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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 10, 2024 7:00am-7:03am CEST

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the supply chain process all that much. illegal leather stats may said on d w the . this is dw news, and these are our top stories. the european court of human rights has ruled in favor of switch pensioners who claim their governments failure to act on climate change, lie away to their human rights. it's the 1st time that the court has accepted this argument. lawyer say the ruling will effect climate litigation across europe. germany has presented its defense to a charge of facilitating the legend, genocide and gaza. nicaragua number on the case of the ones top court in the hague, over german weapons exports the israel. jeremy says it only supplies arms in line with international law, gaza. peter higgs,
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the british visitors to predicted the existence of the so called god particle has died. in 1964, he proposed the existence of a sub atomic particle that became known as the higgs bows on. the particle explains, were normal, matter gets as mass from and was discovered at the european research institute, sir. and in 2012 you're watching the w news, berlin, and remember you can get much more news on our website. that's d, w dot com the of march this year. it was the hardest march on record. february was the hot it's january as well for the past 9 months, the mercury climbed like never before climate scientists say that this is climate
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change happening in real time and that we need to take action against it. and that is exactly what is not happening at the european court of human rights. a groups with senior citizens said that extreme heat waves could killed them. and they argue that this threat is the result of their government not doing enough to stop global warming today. the court agreed sending a message to switzerland and b r. i broke off in berlin. this is the day. the court today recognized find the crisis poses existential threats. the people of all age. these readings are a call to action. they underscore the importance of taking a national government. it is an important judging perhaps a historic judge.


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