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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 10, 2024 4:00pm-4:31pm CEST

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the, the, this is dw news line from the land palestinians, and guys of mock eat unfit to the end of ramadan is overshadowed by today and destruction. 8 deliveries to speed boosted through these shortages of essentials, but it's known enough digital makers set to vote on and find reaching over a whole of the blocks immigration policies. they seem to establish a fair system of distribution new arrivals between members. thing another blow for abortion rights campaigns, as in the west, the state of arizona bands, the lead, old termination, the dating back to the 19th century and japan's prime minister for the. okay, so that is in washington adults with president turbine and the 2 leaders will
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discuss what they called growing freight from china. the i've been visible and woke up, most of them's around the world of mocking each ending the holy month of ramadan. when many muslims fast from sunrise to sun down traditionally observed with 3 days of celebration, this is based if these are overshadowed by the israel home us war and gaza with palestinians are faced with critical shortages of food and other essential. praying alongside the ruins, the white minarette is all that's left from this mosque and ruffle. the rest of the building was destroyed during it is rarely offensive in february. last, i was surrounded by my children. i'm looking at them with joy. but today i am
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injured. unable to move or go anywhere. this palestinian mother has come to the grave of her son on the 1st day if i need it, it isn't really for me. i wish you was here with me. he would go to the mosque in the morning and said to me, prepare my present for when i return. he's gone. everything good is gone. more than 6 months into the war. the hum us run health ministry and gaza says over 33000 people have been killed. most of them civilians, thousands remain on accounted for the occupied westbank worshippers also kept gaza and their e prayers dw spoke with the head of a relief organization in rome. all over the last 6 months and now we are entering the 7 the month. we are calling for for the
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aid sustained. 8 entry to guys of the needs are massive and every day that passes and go on, we see the more deeds that are growing. you and experts say 1100000 people, half the population are experiencing catastrophic food and security with the humanitarian crisis. getting worse. israel's closest allies are voicing more criticism by the day. us president joe biden told us spanish language broadcast network univision, that is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu, whose approach was a quote mistake. i don't agree with his that would read. there's no excuse to not provide for the medical and the food needs of those people. they should be done now. israel said it aloud, a record number of a trucks into gaza since the war began on the eve of the holiday.
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but israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu recently insisted no force in the world. what stop is really troops for mentoring breakfast? that's where most cousins have gone to avoid the fighting. but israel's military also insist, garza southern mo city is harboring the remaining battalions of homos whose october 7th tier attacks and israel started the war. i also correspond to tell me an e, so if, if is vital, is listening to the mounting criticism from its allies as well, the signs that benjamin netanyahu, his government is listening and assigns that is not the pressure. it's certainly mounting. you have heard biden say that he wants to cease fire to happen. he also in the interview called what, nothing yahoo is doing and gaza at a mistake. those are some of the harshest words we've heard from bite. and since this latest war began, pedro sanchez, the prime minister of spain, went
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a step further. and he said that israel's quote, disproportionate response in gaza was not only the stabilizing the region, but the stabilizing the world as well. and that it's in europe's interest to get the situation under control. so a lot of pressure mounting on that's in yahoo. now in some recent actions, it seems that nothing yahoo is listening not only have a lot of troops withdrawn from the gaza strip, allowing people to move the people sheltering rafa to move north back to their destroyed homes, but at least dispersing throughout the country. but also nothing yahoo has said that more aid is getting into the con to into the gaza strip than at any point since this conflict again. on the other hand, is rhetoric, especially for his domestic audience, has not been turned down. he said that no force in the world would stop israel from mounting a round. the sold on rafa where around a 1000000 civilians are sheltering, calling it the last bastion from austin that i'm also the completely destroyed of this is against the wishes of us and
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a lot of european partners to say that without a plan to safely evacuate the civilians they are against any ground assault on rough, a correspond odami at ease of in jerusalem. a little makers, a jew to vote on the final reaching over the whole of the blocks immigration policies and to establish a fair system of settling new arrivals among the 27 member states. immigration is likely to be one of the most pressing issues in june's european elections. my grands arriving on the italian island of land producer, one of the front lines in europe's struggle to control migration. last year, more than 1100000 people filed asylum claims in the u. the highest number since 2016. italy has been one of the countries pressing for an overall of immigration policies to help share the burden you migration and the site will impact bundles agreements that were years and the making. a chief aim is to
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synchronize procedures starting with a screening of non you nationals on arrival. and the collection of biometric data. border facilities will be created to accommodate asylum seekers with faster decisions to speed up the return of those and eligible. most importantly, all you members will be required to either take an asylum seekers or help with financial contributions. packed also contains a controversial provision for sending migrants to safe 3rd countries. italy is leading the way after striking a deal with albania, which is in the process of building 2 housing facilities to receive migrants from italy. the rights activists say the key was silent reforms will lower protections while far right parties say they don't go far enough. one suntrust law maker from france called the pact a balanced improvement of the system that's currently on place. check patrick, is that the european parliament for us?
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i jack, what can we expect from the volume? well then it's a real now bytes of these states, frankly, we don't know which way it's going to go. and that's because this type is extremely complex. it's a set of 10 different legislative packages that are rolling to dependence of the issues that were raised that are on the tension. or for instance, sharing the, the, the, the migraines among different e u. countries the data base and the information that is spread on this islands because that rule being done in set provide some what the european parliament meant . terry is here in process of decide it is, it is for $11.00 for all. so if one of those uh packages is being called fails, it could bring the whole mike put migration pi stein, the european parliament here in brussels is a hive of activity, like i very rarely seen it in a long time. there is a lot of suspense about whether this will get through. we know that the vote,
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if it is all of these packages to get through, they will be done. so with very fine margins. we expect to take us through some of those points of packages. why, why is this a such a tricky? as long as it's tricky for multiple reasons. firstly, because the different political functions have different political positions. so for instance, the socialist 5 should have a very concerned and are likely to vote against a provision in the pies the alive use for the detention of mine is to continue to use external borders like the sense or right size instead of all of these are going to vote, predominantly in favor of the parts are likely to vote against certain issues which are by sharing and moving and high refugees can move around and you countries, once it's approved, we know that the far left is going to pretty much they've done all of it in the fall of rights is going to vote time pretty much all of it. so it's an amalgamation
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of different political factions on each of the different political issues. and that trying to sort of increments. and he gets each of these packages over the line and there's also the even an added complication of the geography of this. so the countries like greece, italy, and spain and your side from the mediterranean border, where many of the migrants arriving, they have particular demands, device support from a, the e u countries. and then the countries in the north going to be expected to accept migrants from new southern countries. they have a particular set of issues. the complexity of the spoke to the findings as difficult as it ever gets in who you know, making. i'm frankly, no one is likely to come. i to vis extremely hot that you want. anybody told me yesterday before they say no one will be pumping a buffalo champagne to night either way. they will have to leave with the check power. thanks for the cover thing as far as we'll get back to you later in the day . let's take
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a look at some of the other stories making use. in hong kong, the fire and a 16 story building has killed at least 5 people. i mean to thousands of those find is extinguished, the blazing a game on the 1st floor and investigation is underway. lots and conflicts done and seen over 90000 people evacuated buildings, knowing that your old mountain space for the levels thousands more evacuations. applying to the next days, also affected russian territory bordering. they give over space assignment as the payroll sunset says he will scrap the country so called golden visa program to help combat the housing shortage under the stain. wealthy foreigners have been allowed to obtain the residents permit by buying property or making business investments in spain. russian space agency, as again cancelled the launch of a new brokerage official save the flagship on gunner a. 5 had mentioned problems and attended loads yesterday was a board due to a technical issue with the pressure rising system. and i see teams in italy,
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you're searching for survivors of an underground explosion at a hydro electric plant. at least 3 people were killed and several injured loss happens during maintenance of the plants south of belong. yet, according to your waste state of arizona, it has reinstated a near total band on abortion under a low the taking back to the 19th century. the ruling is the latest set back for abortion rights campaign, is since the us supreme court over turn, the nationwide and type went to pregnancy termination 2 years ago. the address on the lower dates back to 18. 64. according to the state supreme court, there's no reason to con, once again for her bit nearly own abortions in the states, except those that would save some of this life. the revised band extends to pregnancies that results from great and incest, arizona. the attorney general once the decision repealed when the
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supreme court upholds what is clearly an oncall constitutional ban on abortion. and when there are still lingering and remaining legal issues to work our way through. no, i'm not going to allow any county attorney to prosecute abortion in, nor m a i the low cannot be enforced for 14 days. after that, anyone who performs the procedure could phase 2 to 5 years. in prison. i always plan to follow the law and i will have to really weigh the rest and benefits and make that that's a personal decision that i'll have to make under counsel from, from lawyers rather than you know, making clinical decisions based on what my patients are telling me, i will be phoning my lawyers for guidance on what i can do. the ruling is the latest. i'm a series of state level abortion battle. 2 years ago,
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the us supreme court are both the 1973 ruling that women had a constitutional rights to obtain an abortion. since then, new restrictions have been sweeping comes over to us, states almost off of the signing of both. some for examples in south korea's parliamentary elections showed the liberal opposition on close to increase its majority in a blow to president young. so feel it joined to pose from south free is free, big tv networks for past the democratic party edits, allies leading up to 197 seats. in the $300.00 men, department accounting is still underway, but the result so far would make president. you'll a lane doc for his last reducing office house journalist question about the significance via powered land slide winning for the liberals. the free that you mentioned as many unexpected, the main opposition democratic party is seemingly winning the privy mentoring. majority of the 22nd general elections in the same close. as you mentioned, the,
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the exit polls conducted suggests of minor progressive new future party. also want a few seats along with the rebuilding 3 a party. and this means that the panel position block has occurred a super majority of $200.00 seats, which could notify the president speedo power. the tutor majority also means and impeachment that the president is possible as well as amended constitution. and that the general elections are viewed as a report card of mutual revaluation, of the current administration. the heat majority or in opposition block suggests that the public has been frustrated with the union miss administration. and from now we can expect him to fall into a lead studies, you will less likely be able to pursue is key priority policies, such as is 3 major reform policies for labor, pension and education that have already been on hold due to the d p. he's off position the d p. k. me also take action under months long threat to launch a special council pro on humans. white for 1st lady can go any over stock price
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manipulation allegations, and with the opposition taking a more seats, you won't be able to rely on speed or power to resist bills unilaterally, which may have been with the public wanted as a consequence for the current administration feeling to stabilize living costs. so having to stand off between doctors and the government over next year is maxwell admission put a hike and addressing corruption scandals? what the public wanted tell me uh, is this not much of a surprise been these results that are coming out or it wasn't a surprise from this morning. we have been expecting high and turn our rates in terms of voting to waiting to the fact that the liberals would actually gain more majority in the national assembly. also use low approval ratings. always pointed to the fact that the probably wasn't happy with the way he was really managing the current administration and the priorities he's been putting in policies. so as you mentioned, this was not a surprise. experts have been expecting this, but to see 2 thirds,
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possibly 2 thirds of the whole national assembly be taken up by opposition blocks. this might turn over to head not only being a leader, but for president you possibly turning into a deadlock as well. and tell us more about this newly launched party to reform career party, which disgruntled boogers. i've been talking to, will they get much more influence with these 12 to 14 states? i imagine another being asked to the elections this time around, was that the ruling people power party in the opposition democratic party of career . those are all important phrase as well. but sadly, parties are also worth noting, and we need a new reform party headed by former really few people power, part of your agents, how we're currently looking at $1.00 to $4.00 seats from each party. and another party worth noting is the rebuilding korea party formed under for we just administered tools and he's been considered a potential king maker in the new part of the mendez's part is proportional representation support. we rose to 20 percent, and recent surveys and exit poll suggests that he's current around $12.00 to $14.00
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seats. and a party is not so much of a 3rd party as closely affiliated with the democratic party. so as you can see here, we're also tilting towards a more progressive national assembly. question of our rang tv. thank you. thank you. as the leaders of japan and the united states, a meeting today ahead of an historic summer with the philippines. they want to work together to counter what they see is a growing right from china, japan's food meal tissue. that web address congress on thursday later on the joint site and then not as junior for the philippines for meetings with day. you west count a project by china is attempts to assert control over the dispute itself, trying to see a high on the agenda or miss o east asia correspondent james tray to look. so what's at stake in the south china sea this week show a force from the us and it's in the pacific allies, the us, japan, and the philippines alongside australia,
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in that 1st ever joint naval exercises designed to uphold freedom of navigation in the contested waters. materials are probably you to another fast thursday's historic summit between the leaders of the us, japan and the philippine spots. the 2 countries with which washington has mutual defense treaties bringing these nations together, what some japanese officials call the most complex security environment since world war 2. including a more belligerent north korea, but mainly a more assertive china under president shooting paint. a close to manila and tokyo have maritime disputes with aging friction in the south china sea, especially when china has recently fired, was the cannons that philippine vessels has res phase. the us could be drawn into direct conflicts with badging, but there are even deeper concerns over the fate of taiwan. the self, rhode island which china claims its own in his file to take by force if necessary. if raging what's to take taiwan, they would radically shift agents,
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balance of power in favor of china. and for japan and the philippines which rely on smooth the trade flows through the taiwan straits. he would have national security implications to you and you have to look at to map to understand why move over to silence. the northern most points of the philippines is just 140 kilometers from ty ones, mainland, the nearest shopping. these islands you want to get any, is even closer around 110 kilometers away. japan recently deployed new military units that both so much closer to taipei, the night, the manila or tokyo, increasingly japan and the philippines are working together in tools now for deal that would allow ben minute trees to be stationed on each other's territory. let's say that as well as, as a summit, all parts of us efforts to bring their lives in the region closer together. the more you criss crossing lines you have over the region, the more complex the strategic decisions decision paying and the china would be. um,
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it should it decide to escalate tensions, for example of taiwan despite tactic conflicts in europe and the middle east, washington maintains asia is a long time foreign policy focus, the summit between the us and 2 of its most important to regional allies. the latest sign of the shifting currents in the in the pacific security picture. james try to joins us from taipei along withdrawal us on give laska in tokyo, sonya, what's japan hoping to get out of this summit for the for japan. this is really about making sure that the corporation was like minded partners in the region goes better. as we've heard of cause a, there's much more pressure from a more, more assertive china. and japan has taken steps towards more security in the region on its own. he said that he visited the philippines already in november and they negotiated a troop access deal, which is considered the kind of step before an official military alliance. and the
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philippines were also made to the 1st country which was to receive the overseas security aid from japan. and then of course, there's the long standing alliance with the u. s. and that japan has had and has increased in the recent years. there are 60000 troops, stations, americans, troops stationed in japan. and japan has recently also made sure that for example, it's can repair us warships that has been difficult because of the pesticides constitution. but the have been changes made. and then last but not least, as also national politics involved, because prime minister can you see that he has seen his approval ratings tank and reasons, months and weeks. and for him, the summit is really also the chance to, to give his do minutes in the country of course, which he really needs. james, what's tie one hoping to result from these tool if it's not invited but will be
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a focus. of course, it's joe with, of course why one doesn't have full diplomatic relations with any of these countries, but it's absolutely 5 to say that the 3 countries pulling closer together will increase a sense of security. that's why we need specials have here in taipei about the prospect of maintaining the best solvency in the use of heads. and again, you only have to look at the geography of this region to understand why the meaning of these 3 countries in washington is so significant. of course to the south. it's high ones, mainland, you have this northern most province of the philippines. this is a place where the us recently negotiated access for some of the trees to do some operations from there. and of course, from ty, ones, northeast you have these fall south west and islands in japan, which have been increasingly increasingly made. a try is done to vacation administration, and of course, you know, it's not just that we're seeing these developments on the ministry from the end of the time when i was interested back king of the 3 countries. but more importantly,
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that the able to cooperate in a smooth way should an emergency situation arise, blanket contingency over taiwan, which china should something happen, james, tell me. will washington manila are in tokyo, teaming up, keep china and check. well that will certainly be the end of this summer resort in our for the extra and mentioning that the really, the fundamental goal behind these 3 countries putting together is to raise that sense of risk calculations of aging. and this applies to web notes us between the us and it's allies in the region on the bi lateral level, but also in their relationships with each other. like as sonya mentioned, dots partnership that we're seeing between circular and manila, china, if it's positive courses, responded to this. some is, it says this type of meeting between the us economy for the philippines is what's actually raising the risk of minute treaty publication. and it's taking action of
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it sign, of course, drawing much closer to moscow. we seen this meeting between russian foreign minister started a lot of roles and china is top dave to months long e and recent days where they refund that relationship. and then the final thing, the, the listings in the room really wasting at the end of this year was a prospect of a trump victory in the us selection, which is really raising concerns about the future of us commitments in the region. and so what we're seeing here really isn't assets on incumbent need, is to institutionalize some of this goodwill to strike, while the honest thoughts and to ensure that the developments receive and ties between these 3 countries outlaw us, any future elections. and so new tell us from where you want. japan recently held his 1st joint naval drills, of course, with the philippines in australia. it's been boosting defense spending. what sort of a security guidelines is forming in the western pacific as well? as you mentioned, japan has done a lot to increase its defense budgets by 16 percent compared to the year before.
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and it really wants to show that it's ready to be a global partner for us, but also for, for like minded countries in the region. so really forming more of the strategic security alliances in, in the whole reason is, has been very high on the agenda. there is, of course, also the talk about japan, possibly joining the all cars packed in, in some sort of capacity. japan is also in talks specific island reasons. so there's a lot in the works at this stage. sonya laska in tokyo and james china in taipei talking to me earlier. a reminder of our top story as, as muslim to celebrate the end of the fonts, the month of ramadan palestinians, a gauze mocking to each under the shadow of, for thomas. my health industry says at least 14 people were killed and doesn't seem to advise writing strikes on the 8th of the hold. up ext tackling pollution with new ways of imperfect liability. i've been puzzled and thanks for
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watching pointers. next out, the
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block trade routes, networks, factories on height is critical. infrastructure is becoming a target for people who want to change the rules of the game. there's a real powerfully going on for the globally to me. are the seals going on and at what cost? made in germany on dw margaret friedlander is a holocaust survivor. at the age of 19,
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she decided to return to germany a country she never wanted to set foot in again. her home. she fights for members here and feels like she belong to tell margaret friedlander in 45 minutes on d w. the name project, cassandra re determined that hezbollah was operating like a global drug partner. the objective to financially drain has gone up and bring them down. the team agents from the american drug enforcement agency they had criminalized themselves. we needed to reveal that so world. why did the us government suddenly shut down project cassandra in 2016?
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03 pod documentary series and mos king has paula stats may, 4th on d, w. the back end of shopping mode again, more and more people want more and more things, which requires bigger and bigger ships that be more and more pollution into the air and see how can new technologies help this method all for example, and alternative you for the giant ships also wanted a show attacks on infrastructure or industrialized countries, easy victims, global or traffic is booming. no chinese aircraft manufacturers want to get it on the act and local public transportation for free.


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