley forces to commit to potential acts of genocide in gaza, application in the gym. and he says the accusations on not placed on facts and, and let me only supplies on the basis of detached scrutiny scrutiny. only respect but far exceeds the requirements of international law is argued in nicaragua has grossly distorted the quantities and purposes of berlin's palms. exports to israel. and if we look at what has actually been license for export to israel under this framework. since october 2023. we see no artillery shells,
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no munitions. nearly all experts, the exports involve what is known as of the military equipment. typically of a subordinate or defensive nature position is israel's conduct in gaza. it's central to this case. and germany questioned how the cold can rule without israel's presence to allow heat. also lashed out that nicaragua for focusing on israel's actions through but ignoring those of from us fire. unlike nicaragua, germany's motor lines to the fact that thomas also has obligations under international humanitarian law including towards the civilian population in gaza. so don't need, that's how much not to comply with its obligations, but it also renounces any responsibility in the most significant manner. the judges must now decide whether to impose emergency measures to holtz german onto exports, to israel. and the chief political edits of musical accuse. now whether germany is
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rejection of the allegations is in line with its policy tools as well. it says it is, that's the sort on. so basically the done inside argued today that there was an i quote, no basis. in fact, no of the accusations made that in this quote, alleging that many was the policies assisting in what the correct were called a genocide, allegedly taking place in gauze of right now. and that very question of whether that was it didn't, the side was already in this court in january when south africa took proceedings against israel. and the very same court did not come to the conclusion that that was a genocide actually happening at the same time is obliged israel to take steps to prevent the side from happening. so clearly a recognition that there was a very serious humanitarian situation to say the very least. and we also sold the tubman farm and this to come out today commenting on these proceedings and
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highlighting the commitment of me towards israel. it's right to defend itself against the act of terrorism on october 7th by hamas. but also speaking of germany's efforts to basically count to what she described as a di lemme posed by how mos fielding behind civilians that is following also israel's line of argument saying that the most i will say in the face of such difficult conditions at the same time we see that continued criticism and this tool, so you and security council resolution that cool for an immediate hold to the pricing that we're seeing happening now will apparently take some time before that court ruling or any court ruling will be pronounced. what impact can legal action have on a conflict like the one we're seeing right now and gaza? or it's cons. have an impact on what is actually happening on the ground. because
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many people who are suffering there are some things running out of time. and what it does have an impact on is the political debate of, of what is taking place in gaza and hit united states and germany. i've seen of pretty much the last 2 powerful nations backing israel's actions that we're also seeing the human rights council of the un, which israel basically reject calling for an end for arms of arms delivery. so that's also part of these proceedings. and so this is part of a political debate and also political campaign to put pressure on israel and his allies, to a sense sleep stop the, the death of civilians on the ground. and history will decide what actually took place is the case of the thank you very much. that's what off now some of the other stories making news around the world today.
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south africa's electoral colt has given the form of president jacob zoom the go ahead to spend again next month. he was previously bob because of his criminal reco, whom i will represent the new m k or position policy against the ruling african national congress that he also used to lead islands. parliament has voted in simon hire. this is prime minister. how is replaces via valid call, who resigned abruptly last month? the 37 year old from the governing center by finnegan ponti, will be islands, youngest prime minister. this is one of those most flooding to come in southern russia will do levels in the euro river are still rising, following the collapse of several dikes. thousands of had to leave the homes near the board with cars like stop trying as for our minutes, the one uses raging will step up cooperation with russian. the 2 nations have been working more closely together recently, despite the invasion of ukraine roches foreign minister says
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a lot. prof is engaging for tools normally one feature or the us house of representatives with tons to work today with allies on speaker mike johnson of the month. so franklin over ukraine aid, he's promised to finally put the button administrations $60000000000.00 support package up for a vote. you're trying desperately needs more military support with president below them is a landscape saying this week keith could lose the war against russia without the w just need connelly has this report. february 2024. how gun $5.00 to $1.00 ukrainian troops pulled out collab. do you have the russians not only have many, most soldiers and shells descended to battle. they also have plains to launch heavy glad booms that can route through fortifications. grant couldn't go out because it didn't know when the next trunks of us ministry aid would arrive. that withdrawal from f d as has become
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a symbol of what happens when you grange west and support is distracted. when you've seen your ukrainian partner described what happened to me, he said that you know, our man for as long as hard as they could. we ran out of ammunition and the russians just kept coming. and i think without supplemental assistance in 2024, you're going to see more of the because russian troops are making progress, even if it's slow. us based institute for the study of full estimates. they've taken some 300 square kilometers stock to the a simple speaking to german broadcast, a o d, ukrainian spikes. you've got a little done of predicted that russian forces would step up that campaign with a major offensive in the summer. the cool, this would be great at best 2 months to prepare according to productive rusher, wants to take the remaining parts of genetic region, still controlled by give, focusing in particular on the key logistics hubs. like from a task across that makes the next few weeks in washington,
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crucial because you create new military expert, alexander maslanka. yep, sure. when that was what the, what the beauty should the morgan, extra money. if you don't get more immunization and resources, we're going to see the equipment arm is slowly for us to pull back. is russian makes the most of the situation that you believe t a c a apple but have dropped as much and as what it was it's not just the do not squeeze in that scene and uptake and fighting in recent weeks. like if just 35 kilometers from the russian border scene missile strikes, intensified as present as the rest of the state to be called on that on the to white, the city of the map, minneapolis. i'm convinced that this means the russian ground defensive is actually on the cards inside of give receivables along the glass. you will, i'm sure increased the effects and how carefully was, i think we will probably see them can switch rates some to near the board to make it look like they're ready to a tech. it's all about forcing the equipment army to support itself out and go down
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to sort of the semester to use in this can only you can just keep another and boss with 8 still stuck in washington. some minute resources and kids have been giving ever more alarm is briefings. and even if you don't take these at face value, it is getting much harder just to hold on to derek. g. green, and forces digging in behind the front lines using what they have. that lead is comp time much further ahead than that. a year ago, ukraine was asking for western aid to help re take russian occupied territory right now. or you crank and hurtful just to prevent more of the because you guys have nations. the associated bodies have been recovered from a ship rac off the coast of 2 booty. children are among the dead, and least 6 people are still missing. local authorities helping a group of survivors. the boat was carrying around 60 microns from 2 booty to yemen
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. each year, thousands of migrants for the so called eastern route from africa, through yemen to saudi arabia, all europe. yvonne vega is with the international organization for migration and i, roby, and the also earlier whether that is still hope that any most of us will be found. well, it doesn't seem so at least 38 bodies have been recovered from this vessel that sank off the coast of to boot. see among them children of women's young people and the elderly and at least 22 people who managed to escape the shall break up being supported by ireland international organization for migration and local authorities. the rescue recovery operation is still ongoing, but it seems very unlikely. the migrants who perished in this latest tragedy will actually be found to live. now the people on that boat well headed for yemen,
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where many migrant strides across to saudi arabia is this incident part of a bigger problem as well? the information we've received that iowans international organization for migration is evolving and is changing. what we now know is that this particular vessel was leaving young men for the ability. now what we have is a situation where you have tens of thousands of migrants who leave the coast of the region. they leave to gucci, trying to get to saudi arabia to cross over the board with the evidence to saudi arabia. in this particular situation, what we have discovered, what we have found is that these individuals maybe didn't make it, they couldn't quite get across the border. so they were returning. so what we have is mixed migration flows,
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that is african migrants who try to leave the whole buffer car cross the many border, hoping to get to saudi arabia to find jobs. and then we have those who don't make it to try to return. and in this particular incident and situation, it appears that these what might go through the whole of africa, primarily somalia, and the few p a who are now trying to get back to duty may be to try again. maybe some of them to try and reach the countries of origin. and that was a long day. there is a national organization for migration. as you'll see, it goes so a shop rise in crime in germany. last year police was process nitty 6000000 offenses. 5 percent off on the previous, the violent crimes which the 15 year high, nearly half of all criminal suspects do not hold a german possible re ignited thing calls for immigration controls to be tougher.
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interior minister has pledge to speed up deportations of foreign offenders divided the lot. the police registered 14.5 percent more non german suspects. the violence offense has been in the previous year. again, there is no justification, no excuse for violence. in short, even sweetie, compared to the principal of 0 tolerance, applies in the case of form perpetrators, in addition to the immediate consequences of the criminal. lo, how it also means that they must leave germany much more quickly than was previously the case said. if anyone who does not abide by the rules must leave, excuse germany's interior, i'm going to so, and that's a phase of speaking. now, deducting his political correspondence, simon young told me was behind this increase in crimes committed by non germans in germany. so i think you have to see uh, 1st of all, the overall uh, context that you've already mentioned, namely the overall rise in crime and it's gone up in all the different sectors
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involved in crime, use crime effects and break ins. and so on. level going up, so these kinds of committed by all kinds of people, including by those who don't have the gym and nationality. and so the 3rd is the thing with the continuing high level of it with migration to gemini, that is increasing the proportion of the for and is in the overall population. and so the, the absolute numbers are going up and the proportion is going up as well. they also point out a lot of these people are living in difficult circumstances, for instance, in asylum hospitals or reception centers, where there's a lot of pressures and that may lead to crime their economic situation is difficult . some of them have experience traumatic war and violence. so that too may be part of the background leading to a involvement in crime. now interior minister ministry phase of the mentions
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deportations in addition to criminal penalties. is that really an option? well up to a point, i mean the, it's already the case that for asylum seekers, he just saw the applications have been turned down. the juvenile source is do prioritize deporting that group. and for all those who don't have gym and nationality, the government has recently changed below. busy to make it easier, for instance, to send home people who are convicted of multiple crimes within a year. but in some cases the german states have been a bit slow to really implement those things. i think this what the interior minister is talking about probably will come down to clearing away a bit of red tape and speeding up some of the bureaucracy around deportations rather than actually a major change in policy. and now what's been the reaction to the latest figures in germany? well, law i'm,
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i think for many sectors but in particular opposition politicians, especially those from the conservative to say to you have really picked on this migration aspect and saying, you know, this is a challenge sufficient to sort of balance on some government weakness. they say the government is too lax on migrations like table to debates in the book this dog for wednesday to look into the causes of bass. they really want to make some capital out of it. i think they, they say that it is a life concern. so a part of the electorate perhaps of growing sector is the electorate. people are worried about migration and that hoping there is on, are you watching the, the, the news is a reminder of our top story. european court of human rights has backed swiss pensioners who say that governments failure to act on climate change violates the human rights. the 1st time the court has accepted such an
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and that's it from me and the news team for now don't go away coming next eco africa looks at how farm is in kenya. i'm using fund guy tobacco. we got office in berlin for me and the whole news team here. thank you very much for
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the a co africa lagoon and then a go is a power dies. biodiversity boxes sensitive ecosystem is threatened by of this is to climate change. now the government and numerous initiatives up fighting for protection, correct result next on the new ideas,
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regions self confidence in terms of sustainability and recycling electric comment. in fact, emberly's us when it comes down to process the competitive some china and the us all the way ahead, we move is leaning towards the profitable companies. in 60 minutes on d w, the do big ocean view companies play a role in the destruction of the rain forest. i have time to raise all over brazilian reprocess. 13000 hides a day. 90 percent of that is for the forward market. the auto industry, for example, the letter will actually cost awesome comes from initial cattle farms in the m,
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as in yet the automobile industry doesn't care about the supply chain process. all that much. illegal leather stats may said on d w the to hello everybody, and welcome to a new edition of a co africa. the environment show brought to you by a tv in uganda, gymnast dw, and charles tv. right, ca, nigeria, i am curriculums. and here's my co host son drive in uganda. hi greece. hello, everybody is good to have you back with gold. some exciting reports about environmental protection. and sustainability coming up here is


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