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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 10, 2024 5:00pm-5:16pm CEST

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the, the, this is dw news line from the land palestinians in guys had mach 8, i'd say to the end of ramadan is overshadowed by death and destruction. a deliveries have been posted to each shortages of essentials, but it's not enough. you don't make us vote on a file reaching over hold of the blocks immigration policies. that raving for a fair share of the new arrivals between member states to get the latest life from brussels as high level told in washington on the proceeds secure heat spread from china. the leaders of the waste and japan will be joined by the philippine
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president for 3 by summit, the event visible and welcome muslims around the world of mocking each ending the holy month of ramadan. when many believe was fast from sunrise to sundown, traditionally observed with 3 days of celebration. this is best if it is a rug, a shadow by the israel. how must bore and console with all the citizens are faced with critical shortages of food and others, central supplies to praying alongside the ruins. the white minarette is all that's left from this mosque and ruffle. the rest of the building was destroyed during and is really offensive in february. last year i was surrounded by my children. i'm looking at them with joy. but today i am injured unable to move or go anywhere. this palestinian mother has come to the grave of her son on
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the 1st day if i need it, it isn't really for me. i wish she was here with me. he would go to the mosque in the morning and said to me, prepare my present for when i return. he's gone. everything good is gone. more than 6 months into the war. the hum us run health ministry and gaza says over 33000 people have been killed. most of them civilians, thousands remain on accounted for the occupied westbank worshippers also tip gaza and their e prayers dw spoke with the head of a relief organization in rome. all over the last 6 months and now we are entering the 7 the month. we are calling for for the aid sustained 8 entry to gaza. the needs are massive and every day that passes and
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go on, we see the more deeds that are growing. you and experts say 1100000 people, half the population are experiencing catastrophic food and security with the humanitarian crisis. getting worse. israel's closest allies are voicing more criticism by the day. us president joe biden told us spanish language broadcast network, univision, that is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu. his approach was a quote mistake. i don't agree with his as i would read, there's no excuse to not provide for the medical and the food needs of those people they should be done. now, israel said it aloud, a record number of a trucks into gaza since the war began on the eve of the holiday. but israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu recently insisted no force in the
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world. what stop is really troops for mentoring drop off? that's where most cousins have gone to avoid the fighting. but israel's military also insist, garza southern most city is harboring the remaining battalions of homos whose october 7th tier attacks in israel started at the war. i also have corresponded to i'm e and e. so if, if israel is listening to the mountain criticism from its allies, as well as signs that benjamin netanyahu, whose government is listening and assigns that is not the pressure is certainly mounting. you have heard biden say that he wants a ceasefire to happen. he also in the interview called what, nothing yahoo is doing in gauze a mistake. those are some of the harshest words we've heard from bite. and since this latest war began, pedro sanchez, the prime minister of spain, went a step further. and he said that israel's quote,
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disproportionate response in gaza was not only the stabilizing the region, but the stabilizing the world as well. and that it's in europe's interest to get the situation under control. so a lot of pressure mounting on that's in yahoo. now in some reason, actions, it seems that nothing yahoo is listening not only have a lot of troops withdrawn from the gaza strip, allowing people to move the people sheltering rafa to move north back to their destroyed homes. but at least dispersing throughout the country. but also nothing yahoo has said that more aid is getting into the con to into the gaza strip than at any point since this conflict again. on the other hand, is rhetoric, especially for his domestic audience, has not been turned down. he said that no force in the world would stop is real from mounting around the sold on raffle where around a 1000000 civilians are sheltering, calling it the last bastion from austin that i'm also be completely destroyed. of this is against the wishes of us and a lot of european partners to say that without
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a plan to safely evacuate the civilians, they are against any ground assault on rough corresponded to, i mean, an east of vento salon is you little make is voting on a far reaching over hold of the blocks immigration policies, they aimed to establish a fair system of settling new arrivals among the 27 member states. immigration is likely to be one of the most pricing issues in june's, european elections. migrants arriving on the italian island of land producer. one of the front lines in europe's struggle to control migration. last year, more than 1100000 people filed asylum claims in the u. the highest number since 2016. italy has been one of the countries pressing for an overall of immigration policies to help share the burden you migration and the site will impact bundles agreements that were years in the making achieve fame as to synchronize procedures. starting with the screening of non you nationals on arrival
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at the collection of biometric data. border facilities will be created to accommodate asylum seekers with faster decisions to speed up the return of those and eligible. most importantly, all you members will be required to either taken asylum seekers or help with financial contributions. the pact also contains a controversial provision for sending migrants to safe 3rd countries. italy is leading the way after striking a deal with albania, which is in the process of building 2 housing facilities to receive migrants from italy, rights activists say the e was silent reforms will lower protections. while far right parties say they don't go far enough. one suntrust law maker from france called the pact a balanced improvement of the system that's currently on place. oh, the other i spoke to dw, correspond to jack park and asked him what we can expect from the boat. so well,
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then it's a real now bytes of these sites, frankly, we don't know which way it's going to go. and that's because this type is extremely complex. it's a set of 10 different legislative packages that are roll into dependence of the issues that were raised that are on the tension. or for instance, sharing the, the, the, the migraines among different e u. countries the data base and the information that is spread on the silent because that rule being done in set provide some what the european parliament meant . harry is here in process of decide it is, it is for $11.00 for all. so if one of those uh packages is being called fails, it could bring the whole mike put migration, pi stein, the european parliament here in brussels as a hive of activity. like i very rarely seen it in a long time. there is a lot of suspense about whether this will get through. we know that the vote, if it is all of these packages to get through,
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they will be done. so with very fine margins. we expect to take us through some of those points of packages. why, why is this such a tricky? as long as it's tricky for multiple reasons. firstly, because the different political functions have different political positions. so for instance, the socialist 5 should have a very concerned and are likely to vote against a provision in the pies the alive use for the detention of mine is to continue to use external borders. the sensor right function instead of going to these are going to vote, predominantly in favor of the parts are likely to vote against certain issues which are by sharing and moving and high refugees can move around you. countries once it's approved, we know that the far left is going to pretty much they've done all of it in the fall of rights is going to vote time. pretty much all of it. so it's an amalgamation of different political 5. so is on the distance of the different
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political issues and that trying to sort of increments, and he gets each of these packages over the line. and there's also the even an added complication of the geography of this to the countries like greece, italy and spain and your side from the mediterranean border, where many of the migrants arriving, they have particular demands by support from a b, e u countries. and then the countries in the north going to be expected to accept migrants from new southern countries. they have a particular set of issues. the complexity of the spoke to the findings as difficult as it ever gets in who you know, making. i'm frankly, no one is likely to come. i to vis extremely hot that you want. anybody told me yesterday before they say no one will be pumping a buffalo champagne tonight. either way. they will have to leave the checked car. thanks for covering things. first, we'll get back to you later in the day. and let's take a look at some of the other stories making use floods in context on i've seen over
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90000 people evacuated, melting snow in the ural mountains, is rice, border levels, thousands more evacuations. a plan to the next days, the russian side of the your river is also affect the exit polls indicate a landslide victory for the liberal opposition impala mentoring elections in south korea. that would make the conservative president june. so kill a lame dump. the leader for his last 3 years in office, fell accounting still underway with turn out at a regular time. and a former chief financial officer of donald trump's real estate empire has been sentenced to 5 months in prison for perjury. allen wizell the pleaded guilty to line while giving testimony in a civil ford lawsuit board against the trump organization to the west. japan, as the philippines are preparing for a summit on the perceived security threat from china. us president joe biden is said, the partnership between washington in tokyo is i'm breakable. bite and,
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and the japanese prime minister from the oak issue. the hotel with the philippine president, photon, and marcus junior. it's the 1st such summit between the 3 nations out east asia correspond to james chase. looks at what's at stake in the south china sea this week. show a force from the us and it's in the pacific allies, the us, japan and the philippines along side of straight here in that 1st of the joint naval exercises designed to uphold freedom of navigation in the contested waters. the drills are probably you to another fuss thursday's historic summit between the leaders of the us, japan and the philippine spots. the 2 countries with which washington has mutual defense treaties bringing these nations together, what some japanese officials called the most complex security environment since world war 2. including a more belligerent north korea, but mainly a more assertive china under president shooting paint of those middle and tokyo
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have maritime disputes with aging friction in the south china sea, especially what china has recently fired was the cannons that philippine vessels has res phase. the us could be drawn into direct conflicts with badging, but there are even deeper concerns over the fate of taiwan the self, rhode island which china claims its own test file to take by force if necessary. if ranging what to take taiwan, they would radically shift agents balance of power in favor of china. and for japan and the philippines which rely on smooth trade flows through the taiwan straits. they would have national security implications to you and you have to look at the map to understand why move, who to silence the northern most points of the philippines is just 140 kilometers from ty ones, mainland, the nearest shopping. these islands you want to get any, is even closer around 110 kilometers away. japan recently deployed new military units that both are much closer to taipei. the night the manila auto here.
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increasingly, japan and the philippines are working together in tools now for deal that would allow ben minute trees to be stationed on each other's territory. let's say that as well as the, as a summit, all parts of us efforts to bring their lives in the region closer together. the more you criss crossing lines you have over the region, the more complex the strategic decisions decision paying china would be. um, it should it decide to to escalate tensions, for example of taiwan despite tactic conflicts in europe and the middle east, washington maintains asia is a long time foreign policy focus. the summit between the us and 2 of its most important to regional allies. the latest sign of the shifting currents in the, in the pacific security picture. and a reminder about top story this our on the w as well as and celebrate the end of the fasting month of ramadan palestinians in guns a mocking eat. under the shadow of for thomas one. health ministry says at least 14
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people were killed in thousands aged biased by the strikes on the eve of the home fix the survivor of nancy, germany, and slate, to the west for tons to hard. like i said as well. and thanks for watching the do big ultima view companies play a role in the destruction of the rain forest. the letter for luxury cost often comes from illegal capital funds in the m as in get the supply chains does matter to the deal industry. the illegal of the stuff may said on dw.


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