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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 10, 2024 8:00am-8:16am CEST

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the, the, this is the, the, we news long from berlin palestinians mark 8 o feature in gaza under the shadow. before this year, the end of ramadan is marge, by displacement of death and destruction. aid into the territory has been increased ahead of the holiday to each shortages of a central supplies. also coming on a landmark court ruling in favor of swift senior citizens who said their government is not doing enough to stop climate change. and a crunch election for south korean president. so your bill is not even in the running. the result will decide whether he has enough support in parliament to push
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through as policy agenda the article fairly welcome to the program. as muslims around the world celebrate the end of the holy fasting month of ramadan palestinians in gaza, or marking aid under the shadow of war. last run, health ministry says at least 14 people were killed and dozens injured by is rarely strikes on the eve of the holiday. eat is usually characterized by joy celebrations . but this year, most of gauze us population are displaced from their homes and facing critical shortages of food and other essential supplies. so markets were selling fast food and clothing ahead of a bunch of it was a highly inflated prices or in an interview with spanish language tv
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network. when we see on you as presidential bible said he doesn't agree with the approach taken by is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu in gaza, calling for an immediate halt and fighting to allow for significant food supplies to get it by calling for his for the israel east. to just call for a ceasefire. allow for the next $68.00 weeks total access to all food and medicine going into the country. i have spoken with everybody from the saudis to the jordanians today and champions, they're prepared to move in are prepared to move this food in. and i think prison for learners to excuse to not provide for the medical and the food needs of those people. they should be done now. he but tv, the country director of care joins me now from ramallah. he bought for
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a sub eat new bark. eat of feature is the feast of breaking the fast. tell me howard palestinians and guys are able to do that this year. i was wondering the call and thank you so much and i work for all those who sort of break down the words and especially for the people in gaza. and unfortunately, we always which combined with, after a very harsh time off of, or hush worship. that is a very strong and a difficult on, on, on us as, as human beings. but now an engagement, unfortunately, when we started the day with with special prayers with good specifically celebrating with new cults with base of drugs suites, it is not happening in gaza. the images that you have shown, as you mentioned in the report, although there are some a commodities related to a to fit to celebrate that in the market. but they are 10 times the price is or
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$15.00 times the prices and all of that in the cell, not even in the north. and unfortunately, many of the people, the 3 talked to i don't know anyone and gaza who did not lose someone of the committee. and although it some time points for the patients, they just wake up and they tried to do the prayer. but then immediately i just spoke to my colleagues immediately go to secure food water just like the other days and even with more sort of 15 guns, remembering don't the those that they lost. unfortunately, he got to what extent have this year celebrations in the palestinian territories taken on a different meaning since the war broke out is listening to a different meaning, disney card since simmons october for us. so here in westbank and comfort of the we are in safe and vitamin compared to gaza. but none of us even google and it came in a different way. our pre is a would food on the, to even wasting food,
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for instance, everything or simple practices on daily basis the different this includes unfortunately the prayers for thy own. our prayers go for the people in gaza wishing for peace in the coming days, hoping that there would not be an invasion that invasion and of hoping for 8 to enter and paying for them to at least be able to be steve over the next period. and of course being for us for staying in the floor, which sees fire. so it's not like the same. you feed this up, you feed all of that being the people. looking at the images of mothers who love the kids. do union with conseula. there's so many days to send a birth date is something that is so emotional support or we just heard us presidential by and they're saying there is no excuse for israel. oh, very, very emotional day and time for you. i'm very sorry for that message from you as president by and i hope you you had a chance to listen to it. he said there was no excuse for israel to not let 8 into
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cause a how important our message just like this one for improving the situation on the ground over the last 6 months and know we are entering the 7 the month we are calling for for the aid sustained entry to gaza. the needs are massive and every day that passes and go on, we see the more deeds that are growing, including for instance, access to fluid access to feud access to clothes. basically it's in the day the life of government, people, and we have you, even though you insane the u. n. a specialist saying that government needs to be flooded by 8. so this, this happens. this would allow only for saving the lives that are at the, at the age of losing, we are the, we are at the age of losing them. if this happens, this will allow us, if sustained with, with an agent environment to reach out to distribute the aid in a more systemic organized way. that would mean a lot. and what it looks like,
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he said the people's dives over the next days. and we hope it won't happen as he by tv care, as country director and run my life. thank you so much. thank you. take a look now at some of the stories making news around the world. top courts in the us state of arizona has reinstated in 1864 abortion band. it bars all abortions, except when necessary to save a mother's life. when the activists and lawmakers have planned the ruling, well, the states democratic governor called it a dark day a former colombian president, the overall rebate is to go on trial. he's accused of bribing witnesses in an investigation into his alleged involvement with right wing power military groups. reuben maintains he is innocent. the legal battle has been going on for several months. south koreans are choosing a new program. it's in
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a closely font election that will determine the president's political face, even though he's not on the ballad. the result will decide whether a unit. so y'all can push forward with his conservative agenda. his party currently lacks of parliamentary majority opinion polls ahead of the vote for addicted, it would be a close race. if the liberal opposition wins, it could push you humans, impeachment take a closer look. now with grace change, the journalist reporter news anchor with south korea's already wrong tv. and so welcome to the w. grace. now this will be a closely far election between the 2 main parties. how are the trying to win over voters? all right, so as you mentioned, opinion polls are mixed. and election observers say candidates in about 50 to 55 local districts are and neck and neck. races, making them too close to call, and over the past few days we've seen campaigning, full swing nationwide. now eyes are on whether we will see a record turn out, read since 2008 as of to p and local time. the national election commission said we
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have the turnout rate of 56.4 percent, and that's $3.00 percentage points higher than the last election 2 years ago. and that's mainly due to us, the record height really folder, turn out the figure reach 31.28 percent the 1st time we've ever seen fairly voting . turn out for general elections for past 30 percent mark since the country introduced such a system in 2014 and usually higher early voting turn out worked in favor of the liberals, experts i talked to our siding use low approval rates and how the general election always works as a report card for the current administration. and do you suggest that the people of korea seem to be tired with many of use policies that includes failing to keep down living costs, mainly green money, and prices are seeing a prolonged medical personal shortage due to the standoff between doctors and the government. in regards to next year, segments for admission quota height. but we should also note that the last presidential election flipped expectations of high, early voter turnouts. because as you know, present against, on your,
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from the ruling power party to p, p, p. b, e mail from the main opposition party democratic party during the presidential elections when even a higher early builder turnouts suggested the opposite. you mentioned the cost of living crisis. there there's also issues of corruption that voters are very upset about. how are the main parties promising to tackle these issues going forward if they are elected? so all these parties are basically saying the same thing there or no corruption, they're trying to bring living costs down. they are promising a better future for koreans. one of their main tasks right now focuses on living costs. as you mentioned, insulation is always high as much as booting as seen as a referendum on present begins on your many experts are forecasting that the opposition party will take up most of the seats. and once again, june's low approval readings come from dispute. failure to stabilize living prices and accommodating to the publics basic livelihood me. it's as much as you still have 3 more years to serve of his single term in office. a progressive national
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assembly would most likely make him into a lame duck and to be more specific. if the d, p, or other liberal opposition parties occur over 150 seats. and that's half of those in the national assembly. the be able to slowly pass and budget bills and laws which is catching the attention of the public. if more than $180.00 were to be taking them, they would be able to designate a fast track bills. and if they hold more than $200.00, they can even amend constitutions. dismiss legislators, and even in peach the president and know if i present you a speedo seeking office, present you and high speed of 9 bills passed by the national assembly over 21 months. and that includes 2 special prosecution acts which investigated personally can go and use a legit stop price manipulation and bribery suspicions on a development project into them. both whole numbers come to the province. so if we are to see the opposition party really take up, the majority of the office, the public's need and demand for anti corruption might be settled there. that was
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gratian of our own tv. thank you so much for those insights. all right, thank you. europe stop, human rights court has ruled in favor of a group of swish pensioners who argue their governments in action on climate change has put their lives at risk. so landmark decision could influence legislation across europe and give a boost to activists who say their governments are failing to tackle global warming . of these women have made climate history some 2500 swiss pensioners through their own government because its handling of the claimant crisis put their health at risk. the european human rights courts and strossberg funds ruled in their favor . a landmark decision cementing the idea that governments clements in action can violate human rights. as the step is to talk, this is the best day. yeah. that's we have the right thing history. and as i pushed on the way i understood it, switzerland has done too little, took up the time of crisis and violated human rights. that's
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a nice victory bagley's. i do not see. some of the applicants use their own medical records to support the case. they said that heat weights which has become stronger and more frequent with climate change are especially risky for them as elderly women, 16 of the grand chambers, 17 judges voted in favor of this with women's associations. and as a result, they concluded that this was government failed to meet emission targets and that it should have examined the associations complaints. these is what the ruling will be communicated to switzerland and it will have certain measures that switzerland will have to perform to do more. but the plaintive stress, the ruling isn't only for their benefit. yeah, i'm using the other bits at all when all the effect is not on the older women. it's been proven that they're out a greater risk, but it's important that everyone is kid phones. that's filled out a sort of we are told that this was the associations case wasn't the only one the courts considered today. 6 young people from portugal suits 32 european countries
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because increasing climate extremes, like the wild, far as in portugal, make the planet unlivable for future generations. a former french mer also suit his own government for not taking significant steps to fight climate change. but the court ruled both cases as in admissible and procedural grimes. still the one when of the day to change the future of climate litigation is the 1st time a powerful court has ruled on climate change. and it could set a precedent for more people all taking the government to court holdings. there was some responsible for their actions and this as a result of this can meet in no way that we, it seemed backs. this means that we have to fight even more the beginning because in the time its emergency, everything is that same. the effects could be felt in courts across europe, or even the world. as a reminder of our top story, as muslims around the world celebrate the end of the holy fasting month of ramadan palestinians in gauze all are marking 8 under the shadow of war. the most run
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health ministry, since at least 14 people were killed in duncan's injured prize, really strikes on the eve of the holiday and that 3rd time. thank you so much for your company by the registrar usage with a lot say what the heck. what are governments done to tv channel during your life? broadcast in the netherlands, police describe it a torture chamber and the shipping container. what connects the.


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