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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 10, 2024 6:00pm-6:30pm CEST

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the, the look of the 2 d w use i've been visible and coming up in this pull is that new immigration laws here in europe will make us agree on measures aimed at a fair share with you. arrivals between member states will get the latest from brussels, palestinians in gaza about 8 feet at the end of ramadan is overshadowed by death and destruction. 8 deliveries have been posted through eas, shortages, essentials, and other below for abortion rights campaign is in the you with the state of arizona bands no. the old termination sandra. lower dating back to the 19th century and high level tilted washington on the safe security threat from china. the
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leaders of the us and japan will be joined by the philippine president for a 3 way summit. the i've been visible and welcome lawmakers and brussels have just passed the far reaching over the whole of the blocks immigration policies. the european parliament has been trying to set up a fair system of settling new arrivals among the 27 member states. the measures will bring in top of border procedures and for the whole countries to take action. the agreement follows nearly a decade of rank like of the migrants arriving on the italian island of land producer. one of the front lines in europe's struggle to control migration. last year, more than 1100000 people filed asylum claims in the u. the highest number since 2016. italy has been one of the countries pressing for an overall of immigration
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policies to help share the burden you migration and the site will impact bundles, agreements that were years in the making. a chief aim is to synchronize procedures starting with the screening of non you nationals on arrival. and the collection of biometric data. border facilities will be created to accommodate asylum seekers with faster decisions to speed up the return of those and eligible. most importantly, all you members will be required to either taken asylum seekers or help with financial contributions. the pact also contains a controversial provision for sending migrants to safe 3rd countries. italy is leading the way after striking a deal with albania, which is in the process of building 2 housing facilities to receive migrants from italy, rights activists say that you asylum reforms will lower protections while far right parties say they don't go far enough. that one suntrust law maker from france
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called the pact a balanced improvement of the system that's currently on place at over to the european parliament for our very own jack power jack. we were talking earlier about all the disagreements and all of the talking points here that the states just couldn't agree upon, but suddenly we have a results. yeah, we have good results and they have monies to approve the of the content just packages that may cause this overall migration and asylum packs that will now become the you know, arriving 2026. that will be different implementation periods. not none of the pieces that are leaving the treatment, but the time of a higher hi mates are going to be coming i whooping and to ring about this, this has been such a difficult compromise between all of the political factions,
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from far from left to right especially within the sense that centuries, groups of, besides less than that, that the conservatives percenters conservatives, the fall, right? the fall left, they've pretty much voted against it. we understand. and it's been a big compromise between the different countries that have different concerns over migrations. so it's really at greece and spain, for instance, we think that's high numbers of people. they will not have to protest more people. and they will also have additional detention incentives on that board is supported by the of the you countries. but they will have a mechanism to transfer those migraines into the e u countries as well. and that's really the crucial part of what's being approved by the i mean piece here in brussels today. this is what's being approved on paper . but what about the reality of these, what, what sort of challenges really you countries face in implementing these results? well, that is the exact import,
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some points that all of the piece are tool king of item, which will, can you bytes extensively before the boat. we now have a system. many of them don't feel as perfect, but what's crucial, according to them is that it is implemented by the european union. and specifically by the use executive the european commission. a lot of, i mean please have been very unhappy with hire the european commission has dealt with for instance, countries like greece, switzer. it could be accused of pushing migraines back and not allowing them the rights to an asylum process in new york, the in unions. the reason our provisions, as i say this deals with will with a lot of the concerns of a lot of the countries. one of the interesting things about this is that that will be a new system, a new data base set top. so that individual migrants were applying for asylum in the european union countries. we will have access to that to the history of the applications rather than it being separated among all 27
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e u member states. the idea or is that an asylum, c, k gets a fat process night in the same price. that's at least in all of the you countries . what about this controversial point of sending people to safe side countries? what's going to happen there? yeah, so this is one of the really interesting things that this, this price will kick onto not in the next monday. so the next 5 years of the european union sort of period off of the elections that we have coming into. then maybe press us to try and get a system up similar to the ones that the u. k. has suggested with a migraines. instead of being assessed for the application in the country, in a european union country and this case would be sent elsewhere to the states. they started countries. this has happened already in a bilateral agreement between easily and i'll be in yet where the italians are
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sending people to a down payment, which is not an e u. member states for the application process if they are approved that transferred back to italy. if not, then albania sends them elsewhere. there is a potential in this feel that this could open the door for that on a specific to the left spikes in the fall left, especially often on the bike. the suggestion, they say that if the person arrives in the european union, their side of the application should be dealt with here. interesting stuff. they dealt with distract packet, the new york empowerment, thanks for the breaking news. muslims around the world of mocking each ending the holy month of ramadan. many believe is fast from sunrise to sun down traditionally observed with 3 days of celebration. this is festive, of these are overshadowed by the war and guns of what palestinians have faced with critical shortages of food and other supplies. praying alongside the ruins, the white minarette is all that's left from this mosque and ruffle. the rest of the
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building was destroyed during it is rarely offensive in february last heat. i was surrounded by my children. i'm looking at them with joy. but today i am injured unable to move or go anywhere. this palestinian mother has come to the grave of her son on the 1st day if i need it, it isn't really for me. i wish you was here with me. he would go to the mosque in the morning and said to me, prepare my present for when i return. he's gone. everything good is gone for more than 6 months into the war. the homeless run health ministry and gaza says over 33000 people have been killed. most of them civilians, thousands remain on accounted for the occupied westbank worshippers also kept gaza in their e prayers. dw spoke with the head of
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a relief organization in rome, all over the last 6 months. and now we are entering the 7 to a month. we are calling for for the age, sustained 8 and 3 to gaza. the needs are massive and every day that passes and go on, we see the more deeds that are growing. you and experts say 1100000 people, half the population are experiencing catastrophic food and security with the humanitarian crisis. getting worse, israel's closest allies are voicing more criticism by the day. us president joe biden told us spanish language broadcast network univision, that is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu, whose approach was a quote mistake. i don't agree with his readers to excuse to not provide for the medical and the food needs of those people they should
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be done. now israel said it aloud, a record number of a trucks into gaza since the war began on the eve of the holiday. but israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu recently insisted no force in the world. what stop is really troops for mentoring for alpha? that's where most cousins have gone to avoid the fighting. but israel's military also insist garza southern most city is harboring the remaining battalions of homos whose october 7th air attacks in israel started the war. and i also have correspond to tommy and e associates, as well as listening to the mounting criticism from its allies. while the signs that benjamin netanyahu, whose government is listening and assigns that is not the pressure, it's certainly mounting. you have heard biden say that he wants to cease fire to
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happen. he also in the interview called what, nothing yahoo is doing in gauze a mistake. those are some of the harshest words we've heard from bite. and since this latest war began, pedro sanchez, the prime minister of spain, went a step further. and he said that israel's quote, disproportionate response in gaza was not only the stabilizing the region, but the stabilizing the world as well. and that it's in europe's interest to get the situation under control. so a lot of pressure mounting on that in yahoo! now in some recent actions, it seems that nothing yahoo is listening not only have a lot of troops withdrawn from the gaza strip, allowing people to move the people sheltering rafa to move north back to their destroyed homes, but at least dispersing throughout the country. but also, netanyahu has said that more aid is getting into the come to into the gaza strip than at any points since this conflict again. on the other hand, is rhetoric, especially for his domestic audience, has not been turned down. he said that no force in the world would stop is real
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from mounting a ground. the sold on rough of where around a 1000000 civilians are sheltering, calling it the last bastion from austin that i'm also be completely destroyed. this is against the wishes of us and a lot of european partners to say that without a plan to safely evacuate the civilians, they are against any ground assault on rasa, and east of in jerusalem for us. let's take a look at some of the other stories making use spain's prime minister pedro sanchez says he will scrap a so called golden visa program to help combat a housing shortage under the scheme. wealthy foreigners have been allowed to obtain a residence permits by buying property or making business investments in spain. the former chief financial officer of donald trump's real estate in by a has been sentenced to 5 months in prison for perjury and buys, with the pleaded guilty to line while giving testimony in a civil fraud lawsuit board against the trump organization. according to us,
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state of arizona has reinstated the need tofal band on abortion, and reload. taking back to the 19th century, the ruling is the latest set back for abortion rights campaign is since the us supreme court overturn the nationwide entitlement pregnancy termination 2 years ago . the address on the lower dates back to 1864. according to the state supreme court, there's no reason to con, once again for her bid nearly own abortions in the states except those that could save the meters life. the revised band extends to pregnancies that result from great and incest, arizona. the attorney general once the decision repealed when the supreme court upholds what is clearly an unconstitutional ban on abortion. and when there are still lingering and remaining legal issues to work our way through. no, i'm not going to allow any county attorney to prosecute abortion in,
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nor m a i the low cannot be enforced for 14 days. after that, anyone who performs the procedure could phase 2 to 5 years in prison. the hey, always plan to follow the law and i will have to really weigh the rest and benefits and make that that's a personal decision that i'll have to make under counsel from, from lawyers, rather than you know, making clinical decisions based on what my patients are telling me i will be phoning my lawyers for guidance on what i can do. the ruling is the latest. i'm a series of state level abortion battle. 2 years ago, the us supreme court are both the 1973 ruling women had a constitutional rights to obtain an abortion. since then, new restrictions have been sweeping comes over to us, states almost off of the founding abroad and some from the us,
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japan and the philippines are preparing for somebody on the perceived security threat from china do as president joe biden has said, the partnership between washington and tokyo is unbreakable by another japanese 5 minutes that for me. ok. see the hotels with the philippine president, ferdinand? marcus junior. it's the 1st such stomach between the 3 nations out east asia correspond to james chase had, looks at what's at stake in the south china sea this week show a force from the us and it's in the pacific highlights the us, japan and the philippines along side destroyer in that 1st ever joint naval exercises designed to uphold freedom of navigation in the contested waters. materials a probably you to another fast thursday's historic summit between the leaders of the us, japan and the philippine spots. the 2 countries with which washington has mutual defense treaties bringing these nations together, what some japanese officials called the most complex security environment since
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world war 2. including a more belligerent north korea, but mainly a more assertive china under president shooting paint of those middle and tokyo have maritime disputes with aging friction in the south china sea, especially what china has recently fired was accountants that philippine vessels has res phase. the us could be drawn into direct conflicts with badging, but there are even deeper concerns over the fate of taiwan. the self, rhode island, which china claims is its own and says file to take by force if necessary. if ranging words take taiwan, it would radically shift agents balance of power in favor of china. and for japan and the philippines which rely on smooth trade flows through the taiwan straits. they would have national security invitations to you and you have to look at the map to understand why missoula silence. the northern most points of the philippines is just 140 kilometers from ty ones, mainland,
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the nearest shopping. these islands you want to give me is even closer around 110 kilometers away. japan recently deployed new military units that both so much closer to taipei, the neither manila or tokyo, increasingly japan and the philippines of working together in tools. now for deal that would allow then, minute trees to be stationed on each other's territory. let's say that as well as the se summit, all parts of us efforts to bring their lives in the region closer together. the more you criss crossing lines you have over the region, the more complex the strategic decisions decision paying the time it would be, it should it decide to to escalate tensions. for example of a tal, despite types of conflicts in europe and the middle east, washington maintains asia is a long time foreign policy focus. the summit between the us and 2 of its most important to regional allies. the latest sign of the shifting cards in the, in the pacific security picture. james,
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try to joins us along without washington correspondent janelle de on to now what does the us festival, one from this summit as well, starting with a bilateral summit between president biden and prime minister casita today. and tomorrow's trilateral summit, where president marcus from the philippines is going to join. what we're really seeing here is this growing recognition that in order to deter china, that you watch doesn't only need strong allies in the region, but it needs those allies to cooperate with one another. so this is commonly referred to as a shift away from the hub and spokes model, where you have the us as a central hub and you have the allies as the some books emanating from that central hub with little connection to each other towards a much more intervals and security architecture. and what for us once is too deep and inter operability with these partners to enhance their capabilities. so that in
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case anything does happen, say a tiny is attack on taiwan or a much more likely escalation of the tensions and the contested areas of the south china sea. then the us would be able to count on capable modern partners to stand with washington as it faces these threats. now you can really see how the west is prioritizing these relationships. it's worth noting that because she is only the 5th leader to get a state dinner in the by didn't administration. but he's the 4th leader from the in the pacific to get one with the other leaders coming from in the south, korea and australia. so that really underlines the importance that the u. s. is placing on the in the pacific at this time. and james, what's taiwan? hope it will come out at this summer. the world's finest. right? says hi warner, of course, the omen a shot. so that loom so large over any discussions of security in the,
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in the pacific. and again, you and you have to look at the geography. it's understand why that's the case why these 2 countries are con, in the philippines. could be so pivotal in supporting $51.00 should china make that decision to launch the invasion, but also from the economic besides of wine invasion could be so potentially devastating. not in northern most philippine proteins where the us has recently negotiated submitted to access to some bases. and then those fall south west and islands of japan, which of the moment it's rise ations upon deploying moment. it your units to that's part of the ok now are prefecture. and as you know, mentioned just to really a demonstration that's uh, taiwan will really be looking not just for implicit support about supporting the framework of the rules based international order that these need to speak about so much. but crucially, the if that i've been trying to see, well, come, what's come to pass that they'd be able to operate effectively, defend offer chinese attack it. james. what's his trying to think of close to times
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between the us, japan and the philippines. the whole time, the 1st parts has been critical. all of these plans meeting between the 3 need is it said that this type of me thing stokes, blogs confrontation. and this is an argument the, the beijing frequently made. so the us is trying to, cub china is influenced, it's a potentially in the, in the pacific region. but of course, china has been taking it's on an auction in response of aging, has drawn much closer to moscow, especially since rushes invasion of ukraine on the economic front with china essentially profiting off the russian economy now buying many of its exports, decreases also in the military us via to be seen a growing number of joint drills between russia and china, both them in the as well. so let's see in those waters most closer to japan and russia's far east and the sea of japan to so again, just a demonstration really of,
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of what washington is trying to get high hitting it that tights, a web of alliances in the region to raise that risk perception for china and so is dissuaded from taking any action against the targets, like taiwan, but was the philippines. and, you know, you mentioned the special treatments. oh yeah, that's the japanese prime minister is receiving from divide and why indeed they're calling it a stay to visit their calling it an official visit, excuse me. they can't call it a state visit because technically, because she doesn't the head of state, that would be the emperor of japan. but for most intents and purposes, that is what we're talking about here. now, it's not a perfect relationship, but there is some ongoing awkwardness. so over japan's bid to take over you westfield, this is a deal that by didn't opposes, but senior administration officials have really taken pains to say that the relationship is much larger than that, that the u. s. saw japan relationship is really at the heart of the strategy in the
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endo pacific. now ahead of this, so bilateral meeting senior administration officials told us in a call that the leaders are expected to announce changes to the us as command in japan. that would enhance cooperation between the u. s. and japanese military's, as well as, they're also expected to announce the creation of a military industrial council for both countries will be able to evaluate where they can cope, reduce defense weapons along with a raft of other economic defense and even space agreements. so that really goes to show just how hard these countries are working together to be able to, to, to our china and safeguard the rules based order in the region. janelle, through my law and far as their and james j to thank you to both of you exit polls . so the liberal opposition in south korea on costs for a landslide, victory impala mentoring elections, the democratic party and its allies,
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a full cost to take at least $2.00 thirds of the $300.00 seats. counting is under way off for a re quote, turned out such a big majority would make president jones. he'll kill a lame duck leader for his last 3 years. and office the ukraine size balance of the 117 a. tank times and several missiles to tug at the south over night. officials say that a defense is done to of the miss $1014.00 of the drugs ukraine's those are blind or drones more and more to strike back at bratia. on tuesday it struck the central russian region of the toughest on keep says it hid an oil refinery and drunk factory worn out from dw corresponding economy, like aircraft without a pilot, but stuff through explosives, it's, there were some drone factoring to test on more than a 1000 kilometers from ukraine, and it's not a one of course in the dial resign. some are nowhere into europe inputted russia to say from ukrainian strikes. russia for its part has always been able to anywhere in
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ukraine with expensive cold war era. ballistic missiles that were built to strike the us. but the sense that ukraine could do something similar and hit russia fall from the front lines using you. meanwhile, we don't have our own crews besides on ballistic missiles. what we do have is west and supplied storm shadow or scouts in the south. for a tech comes in small quantities we invoice, but we are only allowed to use them against russian forces in your crane lashing, methodical way the pretty ukraine began using its who may drones take russian oil facilities like these last year. while the geography of the strikes is expanded, the accuracy was still limited. often enough, the drones reached the target but failed to make much of an impact. that's now changing was an idea. there are grounds for optimism. we saw footage of the ukrainian drone hitting a russian oil refinery. you can see the drone closing in the engine making
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a turn to insure it hit its target distillation. call them. that means some of these drones now have navigation systems that enabled them to be my new bit into the targets. this send me a lot cheaper to what you'd see in a storm shadow cruise, messiah storm shadowed up. and it's working. analysts say versus or refining capacity, has dropped by more than 10 percent since the latest round of ukrainian joined strikes began early in january 2024. the ukraine is reducing versus oil exports to make it harder for vladimir putin to finance his will. but this not only worrying people in the kremlin, we'll have to leave it there up next on dw eco, in the looks of ways of helping out oceans were coming from the fishing pollution and coastal level of benefits all. and thanks for your company today, i'll be back in tomorrow, dw,
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by the,
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in the field. 60, if the quote is ordered, way to haven't gone. and that will come in. and this has happened in the last decade. this is not very long of the given in our life to go based and g o is helping to protect endangered marine and fire. that's how the how the, the eco indian next on d. w. buried found and return the german graves commission helps with the search for missing,
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sold from scott, trace history, and then they ship together and folding soldiers backs and names and identities. in 60 minutes on d w, the names cassandra re determined that hezbollah was operating like a global drug course. the objective to financially drain has come and bring them down. the team agents from the american drug enforcement agency they had criminalized themselves. we needed to reveal that so world. why did the us government suddenly shut down project cassandra in 2016?
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03 pod documentary series on ma skiing has paula stats may 4th on d, w. the name, one thing that is closer to our existence and you can take a moment to think of vianza. hello and welcome. i'm so i think that's why the annual watching equaling deal. how many of you talked of oceans as the answer to my question? not many, i'm sure, even though 71 percent of our planet is just water and the majority of this is in our oceans. so let's dive into this today and try.


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