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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 9, 2024 8:00pm-8:16pm CEST

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the, the, this is the w news, lloyd from berlin tonight, a landmark court ruling in favor of swift senior citizens accusing their government not doing enough to stop climate change. european court in human rights today said that switzerland's failure to act against global warming is a violation of human rights. also coming up that the un top court for years today argued that german support for is realty, does not violate international law. the garage was easy, differently assuming germany claiming berlin is helping is real. commit a legend, genocide in gulf. the
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brit golf is good to have you with this on this tuesday. it is the 1st court ruling of its kind. today, europe's top of human rights court ruled in favor of a group of swiss pensioners who had argued their governments in action on climate change has put their lives in danger. it's a landmark decision that could influence legislation all across europe. and you could give a boost to activists who say their governments are failing to tackle global warming . of these women have made climate history some 2500 swiss pensioners suit their own government because it's handling of the claimant crisis, put their health at risk. the european human rights courts and strossberg funds ruled in their favor. a landmarks decision cementing the idea that governments clements in action can violate human rights. as the step by step talk, this is the best they. yep. that's we have the right thing history. and as i pushed
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on the way i understood it, switzerland has done too little, took up the time of crisis and violated human rights. that's a nice victory bagley's. i do not see. some of the applicants use their own medical records to support the case. they said that heat weights which has become stronger and more frequent with climate change are especially risky for them as elderly women, 16 of the grand chambers, 17 judges voted in favor of this with women's associations. as a result, they concluded that this was government failed to meet emission targets and that it should have examined the associations complaints europe that'd be at the ruling will be communicated to switzerland and it will have short measures that switzerland will have to perform to do more to name and more, but the plaintive stress, the ruling isn't totally for their benefit. yeah, i understand other bits at all when all affected, not only all the women, it's been proven that they're out the greater risk. but it's important that everyone is kid for the. that's good, all they can sort to be. i saw that this was the associations case wasn't the only
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one the courts considered today. 6 young people from portugal suits 32 european countries because increasing climate extremes, like the wild, far as in portugal, make the planet unlivable. for future generations, a former french mer also suited his own government for not taking significant steps to fight climate change. but the court ruled both cases as in admissible on procedural grinds. still the one when of the day to change the future of climate litigation is the 1st time a powerful court has ruled on climate change. and it could set a precedent for more people taking that government to court holdings. there was some responsible for their actions and this me, as a result, this can meet in no way that we get feedback. this means that we have to fight even more since the beginning, because in the time it's emergency, everything is that states the effects could be felt in courts across europe, or even the world is going to be here in the studio now is our senior climate
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reporter louise osborne louise, these swiss women say that this is the story rule. it is it, i mean, it's really important of rolling alignment case if we, as we've heard many times now, it's the 1st time an international court has ruled, but weak climate policies can violate human rights. and that is a huge thing. the court even went as far as the state, but european convention of human rights encompasses protection by the state for serious adverse effects of climate change on lives, health wellbeing, a quality of life. so it's really holding governments responsible for the quality of life, of their citizens when it comes to climate change. this is, this is ruling, it's the voice, the authority here is more of a more a one, isn't it? i mean, we're not talking about the court being able to force the risk government to do anything. but what exactly will happen now that this ruling has been handed down? so bear with me expectations that the source government will re examine its climate
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goals. and it said that it would do that. the court said that they were worsley, inadequate as they are. um, there are no limits that have been set by the switch government, for example, in terms of the amount of emissions that it wants to reduce. and it has failed to meet some targets in the past as well. so the european court a few months. right. so it's really saying that the, the switch government needs to do something about that. but more importantly, this case also opens doors to other cases and makes other countries memorable to, to the kind of cases that we've just seen in white, switzerland. and there were other cases that were, were what, thrown outright portugal, france, and most people don't think of the switzerland, it as being the place where you have i, i guess the, the least being done to save the environment. i mean, this is how to know why switzerland caught through was the case. i mean that with 2
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other cases a court as well once again, one against portugal and 52 other european nations. the other one against, from those 2 folks thrown out perhaps because switzerland is so small. and this was such a detailed look at what they've been doing and pumps because these women could also prove that there was, you know, an impact on their life. as a result of the climate change and the adverse effects that we're seeing through that be extreme weather that we are seeing a heat waves of flooding all of these kinds of things. i mean, we sold today, for example, the, this is the 10th month in wrote that there has been a record set for for heat. so perhaps all about a did that doesn't always make, did senior citizens are particularly vulnerable to these and easy ways. and we expect more more. he waits to take place. if we get closer to summer, this ruling is of course for switzerland and also for the entire world, isn't it?
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yeah, of course. i mean switzerland has that it will re examine its own goals. but actually, if this does have much, why the ramifications not only for the $46.00 countries that are part of the council of europe and so under the jurisdiction of the european court of human rights. but also for countries all over the world that are still not doing enough to tackle climate change. and there are cases that we are seeing happening already . um, it'll stray leah for sale a through beyond that that will be coming up and the have been watching to see what this result would be so that they can take those cases further and reach me for another time is, is it ironic that a group of swiss senior citizens, women were able to get a court ruling that credit tomb baird. and was a young generation to come to activists have not been able to do that striking. i mean, i think the b use to best have driven a lot of the action that we've seen the, you know, the full gratitude but took to the steps of the swedish parliament. we sold very
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little about climate change and not a lot of action taken against that. so, you know, maybe these court cases wouldn't have happened if it wasn't for those actress speaking up to begin with. so we've always wanted to have you here in the studio. excellent meals as thank you. all right, let's take a look now. some of the other stories making headlines around the world and explosion and fire at a hydro electric plant in italy, you have killed at least 3 people. several workers are missing and believe just the still inside the facility. emergency services have begun a rescue operation. authorities, a warning of more flooding to come into southern russia. water levels in the euro river are still rising, felt with me, the collapse of several dine thousands. it had to leave their homes near the border with context on south africa's. electoral court has given former president jacob
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zoom of the go ahead to run in next months general election. now he was previously barred because of his criminal record. seemed to will represent the new m k opposition party against the ruling african national congress. the amc, the party that he used to lead united nations. as the bodies of 38 migrant had been recovered from a ship rec, off duty. at least 6 people are missing and local authorities are caring for a group of survivors. officials say the boat was heading from human to body in the opposite direction of most migrant traffic in germany today presented its defense at the international court of justice to an accusation. that it is facilitating genocide in garza, nicaragua is seeking to stop german weapons exports is real, claiming that these weapons are potentially being used by israel to commit genocide . germany rejects the accusation,
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saying that it is trying to balance responsibilities to both israel and the palestinian people. israel security is that the core of german foreign policy. that is how germany justified it's don't support of israel as it rejected in nicaragua, as accusations at the i. c, j. durham. and he has learned from its post posts that includes the responsibility for one of the most horrific crimes in human history. the sure. but despite that history, nicaragua says germany's military support of israel is in breach of the genocide convention. germany is israel as 2nd largest supplier of arms, and nick rog with says those experts are enabling is riley forces to commit to potential acts of genocide in gaza. application in the gym and he says the accusations are not placed on fact and the let me only supplies on the basis of detail scrutiny scrutiny,
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but only respect but far exceeds the requirements of international law. it all cued if in nicaragua has grossly distorted the quantities and purposes of berlin's palms . exports to israel. and if we look at what has actually been license for export to israel under this framework since october 2023, we see no artillery shells, no munitions. nearly all x, but the exports involve what is known as of the military equipment. typically all the subordinates or defense. if nature position is israel's conduct in gaza, it's central to this case. and germany questioned how the code can rule without israel's presence to allow it. also lash downs that nicaragua for focusing on israel's actions. true but ignoring those of from us fire. unlike nicaragua, german who's not blind to the fact that thomas also has obligations under
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international humanitarian law including towards the civilian population in gaza. so don't need, that's how much not to comply with its obligations, but there's also a renown suspended responsibility in the most significant manner. the judges must now decide whether to impose emergency measures to holt's german on exports to israel, families and goals. there are doing their best to prepare for each the festival marking the end of ramadan hopes for a ceasefire in gaza. well, they've been dashed in with most of the population displaced and much of guns is infrastructure destroyed. palestinians say that there's little reason this year to celebrate these pastries are traditionally baked and eaten by palestinians to celebrate, eat, the end of the who in the month of ramadan. this year i almost are all we is preparing them in a make shift of and next to the 10,
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she says with her sisters and the children, they sledge, the homes to this comes in russell and the southern gaza exemption gotten into by his feed, used to be joyful monsieur was beautiful. we used to make these pastries with loved ones and distribute them, but nowadays, and had there's no joint needs. and so, and because we've been displaced from our homes, you know, in this, our family members have been killed to do for a student guys assessing. and if so, that's the values of each doesn't bring as much joy anymore. that in the mind, crowd sky, the in this small kitchen, the city of data and follow in central garza to buy supplies for the religious holiday. here to the annual festivities, overshadowed by the ongoing conflict and food shortages have led to price spikes. and how to because of the war here in gaza,
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there's no service or joy. the prices are too high. no one is able to enjoy e u. n. trucks arrived in did paula for the 1st time in 2 months, distributing critical supplies among several schools and shelters. but this when huge trickle of age does not go far enough to help the palestinians who are sheltering here. as they face malnutrition and disease. as a reminder, no of our top story, the european court of human rights has back switched pensioners who say that their government's failure to act against climate change violates their human rights. it's the 1st time that the court has accepted this argument. you're watching the news. after a break, a dw documentary, we will meet
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a jewish survivor of nazi germany, who spent many decades living in the united states and then return to her home country to tell her story. that's up next. i'll see you at the top of the hour with more worldly. the . do you big altima beauty companies play a role in the destruction of the rain forest? the letter for luxury cost awesome comes from inigo capital funds in the m as in yet the supply chains does matter. ideal industry, the illegal leather stats may said on d w the
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