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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 9, 2024 11:00pm-11:16pm CEST

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the, the, this is the, the news. why is it from berlin tonight? a landmark court ruling in favor of swiss senior citizens accusing the government of not doing enough to stop the line to change your opinion. board of human rights today said that switzerland's failure to act against global warming is a violation of human rights. obviously coming up tonight at the wins top court lawyers today argued that german support for is real, does not violate international law. nicaragua sees it differently. it's suing germany, claiming berlin is helping is real commit, alleged genocide in gauze, and the father of the god, part of the dead at the age of $94.00. tonight we'll look at the legacy of
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businesses, peter higgs, and how his discovery re shaped our understanding of the world. the breakup is good to have you with this. it is the 1st court ruling of its car in today. europe's top human rights court ruled in favor of a group of swiss pensioners who had argued their governments in action on climate change has put their lives at risk. a landmark decision that could influence legislation all across europe and give a boost to activists who say their governments are failing to tackle global warming . of these women have made climate history some 2500 swiss pensioners through their own government because it's handling of the climate crisis put their health at risk . the european human rights question strossberg funds ruled in their favor. a
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landmark decision cementing the idea that governments clements in action can violate human rights as the step by step talk, this is the best they. yep. that's we have the right thing history. and as i pushed on the way i understood it, switzerland has done too little, took up the time of crisis and violated human rights. that's a nice victory bagley's. i do not see. some of the applicants use their own medical records to support the case. they said that heat weights which has become stronger and more frequent with climate change are especially risky for them as elderly women, 16 of the grand chambers, 17 judges voted in favor of this with women's associations. as a result, they concluded that this was government failed to meet emission targets and but it should have examined the associations complaints. these is the ruling will be communicated to switzerland and it will have certain measures that switzerland will have to perform to do more to name and more. but the plaintive stress, the ruling isn't totally for their benefit. yeah,
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i understand other bits at all when all affected, not only all the women, it's been proven that they're out a greater risk, but it's important that everyone is kid for. that's good. i can sort of to be. i saw that this was the associations case wasn't the only one the court considered today. 6 young people from portugal suits 32 european countries because increasing climate extremes, like the wild, far as in portugal, make the planet unlivable for future generations. a former french mer also suited his own government for not taking significant steps to fight climate change, but the court ruled both cases as in admissible on procedural grinds. still the one, when of the day crude changed the future of climate litigation. is the 1st time a powerful court has ruled on climate change, and it could set a precedent for more people taking the government to court holdings. there was some responsible for their actions. and this as a result of this can meet in no way that we get feedback. this means that we have to fight even more since the beginning because in the time its emergency,
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everything is that same. the effects could be felt in courts across europe, or even the world. christina boy is a professor of international law at the university boss low. i asked her how significant this ruling is. it's a, it's a, it's a very important indication that governments have to step up their game in order to protect human rights and governments all over the world. and in the new as well uh, legally responsible to take appropriate measures to protect human rights. and in order to do so, we're now told they also have to take ambitious climate change action, big using greenhouse gas emissions to net 0 by 2050, having effective measures in place to get there and to ensure that they actually reach that goal. so that link is very important for decision makers for lawmakers, for implementers, but also for other quotes proceedings world wide. and it can have very important repercussions and other quotes,
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but also other international quotes. and then many proceedings on going, which i kind of will, waiting for that judgement from staff book that we have now. that was the international law professor christine involved. speaking with this earlier, germany is presented its defense of the international court of justice to the accusation that it is facilitating genocide in gaza. nicaragua is seeking to stop german weapons. exports is real, claiming that there's weapons or potentially being used to help commit genocide. germany rejects the accusation, saying that it is trying to balance the responsibilities to both israel and the palestinian israel security. is that the core of german foreign policy? that is how germany justified it's going to support of israel as it rejected in nicaragua, as accusations at the i. c. j. germany has learned from its post posts that includes the responsibility for one of the most of the crimes and human history the show. but despite that history,
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nicaragua says germany's military support of israel is in breach of the genocide convention in germany is israel, 2nd largest supplier of arms and nicaragua says those exports are enabling is riley forces to commit to potential acts of genocide in gaza. application in the gym and he says, the accusations i'm not placed on fact in the let me only supplies on the basis of detached scrutiny scrutiny, but only respect but far exceeds the requirements of international law. it all cued if in nicaragua has grossly distorted the quantities and purposes of balance palms exports to israel. and if we look at what has actually been license for export to israel under this framework since october 2023, we see no artillery shells, no munitions. nearly all experts the exports involve what is
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known as of the military equipment, typically of a subordinate or defensive nature. position is israel's conduct in gaza. it's central to this case. and so many questions how the cold can rule without israel's presence to allow heat, also lash downs that nicaragua for focusing on israel's actions through but ignoring those of from us fire. unlike nicaragua, germany is not blind to the fact that thomas also has publications under international humanitarian law including towards the civilian population in gaza. i don't need that. how much not comply with its publications, but it also renounces standing responsibility in the most significant manner. the judges must now decide whether to impose emergency measures to holtz german onto exports. to israel. united nations says the bodies of 30 migrants has been recovered from the ship wreck of the coast of booty. children are among the dead
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and at least 6 people are missing. what we look forward. these are helping a group of the survivors. the boat was carrying about 60 migrants each year, thousands following what is known as the eastern route from africa, through human to saudi arabia. on to europe, the german government is promising to get tougher on criminals after new data showed a sharp rise in crime overall crime. in 2023 was up 5 percent year on year. violate crime reached a 15 year high and a 3rd of the suspects are not german citizens. that statistic is fueling calls for tougher enforcement of immigration laws and better integration for new come the german police haven't been busy. busy in use, the increase in violent crime, in particular, is a big worry for the government. 2023. so over
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$214000.00 reports of violent crime, a considerable rise of 8.6 percent from the previous year. most significantly, that's been a 13.5 percent surge since 2022 in violent crimes committed by people without the german passport. non german defenders accounted for 34.4 percent of all crimes committed despite making up only about 15 percent of the population. the government has promised action to tackle the increase of stuff who gives us there is no justification or excuse for the violence when you go in here to the principal of 0 tolerance supplies in the case of for an offenders. in addition to the immediate consequences under criminal law, and this also means that they must leave germany much more quickly than was previously the cabinet front of a position. parties are using the for goes to cold for to full migration policies,
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such as types of border controls and multiplications. the head of the german criminal police rejects claims that people from other countries are inherently more criminal, emphasizing the importance of improving integration for photos. police because of all it's also true to people who are seeking protection in our country. instruct, susan, non german people who stay here and do they have a risk factors lies that make criminal offenses more likely to regardless of their origin for these types of trying to come in. okay, and i think these include, for example, lack of education in doing that cannot back end security. so for experiencing the violent side that phone, one positive take away is that the number of crimes solved in germany has grown. more than half. the british official seems to be predicted the existence of the god particle. peter hicks has died. he was 94. in 1964, he proposed the existence of mass giving particles visa called pigs balls,
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and where the gun particles hoping to explain how mad or formed after the big bay. 50 years later, his theory was confirmed. at the large hadron collider, higgs was awarded the nobel prize for his work in 2013 his work earned him a place in the textbooks of physicist, as well as in the annals of history alongside albert einstein. and isaac new is ellen walker is a retired physicist at the university of edinburgh. he was also a friend of the late peter higgs. he told me how higgs became a legend in his field. a b to actually constructed a survey. um for a different reason. um, there was a problem that some to understand the physics of the new class and the decay of it . we had how goes exchanged,
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which were massive and not really in this area. it wasn't comfortable and credit. so to get these particles, mass of people latched onto what he done and actually found ways well that visit the, the series was calculable. but the high schools that were exchanged with massive and these were the so called w is that both phones, they were part of the what we would now call the standard model. and then the, the ones that were found. but the mechanism by where they go, the mass was not completely understood, and so they expose on itself was found in both digit well announced on the 4th of july 2012. uh, but up to that time piece of it become what was known as a rock star of physics at handy was celebrated even before it was found. but quote, to use out 3 predicted it, it indeed was found,
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didn't change the single problem. did it? let me just ask you, did he change what seems theory was good for me? that must have been a must have been, you know, one of the greatest moments of his professional life. did it make a difference in? well, the eggs she was so shy of though to the t actually refused to call it. the hicks blows up and everybody else was doing that. and i remember in calling it the scale of both of which is a technical term we're looking forward to using the with 6. and indeed he continued to do that. i remember to call the coming back from a conference in the united states and saying, hey, peace a, you'll save us a piece of said, well, it's not all about. and the like, slowly learn to say this done as michael goes on, but the eventually i did hear him occasionally say they expose on, but what he did. 8. what's the name? the got us a cold. yeah. and why did they hate that?
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i mean, you and you were friends with them as well, of was see a religious man. i mean, did the term guard particle didn't sit well with him? well, 1st of all, he didn't piece this is the night gnostics so is, is not really a believer as well. but that was the only say need that to you. so the only way to to, to a states is which was must equal until up with his badly. and then remember he got the hate mail because it was called the golf possible, but he didn't like that. so. ready it was something that didn't resonate with him at all. um, he was settled for the explosion. i think rather than to go to the doctor, it's very good. yeah, yeah, a modest man who certainly deserves the respect, particularly among his colleagues. and we appreciate you taking the time to explain that to us to to night dr. ellen walker joining us from amber. we appreciate your time to get our condolences to you on the loss of a collie and
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a friend the link to peter hicks. thank. thank you. if you're watching the w news, we will see you here again, tomorrow world news is coming up at the top of the why do having does not get drunk? why do grab a tasteful waves, squeeze all bodies. how much do we need a day to stop comp claim for help find the offices get smaller on dw science outtake talk channel. the huge age old trees are a vital import this for our eco system.


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